![]() DEMAND-BASED ENERGY POLICIESA Chapter by peppino ruggeriI pointed out in a
previous chapter that supply-based energy policies in support of unconstrained
growth were associated with the concentration of the energy sector and the
centralization of policy-making. The major role in energy policy-making was
played by the fiscal system through the use of subsidies and targeted taxation. Supply-based
Energy Policy: Subsidies The total value of
energy subsidies depends on methodology and coverage. According to the OECD
(2022), in 2021 energy subsidies in 51 countries, including the most advanced
and the most populous countries, amounted to nearly $700 billion. Perhaps more
significantly, in real dollars they were down by only 2.4 percent over the past
eleven years. In 2021, 43 percent of total subsidies were directed at oil, 24
percent at natural gas, 3 percent at coal, and 30 percent to electricity
generation.1 Total subsidies
are generally disaggregated into three main categories, based on the
beneficiaries: producers, consumers, and a combination of the two (general
services subsidies). Consumer subsidies
are generally aimed at reducing the price of energy paid by the end user and
are found mostly in lower income countries to enhance affordability for basic
necessities. Producer subsidies are more commonly offered in more
industrialized countries with energy production sectors and take a variety of
forms from cash grants, to tax breaks, to loans at favorable rates, and even
special treatment regarding access to reserves, exploration, and extraction.
General services subsidies are largely in the form of publicly-financed R&D
and the construction of infrastructure. Energy subsidies are overwhelmingly
directed at consumers: in 2019 they accounted for 86 percent of the total, with
9 percent going to producers and the rest for general subsidies.2
Even in the case of producer subsidies, oil companies are the main beneficiaries.
In 2013-14, 46 percent of the direct spending and tax breaks for energy
producers was received by oil producers, with 26 percent going to natural gas,
12 percent each for coal and electricity generation, and 3 percent to others3.
Energy Policy: Taxes Governments
collect a substantial amount of revenue from energy taxes. According to the
OECD,4 in 2018 the taxation of energy in OECD countries generated
government revenue equivalent to 1.6 percent of GDP. If we include sales taxes,
which are excluded from the above calculations because they do not affect the
relative price of energy, the percentage rises to about 2. Since total revenues
in the OECD accounted to 33 percent of GDP in 2019, revenues from energy taxes
amounted to 6 percent of total revenue. Most of this revenue (82 %) originated
from traditional excise taxes on fuel, with ETS (emission trading schemes) and
carbon taxes adding 11 percent and taxes on electricity 7 percent. Excise taxes
on fuel have a long history and were originally introduced to finance the
construction and maintenance of roads and often their revenue was specifically
earmarked for that purpose. Only more recently new energy taxes " particularly
ETS and carbon taxes " have been introduced with the explicit rationale of curbing
greenhouse gas emissions. In 2020, carbon taxes were imposed in 30
jurisdictions and ETSs were operational in 31 jurisdictions. Taxes on fuel are
very ineffective instruments for reducing energy consumption because energy
consumption is not very responsive to changes in prices. The price increase
needed to generate substantial reductions in energy consumption would lead to
political suicide for any politician advocating it. Jessica Green (2021)
reviewed a large number of studies on the effect of carbon pricing (carbon
taxes and ETSs) on CO2 emissions. She concluded that their effect is minimal,
ranging between 0% and 2.0 percent per year.5 By comparison it is
worth noting that limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees centigrade would
require a reduction of emissions by 45 percent between 2010 and 2030. Indirect
evidence on the ineffectiveness of taxes on fossil fuels is offered by the
IEA’s projections of CO2 emissions. These emissions actually increased from
32.9 Gt in 2010 to 36.6 Gt in 2021. The IEA projects that under the “stated
policies” scenario, they will hardly change from 2021 to 2030 and by 2050 will
be only 13 below their 2021 level and 3 percent their level in 2010.6
Energy taxes may
also generate distributional effects as they may not impact to the same degree
people with different economic capacity. A study of 21 countries by the OECD
found that the distributional effect of energy taxes varies among
different energy types. This study concluded that taxes on transportation fuels
(largely excise taxes) are roughly proportional to income, taxes on heating
fuel are slightly progressive, and that the most regressive are the taxes on
electricity.7 Since over 80 percent of revenue from energy taxes
originates from excise taxes, one may conclude that energy taxes are roughly
proportional. Th foregoing
discussion suggests that the blunt instruments of energy policy associated with
supply-based policies have marginal effects on energy consumption, CO2
emissions, and the distribution of the tax burden. These taxes are simply
instruments for raising revenue. The national subsidies that are financed by
these revenues may help expand energy production but have little effect on the
energy prices paid by consumers because the prices of fossil fuels are
determined in the international market either by free forces of global demand
and supply or by cartels, as in the OPEC + with crude oil. Supply-based energy
policies also generate as special combination of shared interests.
