What do I call you?

What do I call you?

A Story by Hannah

About a sixteen year old girl stuck raising her three younger siblings


       The piercing sound of a little baby girl lying next to her startled her. She woke up and rubbed her eyes then looked at the alarm clock which read 2:37 AM then turned her attention to the yelling baby. She picked her up and cradled her in her arms and lightly bounced her back and forth to get to her quiet down.

“Shut that baby up Kaylynn,” a lady from the room behind her yelled.
“Sorry Mrs. Kalvin.”

When the baby calmed down Kaylynn fell right back to sleep hoping that she would get much more before the next time the baby woke up.

     Only two hours later the screams started again, but by this time Kaylynn was so frustrated she almost was in tears.

“Come on Madison sissy needs to get some sleep, please,” Kaylynn pleaded. Unable to get Madison to go back to sleep Kaylynn walked into the kitchen and got a bottle out from the fridge; still sleepy she ended up running into walls hurting her shoulders as she ran into the corners of them.

     But this was a normal routine for these girls; since Kaylynn’s mom isn’t around she is in charge of taking care of her siblings which is a really hard job for a sixteen year old. She treats each of them as if they were hers and lets be honest they basically are hers. Madison is eight months old but that’s not the only child Kaylynn looks out for, she has two brothers Aiden who is seven and a half and Caleb who is five. Kaylynn has to feed them clothe them and basically raise them because their mom is incapable of doing any of those for them. During the day there is no one else to watch Madison so she takes her to the day care center on her campus which is free. She works at two jobs after school to get enough money to pay for the things her siblings need, there mom will come over maybe twice a month and bring two hundred dollars for them to live on.

    The kids rush around their tiny apartment in the morning trying to get ready for school. After they’re done they get into Kaylynn’s old beat up car and try not to make any one in there ghetto neighbor hood mad and Kaylynn drives the boys to their school. Aiden and Caleb get free breakfast at school so they eat there. Once Kaylynn sees that the boys have gotten into the school she drives off to her school.

   “Hey sweetheart how are you this morning,” the lady at the day care center said to Madison when Kaylynn handed her over.

“Um I will be here at the regular time again today.”

“No problem sweetheart,” she said.

“Ok she has everything right.”

“Kaylynn go or you’ll be late for class,” she said.

Kaylynn gave her sister a kiss on the forehead and walked out of the day care doors and walked to her first period U.S History class.

     Kaylynn doesn’t like telling people about her and her siblings so she lets people just say what they want about her. Only Madison’s day care ladies know and a few of her teachers, but that’s it.

    She walks through the quad ignoring the people who are whispering about her and gets to her class a few moments after the bell rings.

“That’s the 3rd time this week Ms. Davis,” her teacher said.

“Yeah I’m sorry Caleb couldn’t find his homework.”
The teacher just nodded at her and said, “Find your seat.”
Kaylynn did as she was told; she took out her binder and took notes while the teacher talked about the Louisiana Purchase. U.S History was one of the classes that Kaylynn was bored in all the time and on occasion would fall asleep in, but she is one of the smartest kids in her class. Her teacher was very understanding with the whole Aiden, Caleb and Madison situation.

     Her stomach growls in her second period, she awaits the bell so she can go to lunch. She rushes to the lunch lines and gets pizza again for the 20th time that month. Luckily she gets free lunch or she wouldn’t be eating lunch. Once she gets her pizza she finds a quiet place in a hall way and eats and does as much homework as she can so she doesn’t have to do it later.

     Kaylynn doesn’t have a fourth period so she works at Target for a few hours. After third period she walks to her car.

“Nice car seats Davis,” she hears someone say from behind her.

“What baby daddy could take the kids today,” this girl in her first period said.

“You know what I had to take my sister to day care if that’s ok with you.”
The girl just rolled her eyes and walked away.

     She got to work on time and did her job until three o’clock; then went to pick up Madison from day care then went to pick up Aiden and Caleb. She got to the boys school a little early so she parked her car and walked up to where the rest of the parents were holding Madison in her arms. Like always none of the parents tried to make conversation with her so she just stood there listening in on there conversations.

      The bell rung a few minutes later then the school got filled up with a whole mess of kids. Kaylynn saw Caleb first and like always he had a big smile on his face; he loves school.

“Hey baby,” she said when he caught up to her.


Kaylynn looked around for Aiden but she couldn’t see him, she got a little worried.

“Ms. Davis,” she heard someone say from behind her.

She turned around to see the assistant principle standing next to Aiden who had a big black eye.

“O my god Aiden what happened,” she said bending down to his level. Aiden just looked down at the ground, not saying anything.

“We need you to come to the office with us to talk to us about it,” the assistant principle said.

Kaylynn got back up on her feet, grabbed Caleb by his arm and followed the lady to her office. The whole time Kaylynn was worried about what happened to Aiden. Kaylynn, Caleb and Aiden sat down in the chairs in front of her desk.

“Ok well at lunch Aiden and another boy got into a fight.”

“What,” Kaylynn said shocked looking at Aiden.

“We have already talked to Aiden and he understands that tomorrow he will be serving detention before and after school.”

“Aiden tell me what happened,” Kaylynn said turning to face him.

“Well…,” the assistant principle started to say but Kaylynn interrupted.

“I asked my brother.”

