![]() To fight evil and good to overcome.A Poem by Onlyme
Humanity is under threat.
We are getting locked up like prisoners in our own homes. While others are dying around us from an invisible killer. That has no class or restrictions. On who gets taken down next to 6 feet underground. Everything is gloom and doom no matter where we look on the news or around us. Fear and isolation let alone terror are becoming our normal state to be. We are all united under this black cloud of uncertainty and lost hope. But for saying that if you flip it around. Fellow human beings are coming together to look out for each other Best they can. A helping hand, someone to lean on in your hour of needs. Nurses and Doctors across the plant are saving many lifes each and every new day that arrives. And scientists are doing all they can to find a cure hopefully one day real soon. But in the mean time we have to stay calm, take good advice and play safe. No one said it would be easy. But for humanity to prevail we have to work together. To fight evil and for good to overcome.
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