The Truth

The Truth

A Chapter by Elsie

Six years later Lucia thought about how she was going to break the marriage vows. There was a part that said 'death do us part'. Now she knew exactly what she and to do. Now the only problem was that she had to get rid of Ash.

"Ash I am going to the store today. Is there anything that we need?" asked Lucia

"No, but thank you for asking," said Ash

Lucia had opened the door and got into the car. She drove to the airport and bought herself a ticket. She plan on jumping off the same cliff her bother did. It took about three hours later Lucia had found herself standing on the cliff. She knew that this was her only chance of get rid of Ash. Lucia then took the last step off the cliff. When she had hit the ground she saw that she had only broken an arm and a few ribs. Nothing that Lucia could not hand. She pulled herself into a nearby cave.

"Who's there?" asked a voice

"My name is Lucia. Who are you? Show yourself," said Lucia

"It can't be you. Ash told me you were died. Is it really you sister?" asked a voice

"Yes it is. It can't be you Night because you're supposed to be died," said Lucia

"I am well and alive Lucia. Just that Ash has blind me and told me you were died," said Night

Lucia really did not know what she was supposed to believe anymore. It was like everything she had heard from Ash was a total lie. Lucia slowly walked over to Night and then broke down crying. Two weeks Lucia had cried. She knew that she had to be careful because if Ash found out that she knew that her brother was still alive. Suddenly out of nowhere Lucia had started to hear footsteps. She didn't know what she was going to do about her brother. Before she realized it Ash was standing right in front of her.

"Hello Lucia I now know that I cannot allow you to go to the store alone anymore. I hope you are ready to come home now," said Ash

Lucia was very scared about going back with Ash, however she really did not have a choice in the matter. She also saw no use to fight Ash about not wanting to go home with him either. It was a lose lose situation that she was in. Lucia followed Ash out of the cave and all the way back home. Ivan was at the front door and Lucia got a really bad feeling that something bad was going to happen.

"I see that you had found her. Do you know the punishment you're going to give her for running away?" asked Ivan

"No I have not thought that far ahead yet," said Ash

"Would you mind at all if I did the punishment?" asked Ivan

"Sure," said Ash

Ivan roughly took a hold of Lucia's hand and almost dragged her to the dungeon. She could not believe that Ash was actually allowing Ivan to do this to her. Two months Lucia was locked up in the cell. There was nothing to light the way. It was just pitch black. About the fourth week of the third month Lucia was allowed to leave her cell. She could only be out of the cell for about three hours and then she had to go back. She did not see Ash it was a bit of time because he was always busy with work. Lucia truly didn't believe that was actually true. After about a year Lucia was finally set free.

"Lucia before you go. I would like you to that it is best if you don't try to run because I could be a lot worse punishment then it was this time. Now please have a good day," said Ivan

Lucia thought Ivan had totally lost it, but she would not put it past him though. When Lucia was finally able to find Ash she saw that he actually had been busy on work. She was just about to leave when Ash spoke.

"Lucia you have a letter," said Ash

Without even looking up from his work he hand it right to her. Lucia then let and went to her room.


Dear Sis,

I know that you now know I am alive. I would like it to stay as our little secret. I also want you to know I do plan on saving you from Ivan and Ash. I wish there was an easier way to say this, but there is not. When I do come for you; I do not want to be stopped. Allow me to do the job that I started so long ago. If I should really get killed this time, then please take good care of yourself.

Love, ?


Lucia already knew who it was. She also knew that Night did not want other's knowing he was still alive. Lucia was glad that Night would take the chance of losing his life to save her. She thought that was very kind of him. Lucia was slowly walking over to the window when a very light knock came upon the door.

