A Chapter by peppino ruggeri

The fossil fuels era started around 1900 and is projected to end in 2025. This relatively short period can be divided into three phases: the dominance of coal, the ascent of hydrocarbons and electricity, and the proliferation of energy sources.

The Dominance of Coal

Within the fossil fuel era, the ascent of coal, which started in the 19th century and was consolidated in the first half of the following century, represents the main component of the energy transformation. Coal did not simply accommodate the increasing demand for energy. It replaced an energy mix that had fueled the globe for millennia. Its dominance resulted not just from its natural advantages as an energy source, but its capacity to be used in many applications from heavy industry, to the heating of buildings, to transportation, and later electricity generation. Its ascent also benefited from limited technological requirements for its use. In heating and metallurgy, its use involved modifications of existing equipment. Similarly, in rail and in marine transportation, and in electricity generation, technological changes were confined to modifications to the generation of steam. The only major technological advancement specific to the use of coal was the steam engine. In the case of electricity, the new technology was directed at hydro power and its application was easily extended to coal-generated steam.

During the phase of coal dominance, two other fossil-fuel energy source began to make inroads into the energy mix: oil and natural gas. Still, coal maintained its leading role for more than half of a century. The change in the energy mix from 1900 is shown in table II-1. In both years, the energy mix contained two categories of energy sources: fossil fuels (coal, oil, and natural gas) and renewables (fuelwood, fodder, hydro power). Even in 1960, the contribution of nuclear power was negligible. In the first phase of the Great Energy Transformation, we notice the speedy ascent of fossil fuels whose share in the energy mix rose from slightly more than half in 1900 to more than three-quarters in 1960, while the share of renewable energy sources dropped to one-fifth. We also notice a deepening split among regions in response to different rates of industrialization. The share of fossil fuels in 1960 was 84 percent in Oceania and ranged between 91 and 93 percent Europe and North America. Asia and Africa were still in the transition period. In 1960, 28 percent of the population (Europe, North America, and Oceania) consumed 72 percent of the global energy.

The increase in population combined with economic growth stimulated global energy consumption which rose by a factor of 3.6 over the 60 years from 1900 to 1960, equivalent to an average annual growth rate of 2.16 percent. Population growth and increases in per capita energy consumption contributed similar shares to the growth of energy consumption as the former rose at an average annual rate of 1.12 percent and the latter 1.03 percent. The increase in the global per capita energy consumption from 28.8 GJ to 53.2 was not uniform. Only three regions had percentage point increases larger than the average of 24.4 points. The largest increase was recorded in North America where it was five times the average global increase.

The 1950s ushered in the popularization of conspicuous consumption, particularly in the United States. In 1950, the average American house measured less than 1,000 square feet, equivalent to 282 square feet of space per household member, and mass-produced Levitt houses offered only 750 square feet of living space. Half of residential dwellings had central heating, 24 percent had no indoor flush, and 27 percent had no indoor bathing facilities.1 By 1960, the average house size had risen to 1,200 square feet while the average household size had fallen from 3,51 to 3.33, implying an increase in the square footage per household member to 360. From 1900 to 1950, the number of persons per automobile in the United States plummeted from 9.512 to 3.8, which means that in 1950 the average US household owned 0.92 percent of a car and the average person 0.28 of a car. Ten years later, 21 percent of the population owned 2+ cars, and the number of persons per car dropped to 2.9.2

Table II-1. Energy Consumption Indicators, 1900 and 1960

Region                                       1900                                   1960

                            GJ/P              Share                    GJ/P                      Share          Change in

      Ren.       Fossil                             Ren.       Fossil         GJ/P


W. Europe             63.1      13.4        86.6               92.6         9.3        90.6              29.5            

E. Europe              26.4      51.6        48.4               94.9         8.0        92.0              68.5

N. America         150.4      30.7        69.3              273.5        7.2         92.8            123.1  

L. America            14.8      81.7       18.3                30.5       40.3        59.7               15.7 

Oceania                 97.6      72.5       27.5              107.3      16.1         83.9                 9.7

Asia                      10.3       93.6        6.4                21.0      51.4          48.6               10.7  

Middle East            9.4       97.4        2.6                29.3      33.0          67.0               19.9 

Africa                   14.8       97.9        2.1                24.9      52.3          47.7                10.1

World                   28.8       44.3      55.7                53.2      20.9          79.0                24.4

Source: Author’s Calculations Base on Malanima (2022), Tables A.1, A.4, A.6-13.


