Life = Death - volume 1 - Poems on Life , Death

Life = Death - volume 1 - Poems on Life , Death

A Poem by Nikhil Parekh

This Book which has 50 differently titled Poems , is actually volume 1 of the Book titled – Life = Death – Poems on Life , Death ( 1200 pages ) .


[ Note - Currently I seek a traditional publisher for the publication of my above mentioned Book , in the Print form . Published here ; is this Poetry Collection of mine in its entirety , alongwith the differently titled Poems contained in the Book . As of the present moment ; 47 of my Books are available for purchase in the eBook format from Kindle Store United States at - . My style of Poetry / literature is unique and has never ever been written before or experimented on the mortal planet by any mortal , though my Poetry / literature is normal and natural . GOD'S grace on me . i am nothing infront of GOD . i am nothing infront of GOD'S holy messengers . So any victorious publisher who may want to publish my Poetry in Paperback without Financial Expenditure to me , can directly communicate with me at the address , [email protected] or [email protected] ] . I am Nikhil Parekh , ( born 27 August , 1977 ) , poet and author from Ahmedabad , India . I am also a 10 - Time National Record holder for my Poetry with the Limca Book of Records India , - which is India's Best Book of Records , Ranked 2nd in the World officially to Guinness Book of World Records . You can visit me at - ; to browse my Poetry on GOD , Peace , Love , Anti Terrorism , Friendship , Life , Death , Environment, Wildlife , Mother , Father , Children , Parenthood , Humanity , Social Cause , Women empowerment , Poverty , Lovers , Brotherhood - at this website you can also browse my varied Books , my awards and my National records in Poetry .

Copyright © by Nikhil Parekh

All rights reserved. No Part of this book publications may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, Electronic, Mechanical, Photocopying, Recording, Print or otherwise, without prior permission of Copyright owner and Author, Nikhil Parekh.

About The Poetry Book

This enigmatic collection of poems explores and equates the boundless possibilities of life and death and delves into each intricate inexplicability of survival. Parekh's roving philosophical eye brings the unconquerable richness of life to the fore and yet at the same time explicitly highlights the veracity of 'death' as the absolute certainty of every existence. The poet joyously celebrates the occasions of both life and death with equal panache in each poetic stanza sewn with the uncanny mysteries of this Universe. The poems within immortalize both life and death as the ultimate victories and the two most contrastingly amazing and divine sides of creation. Catapulting the reader to the threshold of ultimate ecstasy; they bring about an impromptu twist with the closure of breath and what lies beyond. This charismatically woven collection of poetic verse would equally enamor the narcissist as well as the simple humanitarian to the core.

This book is a humble attempt to enlighten the readers with the equality of life and death-and to live in both of them to the most unparalleled fullest. Embracing only the religion of humanity, as the Lord has commanded every living being on earth. You cant die in life and cant live in death-each of these components are irrefutably equal in every respect and should be worshipped with due obeisance.


10. LIFE WAS .
35. IDEA
43. LIFE


Smell each rose that you encountered in your life in such a way; as if there wasn’t going to be another rose ever to be born as pristine; and then feel the unconquerably true fragrance descend perpetually down your senses,

Clamber each mountain that you encountered in your life in such a way; as if there wasn’t going to be another mountain ever to be born as enchanting; and then feel the insuperably unflinching spirit of true adventure catapult you beyond the land of eternal paradise,

Overtake each impediment that you encountered in your life in such a way; as if there wasn’t going to be another impediment ever to be born as perilously demonic; and then feel the unparalleled waves of true satisfaction celestially descend down your innocuous conscience,

Admire each seawave that you encountered in your life in such a way; as if there wasn’t going to be another seawave ever to be born as romantically undulating;
and then exult in the true euphoria of tangy newness for times immemorial,

Absorb each wind that you encountered in your life in such a way; as if there wasn’t going to be another wind ever to be born as effulgently vivacious; and then feel unfathomable gorges of sensuously true exhilaration; impregnably enshroud you from all sides,

Flirt each nubile maiden that you encountered in your life in such a way; as if there wasn’t going to be another maiden ever to be born as tantalizingly inexplicable; and then feel the triumphantly true beads of voluptuous sweat; forever glisten on your blessed flesh,

Praise each humanitarian that you encountered in your life in such a way; as if there wasn’t going to be another humanitarian ever to be born as symbiotically iridescent; and then feel the spirit of peerlessly true camaraderie unassailably wrap you in the cradle of everlasting togetherness,

Eat each salubrious fruit that you encountered in your life in such a way; as if there wasn’t going to be another fruit ever to be born as scrumptiously divine; and then feel true heavenly contentment beautifully waft from the walls of your holistic stomach; as you slept,

Stare each star that you encountered in your life in such a way; as if there wasn’t going to be another start ever to be born as spectacularly opalescent; and
the feel truly optimistic enlightenment profoundly cheer up your every dreary night,

Dance with each peacock that you encountered in your life in such a way; as if there wasn’t going to be another peacock ever to be born as vividly charismatic; and then feel the true beams of unimaginably victorious color paint the obliviously vacant canvas of your despairing life,

Sing each rhythm that you encountered in your life in such a way; as if there wasn’t going to be another rhythm ever to be born as seductively mellifluous; and then feel the melody of true existence unlimitedly empower you on your every step,

Emulate each child that you encountered in your life in such a way; as if there wasn’t going to be another child ever to be born as impeccably unhindered; and then feel the true virtue of irrefutably unconquerable honesty; perpetuate every cranny of your miserably dying demeanor,

Dream each night that you encountered in your life in such a way; as if there wasn’t going to be another night ever to be born as wonderfully inebriating; and then feel the true cisterns of rapturously silken titillation; endlessly drift you towards paradise,

Chase each desire that you encountered in your life in such a way; as if there wasn’t going to be another desire ever to be born as philanthropically fructifying; and then feel even the most infinitesimally disappearing ingredient of your wastrel blood; suddenly and truly wanting to live,

Embrace each religion that you encountered in your life in such a way; as if there wasn’t going to be another religion ever to be born as blissfully bonding; and then feel the greatest of God’s bestow you for your truly unrestricted humanitarian swirl,

Embellish each moment that you encountered in you life in such a way; as if there wasn’t going to be another moment ever to be born as synergistically untainted; and then feel the wings of perennial liberation truly kissing the tyrannically monotonous fangs of your existence,

Inhale each breath that you encountered in your life in such a way; as if there wasn’t going to be another breath ever to be born as poignantly Omnipotent; and then feel the oceans of unceasingly majestic artistry truly exude from every pore of your shriveled persona,

Love each heartbeat that you encountered in your life in such a way; as if there wasn’t going to be another heartbeat ever to be born as immortally passionate; and then feel like the most pricelessly blessed and truly procreating organism alive; for an infinite more lifetimes,

And lead each day that you encountered in your life in such a way; as if there wasn’t going to be another day ever to be born as fragrantly unfettered; and then feel the pain of veritably snatching death; anytime; anywhere; wonderfully equivalent to the chapter of royally burgeoning life.


A dedication to all benign goodness in the atmosphere; the wave of philanthropic altruism which bonds one and all in the fabric of eternal mankind,

A dedication to the unflinching spirit of timeless existence; the most astounding chapter of divinely proliferation; which perennially ensured that the world never came to a veritable standstill,

A dedication to the rhapsodically cascading rivulets of water; miraculously placating even the most traumatically agonizing and brutally scorched throats,

A dedication to the panoramically crimson clouds in fathomless sky; sensuously embellishing the carpet of the majestically enchanting night,

A dedication to the infernos of irrefutably sparkling honesty; which metamorphose even the most hideously diabolical; into the mists of perpetually sacrosanct righteousness,

A dedication to the Omnipotent light of the fantastically blazing Sun; which enlightened even the most sordidly beleaguered quarters of this earth; with
the light of triumphantly blissful happiness,

A dedication to the inscrutably mesmerizing forests; which stupendously enthrall till beyond the realms of infinite infinity; unveiling into an entrenchment of bountiful beauty and grace,

A dedication to harmoniously sacred marriage; which unassailably bonds two lovers in rainbows of compassionate sharing; and for infinite more births yet to unleash,

A dedication to the celestial melody in the ebulliently rejuvenating air; which works as an Omniscient panacea; for even the most insidiously lugubrious disease sauntering and alive,

A dedication to the mischievously amiable smile of the child; which magically transformed even the most diabolically marauding; into a land of ingratiatingly beautiful paradise,

A dedication to the unfettered love of the poignantly divine mother; which was the most Omnipresent exemplification of affably gratifying love and togetherness,

A dedication to the timelessly tantalizing night; which splendidly ignited unfathomable maelstroms of ecstatic yearning; even in the most dolorously decaying entities alive,

A dedication to the magnificently perpetual vivacity of the boundless Universe; which spawned intoOmnipotently new life; every unfurling second of the day and night,

A dedication to the irrefutably resolute tenacity of all those disastrously maimed and still alive; bouncing in the full and profound euphoria of magnanimously scintillating life,

A dedication to the ideals of glorious selflessness; the ecumenically resplendent essence of One God; and an unconquerably One Humanity,

A dedication to the threads of invincible friendship; which intrepidly confronts even the most acrimoniously ghastly impediments; with an exuberantly jubilant smile,

A dedication to the ubiquitously uniting and priceless breath; which regally blessed upon every organism irrespective of caste; creed or religion; the right to be symbiotically surviving and holistically alive,

A dedication to the immortally impregnably beats of the heart; which coalesced you forever and ever and ever with the most bountifully cherishable love of your life,

A dedication to all those whom you are wonderfully acquainted with; to all those who were quintessential in inspiring you; to surge forward victoriously in vibrant life,

O! Yes Life is marvelously endowing paradise of friendship; beauty and heavenly bonding; Life is the most unfathomably precious gift from the Almighty Lord; Life is a sacred dedication.


Fertility. Is what every true brain on this fathomless Universe unrelentingly seeks; in order to blossom into the most invincibly spell binding festoon of ideas; upon which countless more generations ahead could solely run.

Fertility. Is what every true soil on this boundless Universe endlessly seeks; in order to blossom into the most robustly enamoring of fruit and food; wonderfully mollifying the preposterously emaciated stomachs of trillions thereby.

Fertility. Is what every true finger on this limitless Universe unceasingly seeks; in order to blossom into the most fructifying canvases of royally unfettered artistry; brilliantly metamorphosing even the most infinitesimal speck of robotically brutally monotony; into an unimpeachably spotless paradise; thereby.

Fertility. Is what every true sky on this untiring Universe ardently seeks; in order to blossom into the most tantalizingly rhapsodic of clouds; which perennially ensured that planet earth triumphantly bloomed with compassion and not lecherously lamenting drought.

Fertility. Is what every true ocean on this astounding Universe undyingly seeks; in order to blossom into the most quintessential frosty cisterns of salt; upon which profusely relied the taste buds of the entire resplendently living race.

Fertility. Is what every true throat on this effulgent Universe interminably seeks; in order to blossom into the most mellifluously titillating tunes of togetherness; to which every cranny of this remorsefully manipulative planet today; danced in uninhibitedly vivacious abandon.

Fertility. Is what every true flesh on this timeless Universe infallibly seeks; in order to blossom into the most victorious goose-bumps of insuperable excitement; which blissfully transcended the whiplashes of inexplicable desperation forever and ever and ever.

Fertility. Is what every true eye on this unending Universe constantly seeks; in order to blossom into the most intriguingly bewitching of panoramic fantasy; which inculcated fresh rays of hope into even the most ghastily extinguishing organism on this planet.

Fertility. Is what every true armpit on this inexhaustible Universe tirelessly seeks; in order to blossom into the most euphorically exhilarating droplets of golden sweat; which miraculously transformed all oblivions of profane laziness into perpetually emollient perseverance.

Fertility. Is what every true mother on this optimistic Universe indefatigably seeks; in order to blossom into the most pricelessly impregnable fountains of milk; so that there evolves a formidably fearless and undefeated generation; of the tomorrow.

Fertility. Is what every true man and woman on this majestic Universe unendingly seek; in order to blossom into the most fragrantly blessed chapters of God’s creation; which forever ensured that none could put brakes to the symbiotic proliferation of planet divine.

Fertility. Is what every true mirror on this eternal Universe intransigently seeks; in order to blossom into the most irrefutably unconquerable reflections of honesty; which acted as the sole pivot for gripping the chords of this bounteously jubilant planet.

Fertility. Is what every true soldier on this inscrutable Universe inextricably seeks; in order to blossom into the most peerlessly blazing Sun of martyrdom; so that countless other innocent civilians could forever sleep in unfettered peace.

Fertility. Is what every true Sun on this unconquerable Universe uncompromisingly seeks; in order to blossom into the most triumphant beams of unprejudiced heroism; which enlightened every pathetically beleaguered space upon this iridescent planet.

Fertility. Is what every true vein on this benign Universe wholeheartedly seeks; in order to blossom into the most impeccably egalitarian and humanitarian droplets of blood; which timelessly amalgamated every speck of the planet into the threads of unassailably noble brotherhood.

Fertility. Is what every true bee on this Samaritan Universe fervently seeks; in order to blossom into the most unbelievably melodious caverns of honey; which put all wanton consternation in the atmosphere to an eternal rest.

Fertility. Is what every true soul on this ebullient Universe undefeatedly seeks; in order to blossom into the most benevolent ideals of peace; harmony; friendship and humanity; upon which were erected the original foundations of this planet; by the Almighty Lord.

Fertility. Is what every true nostril on this poignant Universe inexorably seeks; in order to blossom into the most inimitably pungent chapters of sparkling life; which paid an wholesomely incorrigible deaf ear; to the wails of the devil and death.

And Fertility. Is what every true heart on this spectacular Universe incessantly seeks; in order to blossom into the most torrentially Omnipotent Cloudshowers of love; which were the ultimate panacea for every disease and suffering ever thriving on this impoverished planet.


Death was the greatest pacifier; after which every thwarted desire of the physical form; wonderfully evaporated and became a mist of celestially everlasting solitude,

Death was the greatest purifier; after which even the most evanescent ounce of the inevitably sinful body; wholesomely dissolved to perennially blend with the holy natural soil and atmosphere,

Death was the greatest fantasizer; after which each impoverished element of the soul unabashedly fantasized in an infinite directions; without the tiniest of tensions or frustrations of manipulatively castrated life,

Death was the greatest immortalizer; after which every good and Samaritan deed of living being; was idolized and gave strength to existing man to conquer all evil; till times immemorial,

Death was the greatest synthesizer; after which even the most ethereal trace of ghoulish imbalance in the body; settled and whispered in exuberant unison towards every new face of captivating dawn,

Death was the greatest symbolizer; after which each entity became an institution in its very ownself; for whatever good or bad it'd achieved; in the tenure of its otherwise unendingly aspiring life,

Death was the greatest realizer; after which man was able to holistically imbibe his true identity on planet earth; as he unavoidably crumbled like a fence of matchsticks; infront of the Omnipotent Almighty Lord,

Death was the greatest neutralizer; after which even the most invisible insinuation of positivity and negativity; was made articulately same on the plane of sheer and vapid nothingness,

Death was the greatest rationalizer; paving open the way; to the miraculously untiring chapters of bountiful life and extinction; being the most impregnable focal point upon which the Universe rotated,

Death was the greatest nullifier; bringing living kind to absolute ground zero-after it'd achieved the most inimitable of heights; thereby once again inspiring a whole new chapter of rejuvenating existence,

Death was the greatest fortifier; royally melanging every amiable spirit on this earth; into one unassailably epitomizing wall of silence; which not even the fiercest of wars fought on globe could ever pervade,

Death was the greatest womanizer; after which the haplessly divested spirit of worldly life; easily entered and left the most beautiful maidens upon this earth; without causing the slightest of stir or perceivable scratch,

Death was the greatest desensitizer; after which even the most hideously uncouth bombarding to the physical form; the most inexplicable agony to the heart; seemed like a paradise of poignantly virgin roses,

Death was the greatest socializer; after which endless communities after communities; the greatest of friends and foes; all assembled together to unanimously pray for the peaceful liberation of the soul,

Death was the greatest randomizer; eccentrically selecting a living organism of any shape; size; color; status; age; anytime in its completely and irrefutably unchallengeable swirl,

Death was the greatest energizer; suddenly granting those wings of uninhibitedness to the deliriously incarcerated soul; to ebulliently circle round the planet a countless number of times,

Death was the greatest sermonizer; automatically inculcating a boundless values and significance about the chapters of priceless breath and existence; as it timelessly stared down every eyeball; be it newborn or staggeringly old,

Death was the greatest revitalizer; after which the trajectory of enamoring earth witnessed life in its most pristinely effulgent form once again; as the indefatigable imprints of the Omnipresent lord; blossomed in some or the other form of life; once again,

And death was; is and shall ever remain as the greatest Equalizer; after which- the richest and the poorest�"the tallest and the shortest�"the brightest and the darkest-the strongest and the weakest�"the blessed and the maimed�"the sighted and the sightless-every single organism of God created with breath on this ever-pervading planet; at last found their true identity as united and one; beneath the deserted and lackluster patch of graveyard soil.


Wasn't it only because of the fear of ghoulishly crucifying death- inevitably approaching you anytime; that you lived each instant of your life like the most ultimate of king; relished every puff of free air in the colossal atmosphere?

Wasn't it only because of the fear of tumultuously asphyxiating death -inevitably approaching you anytime; that you lived each instant of your life like the most brazen tip of the mountain; wholesomely letting the waves of titillating adventure whistle past your aroused skin?

Wasn't it only because of the fear of deliriously estranged death- inevitably approaching you anytime; that you lived each instant of your life like the most euphoric waves of the ocean; profoundly exhilarated by the spray of magical existence?

Wasn't it only because of the fear of barbarously silencing death- inevitably approaching you anytime; that you lived each instant of your life like the most poignant shades of the scarlet rose; letting the flavor of creation forever reign supreme in every single ingredient of your blood?

Wasn't it only because of the fear of truculently unsparing death- inevitably approaching you anytime; that you lived each instant of your life like the most extremely aroused particles of rain-soaked soil; letting a perennial festoon of sensuality timelessly drift from each of your veins?

Wasn't it only because of the fear of cold-bloodedly sacrilegious death- inevitably approaching you anytime; that you lived each instant of your life like the most exultated streak of thunder; profusely drowning even the most insouciant of your nerve into the unparalleled roar of life?

Wasn't it only because of the fear of indescribably torturous death- inevitably approaching you anytime; that you lived each instant of your life like the most passionate shade of the rainbow; feeling the unconquerable enlightenment of breath even on severest maniacally depressed day?

Wasn't it only because of the fear of hideously massacring death- inevitably approaching you anytime; that you lived each instant of your life like the most virile layer of the seed; royally proliferating into infinite more of your kind; so that life in your reflection palpitated; even after you died?

Wasn't it only because of the fear of painstakingly divesting death- inevitably approaching you anytime; that you lived each instant of your life like the most everlasting kiss of the lips; trying to suckle every ounce of sweetness from the rhapsodically mesmerizing belly of earth?

Wasn't it only because of the fear of diabolically baseless death- inevitably approaching you anytime; that you lived each instant of your life like the most perpetuating sting of the bumble bee; trying to infiltrate your inimitable sting into every single quarter of the Universe?

Wasn't it only because of the fear of sadistically penalizing death- inevitably approaching you anytime; that you lived each instant of your life like the most everlasting tune of the nightingale; perpetually trying to blend the innermost tune of your soul; with every bit of goodness in the atmosphere?

