What I can't give

What I can't give

A Poem by Dean

I think we already established your value,

You’re worth more to me than any scarlet diamond,

You’re more than my breath and my hunger strike,

More than any piano note on the moonlit sky.


I’d hold you tight, and watch your sleep,

Whisper comfort in your ears, and sweet seduction,

My dearest angel I can tell you this…

If I could have, I’d offer anything.


And I am happy you have found him,

A rock in your crashing life,

He can do all the things I sure cannot,

While I can wait for you.


You have a date, now, to the prom,

Without it being awkward.

You have your hand held when you’re scared

And your lips kissed constantly.


He can offer you the world, I promised,

And he can give you comfort when I’m gone,

Have no fear, little farfalla, I’m here,

Just a step ahead and a step behind all times.


I’ll always be just a call away,

And you can count that I would kill for you…

While you experience, all I never did,

I’ll spend eternity waiting for you.


Please have no fear and have no real concern,

I want you taking your time to join my world,

And after you have finished all you can,

Then, you can come. You’re welcome in my arms.


I’ll wait forever, then add another always,

Just please, my dearest angel, take your time.

© 2009 Dean

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Please have no fear and have no real concern,
I want you taking your time to join my world,
And after you have finished all you can,
Then, you can come. You're welcome in my arms.

This is a wonderful deep emotional write here.
I really like this write.

Posted 15 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on January 8, 2009



What do you mean my birth certificate expired?


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