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Lucia was out walking on a beautiful night. She had thought nothing could go wrong. She had just made it out of work and was heading home when one of her friends had stepped out of nowhere. Now this scared her a bit because Lucia's friend was not acting like herself.
"Dove what is wrong? This is not like you at all. What happened to you?" asked Lucia "I am really sorry. I had no other choice. Please forgive me," said Dove Lucia was just about to ask a question when she heard something that had hit the wall. She looked behind her just in time to see a person. Lucia then decided to dart home. She looked at her friend one last time when she ran. She had not looked back once. It was was like her best friend had turned her back. Lucia was very hurt by that. The rest of that evening Lucia refused to leave her house. Than the phone rang and now Lucia was a little worried about answering it. "Hello? May I ask who's calling?" asked Lucia "Lucia I am so sorry about the other day. I would like to talk to you as soon as possibly. Please sooner than...," said Dove The next thing Lucia hard was Dove yelling. Lucia hung up the phone and ran out of her house. She didn't even bother to lock the door. It was not very long before Lucia was standing over Dove's body. "Lucia take this and leave because they will be back soon enough. Now go," said Dove Now Lucia had no clue on what she was going to do. She took the note and left Dove laying on the floor. Lucia decided that she would not stop running until she had actually made it home. Lucia wanted to know what her friend had meant, however she was a bit scared too. Lucia dropped that paper in her backpack with a few other things. The next morning when she had walked past Dove's apartment building she saw a whole lot of police and many other people. Lucia was going to continue to walk on when she saw two people carrying out a body bag. Right than she knew who was in that body bag. She knew that now she had to keep moving. She than got stopped by a police officer. "I am Officer Thin. I was hoping I could speak to you for a moment," said Officer Thin "Sure," said Lucia Lucia was taken down to the police station to answer many questions. Once she was able to leave she did. Two weeks after that Lucia would work over time. When the third week had began she had decided to look at the newspaper. To her surprise the case for Dove's killer was closed. Now this made Lucia pretty mad. She decided that she was going to take the case into her own hands. She went back to Dove's house to see if she could find anything that might help her find out her friends killer. It was not long before Lucia found something. She had open the phone book to find only one phone number. The only thing was it was a cell phone number, but no name. She knew that she had to find out the person that owned the cell phone. Two weeks Lucia looked for the person. It was the begin of the third week when she had finally had a lead on who the person was. Now this made her very happy because she could be able to find the killer. Now all she needed was an address. That would be a little bit easier. It didn't take much time at all. Lucia go the address and then head off to the person's home. To her surprise it was a castle that he lived in. Lucia knocked on the door. Within seconds the door was opened. "We have been expecting you. Come this way, but don't touch anything," he said She followed him to another room. This time it was two people plus a watchman. Now Lucia thought that it might be a good idea to go home. Just that she didn't know which way to go. "Hello Lucia. I am only going to say this once so please listen. My name is Ivan. I am going to say that I am really sorry about your friend, but don't take this into your own hands any further because you just might find out things you did not want to know. Plus you might just end up dead," said Ivan Lucia just stood there in total shock like she didn't believe what she had just heard. "Well Ivan I am sorry to be the one to tell you this, but I am not going to stop until my friend's killer is put away behind bars. Then I will actually stop. Until than I am going to keep looking. Now have a good day," said Lucia Ivan raised his hand and Lucia was circled by the watchman not long after that did she pass out. This really scared her, but she couldn't do anything to stop them. When she woke up she saw that she was in a desert. Lucia didn't even see anything that might help her. She started to walk North, she knew that she need to find shelter for the night, but she wanted to keep moving. Even though it was only half a day when she had started walking it felt like a hundred degrees out. She knew that hse was not going to make it, but she would not give up the easily. It was around noon the next day when Lucia past out from lack of water. Luckily for her though someone had come across her. It wasn't long before she was put on the back of a camel. It was two weeks before Lucia woke up for more than a few minutes. When she did come through she had a huge headache. "Drink