Great write - to ponder who we are in relation to others truly is a hard thing to do. You have expressed this simply and elegantly. Thank you to S.P. Vaporis for sharing this with me. I truly enjoyed reading this. Thank you for sharing so much of yourself in this wonderful work.
I am that girl,;sitting with paper and pen,;Sitting with a blackened rose,;whose stem is full of thorns,;I am that girl,;sitting and cryin' with bleeding fingers.;Drip...;Drop...;Blood flows as life does...;Do you feel it?;Can you touch it?;Do you feel the soul of yourself dripping in your blood?;I do...That is who I am... I am my soul-- waiting to be set free.
Wonderful.. no words to describe the feeling this poem created on my mind, heart n soul
That was amazing...You are a truly great poet..That is who you are! This is one of those rare poems that leave me breathless and speechless with its emotion!
I like this poem a lot! The rhythm is amazing, it flows constantly, yet it is also interrupted by stops, just like life.
This poem is filled with meaning.
awesome, so awesome, so real, so true. It is me, cept i don't bleed. Yet I feel as intense at times. sad, beautiful just like life. My life has had so many ups and downs, more downs, yet try to focus on the light.
wonderful poem. the repeating elements worked wonderfully. I love how you made it personal and still reached out to me a middle aged male. The phrasing was nice, i liked it a lot. Additionally it flowed well as I am a very aural person and so I hear myself reading it, it would lend its self to reading outloud in a poetry night setting.
Wow... One of the most incredible poems I've read yet. This one truly made me feel. You know who you are, and you're not going to let anyone change you. Fulfill your destiny. Set yourself free.
I like how you have seem to have really thought about who you are and how you make others think about who they are in relation to others. I love how you point out the differences of us and that it is okay to be different. Bravo.
I enjoy writing, but it seems things only come when I am down. I have tried and yet it seems that I go no where.
I have wished upon a star
and where there are those that have landed the.. more..