Wasn't it only because of the fear of deplorably shattering death- inevitably approaching you anytime; that you lived each instant of your life like the most ecstatic roar of the lion; trying to overpower even the most infidel insinuation of the devil; at every step that you tread?

Wasn't it only because of the fear of tawdrily uncouth death- inevitably approaching you anytime; that you lived each instant of your life like the most tantalizing backdrop of the night; handsomely stirring the seduction of a boundless lifetimes within your impoverished skin and soul?

Wasn't it only because of the fear of cannibalistically castigating death- inevitably approaching you anytime; that you lived each instant of your life like the most blazing pinnacle of the Sun; interminably glowing in the invincibly flaming passion of existence?

Wasn't it only because of the fear of horrifically impotent death- inevitably approaching you anytime; that you lived each instant of your life like the most endless treasuries of opulence; groping to assimilate the very best of everything; on the trajectory of this fathomless Universe?

Wasn't it only because of the fear of morbidly wretched death-inevitably approaching you anytime; that you lived each instant of your life like the most enigmatic chirps of the forest; fervently wanting to tingle each impoverished bone of yours; with the undefeated pulse of creation?

Wasn't it only because of the fear of sinfully devastating death- inevitably approaching you anytime; that you lived each instant of your life like the most immortal scent of a lover; trying to savor every single ounce of compassion and friendship; existing as one on this gigantic planet?

Wasn't it only because of the fear of irrevocably wounding death�"inevitably approaching you anytime; that you lived each instant of your life like the most victoriously scintillating of star; unstoppably triumphing over even the most criminal shades of blackness and despair?

Then how the hell could you christen death as 'Pessimistic' , 'Negative' and the sorts; when it was infact the absolute King of Optimism; the very best; beautiful; bountiful and inevitable blackness; that relentlessly inspired you forward in the chapter of inscrutable life.


Life is an ocean of ravishing enthrallment; culminating into untamed excitement as each second unfurled itself magnificently,
Its upto you; whether you relish swimming in it; or drown yourself deliberately to blend with the; uncouthly hard bed of disgruntled rocks.

Life is a garden of mesmerizing roses; blossoming into the scent of united harmony; as the Sun filtered royally through the skies,
Its upto you; whether you surreally philander in its stupendous fragrance; or complain about pertinent insects; hovering around its petals.

Life is an unrelenting fantasy; that majestically explored and discovered an unfathomable myriad of poignant emotions in its way,
Its upto you; whether you fantastically dreamt it each instant as you tread on soil; or baselessly wailed about the ominous tinges of black; it enveloped you with; every now and again.

Life is a gorgeously tantalizing mist; seducing the planet every second in its everlastingly pungent swirl,
Its upto you; whether you relentlessly romanced it; or nonchalantly mourned about the enigmatically hazy fog; that enshrouded the whites of your eye.

Life is a mountain of invincible strength; defending the most acrimoniously treacherous of obstacles with its sacredly Omnipotent grace,
Its upto you; whether you adventurously clambered it to achieve your ultimate conquests; or got pathetically intimidated; retreating beyond your shell; witnessing its peaks.

Life is a fabulous waterfall of irrefutable humanity; ubiquitously disseminating the essence of equality at every turn you took,
Its upto you; whether you embraced it euphorically in mind; body and spirit; or kept manipulatively measuring the vagaries of conflicting religion; for the remainder of your lifetime.

Life is a beehive of gloriously golden honey; diffusing its magical sweetness in every direction empathy prevailed; and the winds of heartfelt honest led,
Its upto you; whether you blended yourself with the unbelievably handsome charm; or despicably camouflaged your nose; in fear of getting stung by the boisterously buzzing bees.

Life is a fathomlessly opulent treasure house of versatility; harboring an incomprehensible repertoire of poignant shades and color; in its impeccable belly,
Its upto you; whether you replenish your souls with its marvelous charisma; or get ludicrously outnumbered by the unfathomable depth it inherently possessed.

Life is an Omnipresent island of worship; comforting all those waveringly distraught; with compassionate winds of exhilarated warmth,
Its upto you; whether you seek immortal refuge in its divine palms; or disgruntlingly fret and fume; about its philosophies being agnostic and horrendously incorrect.

Life is an incredulously ingratiating milestone of prosperity; bequeathing upon one and all the spirit to rise up to their flurry of philanthropically benevolent dreams,
Its upto you; whether you wholesomely coalesce with its rhythmically handsome tunes; or pathetically cry about the inevitable hurdles that harmlessly came in between.

And life is an everlasting rain of love and happiness; blooming into countless new; in every corner of this earth that it astonishingly sprinkled its magnetic caress,
Its upto you; whether you let it ebulliently descend down your impoverished countenance; or tirelessly complained about its infinitesimal wetness; and
devastated your entity to cacophonic ash; even before it was born.


When the impeccable infant spread its arms towards the heavens; it was blessed with; overwhelming happiness and unprejudiced innocence,

When the scorching deserts spread their arms towards the heavens; they were blessed with; ravishing tumblers of bountifully fragrant water,

When the withering flower spread its arms towards the heavens; it was blessed with an astounding battalion of stupendously redolent petals,

When the dilapidated castle spread its arms towards the heavens; it was blessed with; insurmountable grandiloquence and its lost crown prince,

When the philanthropists spread their arms towards the heavens; they were blessed with; the astronomical tenacity to alleviate impoverished mankind,

When the disastrously parched lips spread their arms towards the heavens; they were blessed with; an enchantingly everlasting smile,

When the horrendously blind spread their arms towards the heavens; they were blessed with; an Omnipotent vision to sight beyond ordinary human kind,

When the massacred mountains spread their arms towards the heavens; they were blessed with; an invincibly towering summit; shimmering majestically in all seasons and light,

When the trembling spider spread its arms towards the heavens; it was blessed with; unprecedentedly long strands of silken web; for it to rejoice till indefatigable times,

When the brutally pulverized ant raised its arms towards the heavens; it was blessed with; formidable strength and a celestial dwelling to survive with infinite more its kind,

When the treacherously imprisoned birds raised their arms towards the heavens; they were blessed with; countless more wings to fly; soar unitedly in free space; till times beyond pragmatic life,

When childless couples raised their arms towards the heavens; they were blessed with; the most magnificently royal impression of their kind; an astounding replica of their blood; an fascinating evolution of their kind,

When the ruthlessly fractured bones raised their arms towards the heavens; they were blessed with; Herculean power to confront any evil that confronted them in their way; a harmoniously coalesced framework to march towards revered righteousness,

When the horrifically barren farms spread their arms towards the heavens; they were blessed with; divinely blooming crop; marvelously pacifying the hunger of; those weeping towards extinction,

When the tyrannically tortured slave spread its arms towards the heavens; they were blessed with; the spirit of perpetually celestial freedom; granting it glorious reprieve from the hands of its barbaric master,

When the wounded soldier spread his arms towards the heavens; he was blessed with; unfathomable resilience to fight for his motherland; disseminate the Godly spirit of humanity; in every frantically fighting religion; alike,

When the devastatingly crippled spread their arms towards the heavens; they were blessed with; supremely gratifying attributes of life; bonding them with their ultimate mission of existence,

When the overwhelmingly famished heart spread its arms towards the heavens; it was blessed with; immortal oceans of love; propelling it to exist for infinite more births to come,

And when the uncouthly murderous devil spread his arms towards the heaven; he was blessed with; only the land of hell; hell; and penalizing hell.


Seduction by the poignantly drifting scent of the titillating rose; unrelentingly triggering me to fantasize beyond the realms of the astoundingly extraordinary; and the land of the fantastically unknown,

Seduction by the majestically floating clouds in fathomless sky; insatiably propelling me to dance like an untamed fairy; unleashing even the most intricate of my senses in uninhibited euphoria,

Seduction by ebulliently pelting rivers of ecstatic rain; timelessly metamorphosing each element of my drearily impoverished soul; into the celestial fountains of scintillating paradise,

Seduction by the unbelievably enthralling melody of the voluptuous nightingale; Omnisciently alleviating me of my monotonously bizarre and vindictive monotony,

Seduction by the spirit of irrefutably everlasting humanity; magnificently enveloping my traumatically besieged contours with the balm of unequivocally heavenly sharing,

Seduction by the Omnipresent light of the regally blazing Sun; beautifully reinvigorating even the most infinitesimally acrid complexion of my morbidly asphyxiated skin,

Seduction by the enchantingly swarming and rambunctious bees; wholesomely driving even the most obsolete iota of lackadaisical loneliness from my horrendously beleaguered conscience,

Seduction by the unfathomably silken winds of the ingratiating evening; marvelously soothing every step of my frantically frenzied and indefatigably exhausted stride,

Seduction by the fascinatingly inebriating full plumage of the resplendent peacock; profusely evoking even the most inconspicuous part of my skin; towards an unsurpassable entrenchment of tantalizing beauty and goodness,

Seduction by the immaculately pearly light of the Omnipotent Moon; sensuously unfurling the wanderer trapped uncouthly in my estranged nerves; towards a planet of blissful timelessness,

Seduction by the divinely cascading waterfalls of frosty water; miraculously replenishing my lugubriously invalid visage; with astronomically endless ecstasy,

Seduction by the incredulously sacred fragrance of the ubiquitous lotus; triumphantly descending on every part of my persona like a wonderfully nubile seductress let uncontrollably loose,

Seduction by the innocuously philandering messengers of God; plunging even the most obnoxiously victimized element of my demeanor; into the valley of inimitably priceless mischief,

Seduction by the panoramically vivacious meadows of honey coated grass; relentlessly transpiring me to blend each of my agonizingly frazzled senses with the stupendously godly melody of the atmosphere,

Seduction by the bed of gorgeously velvet dewdrops; harmoniously making me wholesomely juxtapose with the rudiments of holistically boundless existence,

Seduction by the fabulously amiable cosmos of twinkling stars; enlightening even the most sordidly massacring path on which I transgressed; with a cistern of irrevocably unprecedented happiness,

Seduction by the magnificently ethereal and spell binding horizons; handsomely mitigating me of even the most perilously sinister apprehensions of the gruesomely sweltering and scorching day,

Seduction by unassailable infernos of passionately fulminating breath; stirring me more and more astonishingly closer towards the Lord’s most revered chapters of; procreation; proliferation and perpetual existence,

Seduction by the beats of the immortally unconquerable heart; intransigently enticing me into a sky of eternally endless love; as each instant unveiled into a wholesomely cherished minute,

O! Yes; Life was the most gloriously titillating seductress dancing on my doorsteps; Life was the most beautiful gift of the Almighty Creator upon this undefeated Universe; Life was a sensuous lovebird of pristine togetherness; Life was an everlasting seduction.


Life is an unconquerably poignant victory of the chivalrously benign; over the horrendously manipulative and bizarrely monotonous,

Life is an irrefutably sparkling victory of profoundly magnanimous scent; over the gutters of dilapidated stagnation and abhorrent malice,

Life is an invincibly glorious victory of the impeccably uninhibited; over the lecherously besieged and traumatically cheating,

Life is an unassailably bountiful victory of the Omnisciently blazing; over the remorsefully lugubrious corpses dithering in gruesomely morbid blackness,

Life is an effusively intractable victory of the fathomlessly free; over the diminutively miserly and salaciously incarcerated,

Life is an irrevocably unflinching victory of the boundlessly gregarious; over heinously plotting and diabolically merciless crime,

Life is an unequivocally priceless victory of the selflessly benevolent; over abominably withering graveyards of lackadaisically non-existent greed,

Life is an timelessly scintillating victory of the fearlessly patriotic; over the ant-hole of
preposterously ungainly and dolorously retreating cowardice,

Life is an irretrievably blistering victory of the ubiquitously open-hearted; over the pathetically dwindling dictators of stinking politics,

Life is a spell bindingly fabulous victory of the tranquilly resplendent waterfall; over the acrimoniously sweltering and insidiously charring desert,

Life is an unfathomably inimitable victory of Omipresently enlightening truth; over the disdainfully corroding dungeons of ignominiously derogatory lies,

Life is an insurmountably compassionate victory of profoundly replenishing symbiosis; over the indiscriminately gory and baselessly biased bloodshed,

Life is an impregnably holistic victory of magnificently vivacious perseverance; over despicably sordid and worthless laziness,

Life is a timelessly unshakable victory of marvelously majestic honesty; over the horrendously squelched web of disconcertingly malicious deceit,

Life is an ingratiatingly blissful victory of congenially unending compassion; over the jail of savagely coldblooded and horrifically lambasting slavery,

Life is an unrelentingly sacrosanct victory of immutably dedicated beliefs; over the insanely fickle minded mirror of wandering doom,

Life is an overwhelmingly cherished victory of the beautifully good; over the parasitically blood-sucking and egregious evil,

Life is an Omnisciently sacred victory of harmoniously everlasting melody; over the rambunctiously discordant and ominous sounds of ill will,

Life is an unbelievably true victory of passionately mesmerizing breath; over the invidiously torturous chapters of surreptitiously ghastly death,

And life is an immortally regale victory of ebulliently ecstatic love; over the devilishly sinister and satanic tornado’s of dismally shattering betrayal.

10. LIFE WAS .

It wasn’t about just euphorically singing; unrelentingly permeating every thwarted wind of the sullen atmosphere; with unprecedented melody,

It wasn’t about just tantalizingly gyrating; rhythmically pulsating your entire countenance; to the beats of the voluptuously enchanting night,

It wasn’t about just bountifully philandering; timelessly exploring the unsurpassably panoramic beauty of this limitless Universe; moving the immaculate whites of your eye,

It wasn’t about just ecstatically swimming through oceans of majestic triumph; replenishing even the most infinitesimal cranny of your beleaguered demeanor; with unparalleled rhapsody,

It wasn’t about just savoring the most ingratiating fruits of nature; marvelously titillating the truculently traumatized chords of your throat; with the elixir of vivacious happiness,

It wasn’t about just soaring regally through the conglomerate of silken clouds; gloriously embracing the unfathomably priceless jubilation that wandered sensuously in the land of paradise,

It wasn’t about just blissfully gratifying your eternal desires; celestially proliferating your very own kin; to indefatigably continue God’s most enamoring chapter of creation,

It wasn’t about just coalescing with all innocuous mankind one and alike; blazingly surging forward to win ebullient cheer for the sake of your beautifully sacrosanct motherland,

It wasn’t about just compassionately sequestering yourself in the lap of your divine mother; impeccably playing games of hide-n-seek; behind the honey laden hills,

It wasn’t about just perpetually imbibing the fragrance of the scarlet roses; diffusing the scent of irrefutable truth to the most farthest corner of this unbelievably gargantuan planet,

It wasn’t about just unflinchingly standing for the cause of unassailable righteousness; valiantly brandishing the armor of solidarity in the most treacherously invidious of times,

It wasn’t about just melodiously suckling heavenly sweetness from the beehive; tirelessly disseminating the essence of gregariously amiable friendship; to every organism holistically alive,

It wasn’t about just intransigently fantasizing beyond the corridors of imagination; ingeniously evolving a civilization of stupendously innovative resplendence,

It wasn’t about just harmoniously closing your eyes; wholesomely allowing the carpet of magically bestowing sleep to poignantly brush you; from every conceivable side,

It wasn’t just irrefutably melanging with people whom you unequivocally adored; propagating the spirit of unconquerable existence; to even the most fugitively minuscule trace of palpable life,

It wasn’t just about philanthropically enlightening the sordidly orphaned and destitute with fireballs of optimism; perennially ensuring that no child ever grew up in disdainful realms of the stinking dustbin,

It wasn’t just about marvelously sketching the aristocratic beauty of this mesmerizing earth; deluging every bit of brutally tormented soul with a fountain of everlasting happiness,

It wasn’t just about seductively inhaling and exhaling breath countless times each day; profoundly blooming with supremely invincible ardor; for infinite more births yet to unveil,

It wasn’t just about dedicatedly listening only to the tunes of your poignantly thundering heart; incorrigibly worshipping and following each of its beats; till the instant you abnegated your very last breath,

It wasn’t just handsomely fomenting a wave of ubiquitous romance in the air; relentlessly marching forward to unite with every innocently living being on the trajectory of this boundless globe,

Life was infact a pricelessly immortal combination of all of the above; Life was infact the most Omnipotent blessing by the Almighty Lord; Life was infact more gorgeously beautiful than what you could ever have perceived even in the most wildest of your dreams.


When I was tickled with feathers of ghastly lies; I felt beads of insurmountably anguish and desperation overwhelmingly creep up; on every cranny of my
impoverished persona,

When I was tickled with feathers of overwhelming commercialism; I felt as if rotting abominably in dungeons of horrifically sinister stagnation,

When I was tickled with feathers of abhorrent malice; I felt as if everything around me in this colossaly mesmerizing Universe; was a threadbare mirage of gruesomely insipid nothingness,

When I was tickled with feathers of indiscriminate racializm; I felt as if dagger heads of veritable death; had stabbed me countless kilometers beneath my gory grave,

When I was tickled with feathers of barbaric bloodshed; I felt an uncanny shudder paralyze each element of my spine; collapsed in an ungainly heap on the obdurate ground; relinquishing even the tiniest desire to live,

When I was tickled with feathers of insanely treacherous madness; I felt the artist in me stifle into horrendous oblivion; the harmonious air around me; ominously infiltrating each arena of my innocuous flesh,

When I was tickled with feathers of lecherous savagery; I felt every shade of passionate poignancy evaporate from my blood; plunged into the valley of extinction; instead of melanging with satanically blood sucking society,

When I was tickled with feathers of betrayal; I felt more devastated than the morbidly ghastly coffins; abnegating wholesomely from all desire and worldly virtues of exotic life,

When I was tickled with feathers of lackadaisical monotony; I felt as if every iota of God’s voluptuous planet was being ruthlessly lambasted; went deep into the mystical forests to meditate till my absolute end,

When I was tickled with feathers of relentless hostility; I felt as if the entire earth had become a capriciously frigid thread of religion; with the spirit of everlasting humanity disappearing into the aisles of non-existence,

When I was tickled with feathers of deplorably raunchy slavery; I felt as if there was no difference between man and animal; cursing every entity; menacingly under my enslaved breath,

When I was tickled with feathers of despondently crippling solitude; I felt as if being pushed into a dungeon of scorpions every unleashing minute; clenching my teeth till the last bone of my exhilarated body split into a boundless pieces,

When I was tickled with feathers of manipulative give and take; I felt as if my existence was a meaningless gutter of foul sewage; with philanthropism and good
will being things of waywardly obsolete past,

When I was tickled with feathers of disparagingly condemnable abuse; I felt each part of my rubicund flesh invidiously tarnished; unable to relive my original euphoria; even after a million baths,

When I was tickled with feathers of despairingly bizarre blackness; I felt as if optimism was a desert that had perennially dried up; as I slithered aimlessly in a whirlpool of uncouth savagery,

When I was tickled with feathers of ludicrously everlasting castigation; I felt as if there was no value of art in this diabolically cold blooded world; drowned myself forever in the ocean of my shattered versatility,

When I was tickled with feathers of dastardly terrorism; I felt as the world had departed from all elements of fabulous brotherhood and empathy; unrelentingly wailed for the innocently beheaded; before I decided to slit; the conglomerate of
my intricate veins apart,

When I was tickled with feathers of disastrously orphaned poverty; I felt tumultuously enraged at the unsurpassably rich; at blowing their surplus opulence in spurious cigar smoke and wine; whilst their naked counterparts outside shivered to an unbearable death,

But when I was tickled with feathers of immortally uninhibited love; I felt the most bountifully endowed entity alive; at last felt the beats of my truculently massacred heart; reach inside my chest to forever lead and romance with; majestic life.


