I am blessed to read about the Resurrection Celebration of Easter. you set it our here plain and simple ;) tho I enjoyed "finding" easter eggs and a basket full of chocolate the meaning of Christ rising from the dead and the importance of family in our lives has never been dimmed. Even when I strayed very far away from Christs teachings. thanks for sharing your poem "Easter Sunday" Dawn ... its my first read this morning and sets me nog and heart in a very good place. :))))))))
Interesting idea, Dawn but Easter is based on the old pagan festival of Easterus, that's why it's closest to the full moon, the rabbits and eggs are fertility symbols, ain't no chocolate in the Bible, girl, good poem,
Posted 5 Years Ago
5 Years Ago
gram and Dawn! i am butting in .... please forgive me! Easter is the Christian Celebration of the Re.. read moregram and Dawn! i am butting in .... please forgive me! Easter is the Christian Celebration of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.... a miracle ...the eggs, as you say was not a Christian thing ... it was and remains a cross cultural thing that pre-dates Christianity .. the eggs being a symbol of life and fertility .. the Catholic Church adopted the egg tradition along with many other pagan practices to allow those cultures to have something familiar and comfortable in their new found Catholic Faith. ;)
5 Years Ago
The new found Catholic faith that they neither asked for, nor wanted most Christain festivals are ba.. read moreThe new found Catholic faith that they neither asked for, nor wanted most Christain festivals are based on Paganism, just ask St. Nick, and pray tell, kind sir, why does it move in accordance of the full moon
5 Years Ago
we just disagree gram ..not trying to sell you Catholicism but all Catholic celebrations are based o.. read morewe just disagree gram ..not trying to sell you Catholicism but all Catholic celebrations are based on the life and words of Jesus Christ ... who is perfect .. unlike everything else in the world .. Christianity comes from Him .. all the rest has been added ... in the Catholic Church, like i said, certain pagan practices were incorporated that enhanced new converts in the worship of God within the doctrines of the Church ;) we just disagree.
5 Years Ago
every single catholic principle and practise has been lifted from the ancient godz, the gods of you.. read moreevery single catholic principle and practise has been lifted from the ancient godz, the gods of your god, look into a rainbow and see multi coloured fragmenting light, not allowed by your god, actual fact of science, Jesus was an Essene,, Nazzarine, Pagan , if I'm not mistaken, how do you explain star dust in our bones and D.N.A., how in fact do you explain D.N.A.
5 Years Ago
Must apologise, Dawn, seemed to have swamped your comment zone, into the murky depths of religion,