![]() THe Rainbow, The Rose, and the RainA Story by Flora![]() A funeral from a unique perspective![]() The Rainbow, The Rose, and The Rain
The sun is bright today even though it's slightly raining. I bet my mom will be looking for a rainbow later. She loves rainbows. She'd always talk about us finding the end of one. She's a dreamer my mom. She firmly believed there was a pot of gold at the end of every rainbow. Me, I had always believed that if I ever reached it I'd find a door leading straight to heaven. But right now my mom's mind isn't on any rainbow. Today she is sad. Sadder than I have ever seen her. I reach out and gently touch her hand to reassure her. Though she is so upset she doesn't seem to notice. I hear muffled laughing from behind me. As I turn around I see my 12 year old cousins playing their 2DS'. How rude!! Don't they know that people are grieving? Well at least they kept the sound off. While I was turned around I stole a quick glance at the crowd. It was surprisingly bigger than I had expected. A few faces I didn't even recognize. Most people had their faces slightly down and their eyes closed. Suddenly I realized the preacher was saying a prayer. I quickly turned around and bowed my head. I did my best to clear my mind and pay attention to the what he was saying. As I did, my heart began to feel lighter. His words were truly inspiring. He spoke with such conviction of the spirit's release to the Father and eternal paradise and peace. He asked that we rejoice in rebirth not mourn a death. Finally he asked that God give us all peace about this sudden end to a life. It literally almost brought me to tears. But for some reason my cheeks staid dry. I saw so much emotion flow across my families faces. My dad, who was sitting by my mom was visibly shaking. I had never seen him cry before, but today he did so freely for everyone to see. My brother looked angry. I mean he looked ticked. That kind of surprised me. Why would a funeral make him angry? Who was he mad at and why? I was so caught up looking at my raging brother, that I'd missed the Eulogy. Apparently tho it was a good one. I glanced at my father again and saw a look of peace come into his eyes. As though God himself had eased his pain. His breathing had slowed and his shaking had subsided. I was so grateful for Brother Benton. I sent God a special thank you for his grace and for him sending this man into our lives. He had been there the day I was born. He actually beat my parents to the hospital. He dedicated me and baptized me. He was the perfect man to preside over the service. He had a voice that was meant for large crowds or the radio. But what was even bigger than his voice was his heart. He truly cared about my family and was visibly fighting back tears himself as he stood over the coffin. But his connection with my family made what he said ring true. He knew us so well and had been their through every up and down. Right now we were very down. Yet here he was standing by our side again. I focused on the casket for a moment and saw that their were pink roses on it. That made me smile. I have always loved pink roses. Bro. Benton said a few more words about leaning on Jesus during this time of mourning. I had always loved my faith. A relationship with God was very important to me and I was thankful that my faith was not shaken due to this tragedy. I felt peace with God and even though the world around me was chaotic I felt like I was resting in his arms. I prayed my family would be able to turn to him like Bro. Benton had said they should. God really was the only way to get through a death. I didn't want to die without him. And so I had lived for him. Finally Bro. Benton asked the crowd to form a line and say their final goodbyes. I got in line behind my mother. My brother who was behind me was cursing under his breath. He looked about ready to snap on someone. So I leaned in a little closer to mom. She was so distraught. She simply laid her head down on the coffin as my dad held her so she wouldn't collapse. Her tears ran down the gray metal and hit the the ground. I believe she would have cried a literal river if dad hadn't lead her forward to her seat. Next it was my turn. Suddenly I'm struck with a weird feeling. Finality. If it can be described as an emotion it would be an over powering one. I gripped the edge of the coffin for support. I had been to many funerals in my short life and none of them made me feel like this. I felt especially affected at the thought of my families grief. Normally I let things roll off my back but this time things were different. I felt like a door was closing that I could never go back through again. I wasn't sure how that made me feel. Wanting to think about it a little bit I stepped to the side so my brother could take his turn. He quickly came up to the casket and laid a clinched fist on top. He stared down at it as though he was boring holes straight through the coffin lid. I watched him for a moment and I almost missed the barely audible “I'm so sorry,” that escaped his lips. What was he sorry for? I had no earthly idea. I wanted so badly to tell him it was going to be OK but I didn't understand where his anger was coming from so I just walked up behind him patted his shoulder. The muscles in his body began to tighten and he hung his head and silently sobbed. My dad left my mother's side to gently lead my distraught brother away from the casket. The rest of the crowd said their goodbyes. Some cried over the coffin quietly until a loved one nudged then forward. Others just gently touched the pink petals and sadly walked away. I stood there silently as the gray coffin was lowered into the ground. My family stood to say goodbye to the people who had come to mourn. My brother and parents stood huddled together trying to shield themselves from the reality of what was happening. But were to shocked to look away. Finally my family slowly turned and made their way to the family van as the first shovel of dirt was thrown onto the casket. Still I stood there. The rain was softly coming down. I felt it's wetness on my skin and was once again reminded of that rainbow. Today seemed like a good day to find the end of one. And I knew their would be one out there just for me. Was I sad that there wouldn't be a pot of gold at the end of it? No, there are more important things in life than money. Like family and faith. Today I was reminded just how loved I was. So for the first and the last time I was going to find the end of my rainbow. And finally let go of this world for the next. I would see them again. Somehow I knew that. And they would remember me. I smiled at that and looked up as I made my way to the clouds.
F.C. Alexander 08/27/14 © 2014 Flora |
1 Review Added on August 29, 2014 Last Updated on August 29, 2014 Tags: Rainbow rain funeral rose |