Here I was, lying on the prickly yellow sand of the once crowded beach. It was around late-noon and the sun was just setting below the horizon. In the pale blue sky I could see the beautiful colours of the sunset. But this sunset was different, it was like a thousnad suns rolled into one, creating such an aura that it was nearlly unimaginable. The light, the contrast, the spectacular colours, they all looked like streaks of soft, warm colours diving into the ocean millions of kilometres away.
I slowly rose up onto my feet. They were a bit wobbly at first from sitting down for so long, but I gradually got used to it as I started to walk back along the silent beach. I was just making my way up to the little beach cabin that I was staying in when I saw something shimmering in the sand about 10 metres infront of me. I impatiently hurried over to the shimmer in sand as it was growing cold out and a chilling breeze was starting to form. As I reached the glimmer I found out it was an old rusted locket in the shape of a starfish. What a pretty locket I thought to myself. I carefully picked up the silver necklace and washed it off with some sea water. I once again made my way up to the beach house, trying my best to scratch away all the rust that had formered on the locket's surface.
I opened the creaking door of the old beach cabin and switched on the pale light to brighten up the room. I gently placed the locket on the kitchen bench and made my way to my shabby room. Lyed down on my bed and slowly sank into a deep sleep without another single thought.