The percentage distribution of fossil fuels by type changed dramatically from 1900 to 1960. At the turn of the century, fossil fuels were almost entirely in the form of coal. With the exception of Eastern Europe, the share of coal ranged between 93 and 100 percent. Over the next 60 years the global share of coal dropped by nearly half, falling below 50 percent in 1960. Its share was still higher than each of the other two fossil fuels, but only 12 percentage points higher than the share of oil. The change in the fossil fuel mix was not uniform among regions. Coal remained dominant in Europe, Asia, and Africa, but became marginalized in the Americas and the Middle East.


Table II-2. Percentage Distribution of Fossil Fuels by Type and Region: 1900 and 1960

Region      1900    1960

   Coal         Oil          NG            Coal         Oil          NG


W. Europe                         99.0         1.0          0                68.0        30.2          1.8

E. Europe                          81.1       18.9          0                69.6        21.7          8.7

N. America                       93.6          3.1         3.3              23.3       47.9        28.8

L. America                       98.7          1.3          0                  8.6       77.2        14.2

Oceania                            98.9          1.1          0                 55.4      44.3          0.3

Asia                                  93.1          6.9          0                 75.9      23.1          1.0

Middle East                    100.0           0            0                 11.5      83.0          5.5

Africa                             100.0           0            0                 68.3      31.3          0.4

World                               95.2           3.6        1.2               48.7      37.1         14.2        

Source: Author’s Calculations Base on Malanima (2022), Tables A.4, A.6-13.

The main economic effects of coal were delivered through the creation and expansion of the railroad system. The first commercial railroad service was established in 1830 connecting Manchester to Liverpool. By 1850, there were 40,000 miles of railroad tracks in the world (Europe and North America), and this number increased by a factor of five in just twenty years. The big expansion of railroads, however, occurred over the last thirty years of the 19th century when the length of the track system expanded from 200,000 tom 760,000 miles.3 The expansion of the railroads peeked in the first two decades of the20th century, and than began to decline at a slow rate.

The railroad did not just introduce an additional mode of transportation. It changed the entire economic structure of most of the world. While coal use in the metallurgical sector facilitated the production of iron and steel, the demand for locomotives and boilers transformed this sector into an engine of growth. The railroad was also instrumental in the creation of new towns along the way and a boom in construction. It created large number of jobs, strengthened connections between cities, and stimulated trade. The large financial commitments required by railroads also led to the expansion of the financial system which laid the foundations of modern finance, and created a broad class of wealthy families, barons of transport, industry, and finance.

Nowhere in the world did the railroad have a greater impact than in North America. The Trans-Canada railroad, built in the later part of the 19th century, served as the glue for the newly formed country. In the United States, it helped open the West, transforming the country into an economic juggernaut. Coal did not just transform America, it eventually changed the world.    

Electricity did not play a major role in the energy mix during the coal dominance phase of the Great Energy Transition. While all the research and development work regarding electricity was performed in the 18th century, by 1900 only 2.6 TWh of electricity were generated through hydropower and coal. The growth of electricity generation accelerated in the following decades and the electricity generated jumped from 293 TWh in 1940 to 2,300 TWh in 1960. Still, by 1960 electricity accounted for less than 10 percent of energy consumption. During this period, coal was the dominant fuel for electricity generation, accounting for 58 percent in 1940 and 54 percent in 1960. Most of the rest was generated by hydropower with shares of 39 percent in 1940 and 30 percent in 1960.4

When we include the utilization of coal in heavy industry, marine transportation, and heating of residential dwellings and non-residential buildings, we realize how  extensive and transformational was the role of coal not just in terms of the energy mix and the economic structure, but also on living standards and social development.  In the absence of coal, the transformation of the world economy from an agricultural base to industrialization, and the introduction of hydrocarbons and electricity would have appeared much later, if at all.

The Ascent of Hydrocarbons and Electricity

The second phase of the Great Energy Transformation is characterized by the ascent of a subset of fossil fuels called hydrocarbons, basically crude oil and natural gas. While they began to play an increasingly significant role in the energy throughout the coal-dominance phase, their combined power was consolidated in the second half of the 20th century.

Crude oil.

