The More We Love Who We Are The Easier It Is To Love Others

The More We Love Who We Are The Easier It Is To Love Others

A Poem by Micheal Teal

a collection of random thoughts from a spiritual mind

it has always been my wish to help humanity and I began to do just that when took the steps necessary to help myself. the more we love who we are the easier it is to love others.

perceptions shaped by love are a powerful energy force which help us take a soul centered approach to life as we discover our path, purpose and place in the universe.

I was walking home yesterday morning when I got a stabbing pain in my back that hurt quite a bit, then I started sweating, then I had a hard time breathing, then I felt nauseous and then my left arm started to tingle and hurt. I made my way barely. it took a few hours before it passed. Since then I have felt fine. sometimes life slaps us on the head and says hey wake up. so staring today I am making healthy choices and changing a numbers of things to improve the quality of my life. transformation begins with choice. I choose healthy and happy.

my recent health scare has been a wake up call to change some things in my life. so I have begun to walk a healthier path by changing my diet, mindset and attitude towards life. I am already starting to feel better. thank you all for your caring and compassion. you are loved.

we are all unique beings whose purpose and path is to love ourselves and others as we live in harmony and balance.

when I am feeling closed off from the world I like to open deeply profound portals of spirit which take me to planes of existence that activate my highest self.

I like to stimulate growth by living in the light of joy and satisfaction as I immerse myself in experiences that enrich, empower and enlighten.

to all who have sent me positive healing energy - thank you. to all who have sent me messages of light - thank you. to all who sent me their love - thank you. to all who have shown me kindness and compassion - thank you. to all I say thank you!

I like to bathe my spirit and cleanse my soul with self nurturing practices that make mine a path of good fortune where dreams come true.

happiness arise when we breathe life into our sacred garden that we may beautifully blossom into beings of love and light.

my journey of spirit is a uniquely sacred blessing filled with meaningful encounters that nourish the heart and soul of who I am with life affirming energy.

I had a health scare this week which transformed my intentions and gave me the courage to carry on in ways that are healthy and holistic.

When I woke up this morning I turned on the light of consciousness and poured myself a glass of pure understanding which gave me the clarity necessary to cultivate miracles and live my true divine destiny.

have the courage to be you. have the strength to embrace your immortal self. have the compassion to live your divine destiny. have the wisdom to love who you are. do these things and yours will be a joyful path of infinite light.

we are all filled with the love of the heavens and by accepting and living this truth. we awaken our magnificence and life becomes a powerful journey of sacred intent and divine creation.

happiness is my purpose and I fulfill that purpose by actively seeking and manifesting meaningful changes, holistic wellness and contemplative practices that light the heart and soul of who I am.

years ago I crossed paths online with a shaman named buffalo bear. she used to send me her teachings online which I would print up. she also sent me some artifacts in the mail. she retired many years ago. just before Christmas I pulled out a deck of tarot cards she had sent me as a gift. they had words scribbled on them and an instruction book that also had her thoughts scattered among the pages. so I did a year end reading which had a warning within it. the warning was if I didn't make changes I may not survive this year and I surely wouldn't see the end of next year. the next week which was Christmas I had a severe case of the flu which lasted into New Years week. actually I still haven't got my energy back. this week I had an incident which I believe to have been a mild heart attack or stroke. sometimes the universe just flicks us on the nose or in my case kicks us in the a*s and says wake the hell up. I immediately changed my diet. I am doing a lot of things to take better care of myself. diet, exercise, rest, relaxation, meditation... its time I showed my self the love and respect I deserve. thank you all for your good wishes... I am alive and I am not ready to go just yet.

acts of love reveal our inner truth which shows the world just how brilliant, beautiful and blessed we are.

I choose to do that which awakens the heart. I choose to be a beneficial presence. I choose to be grounded in spirit. I choose to believe in myself. I choose to serve the highest good. change is a choice. happiness is a choice. I choose to love and be loved.

dear soulful self. embrace your wishes with the miracle of living and the empowering energies deep within the heart. dear spiritual self. light your life with the blessings of being and true last peace within the your alchemical core. dear authentic self. believe, trust, honor, embrace, celebrate and love your soulful and spiritual self.

MicHEAL Teal 
The Ancient One

© 2020 Micheal Teal

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Hi Micheal, I’m sorry I have been absent a while, I lost my mum and then found we had the bracca 2 gene in our famil, my mums youngest sister died from Cancer a couple of years ago. I’ve got the bracca 2 gene and had the Necessary operations e.g hysterectomy and double mastectomy, had overactive thyroid and Graves’ disease over the years was on Carbimozole , Graves diseases kept returning after a year of my meds being reduced so I eventually had a full thyroidectomy done! I hope you are keeping well!

Posted 5 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on January 23, 2020
Last Updated on January 23, 2020
Tags: love, happiness, healing, truth, soul, spirit, mystical, metaphysical


Micheal Teal
Micheal Teal


I am a Poet , Psychic and Spiritual Consultant. Mine is a journey of peace and self discovery. I seek to sow the seeds of new possibilities and inspire the purpose within. I am a searcher and research.. more..
