Major change in life

Major change in life

A Chapter by Elsie

Two years Lucia had stayed in Baton Rouge, LA. She did not once head back to Ash. She knew that she should go back, however she didn't know how he would react to the four year old girl that she was raising. She decided that it was probably should call Ash just to find out how he is doing. It took three days to actually find the phone number. Once she found the phone number it took three tries to actually call the right number. The first time she called no one answered. Lucia did not bother to leave a message at all. Lucia then called two hours later and got Ash.

"Hello," said Ash

"Ash I am sorry for leaving two years ago. I know I should have called sooner. I just didn't know if you would answer. I can't come home because I have a child now," said Lucia

"Lucia first of all calm down. It's fine that you did leave two years ago. I truly understand that you need your space. I wanted you to know that I will always be here for you. That you...Lucia did you say you have a child?" asked Ash

"Yes," said Lucia

For a long period of time there was silence on the phone Lucia did not know what she should do.

"Lucia that is great. I would like to hear all about it when you get home," said Ash

"Ash I am not coming home. I am sorry I have made a life here. I cannot just pull Riska from the home she knows," said Lucia

"Where are you?" asked Ash

"Baton Rouge, LA," said Lucia

Once she had gotten that out she heard the phone being hung up. Lucia knew that meant he was going to be coming down. She did not mind that idea at all. Lucia finally understood what it was to have someone care about her. Lucia had thought about leaving, however she did not think that was very nice at all. She decided that she might as well wait. She had just put the baby to bed when a light knock came upon her door. Lucia went to answer the door she saw ti was Ash. She really did not know what she was supposed to do.

"Hello Ash, why are you here?" asked Lucia

"I came down here because I love you. I do not care if you have a baby that is human. I will always love you the same. You will always matter to me no matter what you do," said Ash

Lucia thought she might actually fall to the ground crying. She really didn't know what to do or even say to Ash at all. Lucia was standing in the door and Ash was still standing outside. Lucia decided that she would step aside and allow Ash into her house. Ash and Lucia sat at the table wondering what they could say. In the end though Lucia was pulled away from the table to go check in on her baby. The only thing was the baby was nowhere to be seen at all. Lucia ran back out to the kitchen to see that Ash had not moved an inch from where she had left him.

"Ash someone took Riska. I am going to go look for her. If you would please excuse me," said Lucia

"Lucia I will help you find Riska. I cannot allow you to go alone. So where do we start to look first?" asked Ash

"My dead Lucia. Don't look any farther for I have your baby," said a voice

Lucia turned around very fast to see who had said that.

"Niko where is my baby?" asked Lucia

"Who is Niko?" asked Ash

"Niko was an old friend of mine. I had met him in Bloodshed, Ma. What did you do to my baby," said Lucia

"Lucia you know as well as I do. That is not how you play the game. You have less than ten hours to find the baby before she runs out of air. You don't want to lose someone close to you again," said Niko

"Lucia what does he mean?" asked Ash

"Don't tell me you have not told your beloved about the death of your younger sister. Well you know that you could not keep it a secret with me still alive. You already knew that it would come out some day. Now that the cat is out of the box. I think I'll be leaving now," said Niko

Within matter of seconds Niko had left. Lucia had thought about falling to the ground, but she knew she had to find Riska. Lucia ran into her bedroom and packed a bag.

"Ash I will explain everything when I get back, but right now I have to find my baby. I know right were to look too. It is going to be dangerous. If you want to come with me you can," said Lucia

After that Lucia head toward the door with Ash right behind. Three and a half hours later they found themselves in front of Niko's castle. Lucia walked right in to see Niko holding Riska.

"I want you to hand over my baby," said Lucia

"Now you know I cannot do that. You came too late. I am getting a bit hunger now. I know this baby will make a perfect meal for me," said Niko

Before Lucia could say a word Niko and the baby disappeared. Lucia broke through the window and started to run through the forest. Ten hours later Lucia was finally able to find Riska. That was only because there was freshly turn dirt. Lucia start to dig through the dirt. By the time Lucia had gotten to the coffin. She found out that she was already too late. Lucia had actually looked at the side of the baby's neck was a bit mark. Now Lucia had a pretty good idea who had killed her baby.