this," said a voice Without even thinking she took the canteen and took a very long drink. Then Lucia came back to the real world and gave the canteen back to the person. "I am so sorry, but I would like to know your name," said Lucia "I would also like to thank you and than be on my way." "My name is Ash. I found you past out in the sand. If you don't mind me asking why are you in the Sahara Desert? Better yet why are you here without food or water?" asked Ash "Thank you for helping me, Ash, but I must get going now. Am I really in the Sahara Desert? Wait please don't answer that. I must be on my way," said Lucia Just when she tried to get up she fell back down. Now Ash was trying his hardest not to laugh. Ash got up and left the shelter that he managed to build. Lucia really didn't know what was going on with her at all. She reached into her pocket to find that she still had the paper Dove had given her. She was a little bit scared to read it, however she knew that it might hold important information and explain what was going on. Dear Lucia, If you are reading this then it means something bad has happened to me. I am really sorry about what I did earlier. I didn't mean any harm to come to you, but I was going to get killed if I didn't. I saved you though because they are not afraid to kill people. They never get caught for anything because they can get away with anything. Please don't do anything to upset them because they will get you back very badly. Do everything in your power to stay away from this family. If you don't than be careful I don't want any harm to come to you. This family is not human; I don't know what they are. I shouldn't tell you anymore because I already told you too much. If you get caught by this powerful family than find two man. Their names are Ash and Night they can help you. They are part of the powerful family, however they don't agree with what their family is doing. Just be careful on what you tell them. Before I was killed I had been looking for Night to let him know that I had become pregnant with our child. Just that his family had gotten to me before I could find Night. Lucia if you could tell Night about my pregnancy then that will be helpful to me. The only person who knows where Night would be is his sister Scarlet. Just that I have no clue what place that you could find Scarlet. Ash might know where she could be found. Just don't tell Scarlet about my pregnancy simply because she doesn't need to know. I have heard that you need to be very tough on her to get her to do or say anything. Please do this as my last wish. It would be very helpful for me. Thanks for everything. Dove Lucia knew now that Dove had done for her. How was she going to get Ash to tell her where his sister is? She now knew that Ash was no human. The only last two creatures she could think of were vampires and werewolves. The thing is Lucia didn't want to jump to thinking something is true when she had no positive evidence that shows that the family is werewolves or vampires. Plus vampires and werewolves are mythical creatures. How could she tell Ash what she was thinking? Then Lucia saw Ash had actually came back to the shelter. "Ash I am going to ask you something and I want you to be honest with me. Do you know where I can find Scarlet your sister," asked Lucia "Yes I do know where my sister is. She's the only one that has helped keep me alive all these years. I just don't know if she will actually talk to you, however it's worth a shot," said Ash Lucia was really shocked that Ash was really going to help her. The next day Ash and Lucia took off to go find Scarlet. It was about two weeks before they had actually stopped. Now they were in the middle of nowhere. They had just gotten off the camel when Ash saw his sister appear out of thin air. "Scarlet I am really sorry that I am just dropping by without giving you a heads up. Just that Lucia need to badly talk to you," said Ash "Ash you know that you're not supposed to bring humans to me, but instead you go against what I said once again. What do you need Lucia?" asked Scarlet "Well I need to know where Night is. Please don't lie to me either. I have important news to tell him about," said Lucia "Lucia you know what you want which is very good. I will do exactly what you have asked. Tonight we are going to ride out to get Night, nevertheless you are going to get some rest. Ash, I want you to stand guard and I'll be back tomorrow morning," said Scarlet Lucia thought it was probably was a good idea to actually go to bed. It felt like she had only got four and a half hours of sleep before she was waken up to talk to Night. "Night I would like to talk to you alone. I am really thankful for you hard work Scarlet. Thank you Ash for bring me to Scarlet. If you two don't mind I would like to talk to Night alone," said Lucia Ash and Scarlet both looked at Night to make sure that it was what he wanted. They did not care that Lucia had asked them to leave they wanted to get the okay from him. It only took two seconds before Lucia and Night were alone. "Now Lucia tell me what is so important," said