![]() BrotherA Chapter by ElsieSixteen years had gone by and Lucia was living a very happily. Just that she wondered what had ever happened to Ash and Night. In the same sense she really didn't care. Lucia never did fall back in love. It was like Ash had taken that ability away from her. She honestly really did not care for at least a bit of time. To her it was one less problem that she could have to deal with. She was about to get off the bus when she realized that she had gotten on the wrong bus in the first place. Now this worried her a bit, but it wouldn't hurt to take a look around her old place. Lucia got off the bus and went into her apartment. It looked exactly the same as it did the day she left it. Just that something was big time different she just couldn't put her finger on exactly what though. Lucia walked into her bedroom to see that there was a letter on her bed. Dear Lucia, I am not sure if you'll ever get this letter, but that is something I will leave up to face. I love you Lucia and it kills me to have to let you go, however it is the choice you have made. I will forever remember you as the love of my life who saved me. A lot of things have changed since you have left. Just that I am dealing with it. I hope you are living happily. Ash Lucia couldn't believe that Ash would actually say such a thing. Tears had already started to run down her face. Lucia knew that she had to get out of the house very fast. An hour later Lucia was back on the right bus and heading home. Just that there was something missing at that moment she had no clue. Later on that night it had hit her hard on what she was missing. It was like someone took a piece of her heart away from her. Now she already knew how she could get it back. Just that she didn't know if she was ready to take that chance. Once at home Lucia fell to the ground and started to cry. It was like someone had opened a box that she had thought she had locked up a long time ago. Then a knock came upon her door. She didn't really like the idea of having to answer the door, however she couldn't be rude. She went to answer the door, the person who was at the door shocked her. "How did you find me? Why are you here? Did you or did you not listen to my last note? I thought I left you in the past behind me," said Lucia "I only found you because I have been following you for a bit of time. I came here not to make small talk, but to save my brother's life. I know that Ash needs you. Lucia please come back with me. Your Ash's only hope of life again. He has become so weak that he can't even feed. I thought it would pass, but it didn't pass instead it just got worse. To the point that he is not eating anymore not evening wanting to get out of his own way. Ash needs you Lucia a lot more then you could possibly think. I am not asking a whole lot from you," said Night That was when she closed the door. She couldn't believe she was actually going to allow Ash to die just because she had lost family to Ash's family. She already knew that she was probably being the worst person to ever be alive for not helping Ash. She knew if she helped him than she might not be able to run away again. Lucia slept very poorly that night. She just couldn't help yet she blamed herself for the way Ash was living now. After about three days of this, she decided that it was probably best to help Ash instead of not helping him. Now Lucia had to figure out how she was supposed to get a hold of Night. She thought that the best place to start was her old apartment. It was not long before she was standing in front of her apartment. She opened the door to see that Night was there. "Night bring me to Ash," said Lucia Night knew by the look on her face that she meant that and there was no way around it. He took her to Ash. Night knew that he probably should have warned Lucia how he looked. She had thought about looking away, nevertheless she figured if she couldn't stand to seeing him like this then how is she going to save him? Lucia decided that she was going to have to look past that and help Ash. Lucia feed Ash what she could. After that all she could do was hope he would be okay. It was close to a week before Ash had actually started to look like himself. For two months Lucia sat next to Ash hoping he would come out of what seemed like a coma. Now Lucia was getting worried because she really didn't think Ash would make it. It was two in the morning when she saw that Ash was eating something. Lucia decided that she might as well get a little bit of sleep. When morning came she woke up to find that no one was there. She started to look around for any clues that might tell her where they might be, but the only thing she found was a letter. Dear Lucia, I am sorry to tell you this, but Ash has taken off. I have no clue on where he might be. I am sorry to have left you without saying goodbye. I just can't let my brother be out in the world alone. I will explain everything once we get back. Night Now Lucia had no clue on what she was supposed to do. She already knew one thing that she wasn't going to hang around this place at all. Lucia once again got on an airplane heading home. She really had no clue what she was going to do with her life at all. It was not very long before she found herself lying on her bed. She was pretty shocked, but also very happy. That night she had not gotten much sleep. This had gone for a bit of time. In the end she had actually came down with a very bad cold simply cause her body was not able to fight off anything. It was not to long after that did Night and Ash show up; Ash was worried. It was six weeks later that Lucia started to pull through her cold. "Ash why are you here? Night where did you find Ash?" asked Lucia "I came because I need to talk to you," said Ash Now Lucia was at a total loss on what to say to what they were saying. Instead she just sat there in total shock. "Lucia I know this is probably rude to ask, but what happened to your brother?" asked Ash "I don't know what happened to him. All I do know is that he was missing the next morning. I never knew what really happened to him. My parents say that he was killed, but I am not sure that is totally true," said Lucia "Do you remember anything? Like something that only your