Summer Ahead Arsehole Alert....A Poem by OnlymeThe summer months are ahead of us now. Lighter longer days and sunshine and good weather is coming. So the annual taking off of clothes. To lack of clothing for some folks. T-shirts, shorts, dresses, skirts and sandals and flipflops. Depending on your gender of course. what you wear. But it also the type of year. When certain folk judge othersbecause they are either too fat too thin. Why are they wear that? Oh my god, you see what she or he has on? So forthwith and such like. Instead of human beings just enjoying the lovely weather in general. Some seem to get the urge to be mean and more nasty than general towards others. It's like the hot weather brings out the arseholes in force more. Instead of live and let live. Who is anyone else to judge anyone else!. For what they wear, how they wear it let alone their build and size in general. These sub-humans should look in the mirror before they judge anyone else. First and foremost. Before they speak about other souls. And mock. © 2019 OnlymeFeatured Review
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