Night "Night I do not know if you'll know her by this name. I am taking a shot in the dark. My friend Dove was killed over two months ago. Before she was finished off she had handed me a piece of paper. I had not dared read it until now. Dove wanted you to know she was carrying your child. She couldn't tell you in person because she couldn't find you, I guess," said Lucia Night just stood there in total shock. It was like he didn't know what to say about what he had just heard. Lucia thought it was probably best to get Ash or Scarlet over where they were so that they would hear the rest. It was not long before they both were standing next to Night. "Ash, Night, Scarlet I want you to be honest with me. Are you vamps or werewolves?" Lucia asked Out of nowhere Night, Ash, and Lucia all had guns pointed at their heads. Now she was not scared until she saw Ivan. "Thank you Scarlet for all your help, you have been given a task which you failed. Shot her as for the rest of them they can come. I'll keep them alive for the mean time," said Ivan Lucia was shocked that Scarlet had played a part in all of this. It was about two days before they had landed in the United States. Just that one thing that she had asked had yet to be answered. She figured now that they were captured it didn't really matter. Ash looked pretty mad. Night was still in shock. There was only one thing she thought she could do. Once they had stopped and they were thrown into a dungeon. "Ivan is there anything I can help you with? What are you going to do with us? We are only humans so if we are dead. What about the bodies. Could you sleep knowing you allowed yourself to kill five innocent people? Please answer me," said Lucia "Well Lucia I have only killed one person today, but millions have crossed my path and never crossed me again. You have it all wrong. Night and Ash are not very innocent people in the world. Well I'll only have to take care of one body which won't be too hard," said Ivan Lucia stood there watching Ivan had just said to her? Then it hit that Night and Ash were not human at all. How was she going to ask the question without sounding suspicious? Just that it was another shot in the dark. To Lucia, she felt like she had been taking a lot of those these days. "Lucia why did you find me?" asked Night "Yea why were you in the desert?" asked Ash "Night I had to do something for my friend Dove. Since she had done so much for me. It was the least I could do for her. The answer to your question Ash is Ivan's guards are the ones who dropped me off in the desert. It was only because I would not stop until Dove's killer was behind bars," said Lucia "Lucia I am sorry, but I have to tell you this. We are not human. We are vampires. Our family thinks that they can use people's fear against them to keep them quiet. Night and Scarlet both agreed with me that we should allow people to know and let them be fearful of us if they wanted to," said Ash "But not to rule them because of their fear." Now this scared her a bit because she didn't know what to say to that at all. Lucia was about to scream for help, but how was she going to get Night and Ash to go along with the idea. She knew that she needed to take that chance. "Somebody help me. I am going through a terrifying change. I don't know what's happening to me. Please come fast," yelled Lucia Three guards came running. Now Lucia was hoping Night and Ash would know what to do. To her surprise they knew exactly what she planed not very long after that did they managed to get to the airport. Some dumb reason they all found themselves back in the Sahara Desert. Just that it seemed like the safest place for them for the time being. Lucia, Night and Ash were sitting on the ground around what they could be called a camp fire. They all sat there for a long time without saying a word. "Ash I have something to tell you. Lucia I would like you to stay though. Ash I was dating a human girl. I left after being with her for seven years. Our family had found out. They were going to kill Dove because she was human. I left for her safety. I thought they only knew I was dating a human, but I guess I was wrong. The family found her and killed her," said Night Lucia really had no clue on what to say at all. Than Ash started to talk. "Night our family only knew about Dove because our family set Scarlet to follow you one night. I thought Scarlet had kept it to herself, but I guess I was wrong," said Ash Now Lucia was very upset and started to run. She decided that she was going to keep moving until she had passed out in the sand. Lucia hoped that just maybe she would be able to forget about everything. It was not long before she fell over a rock. When Lucia opened her eyes again she saw Ash was sitting right next to her. "What do you want? If it wasn't because of you my friend might still be alive today, but instead she fell in love with your brother Night. I don't like either one of you or your family. I think that you guys should have left me behind so then I could die. It would have been a lot better than here with you guys," said Lucia "Lucia I am sorry that