![]() Chapter TwoA Chapter by Pennsation!
"He can't be heir!" A woman with slightly graying hair shouted from across the table. The council assembly had long since turned into a crazy circus.
All sides of the family were arguing. Less than twenty four hours after my grandfather's death, the one who had taught me to control curse magics, had long since passed from the minds of my family. Every corner of the Dubear family line had shown up, ready to protest their new head. It was only my grandfather's last wish that kept me from protesting along with them. It didn't take long after that, before the whole room had become entirely filled with undescernable noise. A sound at the door alerted everyone to the presence of another. She walked hunched over a short piece of straight wood. She was older than my grandfather. She was one of the crones, as we all called her. But, never to their faces. The oldest members of each family, and usually the strongest, were most revered among the four families. As it so happened, the one that walked into the room, was my great grandmother. And she hated me. Here eyes locked onto mine for a moment. Her eyes were cold as ice, a startling blue that instantly turned my insides frozen. I didn't hear a growl, or a single sound from her, but as soon as her eyes met mine, I had the sudden need to move from my seat. It was forbidden to compel a member of your own family. But, no one would dare tell her off. I may be the new head of the family. But, she had everyone's respect. I took another seat, as she tried to scramble into the chair that was a little too tall for her tiny frame. She settled quickly, lying her walking stick next to her. In the few moments it had taken her to get into the seat, the room had taken their seats. thirteen seats, each for a member of the council. I had only a moment to look over the room, taking in details I had not seen before my father's death. The room was oval shape, stark contrast the the long rectangular shape of the dark wooden table that the chairs lined. somehow, every seat was built to turn toward the head seat, and the far end was devoid of any chair. I had never seen anyone sit there. "It has come to my attention," My great grandmother threw me a dirty look. Obviously, she thought I should have told her. "That my son has passed." She let the words hang in the air for a moment, expecting anyone to speak up against her only son. She knew no one would. So did I. "He wasnt' chosen. Hamhein already chose an heir. Castiel's fatehr died in the line of duty for us. He too, chose an heir. But, he has left us." Her words were dark. My brother's whereabouts, and his abandonment of the Dubear family had left a sour taste in my family's mouth. No one talked about him. Ever. "So, when my son took over the council once more, we all knew that there would need to abe a new line. No one can choose two heirs in a single life time. Now, I think we must vote." Her lined face searched the room of faces once more for any sign that someone would object. Despite the fact that I did not wish to hold the head position, I stood. Shock registered on my great grandmother's face. I'm sure the look was reflected upon the faces of the rest of my family. But, I did not care. "You can't do this. He named me heir." I said. I tried to keep my voice steady. I doubted I was successful. "Oh, but I can, my grandson. It was not his place to name another heir. That now lies to the council." The look in her eyes told me to sit down. When I did not, she sat up a little straighter. Immediately, the temperature in the room dropped. Not by much, but enough. It was a warning. one that sent a shuddering gasp through the family around me. Reluctantly, I sat down. "Now then, now that we got the pleasantries out of the way, I think we should put a vote out. What say you?" she said. Then, she turned to me. I was surprised to find the direction put on me. I had a chance to defend my position. the position I did not want. I would do nearly anything to get out of it. Now I realized, I no longer wanted to. At least, not yet. "My grandfather has just passed. We have not even put him in the ground, and already we attempt to undermine his final wish." My voice was smooth, I was thankful to say. It was taking everything to keep my powers in check. "He gave his last breath, naming me heir. It is little surprise to anyone that I don't want it." "I think we should at least wait until after the funeral before we put it to a vote." The voice came from across the room. I had been about to say those words myself. I was startled to see my mother had spoken. Rarely did she speak at these events. Since my father's passing, she had taken his place. It was nearly unheard of, in the past four hundred years of the Dubear dynasty, for a woman to sit at the council. But, she had held her position strong. But, she never agreed with my choices. I wondered what her intentions were this time. Rather than ask, I gave her a simple nod of my head. It was the closest we had ever