As in the case of coal, oil seeping at the surface was used in small amounts in ancient times at various locations. Digging wells for commercial purposes began only in the mid-1800s in the South Caucasus (1846), Poland (1854), and Canada (1858). The first modern well using steam engines for pumping was drilled in Titusville, Pennsylvania, the 27th of August 1859 by Colonel Edwin Blake.5 The ascent of oil was aided by technological advances in oil exploration and drilling and in refining. The most important early well-drilling invention was the rotary drill, which was invented in the 1880s and used a rotary drill to dig a well. A major improvement in drilling came in 1929 when H. John Eastman introduced controlled direction drilling. Further improvements were made in 1941 by Russian Alexander Grigoryan who helped with the first horizontal well drilled in Azerbaijan. Oil companies soon realized that vast oil deposits existed below waters and began developing technology for offshore drilling. The first offshore mobile drilling rig was built in 1954 and operated in 20 feet of water. This was followed by semisubmersible drilling rigs in 1962. Because drilling at great depths represented grave dangers to human workers, remotely-operated vehicles (ROVs), originally developed by the military to recover lost equipment, was modified for use on offshore drilling starting in the 1970s. To recover oil from “tight” reservoirs, researchers developed hydrolic fracturing (fracking). Known as early as the 1940s, this technology began being used extensively in the latter part of the century. Another important technological advance was the development of 3-D seismic imaging, a development facilitated by the digital revolution. This is a process where special equipment on the surface allows the creation of 3-D images from sound waves sent deep into the earth. These images help engineers and geologists find the location of oil deposits. Another digital technology �" measurement-while-drilling-systems or MWD �" provides real-time information on the status of the drilling operation and the capacity to change drilling directions.6

 Crude oil has two major advantages over coal. First, it has greater energy density, it is easier to handle and to transport, it requires less storage space, the combustion process is easier to control, and it is more versatile in its uses. Second, because of its relatively lower extraction costs, over time it created a cost advantage over coal. Yet, it took a century before oil and its refined products acquired a dominant place in the energy mix. The reason for this delay is oil’s inability to develop a strong competitive advantage over coal in its existing applications.

Lighting. In the early days of oil extraction, the use of products refined from crude oil was largely confined to lighting and lubrication. In 1853, a few years after Gesner produced kerosene from coal, a Polish pharmacist named Ignacy Lucasieviz distilled kerosene from oil and used it to light a lamp the he designed.7  The refining technology was unsophisticated and involved the production of refined petroleum products through a simple distillation process where crude oil was heated in a vessel and the resulting vapors were condensed.  The demand for these products was quite limited.              

Home Heating. In theory oil has a number of advantages over fuelwood and coal as a fuel for space heating: it requires less storage space, it is stored in a sealed metal container, it eliminates the need to cut wood, to shovel coal, and to dispose of dust and ashes, and reduces the level of noxious fumes spread in the air. In practice, the use of fuel oil as a home heating fuel faced a number of obstacles. In rural areas, where most of the world population lived in the late nineteen century and early twentieth century, firewood was procured at no direct cost in the homeowner’s land or at low cost from local suppliers. Coal could be used in stoves of various sizes suitable for the areas needing heat. Wood and coal burning stoves were simple and relatively inexpensive heating devices which could also be used for cooking. Fuel oil was burned in a furnace most suited for central heating systems. Thus, it was more appropriate for heating larger buildings or multiple-unit residential structures. Because of these obstacles, the role of crude oil in home heating remained minimal for several decades. In the United States, 71 years after the drilling of the first US oil well, fuel oil accounted for less than 1 percent of home heating fuels (coal accounted for 69 percent and fuelwood for 23 percent). The role of fuel oil expanded after 1930, reaching a peak share of 26 percent in 1950 and maintaining a 25 percent share in 1970.8  The expansion of fuel oil for space heating was driven largely by artificially low prices manipulated by the efforts of international oil companies to widen the market penetration of refined petroleum products.9  The growth of natural gas and electricity as sources of home heating began replacing fuel oil and its share of home heating fuels declined to 13 percent in 1990 and less than 5 percent in 2020.10

Electricity Generation. As mentioned earlier, during the first half of the twentieth century, the dominant fuel used in electricity generation was coal. Oil made substantial inroads in the 1950s and 1960s, but its role soon subsided in response to the energy crises of the 1970s and the expanded use of natural gas. The share of oil in electricity generation, which had reached a peak of 25 percent in the early 1970s, fell rapidly, dropping to 11 percent in 1990, 8 percent in 2000, and 3 percent in 2019.11