you feel that way about our family. I know that I should have tired to stop them. I know that I probably will never forgive myself for what happen to your friend, but don't blame yourself though. Don't ever say you would have been a lot better off dead then with us. I only say that because I love you. I would do anything to make sure that no harm comes to you. I would like you to go back with me. That will only be when you're ready to though," said Ash Lucia just stood there in total shock and didn't know what to say at all. It was like her brain just shut down on her. A bit of time she had just sat there in total stillness. It was not long after that did Ash come over and sit right next to her. It was not only seconds later did she start to cry. Ash really had no clue on how he was supposed to deal with a person crying. Ash though about what he had seen humans do when their child were crying. The only thing that had came to mind was hold her. He didn't really know if he should or not, but he was going to take the chance. To his surprise Lucia had actually allowed him to hold her. Ash took that as a sign of trust. They must have sat there like that for hours. "Ash I am ready to go back and meet up with Night now. I have something I would like you both of you to hear," said Lucia Ash helped Lucia get up and they had started to walk back to the place that Night was sitting. It was early morning by the time Ash and Lucia had gotten back to camp. The only thing that Lucia was thinking about was going to bed. Lucia didn't bother to tell them, instead went to bed. When she got up she saw that both Ash and Night were gone. Lucia dropped off the letter for Ash and Night then head out. It was not long before Night and Ash had gotten back. Ash was the first one to see Lucia was gone. Night was the one that saw the letter. Dear Night and Ash, I am sorry that I left you both without saying a single goodbye, but its better that way. The reason I ran off last night was because I had lost my family to your family. I can't allow your family to get away from me. I just need you both to keep each other safe. I am going to stop your family. I can't allow your family to get away with this anymore. They have already taken too much away from me. I don't know if I will make it back alive or not. Just please don't lose faith and turn into what your family is. You are both good people. Ash I like you very much and that is why I need to do this. Night take care of Ash for me. Thank you both for all your help. Lucia Ash couldn't believe it neither could Night. The rest of the day Ash and Night went out looking for Lucia. It was two days later when they found her. Ash neither Night said a word instead they followed her. At the end of the day Lucia had end up in the castle. "So I see you're still alive," said Ivan "Ivan I have come back. This time it's not for fun and games, but revenge. You killed my friend; you killed my family, and then tried to kill me. Well I am here to repay the favor you gave me so long ago," said Lucia "No you won't Lucia because we are going to help you," said Ash Out of nowhere Ash and Night appeared right next to Lucia. Now Ivan had a plan, but he knew that it might not work. It was two minutes later when the fight had actually started. The bad thing was that Lucia had to fight against Night and Ash. Within seconds Ash and Night turn around and started to attack their own family. Lucia covered her eyes, but that didn't block out the noise. After two minutes of this Lucia left the room. It was basically tow hours later when Night came out of the room, but Ash didn't come out with him. Lucia didn't want to believe that Ash was dead. That was the last thing she wanted to have happen. Just that when she looked at Night and she knew it wasn't good. "Lucia I am sorry to tell you this, but Ash is going to live, just that he needs a few drops of your blood," said Night Now Lucia thought about running away, however she couldn't do such a thing to Ash. She ran into the room and gave a few drops of blood. She let Night and Ash stay at a place. She knew now that she couldn't face Ash ever again. Lucia went over and left the letter on their door step. Then she head to the train station. That was the last time she had planned to see Ash. It was about another hour before Ash had actually gotten the letter. Dear Ash, I am sorry that I left you again. Just that I thought it was best if I left so then I would not cause you or Night anymore pain than I have already. Please don't take this personal, however I always love you Ash. Just that I think it's best if you forget about me. Lucia Ash couldn't believe it. That Lucia would actually say such a thing in a letter. He knew that he head to do as she asked him. He would do as she asked for now.
© 2019 ElsieAuthor's Note
Added on June 2, 2016 Last Updated on August 5, 2019 Author![]() ElsieMarblehead, MAAboutI love to write and I write anything and everything. I love to sing even though I am not good at it. I love to walk around everyone that I can. I love to read everything I can usually get my hands on... more..Writing