OcuratA Poem by Souladareatease
Deep crevices in cavernous mountains
hides Ocurat slowly awaking below mist hidden trees slopes vast spreading aside slumbered beast tales told and tail fold around amassed treasure bodies gold steam seeps from her enormous nostrils clatter of sluggish movement echoes boredom and scale She remembers the knight burning villages screaming ferocity as the pearl rose under a starlit curtain shadow-figures wailing where she felt a sword pierce dagger like teeth snatch hauling her victim in equal thrust to the sky letting him drop with time to think long and hard how fast it was over pounding thud Her steps carefully measured strafe longbow and feasts upon weakness as a castle gives way from crunch of her talons a king orders no more from fallen timbre the anguished cries of his servants nothing but rubble leavings of a kingdom Ember burning Ocurat remembers all forgets nothing savoring a taste of long ago adventure her ears have perked and belly rumbles in hunger at faraway sounds just whisperings of a new king a restored kingdom treasure screaming http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z3ZfrCPKEqM © 2014 Souladareatease |
Added on January 10, 2014 Last Updated on January 10, 2014 Author