A Poem by R J Askew

A mad conceit. At first I thought it was about someone else, thought twice about bothering to post it. But then I realised it applied to me the more so. I bows to you.


Up from the ground, up-rising rain

Up-streaking-up before your eyes

You watch a puddle vanish rise

Up-streaking-up, into the clouds

Your sanity divesting shrouds

In rising rain you're made insane

Up from the ground, up-rising rain

Your talent's deeply shallow vain

A thing reversing into clouds

In sheets of thin prosaic shrouds

You blindly see your river rise

Your vaunting vanity up flies

Up from the ground, up-rising rain

Up-streaming-up in failure's pain



© 2011 R J Askew

My Review

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I love the reverse imagery. Thought provoking and original. Excellent work.

Posted 13 Years Ago

A change of intention, direction; this appears to be an analysis of character within situation, but is coloured with condemnation, i think. Admittedly, 'don't always understand how other people's work - perhaps you do and too well. Your style of writing is unique .. you turn thoughts upside down, inside out.

Posted 13 Years Ago

Really Lovely writing!
I like whole wording.
Keep it up!
Do you read mine too Anguish and She..
God bless you..

Posted 13 Years Ago

the reversi effect is stunning~ panes of pain ignite in direct opposition to the emotional clairvoyant nuances~

Posted 13 Years Ago

Rising like a Phoenix! You put on reverse what is often cliche. It's not the falling rain that inspires you. It's the drive to rise against everything that pushes down on you. Favorited.

Posted 13 Years Ago

this was intriguing to read..up-rising rain...what a way to express..unique and engaging.. great beat too...

Posted 13 Years Ago

PS! I think UPrising Reign would work too. x

Posted 13 Years Ago

It has a pounding and persistent rhyme that suits the topic beautifully. We all suffer a constant inner struggle to gain success in our own eyes view. I would say that success shows in the love from others eyes.

Smiling at you

Tai x

Posted 13 Years Ago

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So wonderful and lovely!

Posted 13 Years Ago

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31 Reviews
Shelved in 2 Libraries
Added on September 7, 2011
Last Updated on September 7, 2011
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R J Askew
R J Askew

United Kingdom

Busy re-writing a new story. more..


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