Each growl and grumble as quaking as my hunger,
This thirst as deep as the slugs lodged in my chest.
A lust as sure as my grip reaching for your neck.
This ache quivers not with each passing hour,
I will wish for your heart, organs, fleshy fat until your lungs give out,
For, mine no longer matter.
I beg for your bones to gnaw on.
Pearlescent white wrapped in sinewy tissue
Delicate and fragile, edible at most.
I hope nothing more than to crack, crunch, snap until marrow spills.
Please don't turn aghast at me.
My rib cage peeks out from my skin,
Grave moss and lichen blooms along my embarrassed, modest skeleton.
Your champions, heroes, 'friends' have left you,
I, steadfast.
I will be with you always, we're alone here, you and me.
An embrace is all it takes to bond us forever,
Just let me rip out your neck.
Such soft skin you have,
What a consistency in my jaws.