Transportation. Oil had also a small impact on the existing two major modes of transportation: rail and marine. Throughout the first half of the 20th century, railroad transportation was dominated by steam engines powered by coal. In the second half of that century, steam engines were replaced by direct or indirect electricity. In Asia and Europe, the transition was from coal to electricity. In the United States, the electrification was indirect as diesel replaced coal, but diesel was used to generate electricity to power an electric engine. The transition from coal to diesel was also slow in the case of maritime transportation and the pace of the transition differed among countries depending on the availability and the cost of coal. It took a century from the drilling of the first oil wells to the replacement of the coal-fired steam engines.12

What transformed oil into a dominant component of the energy mix was the invention of the internal combustion engine and the introduction of the first cars in the late 1800s. Attempts at developing internal combustion engines, where fuel combustion takes place inside the engine instead of outside as in the case of steam engines, intensified in the second half of the 19th century. Perhaps the most influential inventor in this field was Karl Benz, a German engineer who in 1879 received a patent for his two-stroke engine and six years later built a four-stroke engine that he placed in an automobile he had designed and patented.  In 1893 Rudolph Diesel, another German engineer, was granted a patent for the first compressed charge engine (diesel engine). By the beginning of the 20th century, car manufacturers could be found in a variety of countries. Until 1913, when Henry Ford built the first conveyor-belt assembly line in in his factory at Highland Park, Michigan, a step that led to a substantial reduction in car prices, automobiles were more of a novelty than a useful means of transportation. In 1900, the US had a population of 76 million people, but only 8,000 cars (one car per 10,000 persons) and 144 miles of paved roads. By 1920 there were 87 cars per 1,000 persons and by 1950 there were 32 cars per 100 persons13 Worldwide in 1950 there were 20 cars per 1,000 people. By 2018 the number of cars per 1,000 people had risen to 137 worldwide.14     

Oil was also instrumental in the introduction of an additional mode of transportation: aviation. Aviation had its origins in the early 20th century and was made possible by the internal combustion engine. The most famous inventors in the field of aviation are the Wright brothers �" Wilbur and Orville, born in Dayton, Ohio, the former in 1867 and the latter in 1871. Initially they focused on wing design and in 1902 designed and built a successful glider. Then they shifted their focus to internal combustion engines that could power such a flying machine. Such an engine �" a four-cylinder engine with an aluminum block- was built for them by Charles Taylor, a machinist employed in their bicycle shop. The first flight of such a machine, named Wright Flyer I, took place on the 17th of December, 1903 near Kitty Hawk, North Carolina. It flew 37 meters and lasted 12 seconds.  Two years later, their third glider, Wright Flyer III, had a successful flight of 38 km which lasted 39 minutes, and in 1908 mechanic Charles Furnas became the first airplane passenger in history.

The aviation industry continued to expand in part with government financial assistance for the development of war planes, but the main focus of research was on the development of aircraft for passenger transportation. The first passenger service was established in 1914 between St. Petersburg and Tampa, Florida. It was followed in 1919 by the first transatlantic flight and in 1927 by first solo transatlantic flight by Charles Lindbergh.

The most successful commercial aircraft was the Douglas DC-3 launched in 1936,  the first operational jet aircraft was the German Heinkel178 unveiled in 1939, and the first passenger jet aircraft was the de Haviland Comet which entered service in 1953. After that, technological development in aviation focused on building larger and more energy efficient aircraft.15 Air traffic took off in the post-WW2 period. It expanded from 310 million passengers a year in 1970 to 1 billion in 1990, 1.5 billion in 2000, 2.6 billion in 2021, and 4.5 billion in 2019.16

Non-Energy Use. Crude oil is also refined into a variety of non-energy uses such as asphalt/bitumen for construction products and road paving; lubricants in transportation and industry engines; waxes for candles, adhesives and coating, naphtha, white spirit, turpentine, and kerosene for solvents, resins, foams, fibers, and plastics; petroleum coke for industrial processes, and olefins (ethylene and propylene) for a variety of petrochemical products. The consumption of oil products for non-energy use has increased at a faster rate than total oil consumption over the past fifty years. As a result, its share of total oil consumption rose from 10.8 percent in 1971 to 16.6 percent in 2018.17 A large share of non-energy oil consumption is related to transportation. For example, more than half of synthetic rubber is used for tires and part of the remaining non-energy use of oil �" lubricants and plastics for the production of motor vehicles �" is related to transportation.

