The holiday flingA Story by OnlymeThe holiday fling getting drunk. As it was the tradition on their vacations for him to do just that. Then go back to the hotel room and crash out for the night. That is when she started to hook up with the local bartender. After each nightly drinking session. She sneaked out and spent time withEdwardo, they would walk around the moonlit beach holding hands and shared kisses and cuddles. And talk and getting to know each other. And then make passionate lovemaking on thesand. Then she would sneak back into the hotel room just before dawn. And catch a few hours sleep. Before her husband would even wake up at noon with a bad hangover as usual. She would act like everything was normal and just carry on as usual around him. The reason she needed this fling was simply that he was a great man in general. But not a lover or into sex any more. He would pay the bills, provide for her and keep her safe. But she needs the buzz of sex and someone new, and each and every time they came abroad for a break from the everyday back home. As he did once suspect she was up to something. On one vacation. As he woke up early and noticed she was gone. He asked her later and she said she went out to find a late shop open for cigarettes and that was where she went. He knew she had needs and cravings. And he was not satisfying them all. Regards sex and love. He was a provider. So in hismind's eye. He was giving her the time to fix herself and sort their marriage out completely with these holiday romances she believed he knew nothing about. But he did. As often local punters at the bar. Would tell him. They saw his wife out with another guy,late at night after the bar closed. And he always told them, to mind their own business and keep your their mouth shut or else! And I guess the reason he drank so much. As he closed a blind eye to it all. Her cheating and needs. Why do you ask? He just could not live without her in his life.
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