The lady was so shocked that Kaylynn would speak to her like that, but Kaylynn really didn’t care all she wanted was her brother to tell her what happened.

“He was being mean,” Aiden finally said.

“Who was?”

“Trevor, he’s in my class, he said that I was stupid and that Caleb was stupid too so then I called him stupid but then he hit me,” he said with a sad tone in his voice.

“Did you hit him?”

“I just pushed him off of me,” he answered.

Kaylynn turned her attention to the assistant principal again and asked, “So why is Aiden in detention if he just pushed him off of him?”

“Well here we don’t tolerate any sort of physical violence.”

“Did the other kid get in trouble also,” she asked curious.

“Yes he spent the rest of lunch today picking up trash.”

“So my brother gets punched and he has to have detention in the morning and after school but the other kid gets pushed and he only has to pick up trash at lunch, that doesn’t seem quite fair does it,” Kaylynn said in a sarcastic tone.

“Actually I think it is fair.”

Kaylynn was so mad but she didn’t want to yell at her because she didn’t want her brothers to be in any more trouble then they already were. After a few more rolled eyes and snotty looks Kaylynn said, “Well is there anything else you have to say because I have to get to work.”

“No I don’t.”

“Well then thanks for, never mind,” she stopped herself from saying what she really wanted to say to her.

“Come on boys lets go.”

         Angrily Kaylynn drove away from the school to her second job, a diner a few miles away from there apartment. The owner of the diner has young kids around the same age as Aiden and Caleb so they play while Kaylynn works and the owner was also nice enough to put a play pen behind the counter for Madison. Kaylynn knows that if she didn’t have people that cared for her that wanted to help her out then her and the kids would be nowhere.

“Hey dudes,” Katelyn, the owner, said to the boys when they walked in.


“Wow man how’d you get the shiner,” she asked looking up at me.

Aiden walked away and didn’t say anything.

“Did your mom come home today,” she asked still wondering what happened to Aiden.

“No, that happened at school. He got into a fight.”
“Wow third graders are evil,” she laughed.

Kaylynn walked over to the counter and put Madison on the counter she was still in her car seat.

“Hey cutie how are you,” Katelyn said taking her out of the car seat. Madison just smiled at her and giggled while Katelyn played peek-a-boo with her.

         Around 9:30 they went back home and when they got there Kaylynn saw there mom’s car. Her initial reaction was to get back in the car and drive somewhere, but she knew that the boys had to get something to eat and go to sleep.

“Hey babies,” their mom said when they walked through the doors. The boys ran to there mom and gave her a bunch of hugs and kisses. Kaylynn just stood back and didn’t say anything.

“Come on baby, come hug your momma.”
Kaylynn put her sister down in her play pen a few feet away from the door and slowly walked up to her and gave her a hug.

“Hun these are my kids, Kaylynn, Aiden, Caleb and Madison,” she said to a big tall man standing behind her, who reeked with the smell of alcohol and cigarettes.

          That was the first time they saw there mom in almost two months, and the boys acted like she did nothing to them over the years but Kaylynn didn’t act so friendly. When their mom walked up to Madison and tried to pick her up she screamed at the top of her lungs, she was completely scared of her; and she was a really scary women in appearance. Kaylynn had to take Madison from her to calm her down.

           At bed time Kaylynn went around and checked on the boys, when she got back to her room her mom’s boyfriend was standing in there and all you could see of him was his outline. Kaylynn jumped when he closed the door behind her.

“You scared me.”

“I’m sorry,” he said in his deep husky voice.

“My mom is sleeping in the living room.”
“I know,” was all he said.

Kaylynn stood there staring at him hopping he would get the hint and would walk away, but he didn’t. She turned around and tried to crawl into her bed, but right before she crawled into bed she felt her mom’s boyfriend’s big rough hands on her waist. She turned around and tried to push him away, but he grabbed her wrists. Still she didn’t give up she tried to wriggle out of his grip but then she suddenly felt a tingling sensation on her face where his big hands struck her.


To be continued…….

© 2008 Hannah

Author's Note

I'm not sure about this, but i need your opinions before i write more

My Review

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iprsonaly like it! its great in words and one thing
try to be lil bit more discriptive tht way it will give the reader more of a picture

-Anna Kay Patton

Posted 15 Years Ago

I think this is quite good. it is an interesting start. Although, it could definitely be improved upon. More description is needed in some places, and the grammer in certain areas needs to be checked. Some sentences could also do with some re-phrasing. And, also, maybe your paragraphs could be a bit more clearly structured so that it is easy on the eye of the reader. Indeed, in some places it could be entirely re-written. This is how the writing could be improved. You could start be re-reading it yourself and looking for small errors. Then you can proceed onto re-write certain aspects of it.
Overall, though, this is a good start, and you should continue.

Posted 15 Years Ago

Great write.

Posted 15 Years Ago

i liked this. it's nice (:

Posted 15 Years Ago

I really like this

Posted 16 Years Ago

I liked this it is down to earth story about life, thanks for sharing.

Posted 16 Years Ago

It was good but it's long witch is good to see keep up the good work

Posted 16 Years Ago

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8 Reviews
Added on October 5, 2008



Antelope, CA

I am in high school and i really like to write different things. I'm always at my computer typing away and sometimes it buggs the crap about of my parents but i love it. Writing is a job i would like .. more..

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