Chapter 6- Sophie

Chapter 6- Sophie

A Chapter by The Fallen


After few hours of packing, we left the village. With some last goodbyes we walked eastward to the safe house. Andrei and Shane all were carry the supplies and clothing. How long were we going to stay out here? Are their like demon assassins sneaking in the woods looking for us right now?

"Shane, do demons have a particular scent that we could track them down or detect them?" I asked.



"They have no scent at all. That's the tricky part. We have to use our hearing and sight. Other that there is no way we can track them down."



"Oh." That was not the answer I was hoping for. For another couple miles my feet started to hurt. With the sun burning down on me through the canopy of leaves, I became very thirsty and hungry.



"How far are we?" I whined.



"Not that far." Andrei said. I slung my head down in defeat and dragged my feet to follow Andrei.



"I can carry you if you like." Shane grabbed my waist to make me stop walking. I laughed and put my arms around his neck.



"No, you'll just get tired. Plus I weigh too much."



Shane gasped," Are you doubting my strength?" He drew his face closer to mine. His ocean blue eyes stared into mine.



"Never. I just don't want you to always worry about me." I kissed him. "Don't want you getting gray hairs at twenty because you keep stressing out about my well being."



"Well, for you information as a husband and a mate its my duty to be aware of your well-being." Shane kissed me back. His kisses were sweet and passionate. It was like I wasn't even touching the ground. Andrei cleared his throat. With difficulty we pulled apart from one another and looked at Andrei blushing.



"We should sit down and rest. It's probably close to twelve since the sun is high." Andrei said annoyingly.We sat down on a fallen tree and from our supply bag we pulled out some sandwiches. I took a bite out of my sandwich. I murmured," This is so good. Who made them?"




"I did." Andrei said with his proud, confident voice that I learned to love.

After we finished eating our sandwiches, we continued to walk to the safe house. Shane continually asked me if I wanted to be carried. But sweetly I said no. I smiled as I hear the birds singing and rabbits hopping on the dry leaves while the woodpeckers kept beat. It was so magical. Soon without realizing, the nature's song stopped. I realized that it was getting dark. The woodpeckers left to their nests. The rabbits quickly hid in their burrow away from the hungry owls that were waiting for the sun to set. It was just like my life. Everything was cheerful after Vlad's death, but chaos struck again. And now the people I love are risking their life to protect me.



"We are here." Andrei said. In front of house was a small wooden cabin. There were a few windows shielded with thick curtains. I shivered. It was exactly the same size as the cabin Vlad tortured me. I felt Shane's arm wrapped around my waist.

Remember he's gone. Shane's voice said comfortably in my mind.

I know. I replied back.

Andrei grabbed a key from his pocket and unlocked the wooded door. With a light push, the door creaked open. Inside there was leather couch and a small portable TV. Which probably didn't work since electricity didn't reach out here in the middle of the woods. There was a small kitchen with a stove. There were candles scattered around the room. As I walked in the cabin, there was two rooms to my room. They were small but enough to be a comfortable room. Andrei threw his bags down and jumped on the couch.



"Thank the Lord!! We made it! My feet hurt!" Andrei shouted.

I laughed with Shane. Shane kissed me and put our bags in our room. I followed Shane in the bedroom and hugged him from behind as he unloaded our luggage.



"I love you. I just want you to know that."



"I love you, too."

I felt tears started to fall down my face. I tried not to get them on Shane's shirt but it was too late. Shane quickly turned around. I turned my face around, so he wouldn't see my tears. But he already knew. He went down on his knees and pulled my face to him. He wiped my tears away and quietly said,"Sophie, stay strong. Everything will be alright."



"I can't! I can't let you die protecting me."



"Sophie, I'm not going to die."



"They are after me! Why can't I give myself up and this whole war will be over."

"No! That's the very thing you will not do,Sophie" I moved my gazed from his worried eyes. "Sophie, look at me. Look at me."

Shane gently grabbed my chin and forced me to look at him. I could see tears start to form in his beautiful blue eyes.



"You are my responsibility now. I failed you once but I'm not going to fail you again. I will stay by your side until we both take our last breath. Sophie, I love you. Love is stronger than anything in this world. Don't you ever forget that."

Shane pulled me to his chest. I whimpered and stop my tears from coming. I loved Shane so much. He was so patient with me. I put my arms around his neck and kissed him. Shane kissed me back passionately as he hugged me closer to him. I moaned as Shane began to kiss my neck, but soon Vlad pops up in my mind. I started to whimper. Shane stopped and looked at me.



"How can I make you forget?" Shane sadly said.



"Just kiss me. Please I want our moments together cover those horrible memories." I kissed him again harder. I felt Shane pick up and gently placed me on the bed. I start to blush, but continued to kiss him.



"Hey, you guys want to make....ohh." Shane quickly got off of me and on accident fell on the floor. He stood up quickly and said,"Make what?"

I sat up on the bed blushing from head to toe. Andrei stood their kind of shocked and embarrassed at the same time.



"S'mores?" Andrei chuckled and muttered something under his breath.



"I think that's a great idea!" I hopped off the bed.



"I'll get the firewood!" Shane said. He ran off and said in my mind Why does Andrei always interrupt our moments? I smiled,"So Andrei, lets get the supplies ready." I ran past him to the kitchen.

Andrei laughed. After a couple minutes, Shane brought back the firewood and Andrei started the fire with a match from the kitchen. We sat there roasting marshmallows and telling jokes. Soon, a howl echoed through the trees. I looked up and asked,"Was that the Pack?"
Andrei smelled the air and shook his head,"No it was just an ordinary wolf.

I calmed down and without thinking I turned my face up in the air and howled. Andrei and Shane looked at me like I was crazy.



"What?" I said innocently.