come to a hug. "Well, so be it then." The old crone dropped from her seat. I wanted to speak my mind and tell her to go to hell, when she turned on me and gave me a knowing look that once again froze my insides. I would be lying if I said she didn't scare me. TWENTY MINUTES LATER, the arguing had finally come to a stand still. There was still a matter of sending out shadows. Shadows were perhaps the strongest members fo the family. They did the dirty work that kept our family safe. Even though there were only a couple of them, it was rare for them to be seen. I had only ever met one. He'd been best friends with my father. They never spoke. They got paid to be silent. To kill without complaint. They were barely human. I can't say I was surprised however, when I left the room, to find one standing outside the door. He wore a business suit, all black, from his shiny shoes, to the black leather glove. Even his brimmed hat, turned down to hide his face, was black, except for a tiny stripe of red in honor of my grandfather. I was ushured along the crowd, and noticed the shadow following me. I didn't make a point of it. No one else seemed to notice him. Shadows had a different set of magic from the rest of us. That was why they were so rare. Able to conceal themselves from anyone they didn't want to see them, it was startling to realize he wanted me to notice him. I kept a quiet pace, straight through the warehouse doors, and into the back of the suv. This wasn't the same one that my grandfather had died in. But, they were nearly identical. Even as I sat there, my mind flashed back to the way the blood had flown through my fingers, and the feel of my grandfather's last breath as I held him. I suppose I shouldn't have been startled to see the shadow that had followed me from the meeting sitting in the seat across from me. Did I mention that Shadows are creepy? "What do you want?" I asked. He didn't say anything. He barely moved, even as the car began to move. As the Warehouse moved by, I got one last good look at it. We always changed the meeting place. One day it might be down by the docks, the next in an office building on Seventh and Vine. But, if I knew my family, their paranoia would keep us moving every other day at the most. My grandfather's death had certainly stirred things up in the family. "Can't you see I'm grieving?" I asked, still watching out the window. I didn't expect him to answer. But, he did all the same. "You don't look like you're grieving to me." Teh Shadow said. He lifted the brim of his hat, so that I could see his face. Being only the second one I had ever seen, I expected him to be mutilated and old. But, his face was smooth, except for a single scar that roped from the left corner of his mouth to the bottom of his ear. It looked like he couldn't stop grinning. "I have yet to see you shed a single tear, Mr. Dubear." "So I was right, you have been following me." I asked. I couldn't put enough care into the words. the shock was still fresh in my chest. "Yes. We can't very well leave the new head of the family to his own devices." The way he talked, his young features, I doubted he was more than a year or two older than I was. Not quite as old as my brother. But, the smile on his lips, made me instantly like him. Something about him had already chased away the fear that I had held of Shadows my entire life. "Please, don't call me that. Beside, I'm sure you heard my grandmother. I won't be head of the family for long." For some reason, that seemed to entertain him, because he couldn't keep another smile from his face. Neither could I. We drove along in silence for a few minutes. I waited for him to say more. When I was sure that he wouldn't, I cleared my throat to break the silence. "So, what should I call you?" I asked, trying to retain once more the detached look on my face. He couldn't maintain his composed look, a sudden mask of shock twisting his face oddly. It looked even weirder with the roping scar on his face. "I dont... I don't have a name." He said, turning his gaze away from me. "What do you mean? Of course you have a name." I said, this time intrigued. It wasn't often one got to have a conversation with a Shadow. "Perhaps I shall explain another time. It seems we have arrived at your destination." He said, returning his cap to its previously down turned position. He pushed open the door. "Wait, but-" I was cut off as I jumped into the throng of New York City civilian traffic. He was gone. Like the shadows of night, he had already blended in, and disappeared. Looking up, it was only then that I realized where I had been dropped off. I was staring at the Gothic Towers of my brother's apartment. © 2010 Pennsation! |
Added on August 12, 2010 Last Updated on August 12, 2010 Author![]() Pennsation!West Springfield, MAAboutMy life has never been easy, but how many writers can honestly say they have had the perfect life. I take a lot from my own experiences, and they are all reflected in my writing. From the people I hav.. more..Writing