

A Book by The Fallen


© 2013 The Fallen

Author's Note

The Fallen
Within years, certain families developed something unique...Something different.
This was about the same time as the Fallen Angel's began to rule the United States Of America. Splitting it into four districts. East, South, West, and North.
Every year when a teenager turns the age of 16 they are taken to The District. The place where the Superiors have set up 'base'. Some teenagers go into hiding, and aren't found out about until a few years later. Other teenagers join the rebellion, a group of teenagers against the Fallen angels, and refuse to be taken away by them.

This book follows one girl in particular, one teenager who is not like the rest. Her father was different. And following the blood line, so is she. Two years after she turns 16, she is found out. Since she is different, She becomes the biggest target. She is forced to run away from home setting out for the rebellion. On her way she meets a boy and is forced to learn to trust a boy named Leif, and his fox Maddock.

When Leif disappears, Aurora meets a fallen angel. Though he is fighting the trance, and hoping to regain humanity. Aurora feels something different in him, and helps him for she feels something for him. Aurora and Rem set out to find Leif, and at the same time Rem is slowly regaining his normal self.

Will Aurora ever trust him? Will she make it to the rebellion? Will Leif be found? And will Rem regain humanity?

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Woooo! This looks like a really interesting story, I am definitely looking forward to reading this :D

Posted 11 Years Ago

The Fallen

11 Years Ago

thankss :3
This sounds awesome! You write incredible things using fallen angels so I can't wait to see what masterpiece this will become :3

Posted 11 Years Ago

The Fallen

11 Years Ago

Thanks :3
Felicity's Eve

11 Years Ago

This sounds so good! I can't wait to read it! XD

Posted 11 Years Ago

Bella Luna

11 Years Ago

Hahaha omg I love it!!! XD
The Fallen

11 Years Ago

Yeah xD She is weird, and I never listen to her...But she was right when she pointed things out to m.. read more
Bella Luna

11 Years Ago

I'm glad you listened because this sounds awesome!!!!

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3 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on April 1, 2013
Last Updated on April 1, 2013
Tags: Fallen, Angel, Aurora, Different, Division, Rebellion, Love, Disapperance, Alone, Trust, Fox


The Fallen
The Fallen


Hey guys, Thank you for checking out my profile! A couple things you should know about me; I am extremely inactive as I have gotten into university and it is a lot of work. I also have a job so .. more..

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