![]() The ChoiceA Poem by patrickdoromali was asked to paint a picture of everything that's happening i'm not a good painter though, so i'll just try writing. i write it as i see it, i say it as i feel it. this is what's happening, no holds barred, no gift wrapping.
to be honest, i'm confused and a whole lot frustrated i am angry, i am mad i am pissed off and sad about the world we'll inherit from all of our dads with smog covered skies, and kids sleeping with flies our world is clearly messed up and shallow it's a truth that most accept and many just swallow.
we go around our daily lives, intentionally oblivious to the fact that others barely survive we get up on mornings and sleep tight at night waiting for christmas trees to do what is right
what's happened to all of us? we've lost our humanity to a society that's becoming too proprietary we've become indifferent and numb acting like we know everything when we're actually dumb all struggling to climb the ladder without thinking twice if its even worth it, to lose one's self just for profit.
and then i realize, that i too am no different i'm just like you only creatively complaining calling for change doing nothing, just waiting.
and so i look at those who are different, to those with hearts of gold and noble intentions to those who go against all conventions to those who respond with actions not questions.
i turn to these odd interesting people whose eyes show a new society - a community where each one radiates love for humanity.
they who think that to practice love is to find reason to care for one another no matter what the season
and now i ponder, lost in a trail of thought as to why we complain while they have fought
through their new eyes i tell you we all have the power to renew to care and share and actually do.
we can all be the action of our voice all we have to do is make the choice. © 2012 patrickdoromalReviews