Do definitely be inspired by all those minuscule globules of water; which miraculously spurned fresh life and magical greenery�"into fathomless kilometers of acrimoniously arid-stagnating land,

Do definitely be inspired by all those undaunted apogees of the mountains; which unflinchingly stood like a lone warrior amidst boundless bits of sky�"triumphantly bracing every storm and maliciously holocaustic light,

Do definitely be inspired by all those diminutive petals of the scarlet rose; which perpetuated the dolorously dying atmosphere�"with the royal scent of compassionate belonging and invincible togetherness,

Do definitely be inspired by all those invisibly gutsy ants; which fomented even the most demonically parading monsters to collapse like a pack of frigid cards�"with just a singleton sting to their big foot,

Do definitely be inspired by all those unconquerable rays of the Sun; which blessed each symbiotically palpitating life on the trajectory of soil�"with the scepter of fearlessly blazing truth and righteousness,

Do definitely be inspired by all those blissfully blessed mothers�"who suckled their new born solely with their impeccably sacrosanct milk�"which became the greatest power for the child to survive for an infinite more lifetimes,

Do definitely be inspired by all those voluptuously enriched clouds; which triggered new rays of hope in the life of every mercilessly scorched organism on earth; endlessly waiting for those pricelessly inimitable showers of the first monsoon,

Do definitely be inspired by all those be-dazzlingly patriotic soldiers; who altruistically laid their lives for their motherland�"smiling embraced the gallows of death so that their mothersoil remained free�"at the swish of a thumb,

Do definitely be inspired by all those amiably rustling trees; which rendered their healing shade to the agonizingly dreary traveler�"wondrously cooled the atmosphere with their ravishing breeze; even as the afternoon unsparingly tried to char their wholesome existence,

Do definitely be inspired by all those vivaciously dancing rainbows; which fomented inexhaustible chores of cheers from every discovering mouth on the Universe�"replenishing robotically devastating life with splashes of tantalizingly reinvigorating color,

Do definitely be inspired by all those mellifluously tiny nightingales; which punctuated each shade of vapidly deteriorating and mundane existence�"with the Omnipotent balm of benign sound,

Do definitely be inspired by all those indefatigably advancing footsteps of truth; which didn't budge an inch from their course of unparalleled righteousness�"no matter how hard did the devil try to lure them towards the seductresses of vindictively victimizing hell,

Do definitely be inspired by all those citadels of honest solidarity; which victoriously withstood even the ghastliest of attack on this planet-united together in the strings of affable brotherhood,

Do definitely be inspired by all those jubilantly dazzling droplets of sweat- a ramification of the utmost anecdotes of perseverance; wherein every organism started from the scratch in the scorching heat�"to leave a significant mark upon this planet,

Do definitely be inspired by all those poignantly undulating waves of the ocean; which cast their unbreakably enchanting spell upon every miserably harried fraternity of living kind; with every tiny sprinkle of their heavenly froth,

Do definitely be inspired by all those benevolently twinkling stars; which unassailably weaved a way towards philanthropically ultimate success�"even through the most dreadfully morose and blackened nights,

Do definitely be inspired by all those gorgeously golden waterfalls; which insuperably recharged every deplorably dwindling pore of the beleaguered body---transporting each organism to the ultimate levels of unimaginable ecstasy,

Do definitely be inspired by all those chapters of marvelous evolution; which spawned into infinite civilizations of fresh life and enthralling emotion; under the impregnable fatherly roof of the open sky,

Do definitely be inspired by all those geniuses of the undefeated human brain; which created unbelievably masterpieces of art and literature; out of sheer and limp nothingness,

But forever believe in; infallibly listen to; and only follow the innermost voices and immortal beats of your very own Omnisciently ubiquitous heart.


Unfortunately, it was only his flagrantly dismantled dead body; that brought people of all religions; caste; creed and color blissfully together; clasping their palms in unison infront of the Almighty Lord-for bountiful liberation of the bereaved soul,

Unfortunately, it was only his lividly fetid dead body; that brought even the most squabbling of plunderers to the feet of the deceased; beseeching solace for every hedonistically committed of their misdeed,

Unfortunately, it was only his forlornly silent dead body; that inexhaustibly perpetuated even the most maniacally corporate and robotic; to perceive beyond the dungeons of the commercial world,

Unfortunately, it was only his ghastily distorted dead body; that evoked a cloudburst of torrential sympathy in even the cruelest of heart; fomented the devil the weep just that once in his entire-insensitively lunatic life,

Unfortunately, it was only his morbidly castrated dead body; that spontaneously triggered a humanitarian helping attitude; with the entire fathomless planet eternally wishing to exist under a singleton roof,

Unfortunately, it was only his morosely unembellished dead body; that made every living organism realize the true value of enigmatic life; that very existence which it preposterously blew up; in inconspicuous smoke; and relentlessly sardonic laughter,

Unfortunately, it was only his worthlessly decrepit dead body; that made countless human pray in meek obeisance; asking the Omnipotent Lord to condone them for their inadvertently committed sins of a past and present life,

Unfortunately, it was only his shockingly still dead body; that stirred an impregnable revolution in the most impotently dormant of hearts; to collectively rise for the cause of justice; beheading even the tiniest innuendo of the devil that dared come their way,

Unfortunately, it was only his pathetically paralyzed dead body; that stringently provoked even the stingiest to come forward; magnanimously donate for the garlands; funereal expenses; burial and haplessly left behind kin,

Unfortunately, it was only his brutally pulverized dead body; that churned the most immaculately truthful of poetry; perpetually equating the good's and bad's of many an inexplicably infinite lifetime,

Unfortunately, it was only his immovably maimed dead body; that drove the flock of the greatest lazy sleepers out of their beds; now energized to contribute something for the betterment of society; with the sense of shame ruling supreme over every ingredient of their blood,

Unfortunately, it was only his bizarrely taciturn dead body; that metamorphosed the parasitic arrogance in each footstep that tread on soil; into a celestial leaf of everlastingly symbiotic humility,

Unfortunately, it was only his incomprehensibly speechless dead body; that fomented the pulse of existence; to beat solely for the heaven of unassailably enamoring companionship,

Unfortunately, it was only his indelibly stagnating dead body; that brought about infinite moments of pin-drop silence; amidst the heart of devastatingly
bombarding and abhorrent war,

Unfortunately, it was only his hopelessly jeopardized dead body; that evolved an ambience of sheer urgency in the boundless atmosphere; that none should ever succumb like a lifeless matchstick to the devil's non-existent sword,

Unfortunately, it was only his unfathomably irreparable dead body; that made the deliriously agnostic; believe every bit in the miraculous and magnificent powers of the Omnisciently ameliorating God,

Unfortunately, it was only his indiscriminately charred dead body; that made man wholeheartedly embrace even the worst of his enemy; give him shelter under his very own compassionate roof�"in utter shock and disbelief,

Unfortunately, it was only his unrecognizably damaged dead body; that made emotionlessly maverick society; believe irrefutably and all the more in the Omnipresent freshness of the new-born child�"the timelessly revitalizing chapters of life,

O! how he wished and wished and wished sitting there in heaven; that even an iota of the above had happened when he was alive in soul; conscious mind and physical form.


The walls were my very best friends; as I boisterously conversed with them for hours immemorial; after the closest around me had turned a deaf ear to even the most brilliant of achievements; some shunting me due to lack of time; some shunting me brutally due to prejudice,

The walls were my very best friends; as I shared the most eccentric of my secrets with their invincible hardness; b'cause if I did the same with the society outside; it'd pounce and exploit me for my deficiencies to the fullest; and till the last breath
I exhaled,

The walls were my very best friends; as I adorned them with an infinite lines of spell-binding poetry; after the actual girl whom I'd written them for; preposterously ridiculed it and torched it alive,

The walls were my very best friends; as I banged my fists and legs against them an infinite times; after the pangs of livid isolation and worldly subterfuge; had thwarted me beyond any conceivable realm of sanctity,

The walls were my very best friends; as I unabashedly wept the most intricate woes of my heart against their impregnable stoicism; after my cherished near and dear; labeled me as only an emotional fool for the heartfelt moisture in my eyes,

The walls were my very best friends; as I sang a countless tunes of peace; towards their united oneness; after all I was coerced to do by my relatives; was work from 9 to 9 like a robot; in the malicious corporate world outside,

The walls were my very best friends; as they altruistically saw me for what I originally was and born; and not for money; status; sanctimonious position in the society that I'd vapidly attained,

The walls were my very best friends; as I made compassionate love to them tracing even the obscurest of their contours with my roving fingers; after all that emanated from the eyes of my own beloved; was nothing else but venomous abuse,

The walls were my very best friends; as they blissfully sheltered even the most evanescent of my shadow and desire; after all that blew outside was acrimonious wisps of smoke and pugnacious war,

The walls were my very best friends; as I wholesomely leaned upon them whilst eating my food; sleeping and tingling adventure; after the natural environment; trees and wildlife; were satanically bombarded by materialistic man outside,

The walls were my very best friends; as I uninhibitedly perpetuated them with my footprints; thumbprints and veritable signatures; after no other parchment of paper or space on this parasitic earth; was ready to accept them,

The walls were my very best friends; as I poignantly deciphered every intricate thread of my past in their fathomless recesses and darkness; after my own blood indefatigably advised me to massacre all emotions; and turn murderously practical,

The walls were my very best friends; as I embraced them wholeheartedly like a child embracing its mother; finding undefeated compassion in their egalitarian chest; after no-one else in the world dared touch my body; grievously afflicted with hiv-aids,

The walls were my very best friends; as I proclaimed even the most hidden fantasy of my heart fearlessly infront of them; after the planet outside had hedonistically trounced me as a worthless imbecile,

The walls were my very best friends; as my paintbrush treated them as the ultimate canvas of life; inexhaustibly permeating them with poignantly vivacious color; after my own envious kin wanted my fingers to be cut in broad daylight,

The walls were my very best friends; as I exercised against them for unceasing minutes of the day and night; toning each dormant muscle of my body to face the ghastliest of traitors; after every ingredient of the world outside had become the blackness of treacherous war,

The walls were my very best friends; as I sought unparalleled inspiration looking at their unshakable periphery; even in the fiercest maelstrom and rain; after every organism in this manipulative world today trying to endlessly pin me down,

The walls were my very best friends; ardently listening to each of my passionately throbbing heartbeats; after all that the alien globe gave them; was an unsurpassable graveyard of licentious betrayal,

The walls were my very best friends; unnervingly allowing me to ecstatically breathe down their naked nape; after my own revered beloved; discarded me disdainfully like reproachful s**t; declaring my breath as foul.


With great joy; comes the great spirit of uninhibited sharing,

With great strength; comes the great virtue of fighting the treacherously evil,

With great height; comes the great deed of escalating traumatized mankind to the ultimate summit,

With great speed; comes the great act of carrying the profoundly maimed,

With great sight; comes the great perception of becoming the eyes in perilously sinister darkness,

With great voice; comes the great feeling of speaking for the irrevocably dumb,

With great complexion; comes the great fortitude of harboring the hideously distorted,

With great destiny; comes the great character to profusely illuminate the lives of helpless orphans,

With great heart; comes the great passion of bonding immortal souls; separated by the lecherously satanic society,

With great wealth; comes the great act of donating philanthropically to
God's suffering living kind,

With great knowledge; comes the great justice of disseminating it sagaciously
amongst brutally deprived personalities,

With great fragrance; comes the great chivalry of diffusing it to all those corners; pathetically dwindling towards obnoxious extinction,

With great enthusiasm; comes the great ardor to impregnate the same; in those mourning towards clouds of desperation,

With great innocence; comes the great inspiration of metamorphosing this manipulative planet; into an immaculate child,

With great breath; comes the great vitality to instill life in despondently solitary entities slithering towards their graves,

With great artistry; comes the great essence of propagating mesmerizing beauty on this globe; to people thoroughly oblivious about chapters of mystical existence,

With great brain; comes the great idea of making the fathomless Universe; a better place to live in,

With great fire; comes the great ability to wholesomely devour the devil; in the swirl of Omnipotently golden flames,

And with great Power; comes the great responsibility of keeping the Almighty Lord's planet; just the way it was; when he had marvelously evolved and perpetually created it.


Creativity is a shadow that incessantly flutters; changing its dimensions every unleashing second,

Creativity is something which is indefatigable; proliferating to the most unprecedented limits as each idea manifests,

Creativity is a milestone which always eludes; running further and further away; just when you thought you'd perpetually achieved it,

Creativity is a dream that could besiege you even under the most sweltering rays of sunlight; disappearing into infinitesimal wisps of non-existence; as abruptly as it had come,

Creativity is an island that crops up like thunderbolts of lightening; suddenly from amidst the most remotest portions of clouds in the sky,

Creativity is a hunger which never subsides; remaining disastrously famished; even after masticating the most wonderful fruits on this earth,

Creativity is a flower which blossoms into infinite petals every unveiling instant; endlessly shooting towards the sky; even after its ultimate summit had been reached,

Creativity is mesmerizing froth which kept you always exuberant; wholesomely rejuvenating the most pathetically dying nerves in your body,

Creativity is a fabulously voluptuous mirage that you sighted even in the murkiest of light; enticing you in its web of seductive unpredictability,

Creativity is a newly born infant; inexplicably metamorphosing its patterns as each moment of the day unleashed,

Creativity is a rainbow of multitudinal colors; magnificently spreading its fragrance of newness in every person whose life was engulfed with despicable doom,

Creativity is an ocean of tumultuously undulating waves; with each wave instantaneously reforming itself to unsurpassable proportions; after clashing against the conglomerate of treacherous rocks,

Creativity is the chapter of relentless procreation; with each entity in the Universe giving birth to an unrelenting myriad of trendsetting forms,

Creativity is the flamboyant Sun which forever glows; dissipating its festoon of grandiloquently exuberant rays to every dying room; which badly needed it,

Creativity is an echo which reverberates till eternity; tirelessly changing its pitch like the heart of a passionately robust lover,

Creativity is the pulse of uncertainty; a sound escalating higher than turbulent thunder and yet remaining unheard,

Creativity is an insurmountably tantalizing seductress; luring your entire countenance to realms beyond the point of no control,

Creativity is an arrow which doesn’t kill; instead harnesses ebulliently animated traces of sacrosanct life; all the time,

Creativity is a road with incomprehensible number of bifurcations; with each path leading to the most beautiful gift called; Existence,

And most importantly Creativity is not exclusive; its there hidden in all of you; So c'mon lets start discovering it gorgeously priceless forms; infact the time is now ripe enough to start being creative.


I wanted to uninhibitedly laugh; but not at the cost of someone else's precious tears,

I wanted to flirtatiously play; but not at the cost of someone else's; sacred prayers,

I wanted to prolifically grow; but not at the cost of incarcerating someone in behind the ominously threatening prison bars,

I wanted to be exorbitantly rich; but not at the cost of someone else's inevitable poverty,

I wanted to be fairer than the most grandiloquent blanket of white ice; but not at the cost of someone else's despairing blackness,

I wanted to be an irrefutably worshipped king; but not at the cost of an someone maim on the streets,

I wanted to be a river which incessantly flowed; but not at the cost of a miserably devastated and bizarrely scorched desert,

I wanted to be an overwhelmingly learned saint; but not at the cost of someone disparagingly struggling; who didn’t even know how to use his thumb,

I wanted to the most powerful entity on this Universe; but not at the cost of someone dwindling towards oblivion in unprecedented starvation,

I wanted to indefatigably travel in gorgeously golden aircrafts; but not at the cost of someone walking barefoot for infinite kilometers under the sweltering Sun; without a penny in his pocket,

I wanted to emanate the most stupendously ravishing of perfume ever conceived on this planet; but not at the cost of someone rotting like pulverized tomatoes in the treacherously sinister dungeon,

I wanted to be an avalanche of fabulously sweet sugar; but not at the cost of acrimonious bitterness profusely encapsulating someone's tongue,

I wanted to be the flamboyantly radiating Sun; but not at the cost of someone living in perpetually augmenting darkness,

I wanted to be the most seductively tantalizing dream ever fantasized about on this planet; but not at the cost of someone else's horrific nightmare,

I wanted to be an everlasting wave; inexorably aiming for the absolute realms of mesmerizing sky; but not at the cost of someone's despondently famished shores,

I wanted to be a rhapsodic mountain of poignantly tangy salt; but not at the cost of someone else's abysmally raw wounds,

I wanted to be a hawk sighting the most infinitesimal of object even in the heart of the dead night; but not at the cost of someone else's tyrannically traumatized blindness,

I wanted to the most passionate lover on this boundlessly unsurpassable globe; but not at the cost of someone else's brutally broken heart,

And I wanted to live till times unfathomable beyond the shadows of existence; but not at the cost of someone else's deliberately forceful death.


Extracting out just a droplet from the boundless ocean; won't make any difference at all to its swirling and vivacious persona,

Pulling out just a fragment of mud from the gargantuan body of the mountain; won't make any difference at all to its marvelously towering summit,

Pilfering out just a million out of the entire Government treasury; won't make any difference at all to its stupendously large demeanor,

Gulping down just a cube ice from the entire snow laden slope of the Himalayas; won't make any difference at all to its mystically scintillating persona,

Evacuating out just a flower from the entire garden of captivating roses; won't make any difference at all to its prolific growth and incredulously scented pride,

Plucking out just a pearl from the entire armory of oysters sprawled in incongruous heaps around; won't make any difference to its bombastic shine and profound shimmer; illuminating the ghastly night,

Snatching just a morsel of salubrious vegetable from the entire kitchen stashed abundantly with ravishing food; won't make any difference to its robust complexion and glowing health,

Tearing just a page out of the mammoth Bible; won't make any difference to its sacrosanct visage; the countless volumes of sacred verse epitomizing humanity
embedded within,

Barging into just one room out of the infinite dwellings standing tall on the surface of this earth; won't make any difference at all to living space; the unsurpassable amount of abode's available for human existence,

Grabbing just an hour from the entire day; won't make any difference at all to the glory of time; the innumerable hours and minutes that it was bifurcated into,

Acquiring just a parchment of dictionary out of the unprecedented large collection of books; won't make any difference at all to the unending and spiraling heap of literature; the billions of sagacious pages intricately trapped inside,

Capturing just a diminutive flame out of the entire conflagration of simmering twigs; won't make any difference at all to the visage of blistering fire; the poignant fumes of euphoria it emanated all throughout the night,

Hoisting just an inconspicuous knife out of the entire battlefield strewn with supremely glistening swords; won't make any difference at all to the spirit of
daunting belligerence; the essence of bravado lingering predominantly all around,

Cutting just a serrated leaf out of the entire jungle embodied with gigantic strands of foliage; won't make any difference at all to the wilderness; the mesmerizing outgrowths extruding from every corner,

Occupying just a fraction of the entire cosmic space; won't make any difference at all to the countenance of the Royal Sun; the blanket of resplendent stars studded marvelously in every part of the sky,

Pouncing on just a moment of happiness out of the entire laughter in this world; won't make any difference at all to the virtue of smile; the mystical and enigmatic charm enveloping it since times immemorial,

Ripping apart just a flimsy chunk of cloth from the entire showroom overwhelmed with gaudy clothing; won't make any difference at all to the plethora of fluffy cotton wool cascading from all sides,

Capturing a single ray of the blazing Sun God; won’t make any difference at all to its omnipotent aura; the tenacity with which it fumigated every nook and cranny of  this earth,

And possessing just a single heart out of this entire Universe; loving just one girl out of the unlimited that existed on this planet; won't make any difference at all to the fervor of romance; the immortal strength it inculcated in one and all,

However even if these tiny and inconspicuous little things didn’t make the slightest of impact on any of the animate world; they were definitely enough to metamorphose my life from one of gloom and constant despair; to enchanting paradise.


