WOMAN: I like my mood swings. I really do. So I decided to go off my medication because being normal is just so so so BORING. But you see, I had to be careful that he wouldn't find out, so when I was around him I tried acting normal. But trying is kinda different than being and I sure as hell wasn't being normal. (beat) So he found out.
I think he knew the moment he first saw me off my pills. I was just too f*****g happy. But I wasn't swinging – I was just up high, so I guess he wanted to believe that I was just having a good day. But things always get sour after a while. And a few days later I was still happy and then it just turned. I was up dancing on top of the hood of his car and then I'm down slamming the car door on my arm.
Yeah, so anyway, that's how he found out and that's why he's off his medication.
(aside) Sometimes, I think he's even more fucked up than I am.
So now he's threatening suicide on me again like the good old non-medicated days. Oh, those days were the s**t. No, really, right now, he's outside muttering some s**t on the balcony. Oh. You think I should go out and calm him? Naw, he'll get over it. He always does. (looks towards balcony) Uh, uh uh, there he is climbing over the railing.
No. No. No. No. NO. NO. NO. NO! (crack sounds and beat) F**K YOU YOU CAN'T DIE GODDAMMIT GET UP GET UP GET UP GET THE F*****G HELL UP!!!
He's dead. So that's how people die. Ha. So that's what I'll look like after I jump. (proceeds off stage and loud crack sounds)