The Winged Horse of Inspiration nurtures my soul and transports me along a path of angelic existence where the kindling of creativity manifests in unlimited possibilities. The flow of the universe awakens in me a life of deeper meaning and purpose. I seek to cultivate a lifetime of joy that I may find the peace within me. We are all dressed in beams of light and have the ability to let our spirits blossom if we so choose. For me I need to dance with authenticity and seek the company of souls adrift that I may educate , enrich and enlighten.
I see nature as an equal partner who must be respected and appreciated for her beauty which is woven in divine light. The truth of who we are is that we are all children of sacred mother earth and the world can only survive if we respect and honour our mother. I am a gardener of the soul planting seeds of wisdom and gratitude. Life is a labyrinth of imagination , a sparkling tapestry of wondrous vision in harmony with earth and sky. It is our responsibility to enrich all life by walking a path of growth and by being open to the blessings of earth.
The Winged Horse of Inspiration has a gentle loving essence that is a divine manifestation of enchanting charm which frees your spirit and creates heaven on earth. Know that we are architects of the cosmos whose soul mission is to radiate good cheer and promote harmony and joy. Let us soar with the angels and connect with the infinite flowing source. If we honour the divine in all things then we make the ordinary extraordinary. Imagination is knowledge , explore with imagination and know that freedom comes from within.
See the world through new eyes and never tether the Winged Horse of Inspiration.