The idle birds have run their course;
They fly to some bitter-sweet memory
Alone in the shadows of wondrous days
Harmony and peace were one
Flowers as bright as jewels and distorted
Upon a child-like mind in my days gone
Happiness was wading through snow
Never noticing the cold and frozen air
Love was simplistic " hearts of gold
Unconditional with a flicker of light
How times have changed
Love is for the weak and blind
Happiness of better times to come
Fictional stories were only that
Maybe a glimpse into a far away world
The flowers became lifeless
The snow a burden on the soul
Once touched " never forgotten or forgiven
Only once and the birds fly away
Only once and we are changed for eternity
The innocence thrust upon us at birth
Regret is that of a larger nature
As time ticks away the list grows further
Though one memory stands above all
Touch; all it takes
Wrong places or time for the doing of good
If I had lived for myself, no regrets would I have
We aim to please others before ourselves
Consequences are merely a thought
Banished; away from reality
Until the fall of all good, if that can be named
Repetition of regret, with every second that passes
Tolerated in the moment, for another as we do
Then realise the damage within the mind
Time does not go backwards
Cannot undo the past in its place
Like a scar on the brain " or heart if so
I am reminded of those times
Only giving what we thought we must give
To receive what we deserved to receive
Until realising the regret in plain day
To have the birds back
Or any other of its nature
Too far from reach but a memory of the past
Remaining in light, never to be seen