brother would know?" ask Ash "Yes," said Lucia We won't say goodbye because we know that we will see each other again. We will say... Until we meet again because we already know that it's not going to be long until we meet again. Farewell my sister... Farewell my brother until the moon rises again Lucia couldn't believe what she just heard, or what she was seeing. That would mean that Night was her brother, which scared her. All she knew for so long was that her brother might be missing or worse dead. "Luke is that really you brother?" asked Lucia "Alexander it been so long since I lase seen you," said Night "Luke my name is Lucia. I changed it because I really never liked the name Alexander. Along with it remained me too much of the dreadful past I had," said Lucia "Lucia I grew up knowing my name as Night. I am sorry that I didn't come find you sooner. How have you been?" asked Night Instead of answering Night's question Lucia had looked around to see that Ash was nowhere to be found. This really worried her because she had no clue on where he would have gotten off too. Lucia got off the bed and ran for the door. She felt like a little girl again. It was like watching her father walk out the door and never coming home. Lucia actually fell right in front of the door. Night had no clue what was happening that would cause such a reaction from her. He stood there totally helpless. Night wanted to find out what was wrong with his sister. "Sis what is wrong?" asked Night "Night don't call me that. You weren't there for me when our father left us. You weren't there to save me when mother kicked me our," said Lucia Now Night had no clue on how he was suppose to respond to what she had said. Instead he had decided that it was best if he found Ash and just never showed his face again. It was hard to find Ash. Night told Ash that Lucia needed him. That was all Night had told Ash before he disappeared again. Ash really had no clue why Night had left so fast. Ash thought about going after him, but he knew that he should check in with Lucia before he went out to find where Night had disappeared. Ash found Lucia in the middle of the living room floor crying. Just that he had no clue on why she was crying. "Lucia why did you change your name," asked Ash "You won't understand because you don't know my past. You won't understand no matter what," said Lucia "Lucia than explain to me. Give me a chance. Let me decide rather I understand or not," said Ash "Well I guess it's worth a shot," said Lucia It was a summer's night when the trouble began. My mom and dad were fighting about my brother Luke and where he would be going to school. My brother had already fallen asleep. So I was the only one awake. I cannot tell you what time I fell asleep. What I do remember is as I was falling asleep I had felt Luke getting out of bed. I was just too tired to even ask what he was up to or going. The next morning I woke up to my mom screaming. I had ran down to find out what mom was screaming about. It was not long after that did dad actually wake up. I found out later that my brother had run away. At first dad was with us. After ten months he just decided to leave. Mom and I could have gone with dad. Just that mom would not leave in case Luke had come home. Two years later I was kicked out because my mom could not stand to look at me anymore. I had lost everything I had and my name just kept reminding me of what I had lost. So it took me awhile to actually find a name that I was willing to have. "Now that you know everything about my past. I want you to explain why that helps you. Don't try to lie to me either," said Lucia "Lucia that helps in so many different ways that it would take a bit of time to explain. I would love to take the time to explain, but we don't have that kind of time. I know Night very well and he might do something dumb," said Ash Lucia knew that Ash was talking about so she didn't even argue, but got her coat on. It was about fifteen hours later when they finally found Night. What had got them both was he was sitting on the cliff waiting for something/someone. "Night I am sorry for what I said. I was very upset earlier. After you left everything basically went downhill. It was like you where there holding the family together. Now that I found you again I really do not think I could stand losing you too. Night I can't lose you," said Lucia "Sis I am sorry, but I do not think that you truly know what I have done. I don't even think that you would be able to ever forgive me ever. It is better this way. Sorry sis just that it's time to leave this world. My number is up, but at least I am going to be leaving with happy thoughts. I am glad that I at least got to see my sister one last time. Sis I want you to have this letter. It's a letter that I wrote to you before I became the monster. Good-bye sis," said Night Two seconds later Night stepped off the cliff. Lucia tried to run forward and jump with Night, but Ash just would not allow Lucia to do that. "Ash let me go. Please allow me to follow my brother. Please Ash," wailed Lucia "Lucia I know that you're not going to like this expiation, but oh well. I am not going to let you follow in your brother footsteps because he would not like you to end up like him. I know that you're upset right now. I have lost Scarlet my sister to my own family. I am also going through how you feel. I am going to take you home. I am also going to watch you because I want to make sure you'll be safe this time. I'll explain it when you are in a better mind set," said Ash It was not very long before they had gotten back to Lucia's apartment. Once there Ash had put her to bed just sat there watching her sleep. He knew that he could not leave her because she had just lost her brother. He knew that Lucia would be seeing a lot of him then she might like, however it was safer this way. Ash had picked up a few things up at the store after he had made sure that Lucia was actually sleeping and not fake sleeping. Ash could already tell that he was going to be coming back this time. Ash already knew that it was going to be hard on Lucia. He did not think that it would affect him. When Lucia woke up the next day and started to look around for Night. When Lucia could only