Chapter 20- Not happening

Chapter 20- Not happening

A Chapter by The Fallen

I heard a scream, a scream that had been my own and it escaped my lips without my control. Kendall landed on the ground with a groan, his eyes immediately shut with the impact. The person who had just knocked Kendall to the ground had a ski mask on his head, so cliche. I grabbed the hat and yanked it off his head. There was the familiar white hair and black wings of Ash.

“Ash! W-What are you doing here?” I asked, frantically rubbing my eyes wondering if this was just a dream. His amber eyes looked up at me, and he gave me a lopsided smile.

“You think I can sit and wait for a rescue team to come get you.” He chuckled softly. “I ran, ran right to you.” He said proudly.

“But why did you attack Kendall?!” I scratched the back of my neck, attempting to not freak out at him.

“He was forcing you to do something you didn't want to do. It wasn't alright with me so he deserved getting tackled, not my fault he isn't tough.” Ash got up off Kendall, and stood before me.

“You know I am so mad at you right now! But I really want to hug you.” I sighed. Ash grinned and pulled me into a tight hug. “Ash!!!” I whined. “You don't deserve a hug1 You just knocked out my friend.”

“Friend? That shade is your friend?” He asked.

“He's a old friend of mine, a old boyfriend.” I explained, pulling myself out of his arms.

“Then good thing I knocked him out, he was putting the moves on my girl.”

“I'm not anyone's girl!!” I felt tempted to take a swing at Ash, but how could I be mad at him if he came all this way to save me. Ash grabbed my wrist and tugged lightly.

“Come on I'm taking you back to the Underworld.” He said, looking down at Kendall and made a disgusted face.

“Ash I am no-”

“Either you come with me, or I stay with you. That is how things work.” He looked down at me. I sighed and shook my head.

“I now understand why I never left here, maybe I want to be here.” I whispered.

“If you want to be here I want to be here, but Destiny I don't think you belong here with people like this.” He looked at me with concern.

“Like what? People like me? Demons! They are me! I am like them!” I shook my head in frustration.

“You don't act like a demon, so don't start being one just because you're here with them.” Ash sighed and rubbed a hand across his forehead.

“But Ash, I am one! No matter what, it's time I faced the facts!” I growled.

“You are not! Destiny come back with me! Now!” He ordered.

“No! Ash!” I snapped.

“Either you come back or I am taking you back!” He warned.

“She isn't going anywhere.” Kendall threw Ash to the ground and bared his sharp teeth. He was going full demon, something I had not yet learned how to do.

“She left you for a reason, I now see why. I am taking her back!” Ash immediately stood up and grabbed Kendall by the collar of his shirt.

“She will leave you just as quickly.” Kendall grunted and flipped backwards, kicking Ash's jaw. Ash stumbled backwards and held his jaw. I gasped and stared at the scene.

“You have no right to keep her here!” Ash pulled his fist back, and slammed it into Kendall's nose. Blood dripped onto the grass.

“Ash! Stop it. I am staying because I chose to!” I stepped over to Kendall and pulled a tissue out of my pocket, pressing it to his nose.

“He has you in a trance! Something is making you stay!” Ash said. I looked back at him and shook my head.

“This is a choice, not a kidnapping..I can leave when I want to, I chose not to.” I told him slowly, hoping he would understand.

“They kidnapped you to get you here. Doesn't that count for anything?” He asked.

'Not really.” I looked into Kendall's brown eyes.

“I didn't want to do it.” He said quietly.

“I know..” I replied and pulled the tissue away from him. He quickly took it from me and said, “You don't need my blood.”

I chuckled and replied. “Whatever you say.”

“Uh, excuse me! But you are blushing Destiny!” Ash crossed his arms and growled under his breath.

“Oh.” I backed away from Kendall, and into Ash. I rolled my eyes. “Is that better?” I asked looking up at him with puppy dog eyes.

“If you stay near me, it is all better.” He gave me a playful grin.

“Yeah, Yeah. If you say so.” I got up on my tip-toes and kisses his cheek lightly.

“Sorry to break up your lovey-dovey thing, but Ash you are going to have to stay in a chamber.” Kendall said, walking passed us.

“Why can't he stay with me?” I asked.

“Because he is bonded with you, in a way you can't understand. But you will soon.” Kendall's voice went quiet.

“What do you mean?” I asked. “What does he mean!” I looked at Ash.

“Nothing..” Ash replied and grabbed my hand.

© 2013 The Fallen

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I'm so glad Ash went to get her but she greeted him so awfully! Poor Ash! And wait, Kendall is Destinys ex? Did I miss something?! I am into her attraction to Kendall though, as it brings even more tension to the story, Destiny just can't figure out who or what she wants! I'm curious to see what is going to be the breaker that forces her to wake up and make some decisions about her next steps. And bonded with Ash huh?! But don't put him in a chamber! Isn't that torture based on his past? Cool chapter and curious to know what happens next!

Posted 12 Years Ago

The Fallen

12 Years Ago

Yeah she did :( an chapter 17 all the way up to now and before that chapter 16 talked about the guy .. read more
OMG!!! This is so good!!!! XD Like every other chapter :P Oooooo bonding!!! XD I love bonds :P

Well done :) Can't wait for more!!!

Posted 12 Years Ago

I hope that bond thing doesn't do anything to ruin Silas' chances to be with Destiny. I will forever hate Ash if it does. XD But great chapter anyway! Can't wait for more!

Posted 12 Years Ago

The Fallen

12 Years Ago

Nah Silas has something to do with it as well..
Thanks :3
Dark Rider

12 Years Ago

Okay then, I'm a little bit more happy about this then. XD And you're welcome.
The Fallen

12 Years Ago

But what DOES he mean!?!?!?! I wonder how they are bonded!!! Ahh I love Ash so much and I love that he came for her!!!! And I'm so happy he knocked Kendall out haha They gotta stop locking him up though, it's clearly not working out XD Amazing chapter! I can't wait to see what happens next!!!!

Posted 12 Years Ago

The Fallen

12 Years Ago

haha Malice can take more then just vision and smell and such..He can absorb ;D
Destiny can..S.. read more
Bella Luna

12 Years Ago

Ahh now I'm worried about Ash! She better not let them touch him! DX lol
The Fallen

12 Years Ago

xD We shall see
Omg... That was intense... o.o

Awesome chapter!!! :D

And yeah. Ski mask? Really, Ash? Really? -.-

Posted 12 Years Ago

The Fallen

12 Years Ago

and Yes..Ash is lame!!!!
Felicity's Eve

12 Years Ago

Lolz, ikr? XD
Awesome chapter as always!!!! XD NEXT ONE PLEASE!!!!!!!! :D 100/100 lol

Posted 12 Years Ago

The Fallen

12 Years Ago


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7 Reviews
Added on February 26, 2013
Last Updated on February 26, 2013


The Fallen
The Fallen


Hey guys, Thank you for checking out my profile! A couple things you should know about me; I am extremely inactive as I have gotten into university and it is a lot of work. I also have a job so .. more..

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