The bird didn’t need to be taught how to catch fish; its astounding ability to dive; its lanky beak and the hunger in its dainty stomach; were simply enough fodder to propel it to dip down; capsize the robust meat in its mouth,

The dog didn’t need to be taught how to wag its tail; its overwhelming urge to welcome its master; the angular silhouette of its body; was simply enough for
it to move the stump of fur protruding from its back,

The clouds didn’t need to be taught how to rain; the conglomerate of ominous black coalesced in harmony; the fury fulminating inside; was simply enough fuel to perpetuate themselves into gigantic droplets of crystal water,

The cow didn’t need to be taught how to feed her calf; the river of milk oozing from her teats; her famished child nestling close to her body; was simply enough for her to satisfy her baby,

The rose didn’t need to be taught how to give scent; the coalition of redolent red petals embodied in its visage; the scores of humming bees kissing its stalk; were simply enough for it to blossom and emanate its blissful fragrance,

The child didn’t need to be taught how to walk; the unrelenting urge in him to reach his mother; an uncanny desire burning within him to explore the outside world; was simply enough to rise him on his feet; gallop with long strides and run,

The fish didn’t need to be taught how to swim; having seen nothing but water since their birth; swirling waves of the sea as their perennial companion; was simply enough for them to slither their delectable bodies and mystically weave their way forward,

The Lion didn’t need to be taught how to hunt; the inexorable gluttony of his stomach; a blood curling desire incarcerated in his flamboyant eyes; was simply enough to make him thunderously growl; run at lightening speeds towards the
throat of its prey,

The spider didn’t need to be taught how to spin her web; the sea of slimy juice extruding from her tentacles; a furtive desire to be shielded from the acrimonious Sun and the world; were simply enough for it to clamber up the ceiling and spin its home within seconds,

The cat didn’t need to be taught how to catch mice; its clusters of hostile needle teeth; the sense of uncanny adventure lingering profoundly in its hazel eyes; were simply enough for it to pounce on the diminutive rat and rip it apart into soft balls of meat,

The skin didn’t need to be taught how to sweat; sweltering rays of the dazzling Sun; an overwhelmingly hard day of work without sitting even a minute on the ground; was simply enough for it to evolve rivers replete with golden perspiration,

The peacock didn’t need to be taught how to dance; incessant showers of water cascading in torrents from the sky; an ambience completely enveloped by voluptuous enchantment; was simply enough for it to spread its wings to a full plumage and sway,

The beggar didn’t need to be taught how to beg; insatiable pangs of hunger imploding more fierce than a volcano in his stomach; every iota of blood virtually evaporating from his veins; was simply enough to make him open his mouth incoherently and wail for alms,

The scorpion didn’t need to be taught how to sting; having spent its entire life besieged with ghastly reptile and ominous wildlife; a splendidly curved tail inundated supremely with lethal poison; was simply enough for it to spread its face into a sneering grin and venomously strike the sleeping rabbit,

The donkey didn’t need to be taught how to kick; gruesome loads of sand laden on its tender body; with almost every entity transgressing it making it a point to ridicule it to ultimate limits; was simply enough for it to swish its tail and feet in raw indignation,

The lizard didn’t need to be taught how to gobble insects; its enormously slender tongue; the incredulous ability in its fleet footed legs to climb on any wall; was simply enough for it to furtively approach its prey from behind; devour it in a fraction of a second; before the poor worm even new it was born,

The pair of Man and Woman didn’t need to be taught how to procreate their progeny; the inexorable whirlpool of desire circulating rampantly in their bodies; the glimmer of invincible hope floating in their eyes to have somebody resembling themselves in entirety; was simply enough for them to blend in the aisles of passionate love and give birth to their offspring,

The Omniscient Creator didn’t need to be taught how to govern this earth; his omnipresent presence throbbing loudly in every heart; the supernatural power he possessed of creating more than a million for every soul lost; was simply enough for him to sit on the throne of this planet; and rule it as the ultimate king for times immemorial,

And an artist didn’t need to be taught how to paint; draw; write; sing; dance; etc.; the indefatigable reservoir of innovation multiplying every instant in the corridors of his brain; the unsurpassable euphoria he experienced in creating marvels out of abstract forms; was simply enough for him to lift the pen; assimilate the entire world in just a piece of naked paper; make the whole Universe of his dreams actually come alive in just a single line; he enigmatically uttered.


Only he who knows how to adeptly rebuild the castle perfectly; blending cement; concrete and glass in commensurate proportions; can audaciously dare trample
over and break it,

Only he who knows how to dexterously re-stitch the exquisite fabric; weave majestic cloth out of bland tufts of cotton; can audaciously dare to tear it,

Only he who knows how to expertly remold the intricately enigmatic jigsaw puzzle; can audaciously dare to dismantle it,

Only he who knows how to prolifically write infinite numbers of pages; inundate barren fragments of paper with multiple alphabets within seconds; can audaciously dare to rip it apart and dispose it,

Only he who knows how to enchantingly sing; capturing the entire Universe with his mesmerizing voice; can audaciously dare to stop all conversation; stop each voice from flowing,

Only he who knows how to run; conquer invincible summits of the mountain taking boundless strides at a time; can audaciously dare to sleep when the entire world around him slogged and worked,

Only he who knows how to adroitly mend the car brakes; blend them back to perfection within split seconds of time; can audaciously dare to snap them,

Only he who knows how to voraciously swim; wade his way across the most stormy waters and ferociously swirling sea; can audaciously dare to sink to its rock bottom,

Only he who knows how to appreciate even the most minuscule of beauty hovering around in the cosmos; had the incomprehensible power to envisage and perceive the most tantalizing sights that ever existed on this earth close eyed; can audaciously dare to pierce his eyes and go pathetically blind,

Only he who knows how to clean the entire room; annihilate even the most infinitesimal trace of dirt adhering to the walls; can audaciously dare to dirty

Only he who knows how to make strangers laugh within seconds; foment them to thunderously chortle at even the smallest joke of his; can audaciously dare to make them cry,

Only he who knows how to stare unrelentingly looking into the heart of the fiery Sun; profoundly admiring its poignant tenacity; can audaciously dare to blink
without control,

Only he who knows how to attract any female towards him without the slightest of effort; foment her to love him by merely looking into her eyes; can
audaciously dare to betray her,

Only he who knows how to grow countless number of trees; producing tons of salubrious grains round the year from the field mingling raw seeds in robust soil; can audaciously dare to chop one with the axe,

Only he who knows how to meditate incessantly; profusely concentrating on the deity of sacrosanct God; communicating with him whenever he wanted to; can audaciously dare to shout with the satanic devil; every hour after the onset of midnight,

Only he who knows how to convince every entity with the eloquent power of his speech; propagate the message of unfathomable truth and peace ubiquitously all around the Globe; can audaciously dare to speak a string of blatant lies,

Only he who knows how to miraculously heal the body of the most inexplicable of ailment; grant reprieve to the miserably afflicted by the mere caress of his Omnipotent palms; can audaciously dare of poisoning it,

Only he who knows how to recreate the entire planet; by merely opening diminutive portions of his Omniscient mouth; can audaciously dare of completely destroying it,

And only he who knows how to impart new life; procreate millions by the Omnipresent power engulfing his visage; can audaciously dare of abruptly ending it entirely and snatching it.


The whole world is a swirling ocean; while you were my comforting shore,

The whole world is the hostile island of sun; while you were my brilliant rays,

The whole world is an uncivilized jungle; while you were my majestically roaring lion,

The whole world is a treacherous mountain; while you were my towering peak,

The whole world is a colossal patch of barren sky; while you were my rain bearing cloud,

The whole world is a pugnacious battlefield; while you were my cherished victory,

The whole world is a garden with wild weeds; while you were my perennially blossoming rose,

The whole world is a rampantly spread beehive; while you were my delectable and sweet nectar,

The whole world is gargantuan ship; while you were my valiant captain,

The whole world is a lifeless body on the verge of dying; while you were my precious and passionate breath,

The whole world is volumes of books embedded with boring literature; while
you were the line that evolved my creativity,

The whole world is an enigmatic puzzle; while you were my 100% solution,

The whole world is a river of gloomy tears; while you were my everlasting smile,

The whole world is perpetually blind; while you were my mesmerizing vision,

The whole world is a violent abuse; while you were my stupendously enchanting

The whole world is an arid desert; while you were my sweet spring of bubbling water,

The whole world is licentious desire; while you were my sacrosanct mosque,

The whole world is crisp notes of pretentious currency; while you were my checkbook,

The whole world is a cannibalistic vulture; while you were my royal and princely feather,

The whole world is a stubborn lock; while you were my dainty and intricate key,

The whole world is a devastating infection; while you were my immortal source of potent medication,

And the whole world is a blood sucking leech; while you were my only human.


In order to walk; all we had to do was to coherently use our feet and march forward,

In order to write; all we had to do was to hoist the pen; and then nimbly rub its
nib against bonded paper,

In order to sleep; all we had to do was shut our eyes; thereby obfuscating ourselves completely from bright light,

In order to talk; all we had to do was open our mouth; then articulately reverberate our tongue in hollow chambers of darkness prevailing,

In order to smile; all we had to do was stretch out luscious lips as far as possible; alongwith a trifle empathy in our eyes,

In order to swim; all we had to do was voraciously move our hand and feet; master the art of holistically floating on the surface,

In order to eat; all we had to do was place appetizing morsels of sundry in our mouth; then masticate the same with sharp incisors of our teeth,

In order to breathe; all we had to do was inhale gallons of unadulterated air; inundating the palpable jacket of our lungs with revitalizing fervor,

In order to punch; all we had to do was clench our fists into a compact ball; then thrust them with tumultuous power towards the wall,

In order to dance; all we had to do was rhythmically sway our bodies; to vibrant
tunes of pulsating music,

In order to scratch; all we had to do was use our finger nails incongruously;
painstakingly peeling off intricate arenas of our skin,

In order to sing; all we had to do was partially open our mouths; engendering
mesmerizing tunes to permeate the atmosphere,

In order to paint; all we had to do was use the brush vivaciously upon the
naked body of white canvas,

In order to bathe; all we had to do was to completely submerge our silhouette in colossal pools of gurgling stream water; sprinkling the same with gay abundance on our scalps,

In order to dig; all we had to do was extricate earth with a shovel; pummel the ground incessantly till we achieved the conducive depth,

In order to remember; all we had to do was intensely flex the tendrils of our
brain; have loads of conviction in our ability to perceive,

In order to bend; all we had to do was to stoop down on the floor; kneel with
our chins adhering to the bare surface,

In order to sneeze; all we had to do was hold pungent pepper close to our nostrils; then wait for the inevitable aftermath to follow,

In order to pray; all we had to do was to perceive all the benevolence existing; visualize the most simplest yet the most enamoring forms of life; worship the most stupendous form of the omnipresent Creator,

And in order to live; all we had to do was philanthropically execute our duties towards the society; incarcerate in our hearts forever the person of our dreams; the person who could love us immortally for decades immemorial.


If I had a dead flower in my hand; I would plant it in the soil; for it to spread its lingering redolence; and at the same time proliferating several of its kind,

If I had a bulky sheaf of scribbled paper in my hand; I would erase all the obnoxious literature embedded; rendering the same immaculate and spotless for reuse,

If I had infinite pieces of shattered glass in my hand; I would coalesce them all together; metamorphosing them to form a scintillating mirror,

If I had an injured pigeon in my hand; I would inundate his wounds with omnipotent soil; impregnating in him the power to fly high and handsome again,

If I had lifeless follicles of hair in my hand; I would scrub them tenaciously with flamboyant antiseptic; to make them glisten again,

If I had fetid and rotten vegetables in my hand; I would soak them in fresh
water; then put them beneath stringent rays of the sun to wholesomely fumigate them,

If I had a dilapidated and pulverized brick in my hand; I would fortify it with reinforced cement to make it withstand the most torrential of thunder,

If I had an acrimonious chunk of thorn in my hand; I would coat it with a sheet of sparkling honey; then offer the same to famished insects loitering through the
dusty streets,

If I had a deflated balloon in my hand; I would stuff it with free air; to augment it to robust proportions,

If I had splinters of bedraggled cloth in my hand; I would refurbish them into a composite garment; using my steel bodkin and spools of thread adroitly,

If I had disdainful saliva in my hand; I would make optimum use applying the
same to the tainted windshield of my car; thereby creating a few pellucid spots amidst the sea of camouflaging dust,

If I had venomous tobacco leaves in my hand; I would incinerate them to create
a crackling bonfire; granting scores of people reprieve from freezing currents of austere winter,

If I had a ominous revolver in my hand; I would embed slices of piquant tomato
in the place of lead bullets; then play with the same amongst a bunch of innocuous children,

If I had squelched pulp of raw sewage in my hand; I would use the same for sprinkling commensurately between the plants; strengthening their roots with a
blend of nutritional elements,

If I had an ensemble of incongruously hard stones in my hand; I would submerge
them in shallow streams of placid water; to make the shrunken surface
dramatically swell,

If I had blistering hot acid in my hand; I would disseminate the same into thirsty desert sands; which would greedily absorb the same with loads of gratitude,

If I had rusty bells in my hand; I would strike them together to pierce the still ambience with an enigmatic and jingling sound,

If I had an obnoxious mosquito on my hand; I would place him in a pool of frosty milk; for him to greedily savor the stupendous taste of life,

If I had gruesomely fractured bones in my hand; I would perseveringly mold
them; resurrect them with scrupulous care; to make them walk again,

And even if I had the most hideous looking entity in my hands; I would still make it feel beautiful; by embellishing it with the garment of my love; encapsulating its
body with unprecedented care.


Although it stands in a pool of disdainful mud; with wild creepers camouflaging it in entirety,
The lotus still reigns supreme; due to its lingering redolence; the stupendously enamoring color of its leaves.

Although it is obliterated by a conglomerate of ominous thunder clouds; black gases whistling past it at swashbuckling speeds,
The moon still reigns supreme; due to its scintillating and perennial shine; which profoundly illuminates the night.

Although it flies amidst a fleet of hideous vultures; sounds of vicious wailing uncouthly caressing its wings,
The nightingale still reigns supreme; due to its incredibly mesmerizing voice
which permeates the atmosphere.

Although she swims underwater with pugnacious sharks slithering in proximity;
the multilegged octopus fervently awaiting every single opportunity to strangulate it,
The mermaid still reigns supreme; due to its silken complexioned skin; the vivaciousness incorporated in its body.

Although it lies obfuscated behind the fortress of lanky mountains; the colossal shadows trying to wholesomely submerge it,
The sun still reigns supreme; due to its blistering rays; the overwhelming tenacity in its shine able to dazzle every nook and cranny of the earth.

Although it lies incarcerated in cloistered space; a slimy shell sequestering it completely from the outside world,
The pearl still reigns supreme; due to its unrelenting capacity to glow; inundate the life of whosoever who purchases it with an inevitable sparkle.

Although it sprouts from primordial wild clay; with fetid puddles of slush sprawled abundantly around,
The button mushroom still reigns supreme; due to its delectably appeasing silhouette; the exultation it generates when squelched between pair of teeth.

Although it gushes past a plethora of belligerent barricades; jagged rocks hindering its progress at every juncture possible,
The white water mountain stream still reigns supreme; due to its tingling noise; the reinvigorating feeling it imparts when drunk with cupped hands.

Although it lies imprisoned in dungeons of doom; ghastly waves of air striking
it each minute unveiling,
The biscuit of gold still reigns supreme; due to the perpetual glow emanating from its persona; its uncanny ability to overpower all commodities existing.

And although he existed in a world besieged with corruption; blood sucking individuals trying to massacre civilization,
The angel still reigned supreme; due to an impeccable aura engulfing his demeanor; the unprecedented faith he had in his mother; his beloved; and the Almighty who had created him.


When I heard about the tree; what I perceived was a wooden stalk embodied with
a conglomerate of dense leaves,
While it was only when I swung on its branches; did I come to realize the exuberance; as the vibrant breeze struck me in my eyes; the chirping of birds drowned me in entirety.

When I heard about the sea; what I imagined was a colossal assemblage of water with swirling waves,
While it was only when I swam in its choppy waters; did I come to realize the tanginess in its froth; the infinite numbers of big fish wading past my persona.

When I heard about the sun; what I conceived was a flaming ball of fire perched high up in the azure sky,
While it was only when I stood beneath the same; did I come to realize the passionate intensity of its rays; the magnificent glory of its golden shine.

When I heard about the deserts; what I envisaged was sprawling lands of sand; alluring mirages looming large and prominent,
While it was only when I traversed the same barefoot; did I come to realize the slipperiness of its soil; the acrimonious thorns of cactus grazing across my
petite flesh.

When I heard about ice; what I visualized was incongruous cubes of frozen water; silently oozing out droplets of cold liquid,
While it was only when I clambered up the snow clad mountain; did I come to realize the unfathomable waves of winter; the goose-bumps that ran down right up to my slender spine.

When I heard about the castle; what I fantasized was scores of palatial rooms; towering roofs leaping high and handsome into the sky,
While it was only when I walked through its rooms; did I come to realize the desolation circumventing its walls; the century old cobwebs dangling at whisker lengths from my chin.

When I heard about gold; what I apprehended was rotund biscuits; coated profoundly with a distinctive coat of pure saffron,
While it was only when I felt the same in my palms; did I come to realize its
pudgy texture; the perennial shimmer that mystically emanated from its body.

When I heard about god; what I comprehended was a celestial power reigning
supreme over the world,
While it was only when I met his reincarnation in person; did I come to realize the omnipotent power in his eyes; his unsurpassable ability to vanquish all pain prevailing on earth.

When I heard about love; what I cognized was languishing indiscriminately in
the aisles of desire; fervently embracing ones beloved to generate tremors of
While it was only when I fell into it; did I come to realize the emotional bondage that resulted as an aftermath; the sacrifice involved to sustain the same.

And when I heard about life; I romanticized it to be a garden of scarlet roses; with its revitalizing redolence inundating my soul,
While it was only when I actually tried leading it; did I come to realize the barricades laid in all directions for me to confront; the ocean of adventure lying ahead; for me to plunge in and conquer.


If I asked you to choose from verdant landscapes of the mountain; and the
blistering flames of fire,
I am sure you would prefer to philander through the leafy foliage; relishing the scent of newly born dew-drops.

If I asked you to choose from exotically flavored ice-cream; and fetid rivulets of debris gushing at vibrant velocities from the gutter,
I am sure you would prefer to nibble at the frozen cream; sipping it gently down the veins of your throat.

If I asked you to choose from the rollicking dolphins; and the ominously
gargantuan shark,
I am sure you would prefer to play with the dolphin; riding on its back with the frothy ocean waves striking your naked skin.

If I asked you to choose from a bed of flocculent skin; and the disdainfully
dangling century old cobweb,
I am sure you would prefer to blissfully sleep on the Dunlop; let the vibrations of fantasy take a stranglehold of your dreams.

