![]() Chapter 9 - DestinyA Chapter by The FallenDestiny
As soon as the heat died down on my skin, I slowly made my way back over to the cabin. I felt torn between my demon ways, and making friends with someone who was suppose to be my enemy. My inner voice said making friends with a werewolf would be a good thing, she may be able to help us. But then like always my inner demon had it's own opinion, which was never make friends with the enemy. I shook my head, growling under my breath. I needed to make my own choices and not listen to my voices.
While walking back to the cabin I noticed Ash still tied up to the tree, he hung his head and his eyes were shut. I laughed a little and walked over to him, slowly un-tying the rope. He fell to his knees, immediately opening his eyes.
“Finally!!” He leaped up and looked at me. “Are you alright, seems you were letting off a lot of steam.” He said softly.
“Yeah I'm fine.” I gave him a weak smile, then kept walking back towards the Cabin. I walked up the steps and opened the door, Ash was right behind me. Sophie looked up at me the quickly crossed her arms and turned back to Shane. I sighed.
Shane rolled his eyes then asked, “Are you okay?” I nodded slightly. Ash pushed passed me and walked over to Silas, glaring at him as if he had done something. Shane smiled slowly, then whispered something into Sophie's ear.
“Go away Ash.” Silas growled, then walked over to me, pulling me into a bear hug. “Are you done letting off some steam?” He asked.
“Yeah. Now please let go of me.” I said. He immediately released me and took a step back. “Thank you.” I chuckled, and Andrei puffed out his chest, and held out his arms as if expecting me to hug him. I raised a brow and laughed quietly.
“I'm not going to bite..Maybe..” Andrei said.
“That's the least of my worries, and I do not hug people.” I replied.
Sophie looked at Andrei and yelled, “Leave her alone, Andrei!” Andrei looked down at the floor in defeat. Ash nudged his shoulder playfully and said, “Maybe next time.”Sophie smiled a little at me, but I could tell she was still frustrated with me. Andrei gave me a lop sided smile. What was up with these people and smiling? It was beginning to freak me out.
Silas crossed his arms, and looked at Shane. “So now what?”
“We need to come up with battle strategies any ideas?” Shane asked.
“Perhaps if we can show each side that we can exist peacefully, they may stop the war.” I whispered.
“Oh I know! I will marry Destiny, and that will show our groups that we can get along! Great plan right?!” Andrei said cheerfully. Sophie groaned, “Uh no! That would be the worst plan ever, Destiny would not want to marry a guy like you. She would be miserable!” Ash punched Andrei's arm.
“You are not marrying her.” He said, and growled under his breath. I rolled my eyes and sat down in a wooden chair. Andrei rubbed his arm and muttered, “I was just making a suggestion.”
“How about we show them the destruction of their bickering, and how many innocent lives will be destroyed.” Shane said.
“That could work.” Silas said.
“Well then we have to figure out what our people are planning! We have to go back.” Sophie explained.
“You can..We can't.” My eyes widened as I stared at Silas. “I will be killed..”
“She means, if she returns the angels will target her.” Silas told Sophie. “Our kingdom was taken over.”
“Do you know where you father is?” She asked.
I smiled a little, “He could be anywhere, but there is one place he may be.”
Sophie looked at me, “then let's go! Once we figured out what our fathers plan are we will meet up at this cabin and get closer to what we are facing and how to stop it!” Shane shook his head and touched her shoulder gently.
“There are demons out there looking for us, to kill us. We cannot smell them.” Shane said softly.
“That's no problem!” I smiled. “Take Ash with you, he can easily help you with that.” I pushed Ash towards them.
“Why me!?” He asked.
“Because I do not feel like dealing with you.” I muttered.
“Aw the poor Demon afraid of three doggies?” Sophie teased.
“You mean two.” Andrei said.
“What!” Shane and Sophie said together.
“I am not afraid of you! You should be relying on me to help you find the demons.” Ash crossed his arms. “And I am a Fallen not a Demon!” He frowned.