"Ash we are going back to the castle. If you do not want to come then fine, but I can't let Niko get away with this," said Lucia

Lucia took off running toward the castle. She had allowed Niko to get away with it once she was not about to let it happen again. Six hours later Lucia found herself standing right in front of Niko.

"You will not get away with this again. You killed my younger sister and now you killed my daughter. I was disowned by my own family. I plan to give you back all the pain that you had given me," said Lucia

After that Lucia drove a stake right through Niko's cold heart. Ash had just walked through the door to see Lucia in a pile of dust. What was he supposed to do? He went over to Lucia and wrapped his arms around her. Six days later Lucia found herself sitting at her kitchen table with Ash right across from her.

"Ash I know that I would tell you about what happened. Well please understand that it's not what people think," said Lucia

"Okay," said Ash


I was only seven years old. When my sister and I took a walk through the woods. Our parents told us to be careful. Well we thought are parents where simply be over protect but we were wrong. We were stopped by Niko.                        

"Hello girls. Would you like to play a game?" asked Niko                        

"Sure,” I said                                                                                                    

He took a hold of my sister and ran off with my sister. I didn't find her until the next day and it was already too late. She had died, by not being able to get oxygen into her lung. Niko had put her in a coffin in the ground. I had spent the whole night looking for her, I was not even sure what I was supposed to tell my parent on what happened to her.


"I think you can figure out the rest," said Lucia

"Lucia why did you not tell me earlier?" asked Ash

"I thought you would be scared if I told you the truth," said Lucia

Ash looked at Lucia with sorrow in his eyes. It was like he felt bad for what Lucia had been put through. He truly did not know how he was supposed to comfort Lucia. The rest of the night Lucia sat on the edge of the bed. Lucia could not lay down because she felt like it was her fault that Riska was gone. How was she going to deal with this now? Ash was a bit worried for Lucia because she might actually stop eating all together. Six weeks this is how Lucia acted. Ash was getting worried because he was afraid that he might lose her. He also knew that he was going to have to let Lucia work on it herself. He could not help her this time. It hurt him to watch her go through all the pain. Ash left the next day planning on not coming back. Even though he knew that he probably would be back. Ash just did not know how he was supposed to deal with watching Lucia basically waster her life away. It was 1:30 am when Ash had finally come home. Just that there was something different in the house. There was like uneasiness in the house. He thought about yelling for Lucia, but he had gotten the feeling that they were not alone.

"Stop right there or we will break your darling's neck. It is so nice to see you again. We though you have been killed by Ivan," said a voice

"I would say same here Maya, but I can't see you. Ivan would have killed me if I had not gotten out as soon as I did. Now I will give you a choice either let go of Lucia or wish you had," said Ash

"Well Ash, Lucia is not going to be going anywhere because we were in the middle for getting to know each other. Then I thought I might as well kill you and make Lucia watch. Basically to repay Ivan for turning me into a total freak," said Maya

Ash turn on the light to see what Maya meant. Half her face had a very ugly scars and the other have was pale. Ash so no big different, however he thought about how the world thought about the face then he knew.

"Maybe I will kill Lucia after all. Just for the fun of watching you be in pain," said Maya

"No Maya if you want to kill me. Just leave Lucia alone. She has no part of what my family has done to you. So let her go. She is not the one you want to kill," said Ash

"So true," said Maya

Maya throw Lucia to the ground and then started to attack Ash. From a distance Lucia could hear Ash screaming out in pain. She want it to stop, but Lucia could not pull through the darkness. After sixteen hours Ash finally left for dead. Lucia woke up to see that Ash was finally left for dead. Lucia woke up to see that Ash was badly hurt. Lucia ran over to Ash a broke down crying.

"Ash please come back to me. You can't die on me. You just can't," said Lucia

Lucia didn't see Ash moving at all. Now this made her worry because there was movement with Ash. She was about to walk away when Ash gasped.

