Broken Words

Broken Words

A Poem by Miss Kay

A poem I wrote about a boy who got under my skin; in a bad way.


Pictures of broken hearts

The cries of pain start

The flowers have welted,

On the alter they wait

The feeling of pain,

The feeling we create.


I watch a tear fall,

The raindrops surprise us all,

But I’ve hid away, hoping to withdraw,

But the faces follow, my helpless call.


I don’t care about why,

I’m not here to cry,

My powerless feelings washed on by,

Hatred burns like an acid inside,

The pain ripping threw as those b******s ask why


Would you not be ignorant

For once in your life?

I’ve suffered enough, no need to stay alive

But I’m here today,

making it back to the start.

© 2009 Miss Kay

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This is heartfelt, honest, and well written. Keep writing!

Posted 15 Years Ago

An excellent piece.

Posted 15 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on July 20, 2009


Miss Kay
Miss Kay

Eugene, OR

Not My Time Not My Time

A Story by Miss Kay