Taken for grantedA Poem by outspoken1234"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves."~Abraham Lincoin
There is one thing we all take for granted
Freedom It isn't as precious to us as when this country started It isn't as valuable as the biggest jewel Wither we think it or not We take this sacred meaning for granted Its a safety being slowly taken away Stolen from all of us Unnoticed to those in luxury We say the pledge everyday I sit and wonder how many don't mean it Its just an automatic thing we are taught to say Day after day? How can we all be so careless with this precious thing? Those who are devoted to it serve to protect it Do we ever just stop and think About how freedom isn't free Or do we take it all for granted Seeing how we don't defend it Is freedom still that sacred piece of hope? Or do we all just take it for granted?
© 2016 outspoken1234 |
1 Review Added on April 28, 2016 Last Updated on April 28, 2016 Authoroutspoken1234OHAboutI am 19 currently and love to write poetry it helps me think and clear my head and understand my emotions. I want my poetry to help others who might understand or are going through some of the things .. more..Writing