Mates for Eternity

Mates for Eternity

A Story by Heqi Wang

Shaler POV:

What is life without love?

What is love without hope?

And what is hope without you...

A growling noise startled me and i opened my eyes to total darkness. Due to my sloppy slip up, i had let the Vampires capture me.

I was unmistakably  trapped in an underground prison cave and waiting for Jake, my mate, to find and rescue me. There wasn't much time left before Shrillex arrives to suck my blood. My nerves were standing on end.

Restrained by chains from neck to toe, it was useless to struggle or cry for help because the prison was miles underground. 

Jake, where are you?

The water from the rocks dripped endlessly. The cave rocks were made moist and smooth by the water and constant weathering.

There was one question in mind. I had to ascertain that someone was here with me.  I tried to relocate where the growling came from. It might not have come from a vampire. There might be a werewolf nearby. 

The growling came closer, and closer, until i could feel its hot breath on my neck. This wasn't good. If he came to torture me, no matter what happens, i'll never give the Sacred code away. I swore on my mother's deathbed, who swore on her own mother's and so forth. It was a family secret, passed down generation by generation and it has never been uttered outside the family or our clan, the code for world apocalyse. Anyone who obtains it has the code to restart the world from scratch, starting with their own world domination.

He sucked in a huge breath, then exhaled and the cave was filled with the scent of his prey. I could tell it was cooked. He groped for the lightswitch and turned the light on. The cave was filled with a bright array of light and it blinded my eyes so i squeezed them shut. 

Then he pressed his body close to me and started unraveling my chains. He was in human form now and was handsome with tan skin, light brown hair, and through his ripped clothing i could see his abs. 

The way i was bounded, i was standing up, with my hand behind me in a tight clasp and tied with rope.  

He slowly undid the knots, down to my feet. And when he was done, he was already carrying me out.  I was weak and pale from weeks of being stuck in a cave with no sunlight and couldn't protest as he placed his hands under my legs and arms around my back. 

But something was wrong here. He wasn't the one. He wasn't supposed to be my rescuer. It was supposed to be Jake.



Loy put her down gently on a grassy bed in a forest where no one will find them. He was quite attracted to Shaler and her smile with those dazzling eyes played tricks on him. He would do anything to see her smile, if it wasn't all lost to the darkness of the seclusion. 

When he'd heard Jake was going to be late with a trouble of his own making, he ran to rescue Shaler. Lately, Jake hasn't been a good caretaker of Shaler. He was disregarding his duties, and it had been Loy who remained faithful to Shaler and saved her. 

If anything, Shaler was asleep right now and the sun just rose. Tentatively, he bent down and planted a kiss on her cheek, right when she opened her eyelids. 

Out of her mouth came a scream and she sat up abruptly, while Loy tried hard not to bonk his head with hers.

"Where is my Jake? You are not my Jake! Go away." She said, like she just woke from a bad dream. "If you are not my Jake, why would you rescue me? I've been waiting for my Jake. I want my Jake."

Then she broke down and started crying, with a thousand questions. "Is Jakey okay? Is he in trouble? Is that why you came? I want to know where he is. Is he well?" She seemed overly concerned more for Jake than for her hunger because at that moment, her stomach growled and she looked away, embarrassed.

Loy sighed. He took out a piece of chocolate from his pocket and handed to Shaler. She couldn't help herself and eagerly took it. It was her lunch.

With each bite, she had a dreamy expression plastered on her face. It was kind of funny.

Right when she was done eating, she went back to asking about her Jake. 

He didn't want to break it to her, but Jake was not being loyal. He was last seen at a party getting drunk when Shaler was captured. Then he disappeared. But recently a few days ago, when he should have rescued her, he called Loy and said he couldn't make it.

Loy looked at the despair in Shaler's eyes and lied. "He's caught up in a few difficulties right now, but you'll see him when i bring you back, " with the sweetest voice he could muster. Truth is, he didn't know when Jake will be back but it's better not to tell her now. 

He peered through Shaler's long eyelashes, at her black eyes and looking at her full lips, and small nose delicately placed on her oval face which is half covered by ebony colored hair, along with her slender figure which he longed to touch. Her helplessness and softness stroked his protective side and he yearned to behave like the protector he is. For he is the almighty leader and protector of the most powerful clan of the wolves, the Great Airow.

