Masks that hide me

Masks that hide me

A Poem by Oni Is Gaming

That I cannot see
That I cannot be
I see an ugly being
Never happy
Happiness is a lie
So my depression just shines
Funny, depression is so dark
But that's my ball park 
Beautiful is not who I am
But her... damn
I hate myself
I put the happiness on a shelf
And the makeup is to cover the ugly
And mask the unhappy
I have more than one mask 
To see through them all is quite a task 
but that might be a good thing
I'm a very horrifying being
I'm not as good as I seem
I have a bad side
It's my Hyde 
even though I have no Jekyll
that makes me chuckle
the fact that i can relate to no one
I'm eternally alone
I guess that means I can die now
the question is how
a slit?
neck or wrist?
I also don't have gills...
the ways are endless 
and I'm getting restless
I see some knives
I guess this can cover my goodbyes
so I hope to see you on the other side
<3 always, Kayla 

© 2018 Oni Is Gaming

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Added on December 25, 2017
Last Updated on January 2, 2018


Oni Is Gaming
Oni Is Gaming

San Diego, CA

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