Multinational energy companies benefit from tax and subsidy programs that support
the expansion of energy supply but do little to curb demand; governments gain
from maintaining a stable tax base from a slow changing energy demand; and
politicians can count on large political donations from the overflowing coffers
of grateful energy companies. Supply-based energy policies not only are
ineffective in dealing with the rising costs of energy proliferation "
environmental, international conflicts, economic, and social " but are part of
a system with a built-in mechanism of shared-interests that prevents the
implementation of effective policies. In other words, they cannot be
instruments of effective solutions because they are part of the problem. If we
really care about the future of this planet, international peace, and a better
quality of life for our descendants, we need a radically different approach. In
the rest of this chapter, I sketch the outline of an alternative that rests on
demand-based policies. Outline of
Demand-Based Energy Policies In addition to
coordinated subsidiarity, demand-based energy policies rest on the principle of
functionality. All goods and services produced perform a variety of functions
in the process of satisfying consumer demand. Generally, but also specifically
to various forms of energy, we can identify three main functions: the
satisfaction of basic human needs, the fulfillment of elective human wants, and
conspicuous consumption. Demand-based energy policy differentiates the fiscal
treatment of these three functions with respect to both taxation and
subsidization. Taxation Central/Regional/Provincial
Governments. Let us start
with energy policies designed and administered by the central or regional
government and focus first on taxation. As mentioned earlier, these governments
levy two types of taxes: carbon taxes and sales/excise taxes. The former are
general taxes based on the carbon content of fossil fuels. They are generally
collected upstream (coal suppliers, oil refineries, and natural gas processing
plants) or middle stream (electricity generation). Because they are related to
the natural characteristics of specific fossil fuels, they cannot distinguish
among the three functions noted above. They can only distinguish among fuel
types, for example, a special tax treatment of heating oil. They are
effectively a new revenue source for government as they generate minor effects
on both energy consumption and the distribution of the tax burden by income
class. Their potential as effective instruments of decarbonization rests
largely with the way their revenue is allocated, an issue that will be
discussed later in this chapter. Excise taxes are
mainly levies on fuel used in transportation. Because the demand for gasoline
and diesel is unresponsive to changes in their prices, excise taxes operate
primarily as revenue-raising instruments. They were initially introduced by
central/regional/provincial governments for the purpose of financing the
construction and maintenance of the road network " their revenues were
sometimes earmarked for those specific purposes " and continue to serve that
purpose. Therefore, they may be viewed as a form of user fee paid for the use
of the road, approximated by the consumption of fuel. The tax rates are often
differentiated among the various fuels " gasoline, diesel, marine fuel, and
aviation fuel " depending on their energy content. General sales taxes impact
the demand for energy through two channels: the tax on fuels, and the tax on
the equipment that uses the energy. Let us consider the transportation sector.
The transportation services demanded by consumers require two main components:
the fuel and the equipment that uses the fuel to deliver the desired services.