Shaler didn't need to ask who he was. Everyone knew him. He was the almighty, strong, adept, and adroit with his hands and mind. A wolf god. From her perspective, he looked like the golden boy, like a boy that could be on the playboy magazine. A boy that could replace Jake.


It wasn't soon before Shrillex came back to the cave and found that Shaler was gone. He tried to follow the scent but it was covered up with perfume. Shrillex embodied the evilness of the vampires and he was the thirstiest of all. What's more, he favored noble blood, which is high standard blood. After he realized he was played, he became infuriated and went back to his cave to prey on his servants. The delicious blood he'd saved for weeks was gone and no one knew where she went.


Finally, after several long hours they came across Chicago city, just 50 miles from the wretched cave and 12 hours by car from Delaware, where he and most supernaturals lived. Delaware was the birthplace for supernatural powers, including the only two: vampires and werewolves. Delaware was their destination, their motherland.

Loy had Shaler draped across his back as she was very weary from the journey. He looked across the crowded panorama with its sparkling lights already in the distance. Night was approaching therefore they needed to find a hotel fast.

He grunted and positioned her higher on his back and set out ahead to find a map. He knew his hometown by heart but not in this bustling city.  It was almost foreign to him and his werewolf senses. Almost. This was the second time he went there. He'd even left his car parked in city square for picking up Shaler.

Shaler was fast asleep. And he himself was hungry. They had to find shelter and fast.

He spotted a motel with its name in sparkling lights called "Rest motel." He decided to walk there, past the street, and across the sidewalk. When he got there it was seven already and he was hungry for supper. 

He paid for the hotel and got the keys to their room. Since Shaler was still asleep he made the decision himself to share a room. It was cheaper and she was irresistible. No, the real reason should have been that she wasn't safe alone, not yet anyways.

The motel was average looking despite the sparkling lights allure. One would have thought it was at least five star but it looked like just the ordinary rest place. He placed her softly on the bed and tucked her in. Then he went downstairs to the cafe to order dinner. 

To his surprise, there was only one queen bed so he'll have to share. He guessed that Shaler will make him sleep on the floor. He was right. When Shaler woke up to find dinner piled on the nightstand in front of her, she was shocked to be at the motel with Loy in one room. 

"We are not supposed to sleep together! You sleep on the floor." She demanded. He knew that, and it was best to respect his non blood related brother Jake's mate. Although the sharp shrillness of her voice cut through him. He thought at least she'd hesitate or give him some sympathy, but there was none. She still treated him as if they were strangers. He wondered if inside, she was silently thankful for what he's done. He wanted desperately to melt any ice between them, but time will tell. 

The floor was hard and his back hurt in the morning but he didn't complain...

 Shaler POV:

The vampires...they're out to get me. I can't run anymore. My legs are buckling. This is all the strength i have left. One last breath and i will collapse and plunge into the dark abyss of the unconscious. One last breath. Please, give me more strength. I stumble and fall through the leafy forest, all the while with light steps that are getting heavier with each ragged breath i take. The tree stumps are getting closer and closer the deeper i venture in. The air is also getting cooler, as if experiencing a a ephemeral shift in season from summer to fall. 

I am in Wisconsin, where Vampires outnumber werewolves by a ratio of 2 to 1, respectively. I am half vampire and half werewolf, so half of me is not afraid but i'm still scared of what they'll think of me. Trying to pass through this state to get back to Delaware, my home, saves time, but it's a gamble. The vampires here are fierce, starving bloodsuckers who not only prey on humans but also on any blood they'll find. My blood is special. It's a mix, so anyone drinking it will inherit the powers of werewolf and vampire for as long as my blood is in their bloodstream. It's illegal to crossbreed, but here i am. My parents broke all rules because they love each other too much. They knew having a daughter of two breeds is dangerous, but they have taught me all the skills i needed to know to survive. And i am thankful. 

