![]() Lost TwiceA Chapter by ElsieA thousand years later Lucia was still walking the streets. To her surprise Ash had actually never followed her or even went after her. She had thought for sure that Ash would come looking for her, but he never did. Which Lucia thought was a great idea. Just that it was getting a bit harder on her because she had seen so much come and go that she really had no clue on what she could do anymore. She also realized that her brother had to deal with also. Lucia knew that she would have to find Ash to talk to him. Lucia had set out to look for Ash and that was if he was still living. It was two months of looking for Ash and now Lucia was about to give up if she didn't find him soon. She was just about to turn to go down a street when Lucia had caught a sight of her brother Night. Now this made her pretty mad because her brother was actually alive when she was lead to believe that he was dead. Now Lucia knew that she would find Ash. It was seven months before Lucia finally did find Ash. "Ash I am only going to ask once so listen up. Why did you lead me to believe that my brother was dead? When he is alive and walking around," said Lucia "Lucia I do not know what you're talking about. Once your brother jumped off the cliff he broke some bones and the sun finished what he had started," said Ash Now this really did make Lucia very angry because she knew that she knew that she had seen her brother. That Ash kept pretending that Night was dead. After that she decided to prove to Ash that her brother was alive. After many tries Ash started to worry about Lucia's state of mind. It was not long after that was Lucia on the run. She was not going to allow Ash to put her in jail cell where she would be safe. Once again though Lucia had found herself in the Sahara Desert. She already knew it was not a bright idea, but she didn't care. Many days Lucia had walked toward the sun, but she didn't make it far before she fell to the ground. "Brother if you're out there. I am sorry for everything. I shouldn't have said those things. I wish I could make it to the closest town, but I can't," said Lucia "Sister it is okay. I am here now. You're going to be fine. Help is on its way. Please hold on for me. Don't let go just yet. Stay with me," said Night Lucia was barely even able to open her eyes but she did tried and saw her brother was sitting right next to her before she passed out. When Lucia woke up again she found herself laying in her apartment. Ash was in a chair next to her. The first thing that pop into her head was where Night is. "Ash where's Night? Please don't tell me you left him there. Please tell me that he is just out," said Lucia Ash really had no clue on what he was supposed to do at all. So instead of answering her question he looked at the floor. Lucia knew that something was big time wrong. Just that she could not put her finger on it herself. She was about to explain what she meant. In the end though Lucia decided that she was not going to explain it, however instead show Ash what she was talking about. Lucia was just about to stand up when she realized that Ash was no longer in the room. Then she looked next to the window to see her brother Night. "Night please explain to me why Ash thinks that I have totally lost it?" asked Lucia "Lucia must die," said Night Lucia jumped off the bed just before an arrow had hit the spot where her chest use to be. Now this scared her because this was nothing like her brother at all. It only took her less than a second to realize that she was going to have to fight her brother. This did not make Lucia very happy at all. It was not a very easy thing for Lucia to do, however it was either fight her brother or she was going to get killed herself. It was not long before Lucia got out of the way and allowed Ash to finish the creature off. Once Ash finished him off he look at Lucia to see that she was crying. Ash was about to ask what was wrong with her when she darted out of the apartment. He knew that he should go after her. Just that he also knew it was probably best to allow Lucia to have some time to herself. Lucia had end up in the middle of the forest before she fell to the ground crying. "Brother I do not understand what is going on right now. Please explain," yelled Lucia "Sister I am dead. I am only here with you because I can't move on knowing you're in pain. What you fought today is a creature that is only pushing you over the edge. Please tell me what's wrong," said Night "Brother after you left our family seemed to go downhill. Father left ten months after you disappeared. Then two years later mother kicked me out," whispered Lucia "Lucia that's not what is holding me here. Tell me what is really bringing you pain," said Night "Brother I can't tell you. I wish I could, however I can't. I am sorry, but not right now. I have to go," said Lucia Lucia had pushed herself off the ground with tears streaming down her face and ran toward the road. Ash was about to get into the car when Lucia showed up. Which had really shocked him because he had really thought he was going to track down. Ash did not even have time to speak before Lucia had said something. "Ash I am not even going to lie to you. Just that would like you to allow me to live my life the way I want. I am going to disappear for a bit of time. Please don't come looking for me," said Lucia Once again Lucia had decided that it would be best just to disappear instead of trying to explain why she was doing this. When Lucia had finally stop she realized that she was standing on the same cliff that her brother had jumped off. Lucia really had no clue on what she was supposed to do anymore. It was not long after that did Lucia find herself in a jail cell. She and Ash both agreed that she was a lot safer for her this way. For a couple of months Lucia was doing a lot better than when she was out. Just that one day something had happened and Lucia had broken down crying. She had not a clue on why she was crying though. The next day Lucia was able to leave the jail cell, but only for three hours. About six years Lucia life was made up from this jail cell. When it was going to be seven years Lucia was let free. Now she had not seen her brother in a bit of time. She thought Night had finally moved on. Just that she was big time wrong. Later on that day Lucia had found herself on the cliff again. "I am sorry brother, however I can't live this way anymore," said Lucia Out of nowhere she heard a voice along with footsteps. At first she thought it was a person. The only thing was is she didn't see anyone. Then she saw the person she had heard. "Sister do not do this. It will not fix anything at all. Tell me what's wrong because I might be able to help you. I can't help you unless you tell me what's upsetting you," said Night "Brother you can't help me even if I were to tell you because it's already too late," said Lucia Within seconds Lucia found herself in front of her brother's grave. Lucia guessed that after she was kicked out her mother had given up hope on her brother ever returning home. She knew that someday she was going to have to tell her brother the truth, but she could not yet bring herself to say it yet. Three days straight Lucia had sat in front of her brother's grave just thinking about what she supposed to say to her brother. It happened on the fourth day Lucia felt like she had to tell her brother. "Brother I am sorry that I didn't tell you this sooner. I was scared that I would lose you again. I see now that I never had you in the first place. After you left I felt like you just throw away our family because you didn't need us anymore. I felt hurt by you leaving because you were always there to save me from our parents, however when you left it was my world had turn upside down. I am sorry brother for being mad at you for no good reason. Please rest in peace now," said Lucia After Lucia had finished speaking tears just started to stream down her face like they may not ever end. After a while Lucia had actually felt a hand on her shoulder. Lucia knew that she was not going to be able to look and see who was behind her. So she just kept looking at the ground. Then there came a very faint whisper in her ear. "Thank you," said Night
Lucia had just broken down crying even more. It was like she knew that she did the right thing, however it did not feel like the right thing to her. It was close to five weeks before Lucia had finally decided to stop running. The only thing she had promised herself was that she would never go back to where she had come from. Lucia though it was just best to keep running. Then it hit her, what was she going to do about Ash. Lucia knew better then to keep a person hanging. Just that she did not know if she could actually deal with seeing Ash at that moment. That only left two other things that she could do.
Ash, I already know that this is going to be hard on you, but it's what I need right now is all. I am going to keep going to different places. I hope that I will be able to find a place where I might stay at for good. I would like you to move on with your life because I do not know how long I will be. So I think it's best if you forget about everything that has happened between us. I am sorry that it has to end this way, but its better Lucia
It only took two days to actually get to Ash. Just that it took her two weeks to write it. Ash never did see Lucia again. © 2019 Elsie |
Added on August 12, 2019 Last Updated on August 23, 2019 Author![]() ElsieMarblehead, MAAboutI love to write and I write anything and everything. I love to sing even though I am not good at it. I love to walk around everyone that I can. I love to read everything I can usually get my hands on... more..Writing