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Chapter 3

Chapter 3

A Chapter by Paige H

Upon entering the apartment, Molly ran up to me and almost tackled me to the floor.

            “Where were you?!?” She inquired forcefully.

            “I was just… around. I went out because I felt old and boring and I lost track of time” I replied, attempting to calm her down. “How was your date?”

            “Oh my god, Piper. He was literally the nicest guy I have ever gone out with. He opened my car for me and s**t. And you said chivalry was dead” Molly joked. An hour or so passed as Molly recounted her date; we dissected every minute. Eventually, I began to yawn, my eyelids became heavy, and we agreed it would be best to head to sleep.

            “Goodnight!” Molly called out.

            “Goodnight! Oh and I forgot to mention… I’m going to need your help.”

            “With what?”

            “I have a date tomorrow” I said with a grin as I scampered off to my room.


The ringing of my phone rudely interrupted my peacefully contented sleep. I have written you down now you will live forever. The..

            “What” I said flatly. Anyone who wakes me up is in for a rude greeting.

            “Piper Flynn. Are you really going to speak to your mother with that tone?”

            “It’s too early for your s**t mother. What do you want from me?”

            “It’s 12 o’clock there Piper, you’re just lazy. Get out of bed because I need you to send me a photocopy of your passport so I can buy your ticket home” she answered.

            “Mother. I told you; I am NOT coming home and you cannot make me” I spoke curtly, quickly losing the positivity that had engulfed me as I slept.

            “Stop being unreasonable Piper. You are the most churlish child I have ever laid eyes upon. Your father and I have done so much for you and you refuse to acknowledge it. Perhaps you should call up your sister and get some advice on how to be a decent child because you could certainly use a few lessons on being a part of this family.”

            “I’m done with this mother. Leave me alone.”

            “You ungrateful little s**t.”

            I hung up. The pressure began to build around the rims of my eyes and I hated myself for it. As the water brimmed over and streamed down my cheeks I became increasingly angry that I allowed my mother to have such effect on me. As many times as I told myself I wasn’t bothered by her actions, for some reason, I couldn’t stop the tears. I pushed my back up against the wall and drew my knees up to my chest. Wrapping my arms around my legs, I buried my face into my knees. I sat in that position, quietly quivering. I didn’t know what to do. I knew that feeling this way on account of one’s parents was not normal, yet I knew no other means of interaction. My parents dragged pain in their wake.

            I managed to compose myself and wiped the tears from my face. I snuck into the bathroom and gazed into the mirror. My eyes were puffy, red and my face was splotchy. I turned on the shower and stepped inside, allowing the water to run across my face leaving hot trails as the steam collected on the glass. A few minutes later, I shut off the water and placed my feet on the cold tile. Throwing my pajamas back on, I shuffled into the kitchen where Molly was sleepily making coffee. She handed me a mug and the Irish Crème coffee creamer. I poured some in and held the mug between my palms, embracing its warmth. We sat on the couch and watched a few cartoons as she inquired about my date for that evening.


            “What about this?” Molly asked, holding up one of her dresses; a white, ruffled monstrosity with peach colored flowers.

            “Uh how about no…” I said with a laugh.

            “Ugh you’re going to be difficult again, aren’t you? You’re going to make all this fuss and then just end up wearing black. Per usual” Molly stated, shaking her head. I smiled, revealing my teeth and Molly giggled. Walking up to the dresser, I grabbed a pair of black skinny jeans and a loose white long sleeved shirt. I threw them both on and rolled up the sleeves to just below my elbow. Bending over, I ran my fingers through the roots of my hair loosening the waves. Seeing where I was going with the outfit, Molly handed me a pewter colored, braided headband that I wrapped around my head just below the hair line.

            “What do you think?” I inquired, slipping on my grey suede shoes.

            “A surprising outcome, I’d say” Molly responded with a giggle. My phone buzzed on my bed and I reached over and took it in my hand. My fingers flitted over the numbered keypad and opened the message.

            I’ll pick you up in about half an hour. xo

            “Is that Haddon?” Molly inquired excitedly. I smiled. “Eep! What did he say?”

            “Just that he’d be here in half an hour.”

            “You’d better tell him right now that I’m going to need to meet him. Immediately. Like tonight, immediately.”

            Laughing, I typed out the message explaining that Molly would not permit me to leave unless Haddon were to come meet her. I received a reply a few minutes later.

            Tell Molly I shall see her quite soon and that I am hopeful I will make an absolutely stellar first impression ;)

            I laughed and shoved the phone into Molly’s hands so that she could read the message. She smiled widely.

            “I think I’m going to like this kid!” She giggled.


            There was a series of thumps that resonated through the apartment. Before I could get up from my seat on the couch, Molly was sprinting from her room, quickly flipping the lock and flinging open the door. Haddon’s austere face was visible over the top of Molly’s head, his jaw clenched. His eyes searched the room and met mine; the corner of his mouth turned up into a small smirk. I glanced down at my lap as Molly ushered Haddon into the room. She sized him up as I grabbed my leather cross-body from the counter.