Oof! I trip over a tree root protruding out of the ground in the most grotesque way. A tree root that could be my ruin. No. No. A shadowy shape is looming edging closer. its shadowy cloak masking a strong build and white mask covering a pale face, just some of the characteristics of Shrillex's kidnappers. I scramble and scamper further away from him, anyone but him. Drat. I knew Shrillex would cause trouble for me, but it's all happening too soon. I'm tense. I'm on an adrenaline rush. I'm shaking. But no other factor, let it be fear, anxiety, or the cold air could get me to run again. The tiredness has hit me like the sudden surprise of thunder and lightening. And the plummeting rain that comes afterwards. I just can't make it. I sit weak and pale on the ground, shading my eyes from the brilliant light that came out of his scepter, a blinding white spear that is used for disabling the vision of its victim and rendering them useless from all struggle until they are bagged and taking away.

"No, no, no, please don't. No..." I whispered in harsh tones while i tossed and turned in bed. The covers were thrashed in a disarray.

"Shaler. Shaler." Someone was cooing beside me, saying my name over and over again, not to wake me, but to qualm me. 

When a sudden wave of consciousness hit me, i realized that i had been dreaming. It was merely a flashback that reminded me of my past. I was safe now. 

Softly, my eyelids fluttered and i found myself peering into a pair of inquisitive eyes that could only belong to Loy and no one else. He was crouched near the bedside and started to get up.

Immediately the image of him leaving made me feel disillusioned towards myself. I had never thanked him for all he's done and was treated like a princess. 

"Wait." I called weakly from behind him. My hair and back were moist from the night sweats. The clothes i had on were weeks old. I felt dirty and the opposite of presentable. This is the Great Leader of the werewolves we're talking about. 

He turned around halfway. The morning light streaming from the window behind him showcased his muscular figure and his ruffled hair with his face in the shadows. His strong jawline refined his cheekbones and his sparkling eyes shown with appreciation, landed on me

I sat up against the blue wallpaper meticulously taped on the wall that edged the bed and pulled my knees together. "I'm sorry if i've been an idiot. I-" my breath caught in my throat. I felt like i couldn't go on because of my being embarrassed.

"It's fine." He fully turned around. "I know how you feel." Then he turned and left the room, probably to get breakfast.


Alone in the room now, i glanced at my surroundings. There was a nightstand with a lamp sitting on it near the bed, half a room of space until the window which had been half covered with curtains and a small shower room towards the tail of the bed. The room was half illuminated by the window , leaving half the room in shadows and half lighted gold. I realized the Loy had left the bed dark when he pulled open the curtains. How considerate of him. 

Eager to eat, but more eager to clean myself, i decided to get in the shower. However, i had no clothes. But one more glance towards the foot of the bed and i saw a bundle of neatly folded apparal in a plastic bag. I realized those were my clothes. I was happy. So i spent ten minutes getting ready before i finally landed my foot downstairs in the cafe.

The black and white glistening tiles along with the elaborate lights dangling from above spoke to me of a bar i'd been to in the past, when i was hanging out with Jake and his friends. It has been a few weeks since i'd last been with them but it felt like years, and it takes only two months for the memory to fade. I was not forgetting him, was i? My stomach growled and i was reminded of my rampant hunger, which immediately banished all such thoughts about Jake. I looked at the big clock hanging on the wall not so far away. The time read 8:00 am.  

Loy was waiting for me. He had finished his food and was sipping coffee. 

"Your chicken noodle soup is ready." He noticed the positive bewilderment on my face, how he ordered the food i wanted, and smirked. The fact that i loved food was obvious. Too obvious.


"Come on. Let's go. We're going by car. I'm driving."

"Alright." I grabbed my belongings and followed him out. 

It was the end of summer and he was dressed in a black t-shirt and baggy shorts. He was tanned all the way and just as tall as a grown man would be. It was four summers ago when i had last seen him, other than this most recent encounter. Of course, we grew up together, him, Jake and me. We'd visit each other's territories. We'd play hide and seek. At that time, Jake was 5. I was 4. And Loy was 7. Loy and Jake were my big brothers. They protected me from the evil and sinister werewolf and vampires. Those creatures were abundant and always hiding under a mask of smiles in school or marks of good grades and praises. 

