You want people to think that you are tougher than you actually are
that you can take on the world
when really you need someone to stand beside you and give you strength
You have a heart of gold but hide it so that the shine doesn't attract the gold diggers
that have once found their way in
when you weren't looking they took your love and ran
You are a true gentleman and know the meaning of respect
that every woman deserves and should always demand
when it comes to men
You take time away from your life to brighten a friend's day
that you hardly know
when you could be out having fun with your drinking buddies
You stay up just to make sure a friend doesn't leave sad or mad
that way their dreams and the next day is sure to be wonderful
when you yourself could be dreaming your odd dreams
You just have a way of making people laugh all of the time
that sometimes you don't even realize that you are doing it
when you yourself are having a great time
You have a smile that is so contagious
that the whole world smiles with you
when you are so very happy
You have a very rare gift that is a subtle gift, but there none the less
You have a very gentle side that you don't always let people see
I know for certain that your heart is under lock and key
That is how I came to have the key to keep safe
I know you love your family very much
That is why you want to start one of your own
I know that looking into your eyes a person forgets time
That is why time flies so quickly
I know that you don't play stupid mind or emotional games
That is why you have become an expert at them so you can spot those that do
I know that no matter the difficulty of the puzzle you can't walk away for long
That is why you always return
I know that you love a good challenge
That is why you are a great person to have on mine or anyone's side
I know that you really treasure friendship
That is why we my dear just happen to be the best of friends.