Natural Gas. Natural gas is a gaseous hydrocarbon composed largely of methane and ethane. It is found in underground reservoirs either dissolved in oil (wet gas) or in separate reservoirs (dry gas). It may also be found among coal deposits. While it is a versatile energy source which burns cleaner than coal and oil, the use of natural gas until the middle of the twentieth century remained localized because of the technical difficulties in transporting it over long distances. As late as the 1960s, wet gas was more a nuisance than an energy source and was burned at the oil well-head (flaring). Natural gas production and distribution benefited from two technological advances. The first was the development of larger-diameter pipes which allowed the construction of long-range pipelines able to transport large quantities of natural gas over long distances. The second was the development of liquefied natural gas (LNG), a process of cooling NG to -162 degrees centigrade which reduced its volume by up to 600 times.

In response to these developments and the increase in its demand, the share of natural gas in the energy mix tripled from 1950 to 2000. Despite its versatility and lower emissions, the gaseous form of fossil fuels did not generate a transformational effect as in the case oil and gas. It replaced oil in electricity generation, and oil and coal in heavy industry and in the heating of buildings, and it eased the pressure on coal from the growth of electricity demand. By the year 2000, natural gas accounted for a larger share of electricity generation than nuclear power (18.0% versus 16.8%) and together with coal helped generate 54 percent of global electricity.

Electricity. Over most of human history, energy was consumed in its primary form. Fuelwood was burned directly for heating and cooking, coal was used in the same manner with limited processing, water and wind power were directly transformed into usable kinetic power, oil required some refining but the refined product had the form of final consumption - whether it burned in a furnace for space heating, in a boiler for steam generation, or in an internal combustion engine -, and natural gas shares the same attributes. With electricity we have the transformation of a primary power source �" material, as in the case of traditional biomass and fossil fuels, more immaterial as in the case of solar and wind power �" into a completely different secondary energy form, the flow of electrons. This secondary energy form can perform all the functions of the primary energy sources - heating, cooling, lighting, and powering machines and vehicles �" and do it more efficiently. But it can do much more, and uniquely. Because it can be generated by a variety of processes, including chemical reactions, it can be generated even in small packages (batteries) that can power portable machinery. Through the capacity of rechargeable batteries, electricity use is separated from its generation, a technical advance that greatly expands the versatility of this energy form and makes possible applications that could have never been feasible from the use of any other energy source. Because of its special capacities, electricity generation expanded at a rapid rate from 1960 to 2000, growing by a factor of 6.7, 2.4 times faster than the growth of total primary energy consumption.

Some summary indicators of energy consumption are shown in table II-3. Global energy use rose by a factor of 2.8 from 1960 to 2000, equivalent to an average annual rate of 2.6 percent. More than two thirds of this increase resulted from population growth of 1.8 percent. Per capita energy consumption rose by only 0.8 percent per year and contributed only 31 percent to the growth of global energy consumption. These trends were associated with changes in the energy mix. The most important change in this period was the introduction of a energy source, nuclear power, which in 2000 accounted for 6.7 percent of total primary energy consumption. However, this new energy sources simply replaced renewable energy whose share declined from 21 percent to 12 percent. As a result, fossil fuels continued to be the dominant energy source with a share of 81 percent, two percentage points higher than in 1960. The biggest impact of nuclear power occurred in Western Europe where its share of primary energy consumption reached 16 percent in 2000 and led to decline of 15 percentage points in the share of fossil fuels. Mode moderate nuclear power contributions to the energy mix are noted for North America (8%) and Eastern Europe (6%) and are associated with smaller declines in the share of fossil fuels, 7 and 3 percentage points, respectively. In all other regions, the main change in the energy mix was the expansion of the role of fossil fuels at the expense of traditional sources of renewable energy. By 2000, the dominance of fossil fuels was established in all regions of the globe.  


Table II-3. Energy Consumption Indicators, 2000

Region                     GJ/P                                 Share

                     Renewables        Fossil          Nuclear


W. Europe                176.3                    7.5                   76.0             16.5              

E. Europe                 128.3                    4.5                   89.2               6.3

N. America               390.1                   6.4                   85.4               8.2

L. America                 50.1                  20.4                  78.6               1.0

Oceania                    185.7                    8.1                  91.9                0

Asia                            39.9                  19.0                  77.0               4.0

Middle East               82.9                     3.7                  96.3               0

Africa                        29.6                   25.0                  73.7               1.3

World                        73.9                   12.0                   81.3              6.7                         

 Source: Author’s Calculations Base on Malanima (2022), Tables A.1, A.4, A.6-13.                    


