Self Portrait

Self Portrait

A Poem by Lyrik

In the mirror what do you see?

          Self Portrait

As I dance the soft sable brush
Across the rough canvas;
I swirl around the jovial face
Full of sagacity and wisdom.

I stoke to and fro the torso
Filled with boldness and courage.
I slash vertical the limbs
Grounded with resolve and integrity.

I caress the canvas around
The bold figure upon.
Reds of bedrock and love,
Greens of grass and respect,

Yellows of flowers and charm,
Purples of waves and honor,
Blues of skies and peace,
Oranges of sunlight and warmth.

As I retreat to admire and reflect
I cry in shock and dismay
For I have mastered
A self portrait of someone else.

© 2010 Lyrik

Author's Note

Revised for flow 1/28/10.

My Review

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Wow! What a powerful and yet emotional piece! You use great detail and wonderful imagery throughout and great language as well. What an amazing ending, which was not expected at all. So to get the feeling of shock and surprise was wonderful. The ending just made the poem for me. Excellent!

Posted 14 Years Ago

I like that you used one art form as the subject of another art form.
The duality is lovely.

Posted 14 Years Ago

I enjoyed this piece - especially the use of colours to describe emotions.....and i liked the last line too....

Posted 14 Years Ago

Elegantly written and highly descriptive. My only critique being the misspelling of skies (but I'm sure you know what to do with that).

Posted 14 Years Ago

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5 Reviews
Added on January 21, 2010
Last Updated on January 28, 2010



Louisville, KY

I am just starting to take up writing as a focused hobby rather than something to be done on a whim. more..

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