Chapter 8 - Sophie

Chapter 8 - Sophie

A Chapter by The Fallen



 Waiting for Shane and Andrei to get dress, I followed Destiny to see what she was looking for. "Hey, are you looking for something?" I watched as the little black haired girl was searching for something in the heavy brush. I soon recalled her name and call out for her, "Destiny."

She looked up at me with a nervous and frustrated look to say," Yeah, ,my tiara, I had it before but I don't know where it went." She sighs heavily and continues to search for her tiara. I saw tears start to form in her eyes but she quickly brushed them away. Wow, she really loved that tiara.


"Can I help?" I asked sheepishly.      


"Uh ,sure." Destiny said as she continued to look through the thorns and bushes. I tried to use my wolf senses but it was hopeless since Demons had no scent. I looked around the dry gold leaves and after an awkward moment, I finally asked, "So what is it like to be the daughter of a demon king?"


Destiny stood up and  scratched her head, "Difficult," she finally said, "My whole life before was a lie. Angels killed the only mother I knew, and my real mother. I'm always locked up. The only people I can talk to is my pet Inferno. Or my guardian Moonstone.
Ash is my" slave" and Silas is just confusing.


"Oh." I replied still looking for the tiara. And I thought my life was horrible.
Destiny bend back down on the ground looking for her tiara. Hoping she would ask me how my life was being a daughter of a werewolf king was a waste of my time. Destiny didn't seem to care to become friendly and conversational with me. Geez this girl was a piece of work.


Destiny stood up and brushed some leaves and dirt off her shirt, "I have a feeling Ash has it.. He always steals stuff from me to gain my attention."


 "So they both are in love with you? Have you decided who you like?" I smiled trying to have a friendly girl talk.


"Yeah they both are, and it's really annoying. I haven't chose yet, it's a dumb thing to choose...They are both awesome, but if I have to I will choose neither." Destiny rolled her eyes and sat down on a tree stump defeated from not finding her tiara.


"Wow. I can't imagine what it might feel like going through something like that." I walked over and sat by her. Destiny tensed up and quickly stood up to walk away from me.


"It's stupid. You're lucky." She point at me like she was blaming me for having a better love life.


"Well, I guess so."


Destiny sighed, "Come on...let's go back."


"Yeah, I should check on my husband. He's probably whining like a big baby for me." I laughed.


Destiny lips started to curve into a smiled but fell quickly back down she walked quickly back to the cabin.


Once we got back inside the cabin, Shane automatically started calling my name. I laughed as I saw Ash and Silas playing  a card game while Andrei was staring each one of them down. I sat beside his bedside where he bruises were covered in crème.
Back in the room I heard Density yell," Ash get your butt over here now!


Silas threw his cards down in frustration, "What did you do this time?"Ash shrugged and walked over to Destiny who was really mad.


"I'll be back." Destiny said as she grabbed Ash shirt and dragged him outside.  Taking advantage of Ash removal Andrei picked up and challenged Silas to poker.
I returned my attention to Shane and stroked his long black hair, "Shane, you feeling any better?"


"Yeah, I guess so. My ribs hurt though."


"Will this make it better?" I smiled and leaned down to kiss him. Shane kissed me back and murmured something in Romanian.


"I think I'm feeling better already." Shane smiled and tried to grab me.  I playfully whacked his hand away and whispered as he kissed my cheek," We have company." I giggled.


"I don't care." Shane said as he continued to kiss me.
Outside I heard a very mad Demon yelling. I chuckled and Shane looked at me curiously, "




 "Nothing. All I know is Ash is going to get his butt beat if he doesn't tell Destiny where her tiara is."

Still looking at his cards Silas said, "Makes sense."
Andrei hid his face in his cards and started whistling nervously.
Silas laid down some cards and continued saying, "It was her mother's tiara, and if she doesn't get it back she will go on a rampage.
Andrei looked down on the ground, but soon stood up straight and puffed out his chest.
I looked at Shane, "Honey, are you think what I'm thinking?"  He nodded his head and rolled his eyes.

      Outside Destiny's voice was becoming louder, "Give it back Ash! NOW!"
I walked over to Andrei who gave me a smirk. "Yes?"

 "Andrei, "I whispered, "Do you have her tiara?"


"What do you mean?" He asked innocently.
Silas laughed and leaned back in his chair, " This is going to be entertaining."
I rolled my eyes at Silas, "Andrei, you better give it back or so help me. I'll tell her myself and you'll face her wrath."


 "But I don't have it." Andrei threw his hands up in the air.
Silas laughed and jumped up in his chair, "What a liar!"
"Be quiet Silas!" I snapped at Silas who put his hands up in a surrender.
"Now, Andrei, do I have to treat you like a 5 year old. I'm going to count to 10 and if that tiara is not in my hands I will yell for Destiny.! 10, 9,8,7,6,5,4...."
In our room Shane yelled, "Just give Sophie the stupid tiara!!"
Destiny stormed back in with her hands on her waist, "I heard that and the tiara is not stupid!!!!!!!!!"