Table II-4 shows the effects on the energy mix of evolving industrialization, the expansion of the road transportation system, and the widespread availability of natural gas. These developments led to greater specialization of the three fossil fuels. In 1960, the contribution of natural gas was modest and limited largely to the Americas. Oil was used partly in electricity generation, but mainly in road transportation. Coal was a multi-purpose energy source employed in heavy industry, electricity generation, and even the heating of buildings. By 2000, coal consumption was confined to electricity generation, oil used almost exclusively in transportation, and natural gas became an important multi-purpose fuel with a share of fossil fuels only 5 percentage points lower than coal’s.    

Table II-4. Percentage Distribution of Fossil Fuels by Type and Region: 1960 and 2000

Region      1960      2000

   Coal         Oil          NG            Coal         Oil          NG


W. Europe                        68.0        30.2          1.8             18.7         52.1       29.2

E. Europe                         69.6        21.7          8.7             27.6         23.0      49.4

N. America                      23.3        47.9         28.8             25.7        45.2       29.1

L. America                        8.6        77.2         14.2               5.8         70.5      23.7

Oceania                           55.4        44.3           0.3             42.5         37.8      19.7 

Asia                                 75.9        23.1           1.0             52.4         38.2       9.4

Middle East                     11.5        83.0           5.5               8.4         60.2     31.4

Africa                              68.3        31.3           0.4             36.1         42.7     21.2

World                              48.7        37.1          14.2            31.2         43.3     25.5        

Source: Author’s Calculations Base on Malanima (2022), Tables A.1, A.4, A.6-13.


The Proliferation of Energy Sources

Malanima’s data set does not go beyond 2000, therefore, for this section I used the information contained in the IEA’s World Energy Outlook 2023. This means that a direct comparison with the data for 2000 cannot be made especially since the regional disaggregation is different. Still, I can present a consistent comparison for global values by using IEA data for 2000 and 2022.  From 2000 to 2022, global primary consumption rose by 52 percent, equivalent to an average annual rate of 1.9 percent. This growth rate is substantially lower than during the previous 60 years and its decline is due largely to a lower growth rate of the population. The growth of per capita energy consumption also decelerated during this period, but at a slower pace.

Twenty-two years are not long enough to generate major changes in the energy mix. As shown in Table II-5, fossil fuels remained dominant throughout, but their share declined by 8 percentage points. The major change in the energy mix was a reduction of 10 percentage points in the share if oil offset by an 11 percentage points increase in the share of renewables. Within fossil fuels, a portion of the fall in the share of oil consumption was offset by small increases in the shares of coal and natural gas.   

Table II-5. Shares of Global Primary Energy Consumption by Fuel, 2000 and 2022

Fuel                  Shares

                 2000           2022

Coal          25.6            26.9

Oil            39.3            29.6

Natural Gas                                  22.7            22.9

Fossil Fuels                                   87.6            79.4

Nuclear Power                                7.3              4.6

Renewables                                     5.1            16.0               

Source: Author’s calculations based on IEA, World Energy Outlook 2002, Table 2.1; IEA, World Energy Outlook 2023, Table A.1a.

Table II-6 provides some details on the components of renewable energy in 2022. We notice that 40 percent of renewable energy was of the “old type” (traditional use biomass and hydro power) and an additional 40 percent was bioenergy. The two energy sources that are supposed to power the renewable energy revolution (wind and solar power) accounted for only 15 percent of the total.


Table II-6. Components of Renewable Energy, 2022

Components                                   Share

Traditional Use Biomass                 23.8

Hydro         15.8

Modern Bioenergy                          39.6

Wind and Solar                               14.8

Other            6.0                       

Source: Author’s calculations based on IEA, World Energy Outlook 2023, Table A.1a.