Sales taxes are usually imposed at the same rate on both components. Because in
the case of transportation fuels sales taxes are levied in addition to excise
taxes, a uniform tax rate makes sense. The transportation equipment, however,
offers the opportunity for rate differentiation based on the functions
identified above, especially in the case of passenger transportation. Let us
consider the example of the United States. The U.S. Department of
Transportation identifies five categories of passenger transportation (aside
from buses and trains): car (mostly sedans), car SUV, van, pick-up truck, and
truck SUV. Following the 1973 oil crisis, there was a general shift towards
smaller and lighter vehicles. In 1980, 83.5 percent of light-duty vehicles were
cars, and 12.7 percent pick-up trucks. There were no car SUVs, and vans and
truck SUVs had shares of roughly 2 percent each. Two major trends evolved over
the following four decades: SUVs replaced sedans and all light-duty vehicles
became heavier. By 2019, the share of
cars fell to 33 percent while that of car SUVs and truck SUVs rose to 12 and 36
percent, respectively. Also, from 1985 to 2019 the average weight of all
light-duty vehicle increased by nearly one-third from 3,271 to 4,287 pounds.9
Because weight affects fuel efficiency (miles per gallon) and fuel consumption
for a given number of miles travelled per person annually, heavier vehicles
should bear a higher sales tax burden. This higher tax burden could be in the
form of a surtax based either on weight or on vehicle category. Regional/provincial
governments have additional policy tools. In the transportation sector they
levy fees for driver licenses and for vehicles registration. For driver
licenses there is already differentiation between various categories of
vehicles, mainly to separate the use of passenger (mainly light-duty) from
commercial (heavy-duty) vehicles. Differentiation of fees also exists with
respect to vehicle registrations, usually based on weight. Even if raising
these fees and increasing the differential based on weight does not affect
motor vehicle ownership and the preferences for heavier cars, the revenue they
would generate could be used towards the implementation of other demand-based
initiatives. Three trends have
dominated tax policy over the past half a century: (1) reductions in corporate
taxes, (2) reduction in the level and progressivity of personal income taxes,
and (3) expansion of the base of consumption taxes with a corresponding narrowing
of the number of tax rates. In the presence of large consumption externalities
and increasing associated environmental, economic, and social costs, this
approach to consumption taxes leads to inefficient taxation. If we lived in a
historical era where the atmospheric concentration of greenhouse gases was
low and energy was not an instrument of
geopolitical conflict, rising energy consumption, especially for fossil fuels,
would not be a major concern. We don’t live in that world. The atmospheric
concentration of greenhouse gases is already high enough to generate
increasingly catastrophic weather events, and international conflicts directly
or indirectly related to energy resources are intensifying. In this environment
it is imperative to use all tools at our disposal to constrain energy
consumption and that includes the reform of inefficient taxation. The structure of
real property taxes could incorporate an energy policy component by using the
principle of functionality described above. Residential dwellings serve the
main purpose of providing comfortable shelter accommodation to individuals and
families. It is largely a technical issue to establish a standard shelter level
and the corresponding living space. This standard would be taxed at a uniform
rate, which would vary by jurisdiction. Any dwelling space in excess of the
standard would be taxed at a higher rate with a graduated rate structure based
on brackets of living space per person. This change would not encroach on the
shelter rights of individuals, but would simply impose a price for the
privilege of using excessive living space, which causes additional energy
consumption and costly externalities. Local governments
also have the capacity to regulate and to impose fees. In the transportation
sector, they can charge fees for the privilege of using a motor vehicle within
their boundaries and regulate the hours of operation, and they can determine
parking fees. They can also make choice regarding the extent of the public
transportation system, the vehicles used, and the price charged. Several large
and medium cities have already experimented with a variety of policies.