            “I’m Haddon” he spoke quietly, sticking out his hand to Molly.

            “Molly” she replied cautiously.

            “Well Molly, it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance” Haddon said smiling widely at her.

            “Likewise” Molly responded, returning his smile. “I suppose I shall leave you two to it then.”

            I smiled at Molly as she retreated to her room. Haddon placed his hand on the small of my back and ushered me through the door. As we walked down to his car, I looked up periodically at his face, taking in his prominent jaw. He was gnawing on his lip, the teeth raking across the plump, pink surface. We approached his car and he opened the door for me. As I stepped towards it, he stopped me, my shoulder brushing his chest. I turned and looked up at him quizzically, meeting his eyes through my lashes. Holding my gaze, he spoke, his voice deep;

            “You look lovely, Piper.” I glanced quickly down, studying my feet before meeting his intense stare once more.

            “Thank you” I replied quietly. “You don’t look so bad yourself.” Haddon looked effortlessly put together; his black jeans and t-shirt complemented by an open blue button up hanging down from his broad shoulders; the sleeves were rolled up to expose his toned forearms. He smiled at me and shook his head, running his hand through his hair. I got in the car and he shut the door behind me. He walked around the front of the car and climbed in on the opposite side.

            “So where are we headed?” I inquired as we pulled away from the curb. Haddon glanced at me quickly before returning his eyes to the road.

            “How do you feel about Lebanese food?” He inquired.

            “I love it” I replied with a smile.

            “Great. Then we’re going to my favorite restaurant” he said as he hit the accelerator.


            “Oh my god, I’m stuffed” I groaned, slouching back in my chair; the wood slats pressed into my scapula. Haddon chuckled slightly and reached over to grab the last kebab from my plate. He winked at me as he popped a piece of lamb into his mouth. I shook my head and ran my fingers through the roots of my hair. We’d been conversing since we arrived at the restaurant, stopping only to stuff our faces when the food arrived. I’d learned a lot about Haddon; he was 20, had lived in England all his life, and was originally from Suffolk. He had a younger sister named Emma who still lived there with his mum. He worked at his friend’s gallery, taking the photographs his friend took and putting them into displays as well as organizing showings and events. It seemed like he really enjoyed it.

 The waiter brought over our check and Haddon handed him his credit card without giving me any time to protest. The waiter walked back to the register and Haddon turned to look at me.

            “Are you full, or would you like to go get some dessert?”

            “Honestly, I don’t think I could fit another bite in my body” I replied. “However, we have some unopened Stellas at my flat if you’d like one, and I’m sure Molly would love to interrogate you” I countered with a grin.  

            “Sounds lovely” he replied, his deep voice sending chills through my body.

            The waiter returned with the check and Haddon signed it. I smiled at the man as we stood up to leave. Haddon pulled me by the hand out to his car and ushered me through the door. He climbed in and we sped off. A few minutes later, we arrived back at my flat. We circled the block a couple of times before Haddon snuck the decently large car into a very small parallel parking spot.

            “You’re my hero” I said jokingly as he pulled into the impossibly small spot in one attempt. He simply laughed. Haddon pulled the key out of the ignition and strode around the front of the car to help me step down onto the sidewalk. We walked back, his hand encircling my waist, to the alley entrance of the building.

            When we arrived back up at the flat, Molly was nowhere to be seen. I gestured towards the kitchen, motioning for Haddon to open up 2 bottles. I poked my head into Molly’s room. She was snuggled under her duvet sleeping soundly. Shutting the door behind me, I returned to the living room where Haddon was setting out the two beers.

            “Well Molly is asleep, so it looks like it’ll just be us two” I said smiling slightly.

            “No complaints from me. I’m not very good at sharing” Haddon responded with a wink. I sunk down on the couch, leaning up against one of the arms. Haddon scooted towards me and motioned for me to bring my legs up on the sofa. He scooped them up and placed them over his lap, leaving his hand on my knee. He brought the bottle to his lips and took a swig, not breaking eye contact with me.

            “So tell me Piper. You said you were from the U.S, but where exactly is your family from?

            “Uhm my parents live in Virginia, just outside of Washington DC. My younger sister is still in high school, so she lives with them and then my older brother, Colton, lives in New York” I explained uncomfortably. I really hated discussing my family. Haddon seemed to sense my uneasiness as he quickly changed the subject.

            “And Molly? She goes to school with you?”

            “Yeah. She’s my best friend. We’re very different, but that’s kind of what I like about being friends with her. We balance each other out.”

            “I noticed that. It seems like she cares about you a lot.”

            “Yeah. That makes one person” I mumbled to myself.

            “What did you say?”