Table II-7 presents some general information on the regional distribution of energy consumption in 2022. Europe and North America continue to consume a share of primary energy in excess of their population share, but their combined share is shrinking for two reasons: their population is growing at a rate below the world average, and its per capita energy consumption has begun to decline while the global average is still rising. In 2022 the combination of Europe and North America accounted for 31 percent of primary energy consumption although it contained only 15 percent of the population (a ratio of 2.1). Excesses of energy consumption shares over population shares are also found in Eurasia (ratio of 2.2) and the Middle East (ratio of 1.8). The Asia Pacific region is approaching the neutral point as its share of primary energy consumption is only 9 percentage points lower than its share of the population. However, within this region, both China and Japan have “excessive” shares of primary energy consumption with ratios of 1.4 and 1.6, respectively. The two laggards are South and Central America and Africa with ratios of 0.7 and 0.3, respectively. North America remains the leading region in terms of per capita energy consumption, followed by Eurasia and the Middle East. Per capita energy consumption is slightly below the global average in Europe and is approaching the global average in the Asia Pacific region. The comparison between the Asia Pacific region and Africa is a particular interest. While in the former population growth was associated with industrialization, which raised per capita energy consumption, in the latter the lack of this association led to a decline in per capita energy consumption.


Table II-7. Energy Consumption Indicators by Region, 2022

Region                             GJ/P                                 Share

                                   Population    Energy Consumption                


Europe                             78.2                              8.7                   12.7             

N. America                    226.7                             6.4                    18.6

 (USA)                         (279.2)                           (4.2)                 (15.2)

C. and S. America           55.0                             6.6                      4.7

Eurasia                           174.8                            3.0                      6.7

 (Russia)                       (237.8)                          (1.8)                   (5.5)

Middle East                   137.4                             3.3                     5.9

Asia Pacific                     65.4                           54.0                   45.5

 (China)                        (112.5)                        (17.9)                (25.9)  

 (India)                            (27.7)                       (19.1)                 (6.8) 

 (Japan)                         (132.8)                         (1.6)                 (2.7)

(SE Asia)                        (44.6)                         (8.5)                  (4.9)

Africa                              25.5                           18.0                    5.9  

World                              79.5                            

Source: Author’s Calculations Based on IEA, World Energy Outlook 2023, Tables A.6 and B.1.

The long-term trends in demographic, economic, and energy consumption are summarized in table II-8. The first transition from renewable energy to fossil fuels (1820 to 1900) was characterized by relatively low growth rates of population, real GDP, real GDP per person, and primary energy consumption. Because the process of industrialization was initially confined geographically, it was focused on heavy industries and energy-intensive transportation, and was associated with inefficient uses of energy, two-thirds of the growth of energy consumption was determined by the increase in per capita energy use. During the first phase of the Great Energy Transformation (1900 to 1960), characterized by the dominance of coal, global population growth doubled, industrialization began to spread geographically, and the growth of real GDP per person accelerated. The result was a near doubling in the growth of real GDP. The growth of energy consumption rose by 0.6 percentage points and was due entirely to the higher population growth. This trend strengthened during the first part of the second phase of the Great Energy Transition (1960 to 2000), dominated by oil and natural gas, and driven by the acceleration in the growth of both population per capital real GDP. Compared to the trend in real GDP, the growth of energy consumption was moderated by a declining growth in per capita energy consumption. The second part of this phase (2000 to 2022) is characterized by a deceleration in the growth of the population, real GDP per person, and per capita energy consumption. The latter was to a shift in the industrial structure in favor of services relative to goods, and energy-saving technological improvements.             

Table II-8 sheds some light on the historical relationship between demographic changes, technological advances, and energy consumption. Population growth has a dual effect on economic activity. On the supply side, it provides the main factor of production, labor services. On the demand side, it generates the demand for the goods and services produced. The strength of the demand side is affected by  productivity growth, which raises the purchasing power of persons. The dual effect of population growth operates also on the energy side as individuals are involved in both the production (workers) and the consumption of energy. Technological change affects also the supply and demand of energy through the process of discovering new energy sources, finding new and more efficient ways of extracting existing resources, and improving the efficiency of energy-using devices. Table II-8 identifies two major trends in these relationships. First, there was a fairly stable relationship between the growth of the population and real GDP, especially after 1960. From 1960 to 2022, the growth of the former ranged between 42 and 48 percent of the latter’s. Second, starting in 1960, energy consumption per capita embarked on a declining trend, which accelerated after 2000. It seems that in the future, the growth of energy consumption will be driven entirely by population dynamics. Since policymakers can do little to influence population growth, future trends in energy consumption can be altered only by changing the course of per capital energy consumption through technological advancements and behavioral changes. This issue will be discussed later.      