Originally introduced largely for the purpose of lowering congestion, these
measures also reduce energy consumption and greenhouse emissions. The most extreme
example of these experimental cities is Singapore which establishes a quota on
how many cars can be owned in the city-state. Potential car owners then bid for
a certificate that gives them the right to own a car (certificate of
entitlement or COE). Currently the price of this certificate is $106,000. When
we add registration fees and taxes to the COE and the price of the car, owning
a new hybrid Toyota Camry in Singapore would cost $183,000 compared to about
$30,000 in the US.11 It should be stressed that in Singapore the
anti-congestion and emission effects are generated by the quota and not by the
price system through the COE. The price system simply serves the purpose of
allocating a fixed number of COEs. A different but
comprehensive system is used in Milan. This Italian city uses what is called
cordon/area pricing to restrict access to the city center by motor vehicles,
and the instrument is a fee for each vehicle entering the protected zone. In
addition, certain vehicles are denied permission to enter: those that use low
grades of gasoline and diesel, and private vehicles longer than 24.6 feet. By
contrast, the following types of vehicles are exempt for the fee: EVs,
motorcycles, scooters, public transit and emergency vehicles, and vehicles used
by persons with disabilities. France uses a
sticker system (Crit’Air) with six different colors to all motor vehicles to
indicate the level of emissions by each type of vehicle. In Paris, vehicles
with the top two pollution-indicating stickers are not allowed to enter the
city center. In addition, in periods of high pollution levels in the city, any
type of vehicle may be stopped from entering the city center. In those cases,
public transportation is provided free of charge. The city of
Freiburg does not allow private parking spaces. Instead, there is a community
car park located at the outskirts of the residential area where parking spaces
are valued at 18,000 euros each. To facilitate travel to the city and reduce
its cost, bicycle lanes were built and public transit is provided at low cost.12
In the case of
residential energy use, an important policy instrument is zoning, especially in
North America. A major feature of suburbia in North America is the existence of
sprawling suburbs composed almost entirely of single houses. For example, in the
United States three-quarters of residential dwellings are single-detached
houses. These houses are more energy and resource intensive than multi-family
units: land, financial cost, construction materials, public infrastructure,
transportation, water use, and energy consumption. In the United States, the
average energy cost per household living in a single-detached house in 2015 was
double that of an apartment.13 A study for England concluded that
the energy score for apartments (72) was 16 percent higher than the score for
single-detached houses (62).14 The main reasons for the greater
energy efficiency of apartments are their smaller area and fewer walls exposed
to the elements. Local governments can reduce energy consumption by the
residential sector through zoning laws that raise population density and
through building regulations. All levels of
government have the power to control energy consumption in public buildings
that they own or operate. Local government have additional tools of energy
demand policies through their power to regulate construction standards and
energy practices by businesses. The effect of taxation and regulation on energy
demand can be amplified through the judicious use of the funds raised. Incentives The revenue raised
by governments usually goes into a general revenue fund and competing demands
determine its allocation. A system of demand-based energy policies requires a
more targeted approach through the implementation of collaborative subsidiarity
which contains two major components. Currently,
subsidies to energy producers are provided primarily by central governments
either through tax breaks or direct payments. In industrialized countries, an
increasing share of energy subsidies is directed at renewable energy,
particularly solar. More recently, many jurisdictions are introducing or
expanding cash payments for the purchase of electric vehicles (EV) with the aim
of decarbonizing the transportation sector. The parameters of these consumer
subsidies vary among jurisdictions. For example, in the United States the
maximum subsidy is $7,500 per vehicle (electric pug-in or fuel cell) purchased
by individuals and businesses. To be eligible for the credit, a vehicle must
have at least 7 kwh of battery capacity, a gross weight not exceeding 14,000
pounds, must have been assembled in the U.S., and met certain materials and
battery component conditions. Also, at the individual level, purchaser
eligibility is constrained by the following income thresholds: maximum income
of $300,00o for a married couple with joint filing, $225,00 for the head of a
family, and $150,000 for everyone else.15 These types of
subsidies are inefficient for a variety of reasons. First, their potential as
tools of de-carbonization at the moment is limited by two factors. They require
materials in short supply for the batteries and the large expansion the
electrical grid and charging stations. Second, they deliver partial
de-carbonization because fossil fuels account for 60 percent of electricity
generation globally and 50 percent in OECD countries. Second, the purchases of