“She was joking.” Shane rolled his eyes. Sophie turned her attention back to Andrei.
“What do you mean Andrei, aren't you coming with us?” She asked.
“No, No offence to Destiny or Silas but they do not know what wolves they are up against.” He replied, moving closer to us. “Great we get the love sick puppy.” Silas rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. I extended my nails and pressed them against Silas's skin, breaking the skin a little. Silas winced, but kept quiet.
“Shut it.” I looked at Andrei. “Are you sure you want to come with us?” I asked.
“Yeah one that might save both of your behinds! You don't understand the wolves we send to kill our enemies...they are breed to be cold killers. They adapt to any situation or environment. They are bigger, stronger, or faster than normal wolves. They kill for the fun, they wouldn't stop until their dying breaths...they hunt differently, I know because I was one of them.” Andrei said.
“Oh joy! We get to spend a few days with a wolf!” Silas said sarcastically. I sighed, I was never going to get him to be nice to anyone who was a threat to him.
“If you are sure, Andrei. Then welcome to our side for a few days.” I said, a smile playing at my lips. Andrei smiled and flexed his muscles, I shook my head.
“We still have another problem.” Sophie said.
“Which is?” I asked, raising a brow.
“Ash still has no scent, the werewolves will suspect him” Sophie said.
“And Andrei smells like a wolf.” Shane added
“Switching clothes might help.” Silas looked at Ash, then at Andrei.
“No!!” Ash rejected, crossing his arms and giving me a look that made him look like he was five years old.
“Ash is right, if he wears Andrei's clothes he would smell like him.” Sophie said, looking up at Shane with a frown across her face. I furrowed my brows, what were we suppose to do. There wasn't much we could do to get around the problem.
“If he smells like Andrei then the wolves won't suspect he is a demon.” Silas said. Sophie sighed and shook her head.
“You do not get it! He isn't Andrei, the wolves will think he is an imposter!” Sophie ran a hand across her head. I gnawed on the inside of my cheek, hoping an idea would come to me. Possibly my inner voices had an idea, but nothing happened and nothing came to me.
“Well then what do we do?” I asked, placing my hands on my hips. Silas shrugged, and Ash just stood there. I knew he did not want to go with them, but he had to.
“Find another wolf.” Sophie said.
“One they have never met before.” Shane chimed in. I was considering that these two had the same brain, and finished each others thoughts.
“Awesome.” Ash said, then walked out of the cabin hanging his head.
“He hates this.” Silas said. The cabin door shut.
“Obviously.” I laughed nervously. I could see why, Ash was always by my side and did anything possible to be with me. And now being forced to leave me, it was going to tear him apart.
“We have to go hunting.” Andrei said, shoving his hands in his pockets.
“Tomorrow, it's been a long and eventful day.” Shane said, Silas nodded in agreement. I sighed, and walked out the door. Taking a seat beside Ash, laying my head on his shoulder.
“Time for you to get some rest too.” Shane grabbed Sophie.
“Good night everyone!” Sophie said cheerfully before disappearing into the bedroom along with Shane.
“Night.” Silas echoed.
“Will you be alright? I know this is a major change for you.” I said, intertwining my fingers with his. He smiled weakly, trying not to show any disappointment.
“I'll be fine, Destiny.” He kissed the top of my head and got up, he held out his hand to me. I took it and he pulled me into a hug. “I'll miss you.” I closed my eyes and leaned against his chest.
“I'll miss you too.” I told him, fighting back the tears in my eyes. I never had to let one of my boys go, not once. And this time it was going to be really hard for me.
“Anyone up for another round of poker?” Andrei asked. I laughed, and hugged Ash tighter.
“Bring it!” Silas answered.
I looked at the sky, tomorrow night everything was going to change. © 2013 The FallenAuthor's Note
3 Reviews Added on March 12, 2013 Last Updated on March 12, 2013 Author![]() The FallenCanadaAboutHey guys, Thank you for checking out my profile! A couple things you should know about me; I am extremely inactive as I have gotten into university and it is a lot of work. I also have a job so .. more..Writing
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