Cynical About Religions...A Poem by OnlymeReligion, I never understand the praying to holy statues and the rosary beads. Let alone confession your sins to a preacher. So does that mean if you killed someone and you told him? He would never tell the police on you? And all this hatred between Religions across the world. Makes me laugh out loud. Instead of accepting each other's religion. They kick off and try to kill each other. And so many religions to choose from in this world. It like, let's choose which one. I will believe in too? That suits my thinking.? When most of the wars and upsets, That happened in this world is due to religions and beliefs.I am just so cynical of late. About everything. Including religion. But I do understand humans need something good to believe in. But when I see so much destruction due to religion. It makes me wonder. If anything good comes from it at all. Who knows... honestly..
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