![]() well i must be dead cuz thats the only day im leavingA Screenplay by amnaiepanda![]() A Long Conversation i had with my boyfriend ...![]() i never knew y people are actually put on this earth but i know that u are the best thing that ever happened and will happen to me in this stupid as world we live in but u have to understand i go through dealing with the In pleasures of other people to see you smile to hear you talk to feel your touch and i cant explain that feeling on a full scale because i love you to much for any human being to be able to handle and u need to accept my love and challenge it be more confident in yourself because I'm confident in yourself y do u think I'm so damn scared of u being alone because your so f*****g hot u don't know and guys just wanna stick what they got in everything and i want o be the only guy that does that for the rest of my life even when we're old and we cant do it i still no-in my heart the u are the most beautiful thing that st-erred on this earth and i only want you to be with me til the day i die and then afterlife in heaven hell or nowhere as long as I'm with u I'm a complete person
u and me have had the luckiest luck in the universe to find each other I'm lucky i didn't have to travel the world looking for the one your lucky because u didn't have to either all this time my other half was so close and i almost lost it. but i never been happier with her and Amanda u complete me I'm nothing but a bleeding heart without you and i don't want to bleed anymore than i did will u always stop the bleeding i wonder?
every time i hear you say i don't think you'll love me forever or something along the lines of that i bleed a little
I'm always hurting you 10:19pm there's no reason to be scared of being afraid i feel the same and i am hurt by what u say but what is love without a little pain 10:20pm I'm just really scared that's all 10:20pm what for, y? do u love me 10:21pm yes i love you
then we can be scared together and learn to trust our emotions so we can love each other more and more and more u might be scared of love but one of us has to take the risks and ill gladly do it
you'll be hurt for me to stay with you be with you *
would u rather me bleed for the rest of my life allot more if i didn't have you or hardly bleed at all with you forever in my arms i want to feel the pain of love everybody does I'm sure of it
but because of society people think all pain is bad but certain pains are necessary to be in true love and i plan to be in a little pain forever with you if its all right
and don't even think that the pain u cause me is more than the pain i would have without you because u are as wrong as ever 10:26pm but i hurt you so much 10:26pm u make me so happy this pain is nothing not as much as u make me happy
u know what I'm just about o say whatever and love you forever without explaining to you because u cant get the picture that's staring u in the face right here ---> <3"
please im sorry i dont see whats right in front of me 10:31pm love is and its waiting for your full embrace 10:31pm i dont want you to stop loving me thats all i dont want you to stop loving me thats all im not the type of girl people love forever 10:31pm but im no ordinary guy im yours forever f**k everyone else im all youll have and need
ok and what happens if you leave me one day ? 10:33pm well i most be dead cuz thats the only day im leaving
© 2010 amnaiepandaAuthor's Note
1 Review Added on November 10, 2010 Last Updated on November 10, 2010 Author![]() amnaiepandapluto were everything is perfect, NJAboutIm like a maze ; im fun and i love quotes and poems and life is a b***h but its nothing i cant handle because im a strong person inside and out , i dont belive in god so dont get mad at me ; if there .. more..Writing