![]() Chapter nine- Alone again?A Chapter by The FallenChapter Nine- Alone again Cora
My skin faintly glowed, my feet sat on top of my legs in a meditation stance. My eyes glued shut, I began to summon Asta. A humming noise entered my ears and a bright light took it's form in front of me, Asta stepped out of the light and smiled softly.
“You called, Cora?” She took a seat in front of me.
“Yeah I did. Look I don't get how you and the moon expect me to trust those who do not trust me in return.” I growled.
“The moon and I believe a different story. Cora you need to be patient, they haven't seen the world through your eyes and felt the losses and such.” Asta tried to reason with me.
“So when I finally decide everything is perfect, someone has to do something that screws up everything! I do not get this world.” I sighed and buried my head in my hands.
“They grew up here, in the human world. They are different, and feel differently then we do. You must understand not everything is what it seems.” Asta pushed tucked my hair back behind my ear, and looked at me with love. “Cora, the day you were made I knew you were special. Sure Earth isn't the best place to be but you will learn a lot more on here then you will from the sky. I was wrong to ask you to return with me but one day you may need to leave, to restore the balance in space.”
I looked at her and sighed, I knew my eyes were black once again and I could feel my emotional tie to the world slipping away. “Asta?”
“Yes?” She replied, as she stood at the door of light.
“Come back soon, Okay? I'll need another talk.” She gave me a warm smiled and nodded before exiting the human world. My skin still glowed, actually it glew brighter than before. I took in a deep breath, and looked around. A rustling noise came from the bushes to my right, I quietly got up and walked over. I peered in the bush, only to be tackled by a tiger, I let out a scream then he pressed his paw to my mouth,
“Shush Cora! You are going to cause a scene.” A familiar voice said. I looked into the tigers eyes, and realized it was Asher. I pushed his paw off me and scowled.
“Says you! You're the one who pounced on me, you scared the starlight out of me!” I looked at my arms, which no longer lit up. He really did scared the starlight out of me, who knew that was possible.
“Well I am sorry.” He got off me and sat before me.
“Apology not accepted.” I sat up and crossed my arm.
“Whatever you say, Starbright.” Warren stepped out of the forest and leaned against a tree, giving me a playful smile.
“Star..bright?” I cocked my head and raised a brow.
“Like it?” He asked,
“No! I do not like that! How did you even come up with that name!” I snapped.
“You are a star, are you not?” He pushed his blonde hair out of his green eyes.
“I am..But how did you eve-” I stopped and looked over at Asher, who was now completely human. “You told him!?” I growled.
“No, He used charm speak to make me tell him. I assure you I did not tell him willingly.” Asher explained, my gaze travelled back over to Warren.
“You cannot tell a soul about this! About who I am, promise?”
“I swear an elf oath on it.” He placed a tan hand over his heart.
“You better, because I have a few more weapons up my sleeves, besides the dagger.” I snickered. Asher's eyes widened.
“Your kidding?” He looked surprise.
“No..I need things to protect me. Like this.” I reached backward, and grabbed the hilt of my golden sword and pulled it out of it's holder. “This is what I call, Stardust.” I said with a grin. Asher carefully took it out of my hand and examined it's gold and silver blade.
“What is it made out of?” He asked in awe.
“As I said, Stardust.”
“That's impossible.” Warren said, bending down to get a better look a my sword.
“Yeah well I am also 'impossible' Or I am not suppose to exist yet I do.” I snatched my sword back. “I made it myself, the only one of it's kind.” I said, watching the sun rays dance off it's blade.
“And you named it..” Asher said, still staring at the sword.
“Yes I named it. Makes it seem more, human like. You guys name your so called 'pets' don't you?” I asked.
“Yes we do.” Warren replied.
“Well think of this as my pet, and I am naming it.” I placed the sword back in it's holder on the back of my spine.
“A sword is not a pet.” Asher said.
“Well neither is a lion, yet you people seem to put them in cages anyways.” I recoiled.
“Whatever..” Asher said, standing back up. The sun had already set and the stars began to come out, Asher and Warren yawned. I cocked my head to the side and looked at them.
“What?” Warren asked, stretching out his arms with another yawn.
“Why are you guys tired?” I asked. I stared up at the stars with a grin across my face.
“It's night time Cora, Meaning it's time to sleep.” Asher explained.
I laughed, “Why do you sleep at night? It's so beautiful and peaceful.” I pointed out.
“Because it's dark, we sleep better then.”Warren replied.
“Well to me that just sounds silly.” I crossed my arms and made myself comfortable in the grass.
“That's because you are a star. Stars come out at night, not during the day.” Asher shook his head and stared down at me.
“That's where you are wrong!” I sing-songed. “The sun is a star.” I looked at Asher with a look of disappointment. “You are a doctor, you should know these things. Plus you also injected me with vampire venom, Vampires are like bats. Therefore there is another reason for me to stay awake at night.” I glared at a huge star that dangled in the east.
“So which star are you?” Warren asked, setting down beside me.
“Eastern. I am the Eastern star, or the Eastern star is me.” I knew without even looking that my skin was glowing that faint white light.
“You look beautiful.” Warren murmured, I could feel his eyes glued to the back of my head.
“Shut up before I punch you.” I looked over at Asher, who was leaned up against a willow tree. He had a note pad on his lap, and was furiously writing down. I could only guess he was writing everything he was learning about me currently. I felt a faint smile dance upon my lips, I wondered what he would do if I showed him my star form.
© 2013 The FallenAuthor's Note
8 Reviews Added on March 4, 2013 Last Updated on March 4, 2013 Author![]() The FallenCanadaAboutHey guys, Thank you for checking out my profile! A couple things you should know about me; I am extremely inactive as I have gotten into university and it is a lot of work. I also have a job so .. more..Writing
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