![]() ripped from the pages - chapter 7A Chapter by paper vanhite"who let the dogs out? woof, woof, woo- ow!" yelped tex receiving a blow to the head with a paper mallet. "tex, i will kill you so for the love of god stop singing off key. that's annoying and your voice is making my ears bleed." paper glared as he returned the paper to its normal form. "anyway, now that we've stopped, no thanks to you, let's rest here a moment." he added and sat down. "alright. fine. sure. whatever. we'll just rest right here in the unknown waiting to get atack by the unexpected." tex said while leaning on a tree turning off the music player. "not me, you. animals can be replaced, i can't." paper stuck his tongue out. "ha, ha. very funny. i forgot to laugh at that." said replied sarcastically. "you might look older than me but in reality you aren't. so if i want to rest, i'll rest. if you want to keep on going, be my guess." paper dryly responded removing his shoes rubbing his feet. "these damn things are murder on my feet. i need new shoes." "then can i chew on them ones?" tex joked. "depends. can i kick your a*s in the process?" paper joked back. "NO!" tex yelled. "then my answer is no." said paper starting a campfire with a simple fireball . "for once i'm glad i read, even more glad i read a camping book guide." "wouldn't seem like it since you don't read boring books." "i'll live reading at least one boring book, plus is was kinda interesting. i actually learned some things." paper smiles taking his backpack off of his back and a folding out a sleeping bag. "if bringing one sleeping bag is your way of saying you learned something your as coldhearted as i thought." tex crossed he's arms turning his head away only to be hit by an extra sleeping bag. "stop hitting me!" "let me think about that; no, i will not." said paper crawling in his sleeping bag. "do you have-" tex began before ducking paper's book bag. "i swear if you do that one more time..." tex started again getting hit by paper's shoes. "that's it! you, me, right now!" tex yelled as paper got up into a fighter's stance. "what you wanna fight me? okay, bring it." paper smiled. although he didn't like fighting, annoying people was something he found a hobby in. "i'm going to take that smile right off of your face." tex recklessly charged at the older teen only to be stop by his hand. "did you hear something just now?" paper said clearly not worried by tex's anger anymore. his focus was set on something completely different. tex stopped and started to listen for any sound. "nope. i didn't hear anything" he responded. shortly after a bush near by moved around and paper hid behind tex. "scared?" "obviously. i'm not really a "one with nature" type of person. i'd rather be at home not giving a rat's a*s about raki missing" the bush moved again and paper pushed tex into it. "go, mutt, go! be the brave one among us! take one for the team!" he cheered sarcastically hearing two different yells when tex feel into the bush. "what the? tex! get off of me!" the person screamed. as tex got up he noticed exactly who he landed on and just sat on them. "i'm serious. get off, tex!" the blue haired teen yelled again "why should i? it's your fault i'm stuck with him." tex pointed at paper receiving a death glare. "and it's also your fault why we haven't found raki yet." he stared down into the deadly blue eyes of icy getting an even worse glare than paper's. "i will end you. i swear i will." said paper. "whatever. you had lots of chances to do tha-" tex stopped mid sentence as he was pushed to the ground by icy who stood up and dusted himself off. "i must be hated." "you are." they both said in union as they helped him up. "i noticed something. normally that cat of yours would be around with you when your going out. where is he?" tex asked icy who responded by pointing up into a tree. tex decided to move away from the tree nearby first before looking up and spotted a boy with cat ears and a tail staring down at him. "that's not midnight. that's a neko child." "who are you calling a child you sorry excuse for an animal." midnight angerly responded. "if i wasn't up here i'd claw you." "then come down and do it." replied paper. "um... about that." midnight begin getting a weird look from tex. "don't tell me you can't get down. your not even that high up in the tree for crying out loud." tex sighed holding his arms out towards midnight. "jump down and i'll catch you." "oh hell f*****g no. i know how you dogs are towards us cats. the moment i jump, you're just gonna let me fall. i'll just stay here, thank you." "i'm serious. i'll catch you. just jump." said tex seriously. "uh-uh. no, i'm not jumping. i'm scared." midnight backed away so he wasn't looking down anymore. "fine. i'll come and get you down." tex said climbing into the tree. when he got to midnight, he calmly picked him and jumped out of the tree with him. "see? that wasn't so bad now, was it?" tex asked after letting midnight down on the ground. "thanks. i