EVs are concentrated in selected economic-demographic groups. For example, in
the United States 75 percent of EV owners are men; 54 percent are owned by 55
years and older; 57 percent belong to people with income above $100,000; and 87
percent of EV owners are White. In effect, most of EVs are owned mainly by
middle-aged well-to-do White men.16 Moreover, a recent Bloomberg
survey of EV ownership indicates further concentration as 14 percent of
respondents owns more than 1 EV, 6 percent own 3 or more EVs, and 9 percent of
more recent EV purchasers own a hybrid.17 Because the number of
miles driven by second and third cars is a fraction of those by the primary
vehicle, this pattern of EV ownership greatly reduced the decarbonization
potential of EVs. An electric vehicle parked in driveway is not a decarbonizing
machine; it is a symbol of conspicuous consumption. As currently structured,
subsidies for the purchase of EVs are costly, have no effect on energy
consumption, and deliver only modest de-carbonization gains. To make these
subsidies more effective, they need to be directed at facilitating the purchase
of EVs by low and middle-income people who use them as their primary vehicle.
Instead of placing limits on the income of the purchaser, the subsidy should be
confined to the compact and subcompact cars. It should be large enough to make
EVs competitive with traditional cars. Under the current system, governments
collect no extra revenue from heavier vehicles and offer incentives for them if
they don’t use fossil fuels. Therefore, it generates a negative impact on the
government’s budget. Under the suggested demand-based approach, the targeted
subsidy for EVs is partly or totally offset by the surtax on heavier
traditional vehicles. A program aimed at expanding the affordability of smaller
EVs has been announced in France. Under this program, the government would buy
qualified EVs and would offer them for a three-year lease at 100 euros per
month to lower income consumers. To qualify for the program the consumer must have
income below 20,850 per year and the EV must cost less than 47,000 euros, weigh
less the 2.7t tons, and meet the new environmental guidelines. Local governments,
particularly those of medium and large cities, have additional demand-based
policy tools. A policy based on the best features of existing experiments would
be the most effective. For example, city dwellers could be charged a fee for owning
a car differentiated for heavy traditional vehicles, small traditional cars,
and heavy EVs; the city core could be off-limits to private motor vehicles;
only small EVs would be allowed entry into the city; public community parking
spaces would be built at the outskirts of residential areas; and public transit
would be free for everyone. Here cooperative subsidiarity could play an
important role with a combination of central government conditional grants to
local governments and administration by the latter. There are three
main types of subsidies for the residential sector: energy-efficient
renovations, heating-cooling systems, and renewable energy (mainly solar and
wind). The last item will be discussed later in this chapter. The first item
involves a variety of issues which may differ geographically. This is another
potentially fruitful avenue for cooperative subsidiarity because the local
governments have the knowledge of local conditions and the technical capacity
to administer appropriate policies, but may lack the financial capacity to
implement them. Heating/cooling is the largest single determinant of
residential energy consumption, accounting generally for half of the total.
Therefore, it should be a main target of demand-based energy policies directed
at the residential sector. An effective policy in this area would be the
provision of free heat pumps for low-income individuals and families, a policy
that could be extended to apartments housing low-income tenants. Here too cooperative subsidiary would be the
most effective delivery arrangement. As mentioned
earlier, renewable energy provides opportunities for decentralized energy
supply. Cities of any size have enough rooftop area to produce most if not all
of their electricity needs. The policy issue is determining the best
arrangements for optimizing the way to harness this energy. The provision of
electric power to the ultimate consumer involves three major steps: generation,
transmission, and distribution. Under current systems, all three components are
centralized. Renewable energy, particularly solar, offers the opportunity for
coordinated de-centralization. Each large urban area could have its own
electric company which would control the generation and distribution of
electricity throughout its metropolitan area. It would be connected to the
national grid whose main job would be to ensure the stability of the
electricity supply over a certain geographical area. This decentralization
would also apply to the subsidization of electricity generation within a given
metropolitan area through a program of cooperative subsidiarity where the
central government would offer conditional grants and the local government
would administer them. For example, a city could require all new residential,
commercial, and industrial buildings to install solar panel on their roofs or
solar roofs. The costs of these installations would be paid by the city utility
through an interest-free loan. The building owners would pay the city utility
the standard rate on their electricity consumption until the “loan” is fully paid.