If I asked you to choose from the scintillating oyster; and a string of profoundly venomous thorns,
I am sure you would prefer to explore the pearls incarcerated inside the shell; let their intense radiance add a sparkle to your dreary eyes.

If I asked you to choose from the crystalline streams of water; and fuming pints of hostile acid,
I am sure you would prefer to stand beneath the falls; enjoy the cool liquid cascade down your persona.

If I asked you to choose from a grandiloquent houseboat; and the unwashed
body of a stray pig,
I am sure you would prefer to romanticize in the aisles of desire; admire the
mystical view unfurl as the steamer traversed forward.

If I asked you to choose from the dwelling perched high up in the silken clouds; and the ghastly interiors of a Lions den,
I am sure you would prefer to float in the mesmerizing sky; rekindle your senses with every droplet of intermittent rain.

If I asked you to choose from perennial love; and a land of baseless hatred,
I am sure you would prefer to submerge yourself into the sweetness of sharing;
the immortal fruit of romance.

If I asked you to choose from your mother; and the uncouth society brutally whipping you at umpteenth quarters,
I am sure you would prefer to nestle in the arms of the entity who procreated
you; stare into her impeccable eyes for eternity.

If I asked you to choose from omnipotent God; and the hideously distorted long
toothed devil,
I am sure you would prefer to kneel down at the feet of the Creator; imbibe the essence of his ideals to propagate them far and wide in this world.

And If I asked you to choose from life; and gruesomely torturous death,
I am sure the human tendency in you would propel you to live; fight for
your survival; amidst an ambience blended with pure and adulterated mortals wandering around.


The century old fort had fading exteriors; although it stood fortified against the mightiest of whirlwinds and storms,
While its contemporary counterparts constructed at electric speeds appeared bombastic; but collapsed like a soft pack of cards; at the slightest tremor of
the earthquake.

The thick rooted Banyan tree seemed outlandish; with infinite dusty tendrils cascading from its body; although it bore the brunt of the cyclone open chested without budging an inch from the place it had taken birth,
While the rose embellished with glistening dew drops; looking flamboyant and
just a few days old; withered to blend with the mud at the first sign of
thunder in the sky.

The large feathered grandfather eagle appeared rustic; flapping its corrugated
wings painstakingly in the air; although it soared like a handsome prince through the ominous cover of black clouds,
While the silver streamed aircraft swished like a rocket through space; but resonated like a dying man nose-dived towards the earth; as streaks of turbulent lightening struck it unexpectedly.

The gargantuan lake looked monotonous; bereft of a single wave on its surface;
although its swollen silhouette wasn’t affected the least in the peak of sweltering summer,
While the stream plummeting from the mountains looked enchanting; incessantly producing a mesmerizing sound; but the assemblage of water shrunk to raw dust; under sizzling rays of the dazzling Sun.

The conglomerate of fingers appeared pretty disillusioning; with the feather coated pen in their grip embodied with antique designs; although they chiseled exquisite lines of delectable literature; all throughout the night,
While the conventional computer typed lines at nerve wrecking speeds; was a symbol of profound sophistication in the new millennium; but metamorphosed all script into mumbled junk; the instant it was attacked by lethal virus.

The nuggets of glittering gold appeared indigenous; stashed well beneath in hideous dungeons; with the fangs of snake god guarding them against all evil; although when they were exposed to sun and unrelenting rain; the biscuits still retained their lustrous texture; the immortality of their shine,
While the scintillating coins of modern silver looked alluring; were used profusely in day to day interaction; but the chips developed peels of obnoxious rust on their surface; a few weeks after the monsoons.

The bicycle looked ludicrous; with spokes of skeleton steel protruding from each of its bars; although it traversed smoothly on the streets; whether it be gruesome night; or the steaming day,
While the swanky car was a stupendous delight to admire; zipped past the landscapes at roaring speeds; but halted abruptly midway; as the last droplet of petrol evaporated from its tank; leaving it stranded amidst an ambience of jungle and savage beasts.

The shades of rainbow in the cosmos appeared dull; failed to incarcerate attention at times; although they perennially appeared in the sky; after every shower of rain in sunlight,
While the blend of colors in the artists palette looked fascinating; each stroke of the brush evolving a new network of enthusing designs; but they got massacred the moment I scrubbed them vigorously with the eraser; annihilating all traces of them from this universe.

And the grizzly haired man seemed to be on the verge of extinction; infinite portions of his skin sagging towards the soil; although the experiences of life had made his foundations astronomically strong; and he displayed paramount resilience in adeptly conquering the most Herculean of task,
While the impetuous youngster looked brazenly dynamic; had blood circulating
passionately through his veins; but when it came to deciphering the enigmas of life; he buckled wholesomely under the pressure; the aftermath of which nearly
sent him on an expedition to his heavenly abode.


Between the ominous black clouds and the earth; there lies enchanting breeze
placidly cooling the atmosphere,

Between wholesome pitch darkness and brilliant sunlight; there lies the mesmerizing evening; passionately awaiting the night,

Between the summit of colossal mountain and the dusty roads; there lies the delectably gurgling waterfall; dissipating into silken froth,

Between the mammoth tusked elephant and the minuscule ant; there lies the innocuous rabbit; playing hide and seek amidst the labyrinth of bushes,

Between the bombastic Mercedes and the threadbare tricycle; there lies a bike;
zipping past the landscapes at lightening speeds,

Between the transparent mirror and mounds of abominable coal; there lies murky coins of silver; incarcerating all in vicinity with their mystical spell,

Between the stupendously exotic rose and the infinitesimal granules of free soil; there lies nimble blades of grass; voraciously tickling trespassers with their tantalizing tendrils,

Between the obstreperously screeching train and the perpetually silent valley; there lies the bubbling river; granting substantial reprieve from the agony of sweltering Sun,

Between hostile thorns of cactus and the sweet curry of pulverized sugar; there lies the robust apple imparting a voluptuous flavor the instant you masticated it,

Between the profusely embellished statue and heap of fetid garbage; there lies the succulent coconut with a pool of tangy water impregnated in its womb,

Between the grandiloquent castle and the shoddily attired iron drainpipe; there lies the seaside hut; with waves of the ocean sporadically against its windows,

Between the melodiously singing nightingale and the discordantly wailing mosquito; there lies the sly fox; whistling harmoniously in open space,

Between the pot bellied giant and the inconspicuous infant; there lies the impetuous youngster; euphorically wandering around,

Between the bird soaring astronomically high and the slithering lizard; there lies the opalescent butterfly flirtatiously fluttering its wings,

Between impeccable truth and nefarious evil; there lies the mischievous monkey playing pranks to appease mankind,

Between the sanctimoniously rich and the bedraggled beggar; there lies the common man; trying to struggle every unleashing minute for existence,

Between garish velvet and immaculate fibers of white; there lies the grey squirrel; frantically trying to search its burrow before sunset,

Between immortal love and superficial hatred; there lies philanthropic friendship; propagating its essence far and wide,

And between new born life and perilously old death; there lie sweet experiences; which add color to living; a dynamic vibrancy to breath.


The castle in the forest appeared haughty and ostentatious; with gaudy drapes majestically camouflaging its windows,
Although it had its roots firmly embedded in lackluster mud; which was blended incongruously with glowworms and reptile.

The ocean looked colossal; with gigantic waves swirling tumultuously towards the sky,
Although it had its roots in granules of frigid sand; replete with coral leaves and soggy hillocks of clay.

The gold mines appeared marvelously glittering; emanating a perennial glow of extravagant prosperity and opulence,
Although it had its roots firmly embedded in obnoxious slabs of coal; a coat of ghastly black encapsulating its scintillating demeanor.

The silhouette of sun looked stupendously dazzling; emitting infinite rays of fire permeating pugnaciously through the dark,
Although it had its roots sprawled since centuries unprecedented in the lackadaisical sky; with placid patches of blue in vicinity sheltering it; to make its dream come true.

The clothes on the prince's body appeared incredibly alluring; with every individual confronting him; instantly fantasizing himself adorning the same,
Although the royal garb had its roots in innocuous tufts of country cotton; sprouting in multiple clusters from the ground.

The edifice overlooking the shopping mall looked gargantuan; with several bystanders transgressing the streets; admiring it unanimously in open mouthed consternation,
Although it had its roots in dexterously ploughed soil; juxtaposed commensurately with raw cement and concrete.

The President's destiny appeared enchanting; as he stood tall and domineering on the dais; with an indomitable spirit to conquer profoundly lingering in his eyes,
Although it had its roots in the lines of his spongy palm; the labyrinth of mounts and stars impregnated in his tiny fist.

The Banyan tree looked like a fascinating fortress; with scores of animals and birds wandering vivaciously through its cascading branches,
Although it had its roots deeply embodied in recesses of moist earth; and a conglomerate of nutrients in the same; nurturing it to rise to unbelievable heights.

And the Creator appeared invincible; with the entire universe distinctly visible; each time he opened his mouth,
Although he had his roots entwined with philanthropic simplicity; the rudiments of equality granting him the unprivileged aura of ruling over the entire cosmos; residing in every heart that throbbed benevolently; palpitated passionately for life.


You could purchase a pair of teeth; but you couldn’t buy their scintillating shine,

You could purchase a handsome tiger; but you couldn’t buy his thunderous growl,

You could purchase a glamorous rose; but you couldn’t buy its mesmerizing redolence,

You could purchase the entire valley; but you couldn’t buy its unfathomable depth,

You could purchase a mammoth slab of ice; but you couldn’t buy its frozen coolness,

You could purchase sprawling territories of sand; but you couldn’t buy their sweltering heat,

You could purchase a cluster of opalescent striped nightingales; but you couldn’t buy their enchanting voice,

You could purchase boundless meadows of grass; but you couldn’t buy the coat of dew drops glistening on their surface,

You could purchase the sapphire blue dolphin; but you couldn’t buy its rollicking leap,

You could purchase dexterously sculptured paintings; but you couldn’t buy the artists mind,

You could purchase the colossal lake; but you couldn’t buy the fish proliferating inside; every unleashing second,

You could purchase a pair of eyes from the eyebank; but you couldn’t buy their
emphatic rays,

You could purchase knotted fingers; but you couldn’t buy the things they wrote,

You could purchase a sparkling jewel; but you couldn’t buy the impact that it had on your destiny,

You could purchase a swanky car; but you couldn’t buy the speeds at which it traversed,

You could purchase a slave; but you couldn’t buy the uninhibited freedom of
his thoughts,

You could purchase a woman; but you couldn’t buy the love residing deep in her conscience,

You could purchase an idol of God; but you couldn’t buy the omnipotent power it was capable of executing,

And you could purchase a heart; but you simply couldn’t buy its violently palpitating beats; the overwhelming tenacity it had to grant new life.


It was very easy to let gallons of water pass under the bridge; as all one had to do was open the wrought iron gates,
But to stop its flow thereafter was exceedingly tedious; as the stream picked up speed; swelled leaps and bounds every unfurling second.

It was very easy to speed up a car; as all you needed was to uncouthly press upon the accelerator,
But to freeze it completely in its footsteps was an insurmountable task; as the sedan swerved wildly on the wet tarmac; rotating umpteenth number of times; before achieving refined degrees of control.

It was very easy to light a cigarette; as all one required was a nimble flame emanating from the matchstick,
But to subside its flames was a Herculean task; as the lungs developed an insatiable addiction for the acrid smoke.

It was very easy to provoke a tiger; as all you needed was to poke it in its ribs; disdainfully drench it with water right in its den,
But it was an agonizing wait before the beast pacified; as it tore apart the flesh of several innocent; before eventually drifting into his afternoon siesta.

It was very easy to make a person blind; as you had to do was hurl a tumbler of fuming acid towards his immaculate face,
But to regain back sight was simply unattainable; as the blackness hovering over his eyes; became more intense with the fading light.

It was very easy to shatter a colossal ensemble of glass; as all you needed to
do was bang its surface coercively with hard stone,
But to recoup its fragments was a marathon job; as they lay scattered rampantly; and a majority concealed in black mud all around.

It was very easy to spend money; as all you had to do was purchase every
object that appeared enamoring to your eye, let it drizzle chivalrously from
your palms,
But to earn it back was overwhelmingly hard; as each penny acquired conscientiously; made you shed more than a million drops of your sweat.

It was very easy to say "I love you"; as all you needed to do was romanticize
incessantly in the tunnel of tantalizing romance,
But to sustain the same became stupendously difficult; as you had to fight an
head on battle with the sanctimonious society; break your back to suffice
daily fodder.

And it was very easy to kill a person; as all you had to do was ruthlessly compress the trigger of your gleaming gun,
But to revive back life proved wholesomely futile; as it was impossible to enter the territories of the omnipotent Creator.


Like an infinite brutal knives inexorably stabbing every tangible space of happiness; devastating every single aspect of my existence beyond the threshold of  sagacious repair,

Like infinite maelstroms of inexplicable despair; thwarting even the most infidel of my desire; to die the most excruciatingly gory death within the realms of my wailing soul,

Like an infinite nights of haplessly strangulating nightmares; each of which metamorphosed me into the ghosts of jinxed oblivion; even though I was
jubilantly alive,

Like an infinite thorns of truculently beheading disease; snapping every holistic fang of my existence; with the mortuaries of unparalleled misfortune and invidious blackness,

Like an infinite skeletons of tawdrily cursing nothingness; ghastily rendering every ounce of my poignant blood; to worthlessly debilitating and infinitesimal ash,

Like an infinite oceans of deplorably slandering blood; which intransigently drowned every dimension of my skull; to the acrimoniously unsparing rock bottom,

Like an infinite gallows of deliriously inexplicable depression; which morbidly injected the vials of lecherous helplessness; into each of my veins at a speed more vicious than the most uncontrolled thunderbolts of lightening,

Like an infinite devilish snakes slithering into vindictive wilderness; maiming even the most iridescently robust of my senses; with hedonistically penalizing venom,

Like an infinite ferociously undulating waves; which made me inevitably crumble on my very own feet like a pack of lugubriously impotent matchsticks; without the tiniest of insinuation or prior warning,

Like infinite atrociously non-existent parasites; which cannibalistically devoured even the last ounce of enthusiasm from my impoverished demeanor; hopelessly discarding me to beg on the irascibly rambunctious roads,

Like an infinite germs of indispensably asphyxiating cancer; which slowly and slowly incarcerated even the most oblivious granule of triumph; in my bountifully celestial body,

Like an infinite murderously silent dungeons of imperiling boredom; stigmatizing each victoriously jostling nerve of mine; with unstoppable whirlpools of carnivorously delinquent lechery,

Like infinite icicles of lecherously weeping lifelessness; which diabolically froze the very lastounce of virility in my blood; rendering me lividly castrated in the center of the beautifully bustling street,

Like an infinite wails of salaciously massacring meaninglessness; which ripped apart through even the most invisible fabric of my felicity; like an endless desert of maniacal victimization,

Like an infinite footsteps of unforgivably plundering crime; forever robbing every single element of my body; of its stupendously bewitching versatility,

Like an infinite cold-blooded cauldrons of esoteric perversions; subjugating my nimble form; to the coffins of the ominously marauding and sadistically torturous devil,

Like an infinite wails of the impiously strangulating witch; which gruesomely transformed even the most harmoniously spell binding of my fantasy; into the
ultimate apogees of pugnacious mayhem,

Like an infinite unfaithfully barren deserts; which wholesomely evaporated even the most mercurial trace of optimism from the chapters of my priceless life; without the slightest of my fault; reason or ostensible rhyme,

Like an infinite signatures of the horrifically prejudiced demon; which ruthlessly crucified even the most insouciant trace of my masculine identity; with the alphabets of unprecedented devastation,

Was the sorrow lingering deep in the dormitories of my innocent heart and soul; was the sorrow inhabiting every stream of blood that flowed through my veins; was the sorrow unmistakably reflecting from every quarter of my eye; was the sorrow that unabashedly cursed every righteously forward footstep of mine; was the sorrow that converted each of my golden breath into the ultimate hiss of death.


If you didn’t want to wait till the next sunrise; then start optimistically illuminating every drearily lambasted arena of today’s sinful night; with the boundless fire of fearlessness in each of your ever-pervadingly altruistic footsteps,

If you didn’t want to wait till the next sunrise; then start brilliantly illuminating every miserably asphyxiated cavern of today’s dolorous night; with the untamed fire of timelessly unbridled creativity in your brain,

If you didn’t want to wait till the next sunrise; then start indefatigably illuminating every lugubriously crippled ingredient of today’s sordid night; with the uncurbed fire of miraculously ameliorating artistry in each of your resplendent fingers,

If you didn’t want to wait till the next sunrise; then start interminably illuminating every wretchedly shriveled leaf of today’s ribald night; with the unsurpassable fire of everlastingly astounding virility in each of your bones,

If you didn’t want to wait till the next sunrise; then start inexorably illuminating every tawdrily deteriorating element of today’s salacious night; with the invincible fire of eternal truth in your benign conscience,

If you didn’t want to wait till the next sunrise; then start unstoppably illuminating every ghastily reproachful twig of today’s unpardonable night; with the undefeated fire of inimitably priceless symbiotism in each of your blessed veins,

If you didn’t want to wait till the next sunrise; then start impregnably illuminating every hideously perverted cranny of today’s imperiling night; with the unshakable fire of effulgently resurgent enthusiasm in every naked patch of your eyes,

If you didn’t want to wait till the next sunrise; then start incessantly illuminating every treacherously demeaning shadow of today’s incarcerated night; with the unassailable fire of immeasurably bountiful sensuality; in each of your seductive eyelashes,

If you didn’t want to wait till the next sunrise; then start unrelentingly illuminating every haplessly victimized labyrinth of today’s vengeful night; with the magical fire of ubiquitously peerless brotherhood; timelessly sparkling in each of your eye,

If you didn’t want to wait till the next sunrise; then start tirelessly illuminating every vindictively tyrannized wind of today’s sacrilegious night; with the unconquerable fire of bounteous compassion; in every word that you truthfully spoke,

If you didn’t want to wait till the next sunrise; then start triumphantly illuminating every hedonistically slavering pebble of today’s profane night; with the unlimited fire of victoriously unfettered perseverance; in each droplet of your golden sweat,

If you didn’t want to wait till the next sunrise; then start endlessly illuminating every deplorably divested coffin of today’s acrimonious night; with the untainted fire of pristinely innocuous mellifluousness; in each decibel of your magnanimous voice,

If you didn’t want to wait till the next sunrise; then start unflinchingly illuminating every truculently devastated shred of today’s jinxed night; with the limitless fire of spell bindingly ecumenical humanity; in each of your benevolently silken shadow,

If you didn’t want to wait till the next sunrise; then start optimistically illuminating every diabolically staggering mortuary of today’s pugnacious night; with the uninterrupted fire of impeccably divinely mischief; in each pore of your vivaciously nubile skin,

If you didn’t want to wait till the next sunrise; then start intransigently illuminating every sadistically morose jailhouse of today’s demonic night; with the unceasing fire of perpetually uplifting freedom; in each of your poignantly blessed stride,

If you didn’t want to wait till the next sunrise; then start fantastically illuminating every acridly incorrigible thorn of today’s preposterous night; with the Omnipotent fire of perennially undaunted simplicity; in each of your inevitably humanitarian actions,

If you didn’t want to wait till the next sunrise; then start indomitably illuminating every devilishly castrated whisper of today’s atrocious night; with the universal fire of unbreakably poignant belonging; in each of your enchantingly priceless heartbeat,

If you didn’t want to wait till the next sunrise; then start insuperably illuminating every sacrilegiously demented graveyard of today’s licentious night; with the spell binding fire of effulgently Omnipresent breath; in each of your bounteously
titillating nostrils,

And if you didn’t want to wait till the next Sunrise; then start royally illuminating every carnivorously stabbing battlefield of the dastardly night; with the unimaginable fire of uninhibitedly God-gifted beauty; in each perennially fructifying transpiration of your soul.