"Ash you're really alive?" asked Lucia

"Lucia I am not going to be that easy to get rid of. I think I should explain about Maya," said Ash

"Only if you want to," said Lucia

"You told me a lot about your past at least I can do is share with you," said Ash

Lucia sat down beside Ash. Really hoping that Ash would not try to explain his past when he was in so much pain. Lucia knew ash enough to know he was going to try no matter what she might say. Lucky for Lucia had a plan, but before she could put it into play Ash started.


I was only six years old when my brother Ivan was dating a very good looking girl .Ivan and Maya had been dating for seven years. Maya was just about to walk into her house when a werewolf had come across her. He had destroyed Maya's face. Ivan found her three days after the attack. She was very close to death. Ivan decided that the best way to save her was to make her a vampire. Little did he know that the werewolf had done the same thing? Maya was almost killed. Just that now she is a were-vamp.


"Why was she after you?" asked Lucia

"Maya was disowned by my brother because of me. I told him that it was not safe to have a were-vamp. So she wants me to feel the pain that I had caused her," said Ash

Lucia had sat there in total shock. She really had no clue on what she was supposed to do. It was like what she thought she had turned out to be a total lie.

"Ash are you okay? Can you move?" asked Lucia

"Yeah just got some small cuts nothing big," said Ash

Lucia had helped Ash get to his feet and then she went outside. Ash knew that he should probably follow Lucia, but he knew that she need some time to be by herself. She had also almost gotten killed herself plus losing her baby girl. Ash wrote a letter to Lucia and then he decided that he was going to head out. It was about six hours before Lucia had found the letter.

Lucia, I know that I should have said goodbye to you in person. Just that I truly did not think that was the best idea at all. I have only brought pain and trouble into your life. I will not bother you anymore. I hope you live happy from now on. I left a letter from your bother in your room. Ash

Lucia truly did not get why Ash had this to her once again. She decided that she might as well get some dinner. It was midnight before Lucia finally went to her room. She really did not know if she really want to know what the letter said. Instead Lucia decided that it would probably be a good idea to actually go to sleep and worry about the letter he had left later. Lucia had actually slept for two days straight. When Lucia had finally waked back up she started to look for the letter that her brother had so call written to her.


Dear Lucia,

I know that you have probably have gotten past my death. Just that I want you to be careful around Ash. The reason why I say that is because I think that he had let Ivan get away. I had no proof of that, however deep down that is what happened. The second reason is because I killed our parents and he had been talking with him. I just know that when Ash had come out he looked pretty mad. He was whispering something about you. I understand that you might not want to believe me, but it's true. All I want you to do is be careful around Ash. I do not think that it's a good idea if you stay with him. I am not going to tell you what to do; just that I worry about you. Please take good care of yourself.

Love, Night


Lucia could not believe that her brother would actually write such a thing. She wanted to pretend that it was a lie, however she had a good feeling that it was not a lie at all. Lucia was about to leave the bedroom. When out of thin air Ivan had showed up.

"You are...How...It can't be," said Lucia

"Hello Lucia I am so glad that you are so happy to see me. Now it is time to get you ready for the wedding. We would not want to keep your husband waiting. Now please let us begin the process," said Ivan

Lucia could not believe it. She thought that the best thing for her to do was run for her life. Just that she was not sure if she would be able to make it. Lucia started to run toward the door when she was thrown across the room and hit the wall very hard.

"Lucia please do not make it any harder than it has to be. Your husband is waiting for you to get ready. Now please just do as I say and I will try to make it as painless as I can," said Ivan

Now Lucia was a little bit worried because now she knew exactly what her brother meant. How was she going to get out of this one at all? It was pretty weird for Lucia to actually to be put through all of this. Lucia then thought if she played along then maybe she would be able to get out of this. So she got dress and followed Ivan out to where Ash was waiting. They had just gotten to Ash when she realized that there was no way of getting out of it. It was the longest hour in her whole life. It seemed to Lucia that is was not possible for her to be married to Ash.  

© 2019 Elsie

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Added on August 23, 2019
Last Updated on August 23, 2019



Marblehead, MA

I love to write and I write anything and everything. I love to sing even though I am not good at it. I love to walk around everyone that I can. I love to read everything I can usually get my hands on... more..

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