Purposeful Actions and Positive Intent

Purposeful Actions and Positive Intent

A Poem by Micheal Teal

this is not a poem but a series thoughts, quotes and sacred prose.


make your life an extraordinary transformative journey of impactful experiences by walking a path of purposeful actions and positive intent. 

a fully realized life is one of kindness and compassion where we love ourselves and others for the more aware we are to how beautiful and miraculous every soul on earth is the more magnificent each and every moment will be.

explore with compassion the beauty of your heart and soul as this will make your path one of insight and discovery that leads to the divine life force.

thoughtful choices and compassionate actions engage the sacred by opening us to our innate intuitive powers that their energy may connect us with our divine purpose and guide us to a place of greater positivity.

we create more joy and deep inner peace when we believe in who we are as positive self worth is a blessing of heartfelt inspiration that manifests a life overflowing with love.

present moment awareness makes you feel more fully alive by revealing your higher nature and leading you to the divine source of your ethereal existence.

devote more energy to living with grace and having a love centered approach to life as this will connect you with spirit in ways that are transformational.

when you enrich your understanding of your sacred self you create a more positive portrait of love and life becomes the miraculous work of art is is meant to be.

stand in your truth and open yourself to the guidance of spirits as this is a blessing of loving nurturance you bestow upon yourself that will change your life in remarkable ways.

listen to the voice within for it speaks an angelic language which can open doorways into heavens and lead you to the mastery and majesty of your true spiritual self.

within each and every soul is a reservoir of cosmic energy which when truly believed in reveals the infinite self and immerses our being in life changing insights which inspire us to create a sacred nurturing environment for the benefit of all.

live in the light of deep inner knowing as you create your own destiny for it is by embracing the knowledge within that we discover our greatness.

to be a better you simply focus on your blessings as this will illuminate the beauty within clarifying your purpose and making yours a more inspired life.

you are a pure being of divine essence whose unique sacred heart is overflowing with a love so beautiful that when shared changes lives in miraculous ways.

embrace your powers and celebrate your good fortune as by acknowledging and believing in these gifts you open yourself to ethereal influences that inspire you to engage in healthy relationships with positive people who help make your path a passionate one of enlightenment and transformation.

MicHEAL Teal 
The Ancient One 

© 2016 Micheal Teal

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Added on September 22, 2016
Last Updated on September 22, 2016
Tags: holistic, soul, spirit, light, love, psychic, metaphysical


Micheal Teal
Micheal Teal


I am a Poet , Psychic and Spiritual Consultant. Mine is a journey of peace and self discovery. I seek to sow the seeds of new possibilities and inspire the purpose within. I am a searcher and research.. more..
