We Dance

We Dance

A Poem by Pennylane

A poem about the daily 'dances' we do in our marriage

We Dance
I'm tapping and typing, 
fingers floating at the computer 
and you show up behind me,
your hands over my shoulders
down to the swell of my breasts
and I move forward, annoyed
but aroused, away from your hands.
At dinner, you're cooking, 
and steaming up the place.
I come and I slip 
my hands to your hips
I hold them there, 
your back is my pillow
and I rest, away from 
the chaos that was the day.
At night, you'll hold out your arm
and I'll get inside
your embrace
Roll up your arm around me
like a sleeping dance move
And then you'll complete the twirl,
raise up, and I am under you.
You will slip inside me 
and, arm around me, 
hold me there 
while I arch my back and we dance 
till the end of the song.

© 2010 Pennylane

My Review

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Sweet and passionate. I like the way you use the dance as a symbolism for something else. I find it effective and creative. It sure does reflect the sweet tendencies of a married life.

Keep Writing. ^___^

Posted 13 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on April 12, 2010
Last Updated on April 16, 2010
Tags: marriage, love, romance, relationships



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A Poem by Pennylane