find Ash she started to worry. "Ash where is Night? Did he just leave to get something? If so Ash when would he be coming back," said Lucia "Lucia, Night is gone. You saw him kill himself the other day. So he will not ever be coming back. I am sorry," said Ash She just ended up falling to the ground crying. It was like she had just gotten slapped. How was she suppose to deal with this? Four hours straight she cried it was like she didn't want to believe it at all. Ash was right about what he thought. About ten weeks Lucia had refused to eat very much. It was like she though by not eating very much would bring her brother back. By now Ash was really worried about Lucia. He had thought if he could not get her to eat something that day then he was going to get her help. Just that he did finally get her to eat something even though he knew it was not very much at all. It was a lot better than nothing at all. It was rough for Ash to see Lucia at the state she was was, but he could not just leave her be. He decided that he would sit outside her door just in case she need anything. Once Ash was out of sight Lucia had taken the letter out of her nightstand. She had gotten it from her brother before he jumped. Dear sister, If you have gotten this letter than you already know that I ran away. I had no choice. It was either me or my family. I just could not allow them to kill my family. Well it was not from the kids at school. It was a vampire family that had beaten me up. They gave me three moons to figure out what I would do. I left that night for you sister. I did not want them to kill my family. I never once did forget about you sister. I thought about going back home and seeing you every day. Just that I couldn't face you or anyone with what I had become myself. They said I would become one of them and they would leave my family alone. I have become a monster dad and mom were killed by my hands. After that I could not even stand myself. That is why I never did go after you to find you. I thought if I could not forgive myself how was I supposed to ask you to forgive me. I thought it was best if I disappeared. That's why I went to the desert. I thought you and my girlfriend was safe this way. Sister all I am going to ask you is please take good care of yourself. No matter what might happen to me I would like you to live happy. Love, Luke (Night) When Lucia finished reading the letter she didn't know if she should cry or laugh. Now she understood why her brother had did what he did. Just that it didn't make the lost any easier on her. She really had no clue on what she had to do. It was like everything she thought was a myth turned out not to be. The only thing that Lucia wanted was to get rid of Ash so then she would be able to have some alone time to think, about a few things without warning Ash would walk into her house. Just now she had to figure out how she was supposed to get rid of Ash. Then it hit her that all she really needed to do was pretend she was okay now. Lucia went to her door to talk to Ash. "Ash, I am fine now. So you can go now. Thank you for helping me through the loss of my brother. Just that I think that I need a bit of time alone," Lucia said "Sure," said Ash Ash got up and left even though he did not think that was the best idea, however it was what she wanted. He left just like she had asked him to. Lucia was glad that Ash had done what she had asked of him. Now the only thing that she would need to do is find some vampire that would either turn her or kill her. She knew that if Ash knew what she had planned to do then he would not allow her out of his eye sight. It was really easy to find a place she remembered about a place called Bloodshed, Ma. Now it is a huge prison that keeps the outbreak would not spread any farther than it had. Six hours later Lucia found herself standing at the gates. Lucky for her she got in really easy. For five weeks Lucia was in there and she was already close to death. Ash had become very worried so he decided to look for her. To his surprise Bloodshed had allowed some person through their gates. Right away Ash knew who it was. He was able to get into Bloodshed. It did not take him long to find Lucia. She was laying in the middle of the floor of a jail cell. When he got closer he realized that she was slowly dying. He could tell that she had enough strength to at least talk to him. "Lucia I am going to ask you an important question. Do you want me to turn you? If I do you will have to live with your choice for the rest of you life. Are you ready?" asked Ash "Ash I understand everything about being turned, but let me die. I can't go on knowing that my brother is not alive," said Lucia After that Lucia past out. Ash knew that this would be going against what she had said, but he couldn't let her die. That would be breaking a promise he had with Night. Ash picked up Lucia and walked right out of Bloodshed, Ma. He walked into a cave and turned her. He knew it would be at least two days before she would wake up again. Just that through the whole time Ash was hoping Lucia would be turned. This was only the second time that he had tried. Four days later Lucia finally woke up. "Ash please tell me that I am not a vamp. If I am would that not be going against vamp rules? Do not lie to me either because I know the rules," said Lucia "Lucia you are a vamp. I know that I broke vamp laws. Just that I thought it was better to break vamp laws. Then breaking a promise I have made to your brother. I am sorry that I did not listen to what you said," said Ash "Ash all I can say right now is that I can't be around you. I am sorry, but I need to be alone right now. Don't bother trying to follow me. I will find you Ash when I am able to talk to you again. Thank you for trying to help me," said Lucia In the next moment Lucia had disappeared. Ash allowed Lucia to leave because he already knew that she was mad at him for what he had done.
© 2019 Elsie |
Added on August 5, 2019 Last Updated on August 23, 2019 Author![]() ElsieMarblehead, MAAboutI love to write and I write anything and everything. I love to sing even though I am not good at it. I love to walk around everyone that I can. I love to read everything I can usually get my hands on... more..Writing