 Silas whispered,-"She has super hearing...and speed."


Destiny rolled her eyes and walked back outside to yell at Ash more.
I shook my head in embracement ," 3, 2..." Before I got to one Andrei put this beautiful tiara in my hand. I gasped at the beauty of it. Why didn't I notice it on Destiny's head when they appeared?


"Destiny!! I found your tiara." I yelled


Silas sprung out from his chair and grabbed the tiara from my arms,  "NOOO  I FOUND IT!"
I watched as Silas ran outside to Destiny and rolled my eyes. I walked over to our room but I saw Shane trying to get out of bed.  I quickly ran to him and pushed him back to bed."


Shane, you need to rest!"


Shane scoffed, "Nah! I'm fine, sweetie. Really I am."
Shane supported himself on the door frame and slowly walked over to me. He's arm went around my waist to pull me closer as he kissed me on the head murmuring" I love you."


 Meanwhile Destiny stormed into the cabin adjusting her tiara while Silas walked close behind her like a puppy.
            "Where's Ash?" I asked nervously hoping that Ash was still in one piece.
            "Well...Ash won't be returning for awhile...He's tied up at the moment. If you know what I mean." An evil, but satisfied smile grew across Destiny's face.
I laughed, "You really are tough for your size."
Andrei crossed his arms to flash his gorgeous, sculpted, biceps and winked at Destiny, " Just the way I like them"
Destiny's eyes glared at Andrei angrily, "You're going to be next if you don't knock that off!"
"Sorry about him. He not mature for his age. I think his mom dropped him when he was a baby"
Silas leaned on door and muttered," Wouldn't surprise me."
Andrei cleared his throat "You know I'm standing right here."
I laughed into Shane's chest," So, I'm not scared of you. Next full moon! You and me. We'll see would is so bad-a*s!
Shane laughed which made his chest rumble," I have 10 dollars on my wife!"
Andrei quickly stood up and puffed out his chest," You're on!!
Destiny shrugged and looked up at Silas, "Seems like an interesting fight."
Shane pulled me closer as he said proudly," Oh, it will! Since Sophie is a daughter of the originals she is much stronger on the full moon than any average werewolf."
Destiny looked at me. "That's a good thing?" Silas sighed and rolled his.
What the heck was Destiny concluding? Did she not think that even at my apex of strength I still wasn't powerful? Oh, this girl gets on my nerve. I came out of Shane's embrace and walked up to look at Destiny in the eye.
 "Even though we called it truce, I want to have a fair chance to fight you, Destiny. You demon enough?"
Destiny chuckled loudly, " I can't really fight, without one of the boy's defending me...Royal order." Destiny stopped at looked at Silas and by his facial expression was against my offer. Destiny eyes got bigger as she said," I can easily make them stay."
Silas quickly jerked away from Destiny's persuading eyes," No, Destiny every time you do that it messes up my brain"
Destiny shrugged," Does it look like I care, you never had much of a brain to begin with."
I groaned, "Whatever I'm not going to wait till you persuade you bodyguard to let me fight, because I will."
Sophie just leave it alone. We can't be making enemies right when they made truce.
I don't care. I really want to know what we facing against.
I heard Shane sighing in my mind. "Next full moon after I kick Andrei butt, it'll be you and me. Demon and Werewolf."
Destiny laughed," Please, I am not scared. If I can wipe out a army of angels, I'm pretty sure I can take on you."
 Silas shook his head, "This won't end good. For either of them."
 Shane nodded in agreement," I know...that's what I'm worried about."
 I smiled, but soon I realized why we were all here for. I walked back to Shane and asked curiously, "So Destiny, why are you against the war?"
Destiny hesitated. "Well.." Before I knew it she stormed out of the cabin and into the woods.
Silas sighed, "Her mom didn't like the idea of war, and the thought of her mom hating the war gets to Destiny, she wants to stop it but she doesn't know how."
 I slowly whispered, " her mom is.."
Silas nodded his head, "Yeah, she died while protecting Destiny. Destiny doesn't want anyone getting hurt on account of something her father's guards did. She had two mothers both of them are now dead because of the other war
The thought of losing my adoptive mother was unbearable, but losing both mothers. Poor Destiny. I would have never thought since she was such a sarcastic and strong-willed girl. Silas said something about another war.
 "What other war??" I asked out loud.
Silas said," Demons against angels. The demon race is going to be wiped out, there isn't any way we can survive if we are fighting two wars at once, that's why Destiny is determined to stop it. But she can't."
I gasped and turned to Shane, " Did father know about this??"
Shane said sadly, " I'm not sure," he turned to Silas," We also want the war to stop and we will be happy to help you."
 Silas replied, " It's going to be really tough."
Shane concluded," Well if we all work together we might have a shot in stopping this war."
I loved Shane so much. He was willing to sacrifice to anyone even a stranger. I soon thought of Destiny. I wonder if she okay?
I went on my tip-toes to kiss Shane and whispered ,"I'm go check on Destiny."
Shane nodded and started discussing with Silas about demon war tactics.
            I walked outside and noticed that Ash was tied up on a tree. I laughed to myself and yelled, "Destiny?"
Ash retorted, "She prefers to be alone at times like this, she is blowing off steam."
"Well I don't care. I need to know that she is okay! Maybe I can even help her!"
I continued into woods and yelled again, " Destiny!! Where are you? Please!"
With my supernatural hearing I heard Ash mutter ."Such a bad idea, she is in demon mode.
I rolled my eyes and cupped my hands to my mouth to yell," Destiny! You want to talk? I'm a great listener. Destiny!"
I lifted my face in the air, but I couldn't smell Destiny.
"Stupid non smelling demons." I muttered under my breath. Out of nowhere, a crash echoed throughout the woods as a tree falls down in front of me.
Sophie you okay? Shane voice said urgently in my mind.
Yeah, Shane I'm fine.  I reassured him.
"I don't want to talk. To anyone, right now." Destiny said in anger, but I could hear that she was fighting back tears.