Then one day, on my eighth birthday, we all got separated, except me and Jake. Loy was chosen to be the great leader of the most powerful werewolf clan The Airow. He had to start training when he was young, so he moved along with the rest of the clan and i never saw him until after my 12th birthday, when he reappeared. He was finally being honored as the one and only true powerful leader. It was his ceremony and friendly werewolves and vampires alike were invited. Jake and i tagged along. Jake really wanted to see his best buddy. 

I was too young when Loy left to remember him clearly and his now powerful build surprised me. The whole ceremony items were a high chair on a stage and millions of gifts bestowed upon it. Older vampires and werewolves alike stood cheering for him and throwing him flowers. 

To me, it seemed like Loy was becoming a celebrity, but it was only the beginning. I had lifted my head to see him. He seemed to be smiling and accepting the flowers. Then when i could finally catch his gaze, he passed me one of his trademark smiles. I felt like he wasn't the same as before. He wasn't the same guy who'd have time for me anymore. I hid my face in tears and willingly ran away from the ceremony, promising to myself to never think about him again. 

After that I had never seen Loy again. During that time after he left for the second time, Jake and I got real close. We realized we were the only ones right for each other and started dating, only then did we realize we were mates. And we stayed together that way for several years. Just him and me, kissing, hugging, making out, and going out. By the end of my 16th birthday, everyone already recognized us as a powerful couple.

Then when i had to travel to Wisconsin on a quest to obtain an herb that is native to the state to cure one of the old vampire leaders, i got caught up with the bloodthirsty vampire mess. Me being a mix was enough to catch everyone's eyes.  

A few weeks prior to that, i noticed some strange behaviors in Jake. He seemed distant, downcast, and worst of all, cold. It was like he was shutting down towards me when i needed him the most. I didn't like it one bit. Not even splashing cold water on him could wake him up. Boy, did i try.

And Loy? He remained a stranger in my eyes, that is, until today.



 Shaler POV:

Five hours have passed since we started our journey from Chicago towards back home. Home sweet home. Images of the warm and hazy afternoons spent in the big single house sitting on top of a hill where our human lives are spent flitted across my eyes as i closed them, deep in thought. There were two lives we supernaturals lead: human and werewolf/vampire. Like all humans, we'd go to school, have jobs and children. Like all supernaturals, we hunt each other down, protect our territories, and find mates. In other words, we lead double lives. No human knows about us. It's a confidential secret. If the secret does leak, then it is most mandatory to erase their memories. 


"Loy, is there any water?" I called from the back seat. The car we are in was Loy's prized possession. Inside it, was a world of smooth tan leather, glossy handles, high ceiling, and new car smell, a Black CR-V. 

"Check under the middle seat." He called back, still focused on the road. 

The last five hours were passed in silence from both of us, other than the music played from the CD. I didn't know he liked Glasser so much. 

The scenery passed in a blur of green, red and orange. There was the sunset in the horizon and the never ending greenery of trees. It was almost dinner time; soon, we had to stop to eat.

"There we are." He breathed and parked the car on a path offset from the road. Then he was out of the car in a flash and opening my door before I could respond. We got out and grabbed some bread, salad, and steak stashed in the back. He had saved up food before we left.

Both of us leaned against the car and gazed past the picket fence that became a shadow in front of the flaming red sunset. 

I meekly glanced at his handsome face and at his haircut where he had his sides shaved and grew the middle part laden with hair. I noticed a faint smile playing at his lips as he caught me staring at him.  Immediately, the younger memories of him and me resurfaced, him saving me when i almost drowned in the lake near our house, him cooking the best cheese steak i'd ever tasted, him holding onto my limp hair as i threw up due to stomach flu, him laughing in a guyish way that set my heart fluttering, and then that one time we'd almost kissed. 

This time, it was I who wished he'd touch me again, but i knew he couldn't because i was with Jake now. 

"How is it?" He asked blankly. For a second i thought he was talking about us, then realized he couldn't have been thinking those thoughts.

"The view is fine." I muttered. For the first time around him, i blushed.

I had tied my hair into a ponytail to eat and now the wind loosened the short hair accumulated in the front, twirling the black stands into a light storm. The chilly winds left me very cold. I shivered and brushed the foods of my fingers to find a jacket. I rummaged in the trunk of the car until i could find that black hoodie i fancied, put it on over my tank top and smoothed it over my waist. 