The gains from electricity generation thereafter would accrue to the building
owners. With this scheme, the city utility would incur no cost (it would borrow
the funds at no interest from the central government), the building owners
would initially experience no additional cost and later on would gain from the
“free” electricity. The cost of expanding solar electricity generation would be
limited to the interest foregone by the central government. In the absence of
central government assistance, the “loan” by the city utility could include
interest. This approach could be extended to existing buildings, but this time
on a voluntary base. In this case, it may be necessary to include some
financial incentives. There may simpler or more efficient approaches. The
important point is that renewable energy promotes the decentralization of
energy policy and its implementation which would be facilitated by programs of
cooperative subsidiarity. Up to know I have
compared supply-based and demand-based energy policies in terms of their
environmental and economic impacts. These two approaches also differ with
respect to human behavior and its moral compass. This issue is discussed in the
final chapter.
Notes 1OECD, 2022, Fossil Fuel Support Is Still Growing. 2Ieva Barsauskaite, 2022, “Background Note on Fossil
Fuel Reforms,” International Institute for Sustainable Development, Figure 2. 3United Nations Environment Program, 2019, “Measuring
Fossil Fuel Subsidies in the Context of Sustainable Development Goals,” Figure
3. 4OECD.Stat, Taxing Energy Use for Sustainable
Development: Energy Tax Revenues and Reform Potential. 5Jessica F Green, 2021, “Does Carbon Pricing Reduce
Emissions?: A Review of Ex-Post Analyses,” Environmental Research Letters,
Vol. 16, No. 4. 6IEA, 2022, World Energy Outlook 2022. 7OECD.iLibrary, “The Distributional Effects of Energy
taxes,” OECD Taxation Working Papers. 8The World Bank, Urban Developments: Overview. 9U.S. Department of Transportation, 2021, National
Transportation Statistics, Table I-20; EPA, 2022, The 2021 EPA
Automotive Trends Report, Figure 3-5 and Tables 3.1, and 3.2. 10 Giuseppe Ruggeri (2022), “Household Energy
Consumption in the United States”, RePec Econpapers No. 36n9k, Tables 4 and 5;
Giuseppe Ruggeri (2022), Work and Leisure in America, Friesen Press, p. 85). 11NBC News, 5 October 2023, “It Now Costs $106,000 to Be
Allowed to Buy A Car in the World’s Most Expensive City for Drivers”. 12Adeline Bailly, January 2018, “How Can UK Cities Clean
Up the Air We Breathe?” Center for Cities. 13Michaels Energy, 14 April 2015, “Multi-Unit versus
Single-Family Detached Houses Energy Use”. 14Seven Capital, 19 October 2022, “Energy Efficiency:
How Do Apartments Compare to Houses?”. 15IRS, Credits for New Vehicles Purchased in 2023 of
After. 16Inspire, Advanced Transportation (2 January 2023),
“Who Owns EVs Today? EV Ownership Trends and Changes 2021,” EV Consumers
Behavior Report Rundown. 17Kyle Stock (15 November 2022), “The Wrong Americans
Are Buying Electric Cars,” Bloomberg. © 2024 peppino ruggeri |
Added on April 28, 2024 Last Updated on April 28, 2024 Author![]() peppino ruggeriHanwell, New Brunswick, CanadaAboutI am a retired academic. I enjoy gardening, writing poems and short stories and composing songs which may be found on my youtube channel Han Gardener or Spotify under peppino ruggeri. more..Writing