Dead person walking..A Poem by OnlymeDead human being walking as they take another drink. On top of the bottle of whisky and beer cans, they have already drunk today. And every day since, for the last couple of years. The dead soul walking as they shoot up around round, of drugs into their arm or foot. A shadow of their former self. Gaunt-faced and skin just covering boney skin.With open sores on both face and torso. The addiction is mighty than the human spirit within. It takes on. On a daily bases. Overcoming and crushing the spirit and the soul and making it weak, numb. Fragile and broken. In their own hearts and minds. They try to resist the urges to get a fix and get clean. But easier said than done. When the devil is inside you. Shouting and screaming let alone demanding you do the deed over and over again. Without proper nourishment and sleep. You are on autopilot controlled by addictions. And then the lull before the storm again. Hits like a nightmare vivid, dramatic and true. It's easy for people who are "NOT" addicted to saying. Get help, get support and you will beclean and live a good life once again. But, the demon is not easy to forsake and turn your back on. When he controls you totally. You can with determination and having enough of living like that. To come out that void and be whole again. And move on. And be happy within you. Overtime and learning to accept help from others and to know you need it more so. By accepting your addicted and the reason why? To face them with support and understanding. From others who have been there themselves in the past. And have moved on since. "They have walked the walk. And talked the talk. And did it themselves". So they truly relate to your plight.
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