thought i was gonna be stuck up there forever." midnight said licking tex and smiled. "you know what TV show this reminds me of?" icy asked paper in a whisper. paper simply nodded watching the other two boys/animal/people (author note: i've read Pandict and i'm about five seconds away of just calling them aces) and then looked at his brother. "now i want to watch loveless. those two other there remind me of a ritsuka and soubi moment i saw on Youtube." paper said biting a banana. "moving on..." said midnight yawning. "i'm sleepy. so... where am i gonna sleep?" ironically he got three different answers all the same time. "on the ground." from paper. "back in that tree." from tex walking away. "with me." from icy not really caring about the others responses. "wait... what?" he tilted his head. "out of all three of those answers, only one sounded good." "well i didn't bring an extra sleeping bag so i said on the ground." replied paper. "i felt like putting you back in the tree." tex said striping out of his clothes and getting in his sleeping bag. "meanies." midnight pouted. "well at least you got me. that's kinda on a plus side." icy chuckled. "but we don't have a sleeping bag." "improvise and use nature." icy said gathering up sticks and leaves. "um...." paper began. "...what are you doing?" tex finished. "your not blind; think." icy huffed placing it all into a big pile having a big grin on his face. "your gonna use magic?! here?! near US?!" midnight quickly jumped into tex's sleeping bag and hid there. "i'm too young to die!" "sorry but i'm gonna have to agree with mid mid here." said tex getting confused stares. "what?" "who's 'mid mid' tex?" both paper and icy said together. "um.. never mind that. icy, for our sakes, sleep with your brother." said tex. "fine..." said icy giving up and crawling into paper's sleeping bag beside him. "it's safe now midnight." tex's said poking the boy. "we're gonna li-" tex was cut off mid-sentence as water was splashed on him making midnight yelp at the sudden coldness of it clawing tex by mistake with his nails. "ow! midnight, claws! claws!" "score one for tex bashing." said icy dropping the rest of the container of water onto the camp fire putting it out before returning to his shared sleeping bag. "that was mean. you didn't have to get me too..." midnight whined taking off his now wet clothes. "you got tex. use him for body heat, "mid mid." said paper falling asleep afterward as midnight nervously blushed red. "uh..." was all tex could say as icy also fell asleep leaving just midnight and him awake. "let's... just go to bed. goodnight." said tex laying down closing his eyes. midnight sighed and laid down next to him. a short while later he felt tex arms going around him and without a thought snuggled closer to tex seeing him smile. "you still awake?" midnight started but recieved a "shh" as he started talking lower. "i thought you fell asleep." "not yet. i wanted to make sure you was fine sleeping here with me. being a cat and all." tex smiled more. "and what does that mean?" "well i'm a dog, you're a cat. the two of us together in the same sleeping bag in human forms is kinda... out there. get what i'm saying?" "mm... kinda. cats and dogs don't like each other but here we are not fighting. i see what yoooo-ohh, tex stop." midnight suddenly gasped out feeling tex's hands rubbing on his back. "sensitive skin?" tex teased as he kneaded midnight's back more. "tex, i'm serious. stop." midnight squeaked out as tex continued what he was doing to him. he wiggled and squirmed pleading to tex to stop but the older of the two wasn't listening at all. "stop it you mutt before i claw your face or cata-ahhhh..." midnight moaned loudly and unwillingly mid-sentence. "i'm sorry." Tex lied as he stopped. "i thought you was enjoying the back massage." he grinned before feeling something other than midnight's tail poking him. "or maybe you did. something clearly seemed to enjoyed it." midnight blushed knowing what the other boy meant. "your terrible. g-go to bed already." midnight turned away from him facing the other way. "fine. i'll stop. geez." Tex responded wrapping his arms around midnight pulling him into a warm embrace getting a small growl. "no need to growl. i'm not gonna do anything. i promise." "really?" asked midnight seriously as he turned to face him. "swear it. you won't touch me for the rest of the night. i wanna hear you say that." "alright. i swear i won't touch you." Tex promised. he gave the younger boy a light kiss on the head and brought him closer. "sweet dreams little mid." "whatever. good night, tex." midnight said falling asleep with tex joining slowly after. © 2009 paper vanhite |
Added on May 21, 2009 Last Updated on July 8, 2009 Author![]() paper vanhiterichmond, VAAbouti write for fun and refuse to capitalize. if that gets on your nerves... well that's you lol. i don't like writing professionally if it's online and for my own amusement (therefor just about everythin.. more..Writing