Chapter 7- Destiny

Chapter 7- Destiny

A Chapter by The Fallen


My eyes widened as I watched the two boys transform. Silas's hands lit up on fire, and Ash stared at the wolves, he crossed his arms and growled. I carefully held the flame in my hand and watched the wolves cautiously.

“For your information! I am a fallen angel! Get your facts straight!” Ash said, clearly offended. I shook my head and stepped in front of Silas.

“What are you doing! They are going to kill you!” Silas attempted to grab my arm, but I took another step closer to the wolves. The two wolves began to growl, but they remained still. I tossed my fire ball to Silas and placed my hands in front of me. What could I say to make them know I wouldn't harm them, I couldn't make any promises about the boys though.

Samantha looked at me. “Please don't hurt them!” She pleaded, and took a step out from behind the wolf.

“Sophie no!” The black wolf said.

I cocked my head. I thought her name was Samantha. “So you lied about your names.” I crossed my arms. I felt Ash and Silas stiffen behind me, clearly they were both still in attack mode.

Sophie looked at me. “Yeah we did. Why would we tell you our names when we just met you, we didn't trust you.” She said. “Please don't take me! Please don't harm my mate and my friend!” She begged. I shook my head and looked up at Silas who shrugged.

“We may be demons, but that doesn't mean we're all bad.” I scoffed.

“Speak for yourself.” Silas muttered. I gave him and look.

“Why would we harm you?” Ash asked with a smirk.

“Ash! Knock it off!” I scolded.

The black wolf growled. “You better wipe that grin off your face! Or should I wipe it off for you.” He took a step forward and bared his teeth. Ash extended his wings and glared down at the wolf.

The caramel wolf eyed Silas. “Why wouldn't you want to harm us? You demons always like to start the wars.” He snarled.

“You only know what you heard, you have no idea how it started!” Silas snapped.

Sophie clenched her fists. "You're the one that killed one our own!!!! Why? For no freakin' reason!! Your lucky that its not a full moon or I would have transformed and rip your throats out!! No one messes with my Pack! I'm sick of being the damsel in distress!! If you want to start the war by killing the daughter of the King of the Wolves, fine be my guest. I'll fight until there is no breath in me!”

My jaw dropped, I could feel the heat rise to my skin. “Alright, I tried being civil! But if you want to face me, bring it dog!” I growled and lit my fingers on fire.

Sophie started to back up. "I'm not a dog! I'm a werewolf! A really angry and confuse werewolf! And you better not mess with me.'” I let out a laugh and looked at the sky briefly before returning my hateful gaze on the werewolves.

“Dog and wolf same thing. I am known as the most powerful demon in the underworld I have enough power to wipe out a army of angels! I think I can take you on!" The black wolf jumped in front of Sophie. Silas pushed me aside and stared down at the wolf. His eyes instantly combusted into flames.

“Bring it!” Silas growled. The caramel wolf jumped towards Silas, the look in his eyes said he meant business.

“Not this time playboy! You and me tough guy!” The wolf pounded on Silas, his jaw's set on Silas's neck .Silas touched the wolf's fur, sending a flame along the ends of the fur.

“Thought you didn't like playing damsel in distress, Sophie” I teased.

“I didn't Shane got in front of me!” She exclaimed. Ah , so the black wolf's name was Shane.

“I'm not loosing you!” Shane barked, then lunged for me. The caramel wolf yelped and spun around, nipping Silas's ankle. I grabbed Shane's fur and shut my eyes, causing him to loose his vision.

“Shane!” I heard Sophie yell. I opened my eyes, to see her running towards me. Ash jumped in front of her.

“I believe he is busy, and so is Destiny. It's just me and you.” He smirked.

“Sophie run!” Shane ordered.

“I must be the luckiest wolf girl ever.” Sophie said sarcastically. I yanked my hand away from Shane and threw him to the ground.

“That you are.” Ash said. Shane quickly picked himself up and charged at me. My eyes widened, Silas dashed in front of me and tackled Shane to the ground.

“Well, guessing by your size. I think I can take you on.” Sophie bent down on the ground and pulled up her sword. She swung it at him.

“I do not fight girls.” Ash sighed. “But if I must.” Ash looked the ground and ran a hand through his dirtied white hair.

“Hey come back here and fight like a man!” The caramel wolf yelled after Silas. I ran towards the Caramel wolf and cut him off his course towards Silas.

"So you don't want me hurting her well then, Once I get you off of me I kill her slowly and painfully to let you suffer and show you how it feels to kill a love one like our pack member.” Shane growled.

“Destiny is fully capable of dealing with this herself! Though she deserves a opponent her size!” Silas dug his flaming nails into Shane's skin.

“Well aren't you a cutie and a fighter.” The wolf sighed.” Too bad I'm going to have to kill you and then your boyfriend.”

“Neither of them are my boyfriends!” I defended. Shane yelped and rolled over so Silas was under him. He bit down on Silas's arm. Sophie looked over at Shane. Ash was clearly making no effort to harm her, and she didn't seem to mind.

“Shane!!!” She yelled.

"Well, they seem to have feeling for you. Especially the big one! Is he like your cuddle bear? Aww!! How cute!!" Andrei growls and aims low toward my calves. I snarled and elbowed his face.

“I said neither of them are my boyfriends! And Silas happens to be my best friend, so I would learn to shut your muzzle, before I do it for you!” I growled.

“Okay! I'll shut my muzzle, down on your neck!” He growled. I grabbed his muzzle, and took away his voice, along with some of the air in his lungs. I had learned to use my darkness powers well from a shade that I use to know. I mostly liked taking away things that people needed to survive.