 "Please! I just want to help." I said softly.
She turned to face me. I jumped because her eyes changed red and she looked really pissed.



"If you want to help than go back to the cabin." She spitted.
God, this girl was really stubborn. Though, I was a loner at school and never had many friends doesn't mean I don't know when someone needs help. I felt my wolf get angry as Destiny kicked down another tree. I couldn't reign the wolf inside of me, and what came out of my mouth even shocked me.
"You know what you are so stubborn!! You think you had it bad??? My father gave me away just to save his reputation! He doesn't talk to me for 18 years and than when he finds out that I'm alive. He expects me to receive him with open arms and because of his stupid laws I can't see my adoptive parents who were the most real parents to me! So stop being a b***h about your problems." I gasped. Did I just say that?  I sat down on a dead stump and looked up at Destiny who's hand was tightly in a fist."Destiny, I know you are hurting. I can't understand the pain and frustration your going through, but that doesn't mean you have to throw and tantrum like a toddler. You have us. We want to help you! We want to stop this ridiculous war! Now, will you please calm down and come back to the cabin with me?"
Destiny rolled her eyes, "I'm not having a tantrum its something I learned from the shades to release my anger so I don't hurt anyone, " Destiny sighed, "I'll be back in a few minutes."
I stood up in defeat, " Okay. I'm sorry I yelled at you." Destiny glanced back at me as I walked away but soon continued her tantrum that she learned from shades. I not sure what they are but must be mad a lot to be able to knock down a couple a trees just to release anger. I walked slowly back to the cabin. As I got closer, I looked at the tree that Ash was tied up to, but all there was cut up rope. I soon heard Andrei shouting. "That's not fair!" and Ash replied, "Jackpot."


Some how I didn't laughed. I couldn't get Destiny out of my mind. She must be in so much pain and frustration.As I walked up the stair to the front porch, I noticed Silas leaning on door frame blocking me.


"Nice try, you got more of a conversation out of her then I could have when she's in this state."


"Does she always act this way when she's upset?"
Silas shrugged, " Uh depends. She likes to be alone most of the time, she doesn't like anyone to see her cry or get mad. She doesn't like to show emotions anymore, cause every time she does something happens. She does what she pleases and if she wants help she will ask, if not you just kind of need to leave her be"
I replied, " Well I'm determined to get her to like me and become her friend. She needs a friend."
Silas retorted, " She has friends, though I think they are scared of her because of what she did...It's going to take a lot of time to become friends with her."
I pushed through Silas saying, " Well, I'm not scared of her and I'm determined to become her friend! Watch and see!"


Silas scoffed, "This is will be a sight to see."

© 2013 The Fallen

Author's Note

The Fallen
:D Enjoy!!!

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I love how well you and Invisible Girl work so well together! Your stories really work with each others very well. :)

If I did a collab I'd just mess it up and the other person would get really frustrated with me, even if it is something I'd like to try sometime I know I'd fail XD

This was a really funny chapter, especially with the tiara thing! L-O-L!!! XDXDXD

Can't wait to see what happens next and if Sophie and Destiny do end up being really close... The real question is when I suppose... ^-^

Posted 11 Years Ago

Loved it! Poor Ash getting tied to a tree and then swindling people's money XD Amazing! I really enjoyed the dynamic between Sophie and Destiny in this chapter and seeing their conflicting personalities. Great job!

Posted 12 Years Ago

The Fallen

12 Years Ago

Haha thank you! :3
Loved it! The only thing I don't like is that Destiny insulted Silas. XD everything else, I loved. loved need more as soon as possible!

Posted 12 Years Ago

The Fallen

12 Years Ago

Ahaa, I had a feeling you wouldnt like that part. Thanks!!!!
Dark Rider

12 Years Ago

XD you're welcome!

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3 Reviews
Added on March 11, 2013
Last Updated on March 11, 2013


The Fallen
The Fallen


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