"Come in," said Lucia

"Lucia I am really sorry that I have come, but your husband need to take you to dinner He told me to have you wear this," said Ivan

When Lucia had looked she had about died out of shock. It was so gorgeous that she could not believe that it was what Ash wanted her to wear. Lucia took the dress from Ivan. At eight o'clock there came another knock on the door. Lucia already knew that it was her time to go and meet Ash. To her surprise Ash looked very nice also. We went out for dinner and Ivan had actually came to dinner too. Which was a bit weird, but she was not going to say a word though.

"Lucia I would like you to go to the car first because I have something that I would like to talk to Ash alone," said Ivan

Lucia really did not know what she was supposed to do. She left even though she did not really like leaving ash alone neither did she want to go back to the dungeon. She had just got outside when she was pulled into a dark alley.

"Sister, don't scream. I will meet you back at Ash's house. I plan to stop it all tonight. I can't let you be put through this. Once you get back to the house I want you to meet me by the barn," said Night

Lucia walked back to the care to her surprise Ash was already in the car waiting for her. The ride home seemed longer then it was then on the way there. Once there she used an excuses to walk toward the barn. That she could find out what her brother had planned.

"Night where are you?" asked Lucia

"Lucia I want you to get on one of the horses and ride as far away from here. Once the job is done I will come find you when it's done. If I do not find you by morning then I want you to keep riding. I do not want to lose you. Now go," said Ash

Lucia did not know what to actually do, but she also knew that she could not just listen to her brother. Just that she didn't want to go against what her brother had told her to do. She got onto the horse and slowly started to ride off into the forest. Lucia want so badly to turn around, but she could not do that. Lucia was half way toward the woods and she turned around. She felt like she could not allow her brother to actually go through this alone. Lucia jumped off the horse and ran toward the house. She had open the door to see Ash was laying on the ground. She ran from room to room trying to find out where her brother and Ivan were. She was just about to enter the kitchen when she had overheard Ivan talking.

"Hello Night. I had thought you were dead. I guess I was wrong to believe that. So what have you been up to? I know you have been living in a cave. I am not believing that you are still alive since your blind. I would like you to answer one question to me. Why did you decide to let your sister know that you were alive? Why did you pretend that you dead and she was just losing her mind?" asked Ivan

"I did not let my sister know that I was alive because I felt like the one thing I could give her was to leave her life for good. Just that I soon saw that had only caused my sister more than it helped her. I didn't want her to be put through what I had again. I only showed myself again which now I think was a big mistake...," said Night

After that Lucia had stopped listening. She could not believe that her brother would actually say that. So Lucia decided it was the time to end everything. Lucia left the house that night and rode to a cliff. Just that about four hours later Night finally found Lucia.

"Lucia I know you're probably upset with me, but I really didn't mean to hurt you. Could you please get away from the edge," said Night

"No I will not get away from the edge. I do not have anything to live for anymore. I have to do this," said Lucia

"Lucia please don't jump," said Night

"Give me one good reason," said Lucia

"Mom and dad are not truly died. I just put those gravestones there so that people would not get any questions about why they are still alive today," said Night

Lucia really did not know what to believe anymore. How did she know that her brother was telling the truth? IF he was would she take that chance that her brother might be lying to her?

"If mom and dad are still alive then prove to me that they are. Bring me to them," said Lucia

Two hours later Lucia found herself in front of her mother and father .For once her brother had not lied to her. She felt like a little kid again. Lucia really did not know how she was actually supposed to do at all.

"Night why does mom and dad look like they have no aged a day?" asked Lucia

"I tried to turn them into vamps like us, but all it did was put them into a coma like state," said Night

"That means," said Lucia

"It means that mom and dad are slowly dying," said Night

Lucia could not believe it her brother would do such a thing to her. She had end up running out and kept running until she couldn't run anymore. 

© 2019 Elsie

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Added on August 23, 2019
Last Updated on August 23, 2019



Marblehead, MA

I love to write and I write anything and everything. I love to sing even though I am not good at it. I love to walk around everyone that I can. I love to read everything I can usually get my hands on... more..

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