A Kiss, a Hug, and Why

A Kiss, a Hug, and Why

A Poem by Easy

I wrote this just after an old friend passed on after a long battle with a very aggressive bones cancer.

I sit in this dark corner and cry
The questions come again and again

I pray for you
I ask myself why you not me
Why couldn’t I help
Why couldn’t I make it go away

You are loved, and oh so missed
Reach down and take my hand
Take me to where you are now
Let us be together again

When I think of you, my tears flow as rain
I don’t like to think, you were in so much pain
The memory clouded, pain dimmed visions
Only you kept it shining

You gave me all your love
Turned my life around to good
It's seems like it’s all over now
But at least you no longer fight

When I look at these pictures of you smiling
I remember the things that you were hiding
You didn't have hide it away
I so wanted you to stay

If only we could talk again
That I could hear your voice once more
To know you’re well and whole again
To know I helped you through

I look up the stars at night
To see which one is you
I imagine I see your bright warm smile
As you travel across my view

I can't get you out of my mind
They tell me it's supposed to get easier in time
I love you, miss you, I so wish you were here
Losing you was the hardest thing of my life


  The pain of losing a lover is not soon forgotten. The pain lingers, and is felt throughout each day, yet do not seek to let go of this pain, for within it lies the memory of the one who has passed on.
  Hold instead to this truth.  That he is pain free now, at peace, his great battle over, and know he awaits you in a better place.  Awaits until you can be joined once again…

You have my heart and soul my friend….Always

Peace and Love,

Steve ‘Easy’ Whitacre January 14th, 2008

© 2011 Easy

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Added on April 27, 2011
Last Updated on April 27, 2011
Tags: death, friendship, love, pain, lose



Barnesville, OH

I'm retired, travel across the US enjoying life. more..

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