Great write - to ponder who we are in relation to others truly is a hard thing to do. You have expressed this simply and elegantly. Thank you to S.P. Vaporis for sharing this with me. I truly enjoyed reading this. Thank you for sharing so much of yourself in this wonderful work.
I've set similar contracts on who I am, or I guess they could be called mantras, put them on special paper, framed them then tore it all up within a week. Your poem is like an inner adventure, and was very well caught. Nice job. As EB said, go back to this later, and see whats changed, you'd be suprised.
Peace, and keep on writing!
"And God said [from the burning bush], 'I AM WHO I AM.'" And like the One who creates all that is, we are given permission -- indeed, encouraged -- to discover our own "I Am"s, and you've done a marvelous job depicting that creative process, even down to the bleeding fingers and the bleeding soul.
I really like this -- the words, the structure, the declarative sentences -- like proclamations almost. Like writers and artists of all kinds (probably), poets write to find out what we mean and who we are. In that discovery is incredible freedom, but it can be painful getting there.
Everyone needs a "Song of Myself". This may be yours. I would suggest re-reading it from time to time. You may find areas you want to change as you go along.
I enjoy writing, but it seems things only come when I am down. I have tried and yet it seems that I go no where.
I have wished upon a star
and where there are those that have landed the.. more..