I am wholesomely aware that accidents come uninvited and without the slightest of insinuation; intimation and are beyond our sagacious control; but help is just a fingertip away; if each one of us on this fathomless planet; were to offer even a single altruistically compassionate cloth from our benign bodies; to befriend all those tormented by inexplicably horrific pain,

I am wholesomely aware that accidents come uninvited and without the slightest of insinuation; intimation and are beyond our sagacious control; but help is just a fingertip away; if each one of us on this boundless planet; were to offer even a single uninhibitedly enlightening smile from our selfless bodies; to befriend all those asphyxiated by treacherously inconsolable pain,

I am wholesomely aware that accidents come uninvited and without the slightest of insinuation; intimation and are beyond our sagacious control; but help is just a fingertip away; if each one of us on this gregarious planet; were to offer even a single teardrop of priceless empathy from our blessed bodies; to befriend all those slavering in uncouthly barbarous pain,

I am wholesomely aware that accidents come uninvited and without the slightest of insinuation; intimation and are beyond our sagacious control; but help is just a fingertip away; if each one of us on this limitless planet; were to offer even a single ray of insuperably burgeoning hope from our holistic bodies; to befriend all those despicably maimed and slithering in uncontrollable pain,

I am wholesomely aware that accidents come uninvited and without the slightest of insinuation; intimation and are beyond our sagacious control; but help is just a fingertip away; if each one of us on this iridescent planet; were to offer even a single muscle of fearlessness from our unflinching bodies; to befriend all those salaciously buried beyond a forlornly terrorizing graveyard of pain,

I am wholesomely aware that accidents come uninvited and without the slightest of insinuation; intimation and are beyond our sagacious control; but help is just
a fingertip away; if each one of us on this stupefying planet; were to offer even a single eternally infallible fantasy from our symbiotic bodies; to befriend all those deplorably wailing in a coffin of unbearable pain,

I am wholesomely aware that accidents come uninvited and without the slightest of insinuation; intimation and are beyond our sagacious control; but help is just
a fingertip away; if each one of us on this spell-binding planet; were to offer even a single droplet of miraculously patriotic blood from our synergistic bodies; to befriend all those gorily crucified by the gallows of unendingly stabbing pain,

I am wholesomely aware that accidents come uninvited and without the slightest of insinuation; intimation and are beyond our sagacious control; but help is just a fingertip away; if each one of us on this rejuvenating planet; were to offer even a single ounce of victoriously healing truth from our righteous bodies; to befriend all those truculently beheaded by the maelstroms of ghastly pain,

I am wholesomely aware that accidents come uninvited and without the slightest of insinuation; intimation and are beyond our sagacious control; but help is just a fingertip away; if each one of us on this pristine planet; were to offer even a single thread of euphorically uplifting friendship from our charismatic bodies; to befriend all those unstoppably tottering towards tawdrily victimizing pain,

I am wholesomely aware that accidents come uninvited and without the slightest of insinuation; intimation and are beyond our sagacious control; but help is just a fingertip away; if each one of us on this unsurpassable planet; were to offer even a single whisker of ardent good-will from our mellifluous bodies; to befriend all those hopelessly deteriorating in the crutches of uncannily torturous pain,

I am wholesomely aware that accidents come uninvited and without the slightest of insinuation; intimation and are beyond our sagacious control; but help is just a fingertip away; if each one of us on this indefatigable planet; were to offer even a single melodiously mollifying whisper from our celestial bodies; to befriend all those despondently incarcerated in the corpses of unprecedentedly mind-boggling pain,

I am wholesomely aware that accidents come uninvited and without the slightest of insinuation; intimation and are beyond our sagacious control; but help is just
a fingertip away; if each one of us on this unending planet; were to offer even a single earnestly illuminating prayer from our philanthropic bodies; to befriend all those utterly devastated in the hell of cold-blooded pain,

I am wholesomely aware that accidents come uninvited and without the slightest of insinuation; intimation and are beyond our sagacious control; but help is just a fingertip away; if each one of us on this spell-binding planet; were to offer even a single globule of effulgently amazing virility from our bodies; to befriend all those atrociously emaciating in the noose of diabolical pain,

I am wholesomely aware that accidents come uninvited and without the slightest of insinuation; intimation and are beyond our sagacious control; but help is just a fingertip away; if each one of us on this interminable planet; were to offer even a single element of unassailable companionship from our bodies; to befriend all those lecherously assassinated by the swords of sadistically demented pain,

I am wholesomely aware that accidents come uninvited and without the slightest of insinuation; intimation and are beyond our sagacious control; but help is just a fingertip away; if each one of us on this unfettered planet; were to offer even a single whiff of stupendously glorifying enchantment from our bodies; to befriend all those rotting in the gutters of treacherously remorseful pain,

I am wholesomely aware that accidents come uninvited and without the slightest of insinuation; intimation and are beyond our sagacious control; but help is just a fingertip away; if each one of us on this rhapsodic planet; were to offer even a single immortal destiny line from our mystical bodies; to befriend all those whose fortunes were being incessantly burnt in the flames of cadaverously jinxed pain,

I am wholesomely aware that accidents come uninvited and without the slightest of insinuation; intimation and are beyond our sagacious control; but help is just a fingertip away; if each one of us on this ecstatic planet; were to offer even a single ingredient of strength from our robust bodies; to befriend all those intransigently sleeping and awake with the daggers of inextinguishably murderous pain,

I am wholesomely aware that accidents come uninvited and without the slightest of insinuation; intimation and are beyond our sagacious control; but help is just
a fingertip away; if each one of us on this resplendent planet; were to offer even a single puff of unbelievably reinvigorating breath from our impeccable bodies; to befriend all those haplessly trembling on the uncouthly naked floors of ribald pain,

And I am wholesomely aware that accidents come uninvited and without the slightest of insinuation; intimation and are beyond our sagacious control; but help is just a fingertip away; if each one of us on this unlimited planet; were to offer even a single
beat of immortally fructifying love from our bodies; to all those incarcerated and hideously wound in the chains of hedonistically devilish pain.

35. IDEA

Without it even the most astoundingly greatest of musicians; would have simply nothing to mellifluously sing; incessantly flex the poignantly intricate chords of their throat till the corridors of untainted eternity,

Without it even the most sensitively greatest of artists; would have simply nothing to inscrutably paint; tirelessly juggle the beautifully silken veins of their fingers in the mists of unabashed desire,

Without it even the most spellbindingly greatest of dancers; would have simply nothing to timelessly gyrate on; mystically inundate every cranny of the remorsefully incarcerated atmosphere; with endlessly enchanting color and charm,

Without it even the most symbiotically greatest of potters; would have simply nothing to jubilantly evolve; unceasingly perpetuate handsome shapes and life; to a mountain of worthlessly decrepit clay,

Without it even the most brilliantly greatest of businessmen; would have simply nothing to ingeniously manipulate; interminably ensure the channelization of
currency to all fraternities of the society,

Without it even the most majestically greatest of surgeons; would have simply nothing to miraculously cure; indefatigably using myriad of new innovations to
mitigate inexplicably excruciating pain,

Without it even the most classically greatest of poets; would have simply nothing to unrelentingly fantasize; gorgeously embody fathomless sheets of barren paper with inimitably invincible literature,

Without it even the most victoriously greatest of scientists; would have simply nothing to intriguingly discover; spawn an impregnable civilization of newness
from lividly decrepit bits of sullen nothingness,

Without it even the most experimentally greatest of farmers; would have simply nothing to freshly sow; harness worthlessly inane chunks of dead soil; into
the most ubiquitously fructifying fruits of an optimistic tomorrow,

Without it even the most triumphantly greatest of teachers; would have simply nothing to rhapsodically teach; permeate an entrenchment of inevitable curiosity; in ecstatically developing and nubile minds,

Without it even the most piquantly greatest of critics; would have simply nothing to undyingly analyze; candidly endeavor to metamorphose every bit of inadvertent inferiority; into a utopia of infallible perfection,

Without it even the most ebulliently greatest of sportsmen; would have simply nothing to indisputably excel; reach the absolute zenith of unassailably sparkling victory; as they extemporized every minute,

Without it even the most patriotically greatest of world leaders; would have simply nothing to ecumenically celebrate; uninhibitedly evolve a heaven of newer and newer policies; for the egalitarian betterment of all living kind,

Without it even the most tantalizingly greatest of writers; would have simply nothing to fictitiously embolden; perennially rest the robotically castrated foundation of this commercial world; on a pedestal of uninterrupted dreams,

Without it even the most impeccably greatest of priests; would have simply nothing to bounteously preach; infallibly sermonize the ideals of a synergistically benign existence; from the perspective of the Gods,

Without it even the most unimpeachably greatest of philanthropists; would have simply nothing to altruistically serve; limitlessly culminate into freshly born beams of hope and desire; in order to reach out to all those hopelessly asphyxiated in the coffins of parasitic salaciousness,

Without it even the most compassionately greatest of builders; would have simply nothing to gorgeously erect; bless countless kilometers of aridly impotent land; with the most bewitchingly different and indomitable dwellings for all humanity,

Without it even the most unconquerably greatest of minds; would have simply nothing to undefeatedly think; peerlessly gallop into the most fantastically unadulterated tunnels of desire and longing; for times immemorial,

As the entire boundless world and every single organism who has breathed; is living and shall continue to holistically exist; lives upon it; depends upon it; prosperously thrives upon it; timelessly romanticizes in its unfettered glory; and eventually dies if there’s not the tiniest trace of an exhilarating “IDEA”.


A silence. Which torturously maimed every filament of effulgently blissful imagination. Which ensured that there could exist no more spell-binding fantasy; forever and ever and ever.

A silence. Which was dreaded even by the greatest of humanitarian saints. Which was the most ghastily penalizing meditation into the corpses of atrociously diabolical hell; forever and ever and ever.

A silence. Which was the most meaninglessly amorphous form of tawdrily asphyxiating emptiness. Which wholeheartedly invited only the salaciously plundering devil; forever and ever and ever.

A silence. Which was the most indescribably jinxed s**t of lies. Which was swarmed with nothing else but irreparably hedonistic disease; forever and ever and ever.

A silence. Which doomed the most holistically prosperous of civilizations into satanic dust. Which hadn’t the tiniest integrity of its own; being molested and indiscriminately marauded by an infinite devils; forever and ever and ever.

A silence. Which put a parasitic full stop to every ingredient of perennial love burgeoning in the atmosphere. Which miserably stifled even the most infinitesimal of desire in its very roots; forever and ever and ever.

A silence. Which was ubiquitously loathed by one and all on the trajectory of this fathomless Universe. Which wafted a sacrilegious stench of everything horrendously burnt on this boundless earth; forever and ever and ever.

A silence. Which perpetuated only an indefinable number of people to hysterically cry. Which hideously evaporated every globule of inimitably priceless sensuality into an oblivion of lugubrious dread; forever and ever and ever.

A silence. Which was more callously disheartening than chewing the most obdurately emotionless cliffs of steel. Which irrefutably proved that the whole world was nothing else but a penuriously disappearing horizon; forever and ever and ever.

A silence. Which was the most unforgivably perverted form of sin on mystical earth. Which inevitably dissolved into an infinite pools of fetidly venomous helplessness; forever and ever and ever.

A silence. Which solely led to the graveyards of preposterously impoverished deliriousness. Which permeated a vindictive gloom of sadism into every innocent heart existing; forever and ever and ever.

A silence. Which ironically transcended all definitions of inhuman torture. Which forlornly rendered even the most iridescently euphoric aspect of existence as treacherously insane nothingness; forever and ever and ever.

A silence. Which incarcerated every organism existing on planet divine with a gloom of inexplicably appalling despair. Which had not even the most evanescent of rejuvenating awakening; forever and ever and ever.

A silence. Which was the most derogatorily slandering parasite on this invincible earth. Which gruesomely blinded every eternal thought process into the gorge of ominous hopelessness; forever and ever and ever.

A silence. Which tyrannically devastated every tangible trace of virility into a ludicrously impotent ghost. Which perpetually loitered in the deplorable mortuaries of feckless uncertainty; forever and ever and ever.

A silence. Which was more blacker than the most perilously cursed shades of midnight. Which deliberately debilitated each ounce of compassionate fortitude in the atmosphere to a skeleton of acrid betrayal; forever and ever and ever.

A silence. Which was nothing but a worthlessly stinking carrion for the vultures of hatred to pillage. Which deplorably castrated every ounce of handsome energy into the gallows of extinction; forever and ever and ever.

A silence. Which led neither to the past; present or immediately optimistic future. Which was wholesomely and wretchedly circumscribed by solely the very last breath of emollient life; forever and ever and ever.

Such was the silence of inconsolably gory and unstoppably lambasting death.


Cheers ! To every ounce of marvelously benign sensitivity on this fathomlessly jubilant planet. Which forever ensured that the spirit of compassionate belonging; insuperably thrived.

Cheers ! To every ounce of naturally panoramic beauty on this wonderfully enamoring planet. Which forever ensured that there wouldn’t be the tiniest of space
for the dreaded prisons of robotic commercialism.

Cheers ! To every ounce of brilliantly Omnipotent Sunlight on this triumphantly unfettered planet. Which forever ensured that the rays of blazing optimism
wholesomely devoured even the most evanescent shade of ghastily blackened negativity.

Cheers ! To every ounce of altruistically Godly simplicity on this beautifully iridescent planet. Which forever ensured that all wantonly prejudiced pretension dissolved into the corpse of inane nothingness.

Cheers ! To every ounce of victoriously glorious truth on this redolently unconquerable planet. Which forever ensured that the pugnacious mortuary of lies seemed more invisible than the thinnest wisps of nocturnal air.

Cheers ! To every ounce of majestically poignant fertility on this boundlessly burgeoning planet. Which forever ensured that mother earth continued its endlessly blessed chapters of unassailable proliferation.

Cheers ! To every ounce of tirelessly emollient adventure on this ecstatically romanticizing planet. Which forever ensured that the gallows of bawdy monotony and politics; were buried an infinite feet beneath non-existent mud.

Cheers ! To every ounce of euphorically virile rain on this limitlessly bestowing planet. Which forever ensured that graveyards of oblivious barrenness; merrily bloomed with stupendously reinvigorating freshness.

Cheers ! To every ounce of mischievously pristine flirtation on this symbiotically fragrant planet. Which forever ensured that the exultation of youth remained perennial; even countless centuries after horrifically asphyxiating death.

Cheers ! To every ounce of peerlessly inimitable bravery on this ubiquitously ebullient planet. Which forever ensured that those dastardly who atrociously sold their mother’s and wives; received the highest rebukes and punishment of devilish hell.

Cheers ! To every ounce of righteously impregnable faithfulness on this blissfully venerated planet. Which forever ensured that the body of sacrilegious betrayal choked and gasped an infinite times for priceless breath; before eventually succumbing to the coffins of extinction.

Cheers ! To every ounce of unfathomably iridescent fantasy on this royally unhindered planet. Which forever ensured that the brain evolved a civilization
of invincibly fructifying newness.

Cheers ! To every ounce of celestially subliming sermon on this happily palpitating planet. Which forever ensured that the dungeons of treacherously victimizing illiteracy; could never ever see the face of light.

Cheers ! To every ounce of synergistic fruit and food-grain on this regally insatiable planet. Which forever ensured that dormitories of hapless impoverishment; would ardently mélange with the fabric of mother nature’s astounding fertility.

Cheers ! To every ounce of magically ameliorating artistry on this uninhibitedly musical planet. Which forever ensured that every organism irrespective of caste; creed; color or tribe; handsomely floated in the clouds of surreally inebriating dreams.

Cheers ! To every ounce of miraculously untainted creativity on this unabashedly sensuous planet. Which forever ensured that the winds of timelessly rejuvenating freshness; convivially kissed every naked patch of bizarre disease.

Cheers ! To every ounce of fierily undefeated breath on this fantastically unbridled planet. Which forever ensured that the cistern of life reigned as the most supreme command; even an infinite moments after destined death.

Cheers ! To every ounce of thunderously unshakable heartbeat on this spell-bindingly tantalizing planet. Which forever ensured that the wave of Immortally heavenly love; embraced one and all enchantingly alike.

Cheers ! To every ounce of unbelievably selfless humanity on this inscrutably flowering planet. Which forever ensured that every organism holistically alive; was in interminable company of Omnipresent brotherhood.

And now I can most proudly and by the grace of Omniscient Lord Almighty Lord proclaim to the entire world; that my drink is actually and in its most truest sense; finished.


Politicians are overwhelmingly influential,
Demons are hideously diabolical,
Fish are gorgeously continental,
Panthers are savagely cannibal,
Flowers are wonderfully natural,
Forests are exotically mystical,
Manipulative are stringently tyrannical,
Earth is intriguingly elliptical,
Dreams are tantalizingly surreal,
Economy is monotonously fiscal,
Artists are esoterically whimsical,
Villagers are rustically local,
Meditators are profoundly stoical,
Priests are devotedly ecclesiastical,
Learned are insatiably philosophical,
Lecherous are irrevocably clerical,
Philanthropists are amiably social,
Maelstroms are tumultuously radical,
Eyesight is beautifully focal,
Soil is ravishingly real,
Innovators are stupendously sensational,
Summits are panoramically phenomenal,
Frustrated are inevitably lackadaisical,
Castles are grandiloquently palatial,
Rats are an irascible squeal,
Relationships are unbelievably special,
Ambitions are indispensably consequential,
Romance is passionately torrential,
Princes are majestically regal,
Talents are bountifully integral,
Scorpions are acridly lethal,
Bloodshed is devastatingly fatal,
Survival is essentially fundamental,
Lies are living burial,
Explorations are innately trial,
Nightingales are charismatically rhetorical,
Tombs are morosely memorial,
Simplicity is intransigently ideal,
Mankind is perennially central,
Traditions are blissfully primordial,
Mushrooms are innocuously congenial,
Owls are ominously nocturnal,
Blisters are horrendously external,
Devils are solely physical,
Resemblance’s are amazingly accidental,
Rates are vacillatingly quotational,
Bad are always optional,
Assassins are obliviously cremational,
Hatred is shattering interval,
Staunchness is inherently rural,
Force is ghastly denial,
Ambiguity is sleazily dual,
Superficiality is supremely facial,
Clowns are wholeheartedly jovial,
Diffident are indefatigably skeptical,
Happiness is celestially floral,
Imprisonment is an traumatizing ordeal,
Faithfulness is an everlasting moral,
Tangible are inevitably mortal,
God is perpetually immortal,
Unity is timelessly eternal,
Addiction is obsessively habitual,
Thoughts are royally pictorial,
Genes are ostensibly racial,
Universe is marvelously total,
Time is unavoidably alluvial,
Devotion is magnanimously cathedral,
Lasers are contemporarily digital,
Thrones are glitteringly imperial,
Encounters are puristically circumstantial,
Grasslands are placidly pastoral,
Infidelity is mockingly neonatal,
Humanity is irrefutably vital,
Blessings are exuberantly instrumental,
Adventures are euphorically inspirational,
Philanderers are alluringly bilingual,
Success is thoroughly motivational,
Separation is tragically emotional,
Assimilation is incessantly educational,
Patriotism is ebulliently national,
Peace is divinely international,
Goodwill is symbiotically rational,
Greedy are disastrously nominal,
Indigenous are intrinsically tribal,
Jokes are capriciously trivial,
Oppressors are brutally satirical,
Robots are astoundingly mechanical,
Oceans are fantastically tidal,
Fairies are impeccably sensual,
Earth is incredibly substantial,
Bees are rambunctiously vocal,
Cuckoos are austerely punctual,
Diseases are cripplingly sabbatical,
Bullets are venomously cylindrical,
Seductresses are profusely ornamental,
Alphabets are harmoniously sequential,
Wink is a flirtatious signal,
Love is immortally magical,
And life is enchantingly musical.