The car stopped and Loy took out the food he'd prepared out of the trunk. To his joy, there was a sunset to enjoy. Shaler and him leaned lightly against the car to eat, facing the dimming sun. She stole glances at him every now and then and he couldn't help but smile faintly. He looked out into the wide horizon and asked, "how is it?"

She stared at him for a few seconds, subtly replied, "the view is fine," in her soft voice that almost came like a whisper. He gazed at her face and slowly but surely, her cheeks tinged red. He thought he was making her nervous. He quickly looked away.

A cold wind blew, tugging at his shirt, but he was not cold. He reckoned Shaler would be as she went back into the trunk to rummage for a hoodie. 

The black hoodie clearly outlined her great figure. It was Jake who told Loy about the present Shaler before Loy left to find her and it was Loy who picked out her clothes. 

As the wind settled, Shaler turned to face Loy and he did the same. They held a soft gaze for a few minutes before he saw how she blushed once again . This time he didn't know what to do. But Shaler edged herself closer towards the point where their shoes touched and he saw into her soul how delicate but reckless she was from the way she talked to the way she held herself. It's nostalgic. it's been so long since he has felt what he feels now around her. He felt powerful, strong and protective, contrasting with her vulnerable and passive sides. He could become soft just for her. He would tear down her enemies just to keep her safe. 

The natural smell of her hair was also nostalgic. Before, he had considered loving her but then, he felt that she and Jake were a greater couple, and he couldn't mess with that. But now, this is her choice. 

She buried her face into his chest and shook softly. It took him a while to figure out that she was crying. She wrapped her arms around him in all comfort as if to feel his protection. He did the same. He wound his lean arms around her back and held her. It felt satisfying and good.


Shaler POV:

"I've missed you so much!" I said, pressed against his cotton shirt which smelled like home. 

Then i tilted my head to look at him. "You promise you won't leave me again?" In a childish voice. It was kind of selfish of me to ask because he had his duties to attend to, but i persisted. i let go of him, holding my breath for the bad news, but there was none.

"I'm free to visit you anytime i want." I only reached his nose and yet he looked even taller. 

"I'm glad." My eyes sparkled like the stars. 

"Me too." He leaned forward and kissed the top of my pate. 

Compared to the past, Loy was more of the lover type this time. Something in him had changed for the better. I knew it. 



"Look, whatever happens, i promise to get you home safe and sound." He felt like the ominous dark clouds now gathering overhead was giving off a bad sign. He also smelt something animal-like and distasteful. 

Shaler thought he was being coquettish or showing off his protective ego. "I bet." She giggled. Loy realized she didn't get the message but didn't push further.

Loy tilted his head, for he heard some strange noises and they were getting louder by the millisecond. Then suddenly a monstrous black coated beast of a dog leaped from behind him. The wild beast growled with impatience.

"Run!" He yelled to Shaler. She stepped away from him in haste as more scruffy beast of dogs appeared. 

He deflected the closest dog within his proximity with one arm and swung him back from behind. That seemed to pause him for a few seconds.

The grey coated dog minions circled them as him and Shaler stood back to back in their combat poses. Loy pushed the car further down the separated path so that it's safe.

"Oh, you don't have to worry about your car..." A sneering voice teased, the same dog who attacked first. The leader beast laughed maniacally. "On a side note, haven't you been girlless all these years...?"

He realized the leader beast did look familiar. He looked like one of the enemy clans, someone he'd tried to kill years ago but who stole away. 

"...look, we just want the girl. Give us the girl; you go home safe. No girl, no choice." The dogs, as if on cue, all licked their mouths and stepped forward. 

Loy could feel the grey, emerging, nebulous shape of Shaler's fear, the hate upon herself for being so wanted, and how she was trying to be strong but inside, she was just beginning to turn pale with desolation. No, he will protect her, just like old times. He groped for her hand and squeezed it with reassurance. Just like old times.








© 2014 Heqi Wang

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Added on July 7, 2014
Last Updated on July 7, 2014


Heqi Wang
Heqi Wang

germantown, MD

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