"You are howling when there might be demons looking for us?" Andrei growled.

Soon the wolf replied to my call. I smiled and Shane laughed. Andrei shook his head in frustration, but with a smirk on his face he threw his face to the air and howled.

He smirked,"Beat that."

I crossed my arms and looked at him with a smirk. The wolf didn't reply.

I laughed. Andrei kept listening for a reply, but nothing came.

Behind me I heard a mysterious crackle of leaves. I jumped behind and pulled my sword out ready to strike.



"Sophie there's nothing there." Shane said calmly.



"I was just making sure." I sat down. Andrei chuckled.



"What now?"



"You have no clue how to hold that sword right."



"Don't you hold it like this." I held the sword up.



"No," he slightly push the sword down and soon I started to fall forward. Shane caught me in before I contacted the ground.

I growled,"Well if you know so much than teach me."



"Well first off you need an open and balanced stance." He grabbed a stick and showed me. I tried to copy his movements.



"Good. This will help you become more sturdy and flexible. Try to hit me." I swung the sword down on his stick and Andrei deflected it with ease making it fly upward. I tried to hit Andrei's stick while it was still flying backward, but I felt a pain go up my arms like I pulled a muscle. I groaned and dropped the sword.



"Rule two: Always follow through on your hits and when you're deflected. This can be used as an advantage against your enemy."

I rubbed my forearm. "I think I'm done for tonight." Shane laughed and Andrei stood stone still as he was looking at something behind me. Shane stopped laughing and stood up quickly. I spun around to see three teenagers around my age walking silently toward us. As they closer, there was a girl walking ahead of two guys. The girl had black jet hair like me, but she had blue eyes and she was really pale. On her right was a tall guy who was really muscular like Andrei but with brown hair and what was strange was that his eyes were red. The other guy was smaller and had white hair and amber like eyes. Where they goth-freaks or part of a cult? They were really freaking looking. I soon smelt something. It was bear blood. I realized that it was on the smaller guys shirt.



"Where you get that blood on your shirt?" I asked as Shane instinctively pulled me to him.

The smaller boy shrug and said flirtatiously," I was fighting a bear, and I won." I felt Shane tense as he tried to fight a growl. I looked at Andrei who was having a stare contest with Silas.

The girl gave him a look and shook her head "Actually, I was in trouble, and a bear was attacking me but he saved me...and got a little roughed up himself"



"How'd he kill it? I don't see a knife, arrow, or gun?" Andrei asked suspiciously still staring at the tall guy. The tall guy shoved his hands in his jeans and responded casually, "He left the weapon in the bear, no need to keep a bloody knife around"



"Hmm?" Andrei said.



"So, what you guys doing at here in the woods?" Shane asked with a smile while giving Andrei a glare.



"Hiking," the girl said calmly,"My name is Destiny. This is Silas and Ash."



"Hello," I said. "My name is..." Should we tell them our real names? I quickly asked Shane.

No. Make fake names. He replied.



"My name is Samantha. This is Stefan and Andrew."



"Hi." Destiny said sheepishly.

"So you want to roast some marshmallows with us?"



"Yes!" Ash said as he past Andrei to the marshmallow bag. Andrei face grew fearful and then he growled. He transformed into a wolf and pushed Ash toward Silas and Destiny. Silas grabbed Destiny and pulled her behind him.

I screamed,"Andrei! What are you doing?"

Soon Shane growled too and transformed into a wolf.






"Get behind me!" Shane growled.

I looked and see Silas and Ash ready to attack Shane and Andrei. Destiny then came out behind Silas and a ball of fire appeared in her hand. I gasped. What were they?


"They are Demons!" Andrei growled.

© 2013 The Fallen

Author's Note

The Fallen
The Invisible girls's chapter! Thoughts?!

My Review

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I love it!!!! This a wonderful collaboration finally they meet destiny and Sophie duhhh duhhh duuhh

Posted 12 Years Ago

GAHH!!!! I am freaking loving this amazing book!!!!!! XD There was one or two errors from gramma (their instead of there) but thats about it!!!

Well done Invisible Girl!!!

Bring on Fallens Chapter!! XD

Posted 12 Years Ago

The Fallen

12 Years Ago

Haha the next chapter will be up tomorrow :) fight scene gotta love it :D

12 Years Ago

The Fallen

12 Years Ago

Oh my gosh I loved this!!! Shane and Sophie crack me up! And poor Andrei, always walking in at the worst possible moments hehe
I'm so happy they all have finally met!!!! What will happen next?!?!?! Love it! Next chapter please XD

Posted 12 Years Ago

The Fallen

12 Years Ago

Haha invisible girl and I stayed up till twoish writing it xD and now were writing sophies chapter a.. read more
Bella Luna

12 Years Ago

Haha you guys are takin care of business!
The Fallen

12 Years Ago

Wonderful! I loved this. Now we're getting into the action! I can't wait to see more.

Posted 12 Years Ago

Dark Rider

12 Years Ago

YAY!!!!!!!!! *bounces up and down in excitement*
The Fallen

12 Years Ago

Hahaha :D
Dark Rider

12 Years Ago

I'll post this on Invisible Girl's reviews as well. ^^

Omg I find Sophie and Shane to be freaking adorable as husband and wife! Love it! And Andrei is just as awesome and hilarious as ever XD

Just the thought of Vlad makes me shudder. Doesn't matter whether he's dead or not. >.<

That scene at the end was perfectly executed in my opinion. Just perfect! :D

Love it, love it, LOVE IT!!!

Posted 12 Years Ago

The Fallen

12 Years Ago

Hehe thanks :3
Felicity's Eve

12 Years Ago


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5 Reviews
Added on February 10, 2013
Last Updated on February 10, 2013


The Fallen
The Fallen


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