Petals blossoms into flowers,
Clouds blossom into rain,
Seeds blossoms into trees,
Minutes blossom into hours,
Bricks blossom into dwellings,
Anger blossoms into destruction,
Exuberance blossoms into newness,
Nervousness blossoms into exhaustion,
Teamwork blossoms into unity,
Perseverance blossoms into success,
Beauty blossoms into enchantment,
Intrigue blossoms into enigma,
Trends blossom into innovations,
Eggs blossom into fledglings,
Rose blossoms into scent,
Sun blossoms into optimism,
Stars blossom into radiation,
Soil blossoms into vegetation,
Art blossoms into exoticism,
Ice blossoms into waterfalls,
Fire blossoms into compassion,
Imagination blossoms into concepts,
Wine blossoms into sedation,
War blossoms into hatred,
Pearls blossom into resplendence,
Dreams blossom into floatation,
Fashion blossoms into style,
Roots blossom into stem,
Salt blossoms into tanginess,
Strength blossoms into fortitude,
Resilience blossoms into conviction,
Surrender blossoms into despair,
Truth blossoms into harmony,
Relationships blossom into empathy,
Violence blossoms into prejudice,
Discrimination blossoms into bloodshed,
Scalp blossoms into hair,
Love blossoms into passion,
Peace blossoms into solidarity,
Rainbow blossoms into vivacity,
Endeavor blossoms into sweetness,
Tunes blossom into songs,
Mind blossoms into ingenuity,
Wilderness blossoms into mysticism,
Flames blossom into ardor,
Corpses blossom into ghosts,
Retreat blossoms into sadness,
Bondage blossoms into rebel,
Faith blossoms into worship,
Infidelity blossoms into nemesis,
Idiosyncrasy blossoms into nothingness,
Spiders blossom into webs,
Benevolence blossoms into humanity,
Independence blossoms into character,
Renunciation blossoms into divine,
Introspection blossoms into discovering,
Emotions blossom into yearning,
Death blossoms into extinction,
And life blossoms into vitality.


The outlines of vivacious trees seemed to be getting blurred as the minutes unveiled; with their colossal demeanor now appearing as sandwiched matchsticks,

The atmosphere seemed to be getting colder by the instant; although the air surrounding me was at the astronomical peak of sweltering summer,

The cars transgressing in vicinity seemed to be an obfuscated whiz; as if blotches of soft cotton sped forward at thunderous velocities,

The deafening roar of the panther; seemed to be like an inconspicuous squeak; although the beast kept incessantly parading round my persona,

The fingers of my palm felt like squelched jelly; collapsing with a thud on the ground; no matter how intractably I tried to hold them up,

The color of the flamboyantly pugnacious Sun; seemed like a pallid white mushroom lying scattered in oblivion on the ground,

The boundlessly towering mountain ranges in the surrounding; seemed like a weak stone lying nimbly beside my palm,

The ingratiatingly appetizing morsels of food and ravishing water lying before my feet; seemed to be completely bland; like a wriggling worm engulfed with slime,

The artists spell binding painting embodied on scintillating white canvas; seemed like a lame duck floating without a single droplet of water,

The mammoth barrel of heavenly crimson whisky; seemed to be like a diminutive mosquito irascibly bothering me in my ears,

The impeccable white shirt which the farmer was wearing; seemed to be profusely entrenched with diabolically ghastly blood,

The timidly placid waves of the ocean; seemed as if they were satanically caressing the pearly moon,

The infinitesimal bodied ants crawling on the marshy ground; seemed like ghoulishly colossal monsters; making a dash towards my neck,

The glittering heap of accolades that I had won all throughout the tenure of my life; seemed like a baseless piece of stinking s**t,

The toes sewn to my indigenously bohemian feet; felt as heavy as a sac full of stones; intransigently protested to move an inch,

The beats of my violently palpitating heart; seemed to be reducing drastically by the unfurling moment; a stupendously ghastly pale now enveloped my other rubicund chin,

The nostalgic memories of my innocuous childhood; the people whom I most ardently revered all along my life; now deluged my brain with ethereally
fleeting images,

The silken cocoon of clouds hovering in the austerely empty sky; seemed to be at whisker lengths from my nose,

Everything around me appeared hazily obliterated; the most celestial of things seemed to be disastrously plagued; the most passionate of my memories seemed to be mixing with threadbare mud,

And my breath was just on the verge of relinquishing me forever to blend with the Almighty awaiting my arrival in Heaven; as I take this dismal opportunity to pen down some of my horrendous experiences; before finally dying; before dying for the first time in my life.


Death is fantastically silencing; after which there existed not even the most inconspicuous iota of rambunctious sound; not even the most ethereal traces of malicious cacophony; to disdainfully wake you up from your eternal sleep.

Death is handsomely emancipating; after which you felt neither the most diminutive of agony slandering you; neither the most inexplicably crucifying of worries tickle your estranged soul.

Death is unbelievably artistic; after which even the most infinitesimal ingredient of your blood and irrefutably righteous conscience; forever coalesced with the undefeated majesty of the atmosphere.

Death is endlessly mollifying; after which there remained not even the most infidel of desire; just the perpetual bonding of every ounce of your goodness; with the unshakable spirit of the Omnipotent Lord.

Death is unconquerably immune; after which your physical form felt not the slightest of pain; even when stabbed by an infinite knives; or viciously cremated into the valley of hell.

Death is insuperably royal; after which even the most cannibalistically excoriating of your enemies; offered their humblest prayers for your soul to rest in everlasting peace.

Death is incredulously non-invasive; after which no religion on earth could sanctimoniously claim you as solely its; as you eventually and inevitably sunk into the belly of soil.

Death is beautifully resting; after which there seemed not even the most fugitive element of uncontrollable anxiety; after which the profanely robotic rat race
for survival of the fittest; forever faded into wisps of non-existent oblivion.

Death is unsurpassably enchanting; after which there seemed to emanate an unshakably ameliorating radiance from your face; which spell-bindingly cracked even the most deplorably asphyxiated riddles of existence.

Death is magically economical; after which your body didn’t need even the most transient shades of replenishment; after which even the most uncontrollably strongest of your urges; amazingly metamorphosed into altruistic contentment.

Death is self sermonizing; after which the chapter of your life became a holistically open philosophy; with countless extemporizing upon the quality of their survival; bounteously learning from your boundless rises and pitfalls.

Death is the end of vicious ambition; after which you could massacre no more innocent lives; erect your palaces on no more innocent blood; in your baselessly
ever-pervading desire to supremely reign over the entire Universe.

Death is Omnipresently powerful; after which even the most fearlessly infallible superpowers of this planet; miserably floundered to cause even the most obscurest of indentation; upon the contours of your body.

Death is the absolute end of devastation; after which there existed only the most invincibly emollient meadows of paradise; for every bit of symbiotic goodness that you’d ever done in your destined life.

Death is the most astounding magician; after which even the most murderously massacring of your pain; forever transformed into the most celestial pastures
of blessing sleep.

Death is ubiquitously unprejudiced; after which there remains not even the most evanescent puff of hatred in your heart; for every form and fraternity of creation all around you.

Death is everlastingly consecrating; after which even the most diabolically sinful of your deeds; are forever and ever and ever washed away; with every form of newness that exuberantly spawns into the firmament of the vividly ecstatic Universe.

Death is inimitably immortalizing; after which every bit of unflinchingly pristine righteousness that you breathed in the tenure of your life; perennially becomes an ardently optimistic tunnel of light; for countless more of your blessed kind.

So Mate; ready to Die! But think an infinite times before you do so. Because like all other best things on this Universe; even Death comes at a price. And unfortunately for you; me and every other organism created by the Omniscient Lord Almighty; that price is the ultimate threshold of pain that we could ever experience; in not just a single lifetime; but an infinite more of our infinite lifetimes.


Life is unconquerably; resplendent poetry of the most highest degree; incredibly pacifying every infinitesimal urge of the miserably unfinished soul,

Life is perpetually; majestic poetry of the most highest degree; royally gifting countless impoverished souls; with insatiably unending fantasy,

Life is ubiquitously; vibrant poetry of the most highest degree; triumphantly metamorphosing each ethereal trace of misery; into a fireball of ingratiatingly untamed happiness,

Life is marvelously; bountiful poetry of the most highest degree; beautifully placating every hedonistically traumatized agony; with the exuberance of untainted breath,

Life is indomitably; enchanting poetry of the most highest degree; harmoniously coalescing every organism irrespective of caste; creed; color or tribe; into the
religion of Omnipresent oneness,

Life is unceasingly; triumphant poetry of the most highest degree; wholesomely massacring every speck of the horrifically parasitic devil; with the scepter of
unshakable righteousness,

Life is tirelessly; fantastic poetry of the most highest degree; iridescently glimmering like the stream of ultimate unity; even in the heart of insidiously macabre midnight,

Life is blessedly; exotic poetry of the most highest degree; inevitably triggering an unprecedented maelstrom of eclectic fantasy; in every brain on this planet; enigmatically alike,

Life is irrefutably; sensuous poetry of the most highest degree; miraculously rekindling every shade of claustrophobically dwindling expression; with a wave
of undauntedly perennial heavenliness,

Life is astoundingly; impeccable poetry of the most highest degree; forever erasing the wounds of dastardly salaciousness; with its eternal mantra of everlasting mankind,

Life is unrestrictedly; divinely poetry of the most highest degree; spell bindingly mollifying every cranny of the planet in hapless distress; with Sunrays of unparalleled optimism,

Life is fearlessly; aristocratic poetry of the most highest degree; irrevocably inebriating each strangulated nerve of the body with a voluptuousness; impossible to break for infinite more births yet to unravel,

Life is intransigently; seductive poetry of the most highest degree; astonishingly proliferating till even beyond the corridors of infinite infinity; into an unassailable entrenchment of newness and untamed euphoria,

Life is symbiotically; intrepid poetry of the most highest degree; magnanimously charming every entity expunging air; with its impregnable cisterns of versatility,

Life is unsurpassably; gregarious poetry of the most highest degree; evolving a citadel of unflinching camaraderie on every layer of soil that it spawned; with the blessings of the Lord Almighty,

Life is boundlessly; tantalizing poetry of the most highest degree; vividly enshrouding every element of the pathetically stuttering heart and soul; with a curtain of radiantly titillating magnetism,

Life is inexorably; blossoming poetry of the most highest degree; enlightening every dwelling besieged with inexplicably prurient despair; with the lamp of inextinguishably prosperous togetherness,

Life is unlimitedly; mystical poetry of the most highest degree; unveiling a festoon of queenly opportunities to be usurped by every living being; handsomely alike,

And Life is endlessly; immortal poetry of the most highest degree; unstoppably culminating into a sky of fathomless freshness every unfurling second of the day
and milky night; even after horizons of pragmatic existence had long ended.

43. LIFE

When you were in the middle of the abominably rambunctious traffic; just utter the magically rejuvenating and ebulliently uninhibited word called; FREEDOM,

When you were viciously enveloped by atrocious laziness; just utter the majestically spell binding and vibrant word called; EXUBERANCE,

When you were abhorrently rotting in gutters of gruesome prejudice; just utter the resplendently charismatic and enchanting word called; MELODY,

When you were ominously strangulated by coffins of remorseful boredom; just utter the ebulliently rhapsodic and ecstatic word called; ENTHRALLMENT,

When you were murderously besieged by tornado’s of frantic desperation; just utter the miraculously Omniscient and sacred word called; HEAVENS,

When you were fanatically enshrouded by waves of insane lunatism; just utter the Omnipotently celestial and unassailable word called; DIVINE,

When you were brutally victimized by belligerently ghastly dormitories of paralysis; just utter the ravishingly voluptuous and exhilarating word called; ADVENTURE,

When you were acrimoniously sweating for hours immemorial; indefatigably fatigued beyond sagacious limits of comprehension; just utter the marvelously reinvigorating and replenishing word called; SLEEP,

When you were satanically entrapped for centuries unprecedented in dungeons of despicably depraving blackness; just utter the aristocratically royal and flamboyant word called; SUNLIGHT,

When you were incessantly stumbling upon a treacherously incoherent path of bizarre ugliness; just utter the majestically ingratiating and exotic word
called; BEAUTY,

When you were pugnaciously perpetuated by sonorously worthless daggerheads of diabolical depression; just utter the emphatically seductive and blazing word
called; OPTIMISM,

When you were lecherously entrenched by the island of morbidly fretful loneliness; just utter the invincibly regale and holistic word called; HARMONY,

When you were malevolently assassinated by indiscriminately tyrannical whiplashes of spuriously racial discrimination; just utter the impregnably bountiful and grandiloquent word called; UNITY,

When you were wholesomely devoured by gory maelstroms of unsparingly stinging sand; just utter the gloriously blissful and perennially torrential word called; RAIN,

When you were relentlessly dithering towards the corpse of worthlessly insipid extinction; just utter the insatiably twinkling and enamoring word called; EVOLUTION,

When you were uncouthly submerged in disdainfully penalizing beer bars of ungainly depression; just utter the ubiquitously eternal and stupendously gratifying word called; SMILE,

When you were incarcerated with acridly frigid avalanches of salaciously freezing indifference; just utter the wonderfully poignant and perpetually sequestering word called; COMPASSION,

When you were ferociously decimated every unfurling minute of the day by the coffin of disparagingly delinquent lies; just utter the scintillatingly righteous and irrefutably revered word called; TRUTH,

When you were coldbloodedly abdicating each beat of your devastatingly bereaved heart; just utter the immortally glittering and unconquerable word called; LOVE,

And when you were invidiously staggering for vitally quintessential breath; barbarically asphyxiating at even the most inconspicuous iota of air; just utter the most Omnipresently bestowing and immortal word called; life.


I felt like committing suicide there and then itself. Everytime I saw countless haplessly orphaned children; being viciously kicked into dustbins of malice; for
ostensibly no reason or rhyme,

I felt like committing suicide there and then itself. Everytime I saw the pricelessly innocuous female fetus; being brutally assassinated and aborted; right in the very depths of the unassailably Godly womb,

I felt like committing suicide there and then itself. Everytime I saw heartlessly cold-blooded men; ruthlessly felling innumerable a tree; using its blessed branches; trunk and roots; for evolving lifelessly wastrel commodities,

I felt like committing suicide there and then itself. Everytime I saw demonically manipulating politicians; weigh the very essence of unconquerably righteous life; in terms of wantonly decrepit currency coin,

I felt like committing suicide there and then itself. Everytime I saw innocently minor girls being brutally raped; by the diabolically idiosyncratic perversions of sadistic man,

I felt like committing suicide there and then itself. Everytime I saw peerlessly impeccable blood being parasitically sucked from newborn forms; just in order to spuriously enrich and consecrate; the already blessed and bountiful human form,

I felt like committing suicide there and then itself. Everytime I saw boundless wives and children reduced to a cadaverous carcass; as the man of the family simply refrained to budge an inch to earn; cannibalistically guzzling the last drop of wine and vixen; to be found of planet earth,

I felt like committing suicide there and then itself. Everytime I saw beautifully fructifying wildlife being emotionlessly beheaded; just in order to become the
exuberant delicacy; of the already replenished palette,

I felt like committing suicide there and then itself. Everytime I saw robustly ebullient organisms doing nothing but just endlessly gazing at fathomless sky; nonsensically proclaiming that their destiny would one day and eventually take them to the absolute epitome of cloud nine,

I felt like committing suicide there and then itself. Everytime I saw one man derogatorily slaving and slavering for another man; wherein the Omnipotent
Creator had created all symbiotically equal in the first place,

I felt like committing suicide there and then itself. Everytime I saw millions of innocent being indiscriminately butchered; in the wrath and aftermath of barbarously thwarting bombardment and war,

I felt like committing suicide there and then itself. Everytime I saw satanic terrorists launch an inconsolably pulverizing assault on one particular fraternity of mankind; in the name of sacrifice to the Omnipresent Lord,

I felt like committing suicide there and then itself. Everytime I saw hordes of people blindfoldedly offering their last ounce of wealth to the Omnipotent deity of the Lord; who in the first place owned every speck of the unending Universe; and who wanted them to benevolently donate the same to all suffering living kind instead,

I felt like committing suicide there and then itself. Everytime I saw school going girls and boys begging hoarsely on the obdurately chauvinistic streets; with their parents abhorrently using them to tickle the soft corner of the opulent society,

I felt like committing suicide there and then itself. Everytime I saw women of all ages; right from the age of my daughter; to sister to mother; tawdrily selling their flesh to hedonistically dastardly men; just for securing those two quintessential morsels of food,

I felt like committing suicide there and then itself. Everytime I saw limitless dying unattended on the freezing streets; because of unforgivably ghastly corruption; viciously infiltrating in every echelon of the government and society,

I felt like committing suicide there and then itself. Everytime I saw impudently pretentious brats; telling their life-bestowing parents to clean the stagnating s**t in their houses; whilst they themselves deliriously drowned themselves; into barrels of sinfully expensive wine and cigarette smoke,

I felt like committing suicide there and then itself. Everytime I saw the most perpetually faithful of lovers salaciously separate like a miserably broken leaf; at the tiniest of objection from the sanctimoniously turgid society,

I felt like committing suicide there and then itself. Everytime I saw selfishly shriveled man; praying to God for solely impregnating his lungs with a countless breaths; instead of immortally sharing the same in perfect symbiosis with endless numbers of his own kind,

But when I was actually committing suicide. I felt that any form of life was better than death; as I approached my very last breath. For if at all I could endeavor my very best to ameliorate every fraternity of estranged and maliciously cannibalistic living kind; then by the grace of God it could be only while in undefeated life and not the slightest after stonily gory death.


