Love this one dear Lisa, specially the first verse, it's cleverly written. your whole poem paints what a thought is, how it's clear sometime, confused at the others, sometimes we are able to describe it, other times we can not. Brain is as the heart, powerful with no limits. our thoughts are the products and fruits of it.
Posted 2 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
2 Years Ago
Wow… seems you are going through my poems… how nice of you!!
Yes, thoughts are all that y.. read moreWow… seems you are going through my poems… how nice of you!!
Yes, thoughts are all that you describe and often either are or lead to memories…and often different from the initial thought…
Lisa, at the gym
Completely agree with your thought Lisa. The thought can be so fleeting, yet to write that thought would have to encapsulate all the other senses involved when we think that singular thought, like aroma and scents, the comforting feeling of warmth for the person thought as well as a complete recipe of others that come to mind when we think that thought.
Some of our favourite thoughts bring so many sensations to mind, like differences in age from what you are now to the age you were when the original thought played out.
Some of my favourite memories as a kid bring back all the smells when we visited Gran. The pot of soup she always had ready, to the furniture polish she used and more likely than nought some fresh baked bread or other delights from her magic oven.
These thoughts are more than mere thoughts and are more of a sensation that encompasses all we knew, remembered and loved about the person.
So congratulations, because you just made me think of her soup and now I'm hungry! 😃
Posted 2 Months Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
2 Months Ago
How wonderful to hear from you Lorry. Strange that I now have 3 reviews on one of my older poems…... read moreHow wonderful to hear from you Lorry. Strange that I now have 3 reviews on one of my older poems….🥰 I have not been writing much as I have been so busy painting commissioned work and making necklaces. Just reading these 3 reviews has inspired me to get back to writing…funny how that works.
I totally agree with you. One thought leads to another and often we (I) get lost in the memories of taste, sound, etc.
I love what you said about a thought that we had when we were young
This happens to me when I watch a movie…
And your thoughts about early thoughts and how they play out when we are older…. Do we have the same thoughts… I wonder? Okay now I really do need to think about that.
Thank you for taking the time to read and review my poem.
Thoughts are always coming and going for whatever reason. Our minds in a constant stream of ideas and notions. Perplexing and amazing all at the same time.
Some people minds are quieter than others. I’m an overthinker often times so mine works over time without the extra pay.
I love the thought process and wording that is filled within this piece.
Posted 2 Months Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
2 Months Ago
I relate to your thoughts about my poem.
My brain never rests… so crazy but always good to .. read moreI relate to your thoughts about my poem.
My brain never rests… so crazy but always good to be busy.
Thank you so much for your review,
Hi Lisain
Gosh, this one is heavy and rich. Can't take it all in and will need to read again. A lot of thinking and observation here. Well done!I I've put it in my library, but did pass your way.
Hope you are keeping well my friend.
Posted 2 Months Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
2 Months Ago
Wow, how wonderful to have a review from you about a poem I wrote while back. I see that after yours.. read moreWow, how wonderful to have a review from you about a poem I wrote while back. I see that after yours another review came in about the same poem.
And how wonderful that it is in your library… thank you for taking the time to read and review.
This past year I only posted a couple of new ones…
Filed under "why mind reading would be the worst superpower". Thoughts really are a miracle, or a curse, depending on the day.
Well done.
Posted 1 Year Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
1 Year Ago
Hi Brad, Interesting that you found this older poem of mine to read.
I so appreciate your won.. read moreHi Brad, Interesting that you found this older poem of mine to read.
I so appreciate your wonderful ~ insightful review,
Love this one dear Lisa, specially the first verse, it's cleverly written. your whole poem paints what a thought is, how it's clear sometime, confused at the others, sometimes we are able to describe it, other times we can not. Brain is as the heart, powerful with no limits. our thoughts are the products and fruits of it.
Posted 2 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
2 Years Ago
Wow… seems you are going through my poems… how nice of you!!
Yes, thoughts are all that y.. read moreWow… seems you are going through my poems… how nice of you!!
Yes, thoughts are all that you describe and often either are or lead to memories…and often different from the initial thought…
Lisa, at the gym
Thoughts roll around in our minds and, one thought can morph into another or, be the genesis of another thought. Funny how that works. Our thoughts can escape us...that's why I have to write them down. Regarding your last often do we wake from a dream and have it vanish or, be on the tip of one's mind and every effort to capture it eludes us. I really like this poem Lisa! Thank you for sharing! Temp
Posted 2 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
2 Years Ago
Good morning Temp,
Yes, that is so try and then those thoughts may actually be memories..or e.. read moreGood morning Temp,
Yes, that is so try and then those thoughts may actually be memories..or even a new thought can remind us of something and pull us back into a memory...My poem Nymph began with one thought and I had no idea where I was going with that thought..but when I got to the word glimpse my pen took over and my poem was born..I am so glad that you really like my poem...
Thank you for taking the time to read and review,
Lisa, early in Spain
2 Years Ago
You are one of my favorites so, I am always eager to read your new work. T
So very true about the thoughts and how they seem to travel about. They can be clever as the wind. You did a great job at this piece!
Posted 2 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
2 Years Ago
Hi Levi,
Thank you so much for your review..
I really appreciate it..Traveling thought.. read moreHi Levi,
Thank you so much for your review..
I really appreciate it..Traveling thoughts...many of them memories.. I recently wrote and posted Guardian of our Memories... Not sure if you read that one yet?
Lisa, now in Spain
Very nice and thought provoking write. I liked it. I wonder how many stray thoughts that amount to nothing go through our heads everyday? The noise of it can drown you. But we sit down with intention and hope for a series of thoughts to strike like repeated lightning in a thunderstorm. Sometime it's hooray and sometimes it's nay. Have a good night, Lisa. CD
Posted 2 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
2 Years Ago
Good morning CD,
Great to have someone new looking at my poem... It has been awhile since I h.. read moreGood morning CD,
Great to have someone new looking at my poem... It has been awhile since I have had a review for this one.
Yes, our brains are so cluttered by a zillion thoughts..
I lve when yo said "like repeated lightning in a thunderstorm... You should use that in poem.
Thank you for taking the time to read and review,
Lisa, 7am in lovely Spain
Painting and poem are awesome. Food for thought(Opppsss). I used your title. Very true and well said. You are digging deeper into the human mystery. Might be that thoughts start in the spiritual world and then manifest themselves in the physical realm??? Just a thought came to me(Opppssss) again.
Posted 2 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
2 Years Ago
Good morning Sami,
I am going back over my reviews to make sure i responded to each one and I.. read moreGood morning Sami,
I am going back over my reviews to make sure i responded to each one and I came across this one from you...Wow 2 months ago... ow did I miss it!!
I really enjoyed reading your thoughts about my little poem..A tardy thank you for taking the time to read and respond.
Lisa, working on my computer early this morning
2 Years Ago
No worries. It happens to me too. You are welcome Lisa resigning to write poems and residing somewhe.. read moreNo worries. It happens to me too. You are welcome Lisa resigning to write poems and residing somewhere in Spanish meadows.
I have been writing poetry and short stories since I was 64 years!
I have never connected with any groups but recently thought why not..
So here I ..looking at where this adventure leads me. more..