![]() Things I've Learned In Trap HousesA Poem by Makayla1. A fridge full of baking soda is better than one with food. There is a hunger within that only capital can satisfy. Which is to say that a full man can still starve if his quota isn't met. You no longer earn but buy respect. 2. Everyone is afraid of being alone and looking stupid. Even lone wolves call to the moon and People would rather rent a piece of you than go without. Despite having multiple tenants we're so afraid that someone will see the whole property and change their mind. 3. The line between right and wrong is subjective. A dealer I knew used to sell his friend's parent heroin. He said if it wasn't him it'd be someone else so that was his way of helping her. I don't think his friend would agree but it all depends on what you believe. If money is the motive than his actions are justified but where do you draw the line? 4. Paranoia can be a useful tool. if you're thinking about all outcomes you can be prepared for anything like an intruder in the night or catching the flu from that pillow Steven sneezed on at 11:20 and flipped over like no one saw. 5. Never let anyone know your next move, success brings jealousy. Some people don't want to see you do better than them 6. Sometimes your voice is the only one that makes sense. Talking to yourself is just thinking aloud and some have too many thoughts to confide in their head. You're really the only who knows what you wanna hear. 7. Slang and gangs are different depending on where you go so you gotta watch what you say. What your intentions are doesn't matter. You must learn the rules and oblige accordingly. Step out of the lines and the consequences could be your life. You know the risk so you better act right. 8. Pride is the deadliest of sins. Disrespect can burn you in the worst ways you can imagine. I've seen things that can only be described as unholy done to those who chose to speak blasphemy of another mans gospel. There's so many things to believe in, how do you know who to follow? Who is the righteous one in this situation? Who's promise holds true? 9. Withdrawal is what stops most people from getting sober. No one wants to feel out of control. Either die or get clean and the sweats and shakes make the latter less appealing. I once heard a man say that he'd rather be addicted and at peace then clean and be a dead man walking. After so long your body deteriorates, and being sober just means accepting that you've destroyed the vessel that's carried you to this point. He told me If you're going to poison yourself you might as well commit. 10. Sometimes you learn more from rambling than carefully constructed sentences. Unfiltered and genuine thoughts, free falling from your mind, pouring out of your mouth, I know you only asked for a taste but isn't a feast so much better? I mean knowledge is a fruit so diverse it pleases every place on your palette. 11. Crack is sometimes called work and I never really got why. Maybe because of the effort it takes to cook & stay up late nights and also deal with your customers lows and highs. I mean It's supply and demand and if you're the man you don't have to consider their time. I mean if they want it bad enough they'll wait in line. If not There's always more people who are looking for work. 12. I mentioned being a dead man walking before but I want to elaborate more on that. You see I've heard you can commit suicide and still live there's this grey area of numbness that is close enough to death it's almost comforting. If you don't care about anything you'll never be hurt and who wouldn't want to not feel? 13. I've never really indulged in this lifestyle for obvious reasons. I just liked to observe those who do. This list is of things that I've heard from people to gone to realize they've discovered beauty and meaning from the darkest places. These are lessons that were taught to me so I wouldn't have to play or be played because at the end of the day once you're in the game there's no going back.
© 2017 Makayla |