            “Oh nothing” I stated, forcing a smile. He didn’t seem convinced as he took another swig from the bottle, eyeing me questioningly. We talked for a while longer before turning on the TV. I set my empty bottle down and shifted over towards Haddon. He pulled me under his arm and I rested my head on his shoulder. He gently rubbed circles into my arm with his thumb as sleepiness slowly began to descend on me. I felt Haddon’s lips contact my hair as my consciousness drifted away. I wasn’t aware I feel asleep, but I awoke the next morning completely flustered by my surroundings. I glanced over at Haddon, his curls partially obscuring his face. His head was resting on the back of the sofa, legs stretched out on the ottoman with his toned arm wrapped lightly around my waist. Holy s**t. I have to pee. I extracted myself carefully from his arms and scampered to the bathroom. On my way back to the kitchen, I ran into Molly, dressed in her work uniform, heading towards the door.

            “I saw you two sleeping on the couch this morning. It was absolutely adorable” Molly gushed. “I took the liberty of turning the TV off, by the way. Way to waste energy” she said giggling.

            “Shut up” I said lightly shoving her shoulder. She puckered her lips into a kissy face, further making fun of me. “Go to work, smartass” I joked, pushing her out the door and sticking my tongue out as she left. As I entered the living room, Haddon began to stir. I plopped myself down on the couch as he stretched and worked out the kinks in his neck.

            “Sorry about that. I didn’t know I was going to fall asleep” I apologized as he rotated his shoulder.

            “It’s fine love” he said, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear that had fallen in front of my face. “Bathroom?” He inquired. I pointed down the hall. I checked the time on my phone. 12:30. The phone flashed, my mother’s name appearing on the caller ID. I have written you down… I didn’t particularly want to answer, but I knew there’d be hell to pay if I didn’t.

            “Hello Mother” I greeted flatly.

            “Why hello Daughter” she responded emphasizing the sarcasm. “I was calling to see if you’d become more reasonable in the last 24 hours, though I highly doubt that’s even possible for you.”

            “You’d be right. I’m not coming home.”

Haddon called out asking if there was any Advil.

            “It’s in the medicine cabinet” I called towards the bathroom.

            “Who was that?” My mother inquired. “Another special friend of yours? Your sister tells me you haven’t exactly been the poster child for monogamy since you left here.”

            “And how would she know that?”

            “Well, as she says, she does have a fairly astute ‘s**t radar.’ I tend to agree.” The words stung and I felt tear start to prick in the corners of my eyes.

            “I’m done with this conversation” I said, attempting to keep my voice even as I hung up the phone. I tried to keep the tears from falling as I heard Haddon’s footsteps coming down the hall. I let my hair fall over my shoulder as I struggled to regain my composure.

            “I have to head to work soon, love, but would you be interested in doing something tomorrow eve…” He stopped, noticing my slumped posture on the couch. “Is everything alright?” He asked concernedly.

            “I’m fine” I chirped. My voice a bit higher than it should have been. Haddon sat down beside me and pushed my hair behind my shoulder. His darkly intense gaze bore into my face, as he turned my head towards him. I met his eyes warily and I could feel him studying my face. I smiled, hoping to conceal the tears I had shed, but I could feel that my eyes were still swollen. His eyes narrowed.

            “What’s wrong? What happened?” He questioned, his voice becoming huskier with its intensity.

            “Nothing really. My mum just called. That’s all.”

            “What did she say to you?”

            “Oh uh, the usual” I spoke quietly.

            “Bullshit. What upset you?” His eyes searched my face as he questioned me. Haddon held my stare. With his eyes boring into mine, I was unable to lie. I meekly coughed out a response.

            “Uh she just… you know… called me a s**t” I squeaked out. “But really, it’s not a huge deal. I’m used to it.” I hurriedly went on. Haddon bit down on his lip, hard, and his hand rested on my face as he used his thumb to wipe away the last bit of moisture under my eye. I stood up abruptly.

            “You have to go to work. I don’t want you to be late on my account.” I stated pulling him up from the couch.

            “I can stay Piper, really. I’ll call in that I can’t make it” he countered.

            “No. Go. I’ll see you tomorrow night” I answered smiling up at him. Haddon looked at me questioningly before pulling me into a hug.

            “Alright” he spoke slowly. He rested his chin on my head and I could feel his jaw tighten angrily. As I pulled away he bent down and brought his lips to my ear.

            “Call me if you need anything” he spoke deeply, his breath tickling the skin on my neck. Haddon placed a lingering kiss near my jawline, just below my ear, before turning, grabbing his keys and striding to the door. He looked back at me as he opened it. I waved slightly and he stepped through the doorway, shutting the door behind him.


© 2013 Paige H

Author's Note

Paige H
I love me some comments ;) If you've read this story, thank you so much!

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Added on June 17, 2013
Last Updated on June 17, 2013
Tags: love, teens, scotland, london, university, family, disappointment


Paige H
Paige H

Defeated Defeated

A Poem by Paige H

Chapter 1 Chapter 1

A Chapter by Paige H

Chapter 2 Chapter 2

A Chapter by Paige H