“Go ahead.” I challenged. I looked back to see Silas kicking Shane in the ribs. Shane yelped and changed back into a human, and coughed up blood. The caramel wolf tried to shake me off. I jumped off him and looked into his eyes.

“Shane!” Sophie ran over to him. She hit Silas's back. “Get away from him!” Silas smirked, and graciously backed away from Shane.

“You best remember I am single, before you bring up those two boys.” I warned. The caramel wolf started to coughing, attempting to get air back in his lungs. Sophie bent down beside Shane.

“Shane! Wake up!” She pleaded. She looked up at us. “Look at what you have done! You monsters!” She exclaimed.

“We tried being civil!” I countered.

“You still attacked us!” She growled.

“You attacked us as well, it's called self defence!” I snarled.

“I was protecting my self!!!!!! You were making me angry!!! You never make a werewolf angry! It's a hard feeling to control. At least we have feelings unlike you demons!!!” She snapped.

“Excuse me...Shows how much you know! We all grew up in the human world! we feel love, pain, sadness, anger just like you! but we can control it!” I scowled. Sophie collapsed beside Shane and started to cry.

“Just kill us already, that's what you came here for!” She sobbed. I raised a brow, I had no clue what she meant by that. I felt Silas chuckle silently behind me.

“Actually that isn't why we're here.” I said.

“What?” She replied.

“We were sent away from the Underworld to protect Destiny..She's the kings daughter.” Ash said.

“We never wanted to fight.” Silas chimed in.

“This makes no sense!” Sophie exclaimed.

“How doesn't it?” Silas asked.

“You don't want to fight?” She asked. “ I thought you were assassins to start the war off by killing the daughter of the werewolf king.”

“So you're from royalty to. I understand now.” I crossed my arms and looked at her.

“We thought you were trying to kill Destiny.” Ash said.

Sophie looked up at Ash. “No. My husband Shane and my guardian Andrei took me away from the Pack to this hide out.” Ash's eyes widened.

“You're married?!” Ash ran a hand through his white hair.

“Yes, why is that a shock to you.” Sophie said while laughing.

“Sorry I don't date married women.” Ash replied.

Sophie rolled her eyes. “Even if I wasn't married, I wouldn't date a flirt like you.” I looked at Ash and bursted out laughing. Sophie slowly began to smile.

“I'm Sophie, the caramel wolf is Andrei and” She looked down at the boy passed out on the ground. “He is Shane, my husband.” Shane began to whimper.

“Sophie?” He said quietly.

“And so he lives!” Silas said playfully. I shot him a look, and he immediately shut his mouth. Sophie growled at Silas, and looked down at Shane.

“Why are you still here? Run.” Shane said.

“No, there aren't our enemies they are against the war and Destiny is a royal in hiding like me.” Sophie explained. She let out a short laugh and kissed Shane. “Everything is okay!”

“What about me!” Andrei moaned.

“You can stay there! Serves you right for calling Silas my cuddly bear!” I laughed. Silas's eyes went wide.

“If he isn't can I be?!” Andrei asked hopefully. Ash turned around and growled at Andrei.

“Just ignore him.” Sophie said.

“I was planning on doing so.” I replied.

“Hey!!! Every handsome, and heroic man gets a girl...but me nada!! nothing! Girl less! Ugh!” Andrei whined.

“Well you tried to kill me..Guys aren't suppose to touch girls! second you are acting like Ash and Silas, both think they can get me easily.” I fixed my hair. I noticed my tiara missing, I looked around. “Where is it!?” I snarled.

“ I wasn't touching you!! I was fighting you! Big difference. Plus, I handsomer than your body guards.” Andrei stood up and puffed his chest out.

“Shut up!” I growled, then sprinted off.

“I said stop doing that!” Silas called after me. I looked back to see Sophie looking down at Shane.

“Andrei, take Shane and put some clothes on.” I heard her say.

© 2013 The Fallen

Author's Note

The Fallen
How was the fight scene?

What do you think will happen from here?!


My Review

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XD I love that last part. XD And everything else about this chapter. It was amazing. I can't wait for more. :)

Posted 12 Years Ago

The Fallen

12 Years Ago

Dark Rider

12 Years Ago

You're welcome! ^^
The fight scene was epic and I love the interactions between the characters and, of course, the characters themselves. ^^

Andrei is quite the character and it looks like Ash and Silas have another rival in love! XD

Awesome chapter. Very intense with just the right amount of humor :D

Posted 12 Years Ago

The Fallen

12 Years Ago

Thanks1 :D

Haha, It's possible that they have competition but Destiny will probably end.. read more
Felicity's Eve

12 Years Ago

Lol XD

You're welcome~! :3
The Fallen

12 Years Ago

That was awesome!!!!!

Posted 12 Years Ago

Oooo!!! SO full of action!!! It flowed perfecly!! XD Can't wait for more!!!

Posted 12 Years Ago

The Fallen

12 Years Ago

Thanks!! We finished the next chapter an hour ago, we will most likely post it tomorrow!

12 Years Ago

Okay XD
The Fallen

12 Years Ago

I loved this! The fight scene was so intense and the boys were cracking me up! I love Andrei hitting on Destiny and they Ash doesn't date married women haha This was awesome!

Posted 12 Years Ago

The Fallen

12 Years Ago

Haha thanks :D

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5 Reviews
Added on February 13, 2013
Last Updated on February 13, 2013


The Fallen
The Fallen


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