In this book I identified two major energy periods, connected by a transition period: the first renewable energy age which lasted into the early 1800s, and Great Energy Transformation characterized by the dominance of fossil fuels. We can also separate human history in terms of economic eras. The ascent of coal, which replaced the widespread use of traditional biomass, led to an Industrial Revolution that transformed the world economy from an overwhelming rural, agricultural base powered by man and beast, into a more dynamic economic structure, still dominated by agriculture, but powered increasingly by inanimate energy and with a geography that began to be marked by greater urbanization and the tracks of a novel transportation mode: the railway. The ascent of oil in the 20th century produced a Transportation Revolution which reshaped the economy and society. The Digital Revolution, arising from the invention of the transistor and the development of integrated circuits in the late 20th century and fueled by electricity, is transforming the economy and society at an unusually rapid rate. If has given        birth to Artificial Intelligence, a development that will reshape society in manners which we cannot yet imagine.

Table II-8. Summary Trends in Major Indicators: Selected periods from 1820 to 2022

A.   Growth Rates

Period                      Average Annual Percentage Change

                            Pop.     Primary     GJ/P    Real GDP    P/GDP   EN/GDP   GDP/P    


1820-1900            0.49         1.50       0.99       1.32            0.37          1.13      0.82

1900-1960            1.09         2.10       1.00       2.44            0.45          0.86      1.26

1960-2000            1.78         2.63       0.82       3.68            0.48           0.71     1.86

2000-2022            1.18         1.51       0.33       2.80            0.42           0.54     1.61

1820-2022            0.96        1.94        0.90       2.23            0.43           0.87     1.26


B.   Shares

                             1820          1900          1960         2000          2022

Fossil Fuel              8.2            55.7           79.0          81.4          79.4

Renewables          91.8            44.3           21.0          11.9          16.0           

Source: Author’s Calculations Based on Malanima (2022), Tables A-1 and A-4; IEA, World Energy Outlook 2002, Table 2.1; IEA, World Energy Outlook 2023, Tables A.6 and B.1; Our World in Data, “World GDP Over the Last Two Millennia.”



1Giuseppe Ruggeri (2022), Work and Leisure in America: Altona, MB, Friesen Press.

2Walter Bottiny (1966), “Trends in Automobile Ownership and Implications for Saturability,”; The Geography of Transportation Systems, “Percentage of Households by Number of Vehicles, 1960-2020.

3The Geography of Transport System, “Evolution of the World Railway network, 1850-1913”.

4Boston University, “World Electricity Generation since 1900,” Visualizing Energy, Institute for Global Sustainability.

5Adventures in Geology �" Karsten Eig (2017), “Where Was the World’s First Oil Well? Poland.”

6Jane McGrath, “Top 5 Innovations in Oil Drilling,” Hotstuffworks.

7Piotr Bejrowsky, “Ignacy Lucasieviz: Inventor of the Kerosene Lamp and Founder of Oil Industry,” Polish History.

8Bonnie Maas Morrison (1992), “Ninety Years of U.S. Household Energy History: A Quantitative Update,” Table 1.

9Odinn Melsted and Irene Pallua (2018), “The Historical Transition from Coal to Hydrocarbons: Previous Explanations and the Need for an Integrated Perspective,” Canadian Journal of History, Volume 53, No. 3, pp. 393-422, Figures 3 and 4.

10United States Census Bureau, 2022, “Selected Household Characteristics,”

11International Energy Agency (IEA), “Electricity Generation by Fuel, 1971-2019”.

12 Odinn Melsted and Irene Pallua (2018), “The Historical Transition from Coal to Hydrocarbons: Previous Explanations and the Need for an Integrated Perspective,” Canadian Journal of History, Volume 53, No. 3, pp. 393-422.

13The Physics Factbook, “Number of Cars”; US Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy, “Fact #577: June 29, 2009 Changes in Vehicles per Capita around the World.

14The Geography of Transport Systems, “Vehicle Use Indicators, World, 1950-2019”.

15Justin Hayward (17 September 2020), “The Evolution of the Airplane,” Simple Flying,

16(The World Bank, “Air Transport, Passengers Carried,”   

17IEA, 4 September 2020, “Oil Total Final Consumption by Sector, 1971-2018.”        


Paolo Malanima (2022), “World Energy Consumption Database: 1820-2020,”



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Added on April 28, 2024
Last Updated on April 28, 2024


peppino ruggeri
peppino ruggeri

Hanwell, New Brunswick, Canada

I am a retired academic. I enjoy gardening, writing poems and short stories and composing songs which may be found on my youtube channel Han Gardener or Spotify under peppino ruggeri. more..