Life is so much like that silken cobweb; at times shimmering like a majestically untamed prince; in due allegiance under the iridescently silvery light of the moon,

Life is so much like that inexplicable cobweb; at times just disintegrating into a countless bits and pieces; without the slightest of ostensible reason or rhyme,

Life is so much like that royal cobweb; at times triumphantly swirling towards the highest epitomes of success; even as the most blasphemously perverted of hell torrentially reigned down upon planet divine,

Life is so much like that floundering cobweb; at times haplessly tripping down on an infinite occasions; just as its spider would be subjected to; whilst just a centimeter away from the zenith of victory,

Life is so much like that insuperable cobweb; at times uniting every thread; religion; caste; creed; tribe alike; into an impregnably amalgamated religion of selfless humanity,

Life is so much like that uncanny cobweb; at times frightening the very guts of your innermost soul; as you just nimbly brushed past it; even in the most blazingly peerless of daylight,

Life is so much like that priceless cobweb; at times each infinitesimal strand of which; was hopelessly and lecherously incomplete; without the other; without symbiotically coalescing with the other,

Life is so much like that surreptitious cobweb; at times stealthily skulking only past ghoulish midnight; when even the sadistically venomous annals of death had transiently slept,

Life is so much like that infallible cobweb; at times forming and agglutinating with such faithful relationships; which were invincibly blessed and eternally inseparable,

Life is so much like that inscrutable cobweb; at times wholesomely obscuring its very identity; in the enigmatically titillating labyrinths of shrunken oblivion,

Life is so much like that glimmering cobweb; at times scintillating with the richness of naturally panoramic creation; enlightened to full and profound glory of enchantingly mesmerizing existence,

Life is so much like that cowardly cobweb; at times shriveling to the size of a pea; at even the most evanescent talk of danger; about to paralyze and set in,

Life is so much like that candid cobweb; at times revealing even the minutest of its evolutions and fibers; indefatigably and in each instant of the flamboyant sweltering Sun; and sensuously nubile night,

Life is so much like that livid cobweb; at times unfurling into its most impotent shades of infidelity; when the network of manipulative prejudice dismally collapses into wholesome nothingness,

Life is so much like that unending cobweb; at times impregnably harboring billions of symbiotically enthralling networks in its swirl; feeding them interminably with the juices of its perennial compassion,

Life is so much like that unabashed cobweb; at times wholesomely allowing itself to be unstoppably caressed and fondled; by every wantonly wastrel speck of air that it encountered in its way,

Life is so much like that innocuous cobweb; at times metamorphosing itself into that newborn child once again; entirely unbridled with inexhaustible caravans of creativity; sparkling from every of its stride,

Life is so much like that dangerous cobweb; at times being irretrievably trapped into a maze of hopelessly confounded uncertainties; and sucked deeper and deeper into the mortuaries of worthlessness,

And life is so much like that voluptuous cobweb; at times inevitably enticing every ounce of goodness in the Universe to magnetically mélange with its unassailable colors; to craft victoriously mellifluous dimensions of a brilliantly unfettered tomorrow.


Air leads to exhilaration,
Leaves lead to recreation,
Sky leads to fascination,
Waterfall leads to rejuvenation,
Tea leads to reinvigoration,
Currency leads to continuation,
Sacrifice leads to emancipation,
Dance leads to titillation,
Music leads to incantation,
Enigma leads to innovation,
Admiring leads to exultation,
Jewels lead to glorification,
Dreams lead to pacification,
Lies lead to falsification,
Vocabulary leads to diction,
Shadows lead to mystification,
Empathy leads to relation,
Unity leads to amalgamation,
Hardwork leads to perspiration,
Brutality leads to strangulation,
Clarity leads to perception,
Vitality leads to procreation,
Time leads to evolution,
Lechery leads to emulation,
Overeating leads to eructation,
Acceptance leads to acclimatization,
War leads to destruction,
Hatred leads to desertation,
Discipline leads to attention,
Solidarity leads to fortification,
Benevolence leads to mitigation,
Trespassing leads to violation,
Monotony leads to manipulation,
Racism leads to discrimination,
Longing leads to obsession,
Desire leads to compulsion,
Greed leads to abduction,
Belligerence leads to fulmination,
Blending leads to culmination,
Alternatives lead to cogitation,
Drought leads to starvation,
Frenzy leads to fiction,
Understanding leads to translation,
God leads to creation,
Drudgery leads to exhaustion,
Stars lead to ramifications,
Waves leads to salination,
Conscience leads to purification,
Rituals lead to ablution,
Etiquette's lead to demonstration,
Brain leads to complications,
Conditions lead to alterations,
Discovery leads to exploration,
Joy leads to celebration,
Balance leads to floatation,
Mission leads to repetition,
Suffering leads to immolation,
Shyness leads to limitation,
Prudence leads to introspection,
Brooding leads to retrospection,
Beauty leads to inspection,
Religion leads to partition,
Belief leads to escalation,
Art leads to undulation,
Fantasy leads to sedation,
Foresight leads to maturation,
Disease leads to innoculation,
Greatness leads to personification,
Circumstances lead to habituation,
Surrender leads to dereliction,
Rusticity leads to simplification,
Eccentricity leads to aberration,
Rebel leads to vindication,
Lightening leads to electrocution,
Reverence leads to salutation,
Diabolism leads to abolition,
Wrong leads to decimation,
Staring leads to infatuation,
Massacre leads to afforestation,
Difficulty leads to confusion,
Exoticism leads to temptation,
Mistrust leads to misinterpretation,
Romance leads to fructification,
Deceit leads to dramatization,
Freezing leads to crystallization,
Perseverance leads to inception,
Fear leads to trepidation,
Insanity leads to hallucinations,
Peace leads to distinction,
Pertinence leads to indentation,
Disaster leads to extinction,
Parasites lead to infection,
Health leads to complexion,
Sagaciousness leads to assimilation,
Analysis leads to dimensions,
Pompousness leads to pretentions,
Poverty leads to deprivation,
Discussions lead to suggestions,
Boundaries lead to bifurcations,
Drinking leads to intoxication,
Sensuality leads to sensation,
Pragmatism leads to moderation,
Lust leads to ignition,
Love leads to gratification,
Change leads to mutation,
Intensity leads to saturation,
Sparkle leads to reflection,
Delinquency leads to rejection,
Trauma leads to migration,
Misdemeanor leads to detention,
Inaccuracy leads to circumspection,
Breath leads to exultation,
And life leads to realization.


Artists die; their art never dies,
Trees die; their wind never dies,
Music dies; its tunes never die,
Birds die; its flight never dies,
Roses die; their scent never dies,
Ocean die; their tanginess never dies,
Eyes die; their empathy never dies,
Fires die; their passion never dies,
Forests die; their mysticism never dies,
Clouds die; their enchantment never dies,
Moonlight dies; its resplendence never dies,
Peacocks die; their dance never dies,
Kings die; their royalty never dies,
Time dies; its essence never dies,
Moments die; their memories never die,
Light dies; its horizons never die,
Sportsmen die; their euphoria never dies,
Humanitarians die; their philanthropism never dies,
Lips die; their smiles never die,
Kisses die; their intensity never dies,
Soldiers die; their bravery never dies,
Courtesans die; their seduction never dies,
Ink dies; its literature never dies,
Idols die; their morals never die,
Eagles die; their majesty never dies,
Caresses die; their compassion never dies,
Echoes die; their enigma never dies,
Footsteps die; their path never dies,
Saints die; their blessings never die,
Storms die; their flamboyance never dies,
Cuckoos die; their dawn never dies,
Embraces die; their warmth never dies,
Beehives die; their sweetness never dies,
Shadows die; their incantation never dies,
Lightening dies; its exhilaration never dies,
Beauty dies; its fragrance never dies,
Pioneers die; their conviction never dies,
Conjurers die; their magic never dies,
Philosophers die; their ideals never die,
Waterfalls die; their exuberance never dies,
Fantasises die; their excitement never dies,
Exemplaries die; their reflection never dies,
Explorers die; their expedition never dies,
Clocks die; their time never dies,
Muscles die; their ardour never dies,
Desires die; their fascination never dies,
Relationships die; their intimacy never dies,
Fairies die; their innocence never dies,
Crops die; their soil never dies,
Deeds die; their virtue never dies,
Styles die; their grace never dies,
Castles die; their grandiloquence never dies,
Mothers die; their tenderness never dies,
Civilizations die; their rudiments never die,
Religion dies; its equality never dies,
Palms die; their destiny never dies,
Blood dies; its poignancy never dies,
Revolution dies; its belligerence never dies,
Winks die; their flirtation never dies,
Food dies; its taste never dies,
Flesh dies; its character never dies,
Brain dies; its ideas never die,
Squirrel dies; its vivaciousness never dies,
Perspiration dies; its perseverance never dies,
Fingers die; their signature never dies,
Language dies; its expression never dies,
Exhibitions die; their masterpieces never die,
Exemplifications die; their experiences never die,
Gladiators die; their brazenness never dies,
Glaciers die; their rejuvenation never dies,
Color dies; its vibrancy never dies,
Poet dies; his poetry never dies,
Messiahs die; their truth never dies,
Panthers die; their growl never dies,
Awards die; their triumph never dies,
Nightingale dies; its melody never dies,
Fabric dies; its shelter never dies,
Horse dies; its gallop never dies,
Caves die; their voluptuousness never dies,
Designs die; their harmony never dies,
Comrades die; their friendship never dies,
Whistles die; their ebullience never dies,
Events die; their activity never dies,
Species die; their impressions never die,
Night dies; its captivation never dies,
Mission dies; its optimism never dies,
Solitude dies; its contentment never dies,
Dolphins die; their animation never dies,
Spiders die; their webs never die,
Youth dies; its exultation never dies,
Entrepreneurs die; their vision never dies,
Renaissance dies; its freedom never dies,
Lovers die; their love never dies,
Heart dies; its beats never die,
Body dies; its benevolence never dies,
Breath dies; its omnipotence never dies,
And life dies; but its spirit never dies.


Fantasy eases reality,
Waves ease stress,
Clouds ease monotony,
Lifeboats ease drowning,
Coconuts ease thirst,
Trust eases apprehensions,
Confidence eases debility,
Obsession eases extinction,
Belonging eases desertation,
Coordination eases manipulation,
Solutions ease aberrations,
Plantation eases afforestation,
Sacrifice eases greed,
Assimilation eases ruination,
Brotherhood eases enmity,
Sunlight eases depression,
Salt eases lacklusterness,
Fragrance eases boredom,
Sponge eases roughness,
Herbs ease disease,
Enigmas ease pragmatism,
Embraces ease professionalism,
Smiles ease frustration,
Dance eases hypertension,
Art eases solitude,
Philanthropism eases greed,
Innovation eases staleness,
Mysticism eases hopelessness,
Rainbows ease oblivion,
Dwelling eases wandering,
Moonshine eases blackness,
Caring eases insecurity,
Deeds ease aimlessness,
Nostalgia eases routine,
Sleep eases turmoil,
Deodorant eases perspiration,
Rain eases drought,
Butterflies ease seriousness,
Nature eases pompousness,
Signals ease traffic jams,
Whistles ease fanaticism,
Rabbits ease lechery,
Friendship eases barriers,
Pickles ease tastelessness,
Laxatives ease constipation,
Faith eases failure,
Solidarity eases minority,
Communication eases infidelity,
Romancing eases dreariness,
Flirting eases sonority,
Contentment eases poverty,
Festivals ease dilapidation,
Food eases emaciation,
Belief eases trepidation,
Children ease decay,
Conscience eases misdeeds,
Breath eases extinction,
Doctors ease suffering,
Kangaroos ease sulking,
Birds ease stagnation,
Chess eases monotony,
Kisses ease infertility,
Salutes ease cowardice,
Enlightenment eases confusion,
Woolens ease cold,
Water eases toxins,
Walking eases muscles,
Clocks ease oblivion,
Willpower eases obesity,
Winking eases seniority,
Leading eases introversion,
Currency eases survival,
Enthusiasm eases dwindling,
Foresight eases decimation,
Prudence eases stumbling,
Possession eases loneliness,
Variety eases staleness,
Hymns ease atheism,
Simplicity eases prejudice,
Prayers ease devils,
Synchronization eases aimlessness,
Regularity eases fiascos,
Cleanliness eases parasites,
Acceptance eases agony,
Hypnotism eases lunatics,
Perseverance eases capriciousness,
Captions ease length,
Interludes ease jailing,
Interjections ease drags,
Counselling eases addicts,
Optimism eases remorse,
Ramifications ease morbidity,
Encounters ease isolation,
Adoption eases worthlessness,
Fun eases age-limits,
Divine eases impediments,
Mothers ease rigidity,
And love eases life.


Light overrules pathetic darkness,
Happiness overrules morbid sadness,
Greenery overrules blistering sands,
Optimism overrules lackadaisical diffidence,
Conviction overrules decaying weakness,
Radiance overrules overwhelming gloom,
Boisterousness overrules stingy silence,
Fragrance overrules dilapidated stench,
Charisma overrules stagnated boredom,
Smile overrules ostentatious tears,
Goodness overrules diabolically evil,
Pioneers overrule manipulatively mundane,
Literacy overrules bohemian thumb,
Water overrules spurious whisky,
Freshness overrules deliberate dwindling,
Enigma overrules monotonous lifestyles,
Passion overrules opprobrious nonchalance,
Flames overrule soggy matchsticks,
Alacrity overrules ominous dumbness,
Summits overrule lecherous plottings,
Adventure overrules abhorrent suicide,
Peace overrules satanic hatred,
Mysticism overrules chauvinistic ego’s,
Tranquility overrules scorching summers,
Freedom overrules incarcerated slavery,
Art overrules baseless commercialism,
Wings overrule tyrannically dictatorial,
Immaculate overrule hideously tarnished,
Beauty overrules uncouth ugliness,
Nostalgia overrules snobbish bossism,
Truth overrules blatant lies,
Belief overrules sanctimonious superstitions,
Exuberance overrules despicable withering,
Melody overrules disgruntling cacophony,
Unity overrules treacherous bloodshed,
Compassion overrules horrendous indifference,
Perseverance overrules malicious trickery,
Childhood overrules mature melancholy,
Dance overrules lackluster sleep,
Courage overrules devastating depression,
Wind overrules claustrophobic fanaticism,
Angels overrule bloodsucking beasts,
Harmony overrules stuttering violence,
Ambition overrules aimless staring,
Meadows overrule cold-blooded rocks,
Time overrules obsolete oblivion,
Honey overrules lambasting bitterness,
Sun overrules debilitating blackness,
Stars overrule gory graveyards,
Majestic overrule mundane attitudes,
Non-violence overrules indiscriminate massacre,
Pearls overrule horrific feces,
Oceans overrule parsimoniously stingy,
Philanderers overrule austere businessmen,
Rainbows overrule deplorable survival,
Friendship overrules derogatory self-conceit,
Philanthropism overrules savage war,
Benevolence overrules abominable condemnation,
Enthrallment overrules murderous disdain,
Sacrifice overrules innocent slaining,
Activity overrules dithering solitude,
Patriots overrule devilish traitors,
Grass overrules cannibalistic vultures,
Sharing overrules pretentious presidents,
Mother overrules crippling brutality,
Soil overrules sleazy fertilizer,
Empathy overrules menacing drudgery,
Impeccable overrule acrimonious blemishes,
Tanginess overrules orphaned pity,
Exhilaration overrules irrevocable stubbornness,
Realization overrules faulty penance,
Humanity overrules parasitic stardom,
Knowledge overrules primordial rituals,
Shadows overrule bombastically embellished,
Memories overrule false reflections,
Whistling overrules clenched frustration,
Marching overrules obnoxious contraptions,
Swimming overrules pertinent numbness,
Speech overrules cheap advertisements,
Hope overrules vindictively rusty,
Rhetoric overrules nervous stammering,
Ideals overrule prognosticated destinies,
Snow overrules asphyxiating gas,
Consistency overrules flash-of-pan speed,
Panaceas overrule miserable disease,
Emotions overrule signed documents,
Parenthood overrules partying culture,
Grip overrules ludicrous slithering,
Flirtation overrules insidious adulthood,
Whole hearted-Embracing overrules nonchalant prayers,
Singing overrules incoherent wails,
Conscience overrules sinister judgement,
Heart overrules conventional textbooks,
Soul overrules unfortunate accidents,
Love overrules invidious betrayal,
And life overrules the chapter of inevitable death.


A zillionth time I commanded my hands to arduously work; and they still languidly crept under silken carpets of sand; as the Sun majestically blazed from the sky,

A zillionth time I commanded my feet to march towards unflinching adventure; and they still tickled the tantalizingly sensuous orchard of fructifying raspberries with their big toes,

A zillionth time I commanded my lips to mumble inexhaustible hymns of righteousness; and they still pursed themselves uncompromisingly to indefinitely feast at the romantic moisture of the blowing mists,

A zillionth time I commanded my eyes to indefatigably search for newness in the atmosphere; and they still shut themselves into invincible sleep; to celestially fantasize into a land beyond infinite infinity,

A zillionth time I commanded my skin to ardently perspire; to nurture the
true spirit of existence; and it still intransigently craved for an unstoppably fiery embrace; aimlessly loitering on avalanches of white ice,

A zillionth time I commanded my throat to diffuse into endlessly humanitarian melody that would wonderfully mitigate every tyrannized echelon of humanity; and it
still unceasingly drowned itself into tawdrily voluptuous rivers of scarlet wine,

A zillionth time I commanded my shadow to blissfully mollify the drearily bedraggled traveler; and it still purposelessly sauntered through the inscrutable forests; perennially wanting to bond with limitless compassion,

A zillionth time I commanded my blood to peacefully coalesce with the ocean
of priceless oneness; and it still tempestuously gushed up and down my veins; like an untamed volcano in the corpses of hell,

A zillionth time I commanded my hair to compassionately swirl towards the
aisles of ebullient paradise; and they still lackadaisically smothered amidst phlegmatic dry leaves stonily staring towards chocolate brown soil,

A zillionth time I commanded my bones to tirelessly surge to miraculously
ameliorate the haplessly orphaned; and they still ached and sanctimoniously
groaned till the realms of eternity; at the tiniest puff of wind,

A zillionth time I commanded my nape to drift towards every of those despairing dwellings which needed me the most; and it still laconically couched beneath a cistern of enthralling pearls; reminiscing the most immaculate moments of its life under their pristine glimmer,

A zillionth time I commanded my ears to unendingly listen to the unfathomably royal melody of mother nature; and they still intractably drifted towards the raunchily blaring music of the inarticulate discotheque,

A zillionth time I commanded my conscience to impregnate itself with nothing
else but peerlessly sparkling truth; and it still sporadically got carried away towards the devastatingly obsolete mist of blatantly decrepit lies,

A zillionth time I commanded my belly to gyrate uninhibitedly to the tunes
of the unbelievably unhindered nightingale; and it still did nothing else but gluttonously gobbling countless morsels of food in a single minute; before becoming the snore of the fathomless planet outside,

A zillionth time I commanded my brain to spell bindingly innovate; and it still immutably delved into moments of my unfettered childhood; the laziness encircling each of my bones; when I snoozing in the lap of my sacrosanct mother,

A zillionth time I commanded my skeleton to devote every bit of its entrapped energy to the service of eternally unbreakable mankind; and still it wasted its amazingly Herculean tenacity; into seductively titillating women and wine,

A zillionth time I commanded my teeth to incessantly chew for the unfortunately old; and still they irrevocably spent their entire lifetime; masticating such a stolen pedigree of fruit; which in never any birth was ever theirs,

A zillionth time I commanded my breath to ignite inimitably passionate fires
even in the heart of frigid ice; and it still endlessly flowed without the slightest reason or ostensibly sagacious rhyme,

But before I could ever perceive an ethereal iota or ever dream to authoritatively command; my heart had already commenced to bond its beats with infinite fragments of love; my heart had already commenced to perpetually burgeon with the Omnipotent freshness of creation; my heart had already commenced to metamorphose every mortal into immortal with the power of; omnipresent friendship.

The End .

© 2016 Nikhil Parekh

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Added on October 26, 2016
Last Updated on October 26, 2016
Tags: life, death, literature, poem, nice ambition, corpse, survival


Nikhil Parekh
Nikhil Parekh

Ahmedabad, India

Nikhil Parekh , ( born August 27 ; 1977 ) from Ahmedabad , India - is a Love Poet and 10 time National Record holder for his Poetry with the Limca Book of Records India , which is India's Best Book of.. more..
